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Test Coverage
// Inline-Block list layout module.
// Easy mode using simple descendant li selectors:
//     ul.nav {
//       @import inline-block-list;
//     }
// Advanced mode:
// If you need to target the list items using a different selector then use
// `@include inline-block-list-container` on your ul/ol and
// `@include inline-block-list-item` on your li. This may help when working
// on layouts involving nested lists. For example:
//     ul.nav {
//       @include inline-block-list-container;
//       > li {
//         @include inline-block-list-item;
//       }
//     }

@import "bullets";
@import "horizontal-list";
@import "compass/utilities/general/float";
@import "compass/css3/inline-block";

// Can be mixed into any selector that target a ul or ol that is meant
// to have an inline-block layout. Used to implement `inline-block-list`.
@mixin inline-block-list-container {
  @include horizontal-list-container; }

// Can be mixed into any li selector that is meant to participate in a horizontal layout.
// Used to implement `inline-block-list`.
@mixin inline-block-list-item($padding: false) {
  @include no-bullet;
  @include inline-block;
  white-space: nowrap;
  @if $padding {
    padding: {
      left: $padding;
      right: $padding;

// A list(ol,ul) that is layed out such that the elements are inline-block and won't wrap.
@mixin inline-block-list($padding: false) {
  @include inline-block-list-container;
  li {
    @include inline-block-list-item($padding); } }