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# Desktop


### A decent way to change your desktop image.

Since the introduction of
[Spaces]( in Mac OS X, changing
the desktop image has been a chore for those of us who enjoy the same image on
all spaces and monitors; each has its own image that must be updated
individually. Lucky for you, a recent breakthrough in technology had made changing
your desktop **drag-n-drop easy**.

**desktop** lets us update the desktop image on every space and monitor *at the
same time* from the command line.


## Installation

**desktop** can be installed from [RubyGems](

$ gem install desktop

## Usage

Usage can be seen from the command line:

$ desktop help
  desktop help [COMMAND]  # Describe available commands or one specific command
  desktop set IMAGE_PATH  # Set all desktops to the image at IMAGE_PATH
  desktop version         # Show gem version

Desktop images can be set using a file path:

$ desktop set /path/to/image.jpg

Or a web URL:

$ desktop set http://desktops.amazing/image.jpg

The `set` command is optional:

$ desktop /path/to/image.jpg

### Usage in your awesome app

Want to include the features of **desktop** in your awesome app? Please do!

Add the gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'desktop'

Require the library:

require 'desktop'

And use the same CLI interface that you already know:
Desktop::CLI.start %w[set path/to/image.jpg]

## Where can I get desktops?

[**Simple Desktops**]( - A collection of wallpapers
curated by [Tom Watson]( designed to make your computer
beautiful without distraction.


[**Vladstudio**]( - The project of Russian
digital artist [Vlad Gerasimov]( He creates
wallpapers for computers and mobile devices.


## Contributing
Please see the [Contributing

## Changelog
Please see the [Changelog

## License
Copyright (C) 2014 Chris Hunt, [MIT