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"""A simple multi-step wizard that uses the flask application session.

Creating multi-step forms of arbitrary length is simple and intuitive.

Example usage:

from import FlaskForm

class MultiStepTest1(FlaskForm):
    field1 = StringField(validators=[validators.DataRequired()],)
    field2 = StringField(validators=[validators.DataRequired()],)

class MultiStepTest2(FlaskForm):
    field3 = StringField(validators=[validators.DataRequired()],)
    field4 = StringField(validators=[validators.DataRequired()],)

class MyCoolForm(MultiStepWizard):
    __forms__ = [

from flask import session
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm

class MultiStepWizard(FlaskForm):
    """Generates a multi-step wizard.

    The wizard uses the app specified session backend to store both
    form data and current step.

    TODO: make sure all the expected features of the typical form
    are exposed here, but automatically determining the active form
    and deferring to it. See __iter__ and data for examples.

    __forms__ = []

    def __iter__(self):
        """Get the specific forms' fields for standard WTForm iteration."""
        _, form = self.get_active()
        return form.__iter__()

    def __len__(self):
        """Override the len method to emulate standard wtforms."""
        return len(self.__forms)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Override getitem to emulate standard wtforms."""
        return self.active_form.__getitem__(key)

    def __contains__(self, item):
        """Override contains to emulate standard wtforms."""
        return self.active_form.__contains__(item)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Do all the required setup for managing the forms."""
        super(MultiStepWizard, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # Store the name and session key by a user specified kwarg,
        # or fall back to this class name. = kwargs.get('session_key', self.__class__.__name__)
        # Get the sessions' current step if it exists.
        curr_step = session.get(, {}).get('curr_step', 1)
        # if the user specified a step, we'll use that instead. Form validation
        # will still occur, but this is useful for when the user may need
        # to go back a step or more.
        if 'curr_step' in kwargs:
            curr_step = int(kwargs.pop('curr_step'))
        if curr_step > len(self.__forms__):
            curr_step = 1
        self.step = curr_step
        # Store forms in a dunder because we want to avoid conflicts
        # with any WTForm objects or third-party libs.
        self.__forms = []
        invalid_forms_msg = 'Something happened during form population.'
        assert len(self.__forms) == len(self.__forms__), invalid_forms_msg
        assert len(self.__forms) > 0, 'Need at least one form!'
        self.active_form = self.get_active()[1]
        # Inject the required fields for the active form.
        # The multiform class will always be instantiated once
        # on account of separate POST requests, and so the previous form
        # values will no longer be attributes to be concerned with.

    def _setfields(self):
        """Dynamically set fields for this particular form step."""
        _, form = self.get_active()
        for name, val in vars(form).items():
            if repr(val).startswith('<UnboundField'):
                setattr(self, name, val)

    def alldata(self, combine_fields=False, flush_after=False):
        """Get the specific forms data."""
        _alldata = dict()
        # Get all session data, combine if specified,
        # and delete session if specified.
        if in session:
            _alldata = session[].get('data')
            if combine_fields:
                combined = dict()
                for formname, data in _alldata.items():
                    if data is not None:
                _alldata = combined
        if flush_after:
        return _alldata

    def data(self):
        """Get the specific forms data."""
        _, form = self.get_active()

    def forms(self):
        """Get all forms."""
        return self.__forms

    def _setup_session(self):
        """Setup session placeholders for later use."""
        # We will populate these values as the form progresses,
        # but only if it doesn't already exist from a previous step.
        if not in session:
            session[] = dict(
                data={f.__name__: None for f in self.__forms__})

    def _populate_forms(self):
        """Populate all forms with existing data for validation.

        This will only be done if the session data exists for a form.
        # We've already populated these forms, don't do it again.
        if len(self.__forms) > 0:
        for form in self.__forms__:
            data = session[]['data'].get(form.__name__)
            init_form = form(**data) if data is not None else form()

    def _update_session_formdata(self, form):
        """Update session data for a given form key."""
        # Add data to session for this current form!
        name = form.__class__.__name__
        data =
        # Update the session data for this particular form step.
        # The policy here is to always clobber old data.
        session[]['data'][name] = data

    def active_name(self):
        """Return the nice name of this form class."""
        return self.active_form.__class__.__name__

    def next_step(self):
        """Set the step number in the session to the next value."""
        next_step = session[]['curr_step'] + 1
        self.curr_step = next_step
        if in session:
            session[]['curr_step'] += 1

    def step(self):
        """Get the current step."""
        if in session:
            return session[]['curr_step']

    def step(self, step_val):
        """Set the step number in the session."""
        self.curr_step = step_val
        if in session:
            session[]['curr_step'] = step_val

    def validate_on_submit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Override validator and setup session updates for persistence."""
        # Update the step to the next form automagically for the user
        step, form = self.get_active()
        if not form.validate_on_submit():
            self.step = step - 1
            return False
        # Update to next form if applicable.
        if step - 1 < len(self.__forms):
            self.curr_step += 1
            self.active_form = self.__forms[self.curr_step - 1]
        # Mark the current step as -1 to indicate it has been
        # fully completed, if the current step is the final step.
        elif step - 1 == len(self.__forms):
            self.step = -1
        return True

    def remaining(self):
        """Get the number of steps remaining."""
        return len(self.__forms[self.curr_step:]) + 1

    def total_steps(self):
        """Get the number of steps for this form in a (non-zero index)."""
        return len(self.__forms)

    def steps(self):
        """Get a list of the steps for iterating in views, html, etc."""
        return range(1, self.total_steps + 1)

    def get_active(self):
        """Get active step."""
        form_index = self.curr_step - 1 if self.curr_step > 0 else 0
        return self.curr_step + 1, self.__forms[form_index]

    def flush(self):
        """Clear data and reset."""
        del session[]

    def is_complete(self):
        """Determine if all forms have been completed."""
        if not in session:
            return False
        # Make the current step index something unique for being "complete"
        completed = self.step == -1
        if completed:
            # Reset.
            self.curr_step = 1
        return completed