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# Class: apache_storm::install
# ===========================
class apache_storm::install inherits apache_storm {

  # Extract paths from config
  $storm_local_dir = $apache_storm::config_options['storm.local.dir']

  # Vector with all the paths
  $create_paths = [

  # Install dependecies (OS Independent)
  package { 'install__wget':
    ensure => 'installed',
    name   => 'wget',
  } ~>
  group { $apache_storm::group:
    ensure  => $apache_storm::ensure,
  } ~>
  user { $apache_storm::user:
    ensure  => $apache_storm::ensure,
    comment => 'Apache Storm User',
    name    => $apache_storm::user,
    shell   => '/bin/bash',
    home    => $apache_storm::install_path,
    groups  => $apache_storm::group,
  } ~>
  file { $create_paths:
    ensure => 'directory',
    mode   => '0644',
    owner  => $apache_storm::user,
    group  => $apache_storm::group,
  } ~>
  exec { "download__${apache_storm::package_file}":
    command => "/usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate -O ${apache_storm::package_file_path} ${apache_storm::package_uri} 2> /dev/null",
    creates => $apache_storm::package_file_path,
    timeout => 1800,
    user    => $apache_storm::user,
  } ~>
  exec { "extract__${apache_storm::package_file}":
    command     => "/bin/tar xf ${apache_storm::package_file_path} -C ${apache_storm::releases_path}/ 2> /dev/null",
    refreshonly => true,
    user        => $apache_storm::user,
  } ~>
  file { $apache_storm::package_logs_path:
    ensure => 'directory',
    mode   => '0644',
    owner  => $apache_storm::user,
    group  => $apache_storm::group,
  } ~>
  file { "symlink__${apache_storm::current_path}":
    ensure => 'link',
    path   => $apache_storm::current_path,
    target => $apache_storm::releases_home,
    owner  => $apache_storm::user,
    group  => $apache_storm::group,
  } ~>
  file { "symlink__${apache_storm::config_path}":
    ensure => 'link',
    path   => $apache_storm::config_path,
    target => $apache_storm::package_conf_path,
    owner  => $apache_storm::user,
    group  => $apache_storm::group,
  } ~>
  file { "symlink__${apache_storm::logs_path}":
    ensure => 'link',
    path   => $apache_storm::logs_path,
    target => $apache_storm::package_logs_path,
    owner  => $apache_storm::user,
    group  => $apache_storm::group,
  } ~>
  file { "/etc/profile.d/${apache_storm::package_name}.sh":
    ensure  => $apache_storm::ensure,
    mode    => '0644',
    content => "export PATH=\$PATH:${apache_storm::current_path}/bin\n",
    owner   => $apache_storm::user,
    group   => $apache_storm::group,