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# [Puppet]( powerdns module

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#### Table of Contents

1. [Overview](#overview)
2. [Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful](#module-description)
3. [Setup - The basics of getting started with powerdns](#setup)
    * [What powerdns affects](#what-powerdns-affects)
    * [Setup requirements](#setup-requirements)
    * [Beginning with powerdns](#beginning-with-powerdns)
4. [Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality](#usage)
5. [Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how](#reference)
5. [Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.](#limitations)
6. [Development - Guide for contributing to the module](#development)
7. [Authors - Who is contributing to do it](#authors)
8. [License](#license)

## Overview

This is a [Puppet]( module to manage [PowerDNS]( tool.  With this module you can installs, configures, and manages the [PowerDNS]( services.

This module were designed to work with [Puppet]( version >= 3.8.0

## Module Description

[PowerDNS]( consists of two parts: the Authoritative Server and the Recursor, and you can use this module to configure both.
For both [PowerDNS]( operation modes, you could install, configure and manage the services,  is very easy used this to configure your [PowerDNS](, in fact, you have predefined configuration values to put and run.

## Setup

### What ::powerdns affects

* Debian Family:
    1. Packages [
    2. Files [
    3. Services [
* RedHat Family
    1. Packages [
    2. Files [
    3. Services [

* Is very important to know about [PowerDNS]( to use this [Puppet]( module.

### Beginning with ::powerdns

You can use
node 'dns.mynetwork.local' {
  include ::powerdns
  include ::powerdns::backend
node 'dns.mynetwork.local' {
  class { '::powerdns': }
  class { '::powerdns::backend': }
to install and configure [PowerDNS]( with Default module parameters.

additional you could use
node 'dns.mynetwork.local' {
  include ::powerdns::recursor
node 'dns.mynetwork.local' {
  class { '::powerdns::recursor': }
if you want to configure [PowerDNS]( Recursor service.

## Usage

For more specific configuration of powerdns class you can use:
node 'dns.mynetwork.local' {
  class { '::powerdns':
    package_ensure     => 'present',
    service_enable     => true,
    service_ensure     => 'running',
    service_status     => true,
    service_status_cmd => '/usr/bin/pdns_control ping 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null',
    config => {
      'allow-from'      => '',
      'local-port'      => 53,
      'query-cache-ttl' => 20,
To configure PostgreSQL as backend, you can do:
**NOTE**: See valid backend name in param file before to set variable `backend_name` this depend of the Operating System type
node 'dns.mynetwork.local' {
  class { '::powerdns::backend':
    backend_name => 'pgsql',
    ensure       => 'present',
    config       => {
      'launch'          => 'gpgsql',
      'gpgsql-host'     => 'localhost',
      'gpgsql-port'     => '3306',
      'gpgsql-dbname'   => 'mypdnsdb',
      'gpgsql-user'     => 'mypdnsuser',
      'gpgsql-password' => 'mypassword',

For more specific configuration of PowerDNS Recursor class you can use:
node 'dns.mynetwork.local' {
  class { '::powerdns::recursor':
    package_ensure     => 'present',
    service_enable     => true,
    service_ensure     => 'running',
    service_status     => true,
    service_status_cmd => '/usr/bin/rec_control ping 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null',
    config => {
      'allow-from'                 => '',
      'local-port'                 => 53,
      'etc-hosts-file'             => '/etc/hosts',

## Reference

* [Puppet](
* [PowerDNS](
  * [Authoritative Settings](
  * [Recursor Settings](
* [Rubocop](
* [rspec-puppet](
* [puppet-blacksmith](
* [RSpec For Ops Part 2: Diving in with rspec-puppet](

## Limitations

* This module could not manage DNS records, this only can be used as
configuration of [PowerDNS](
* If you change backend type, it doesn't remove your old backend file config
from the `/etc/[pdns|powerdns]/pdns.d/pdns.local.[backend type].conf`, so is
neccesay that you remove it after change the backend type to use the new backend.

## Development / contributing

* [Fork it]( / [Clone it]( (`git clone; cd puppet-powerdns`)
* Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
* Install [rvm]()
* Install ruby `rvm install 2.3`
* Install ruby `rvm usage ruby-2.3.3` in my case
* Install bundler app first (`gem install bundler`)
* Install rubygems dependecies in .vendor folder (`bundle install --path .vendor`)
* Make your changes / improvements / fixes / etc, and of course **your Unit Test** for new code
* Run the tests (`bundle exec rake test`)
* Commit your changes (`git add . && git commit -m 'Added some feature'`)
* Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
* [Create new Pull Request](

**Of course, bug reports and suggestions for improvements are always welcome.**

You can also support my work on powerdns via


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## Authors

* [Christian González](

## License

This module is released under the GNU General Public License Version 3:

* [](