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# Model Error Messages

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A simple Rails helper which displays a HTML div with the validation errors attached to a model.

## Install

**Model Error Messages**'s installation is pretty standard, add the following line to your `Gemfile`, then run `bundle install`:

gem 'model_error_messages'

## What this gem does / How to use

This gem allows you to use a helper called `model_error_messages`.  
By default, the wrapper `div` has the [Bootstrap]( classes `alert alert-danger`.  
If you have a typical form, you would want to display `model_error_messages(@model)` next to it, which will render something like:

<div class="alert alert-danger article-error-messages">
    <li>Title can't be blank</li>
    <li>You must select an author</li>

... or if there is only one error:

<div class="alert alert-danger article-error-messages">
  <p>Title can't be blank</p>

Example of integration:

<%= model_error_messages(@article) %>

<%= form_for @article do |f| %>
  <!-- ... form fields ... -->
<% end %>

## What this gem doesn't do

* Include any other dependencies
* Influence the generation of errors
* Inject or execute any code in your controllers and models
* Do anything with the `flash` messages
* Anything not listed in "What this gem does"

## Optional configuration

You can change the default behavior of `model_error_messages` by:

## Setting an initializer

Create a file `config/initializers/model_error_messages.rb` and replace one of the defaults:

ModelErrorMessages.configure do |config|
  # Multiple errors will rendered in a several <li> in a <ul>, while one error will be rendered in a <p>
  config.single_error_in_paragraph = true

  # The following classes will be added in the main wrapper div.
  config.classes = lambda do |model|
      model.class.model_name.param_key + '-error-messages'
    ].join(' ')

  # Note: you can pass a simple string to `config.classes`, example:
  # config.classes = 'alert alert-danger'

  # HTML that will be added before the list of errors.
  config.prepend_html =

  # HTML that will be added after the list of errors.
  config.append_html =

## Passing options when calling `model_error_messages`


<%= model_error_messages(@article, single_error_in_paragraph: false) %>

## Contributing

Don't hesitate to send a pull request!

## Testing

$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rspec spec/

## License

This software is distributed under the MIT License. Copyright (c) 2016-2019, Christophe Maximin