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            <ul class="nav">
              <li><a href="#about">About</a></li>
              <li><a href="#documentation">Documentation</a></li>
              <li><a href="#usage">Usage</a></li>
              <li class="nested"><a href="#expectations">Expectations</a></li>
              <li><a href="#examples">Examples</a></li>
              <li class="nested"><a href="#hello-world">Hello, world!</a></li>
              <li class="nested"><a href="#basic">Basic example</a></li>
              <li class="nested"><a href="#templating">Templating</a></li>
              <li class="nested"><a href="#grouping">Grouping</a></li>
              <li class="nested"><a href="#datatables">DataTables</a></li>
              <li><a href="#credits">Credits</a></li>


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          <h1 id="about">Sheetrock.js</h1>

          <noscript><p class="error">This page requires JavaScript.</p></noscript>

          <p><strong>Sheetrock</strong> is a JavaScript library for querying, retrieving, and displaying data from Google Sheets. In other words, use a Google spreadsheet as your database! Load entire worksheets or leverage SQL-like queries to sort, group, and filter data. All you need is the URL of a public Google Sheet.</p>

          <p>Sheetrock can be used in the browser or on the server (Node.js). It has no dependencies—but if jQuery is available, it will register as a plugin.</p>

          <p>Basic retrieval is a snap but you can also:</p>

            <li>Query sheets using the SQL-like <a href="">Google Visualization query language</a>—grouping, sorting, filters, pivots, and more</li>
            <li>Lazy-load large data sets (infinite scroll with ease)</li>
            <li>Easily mix in your favorite templating system (<a href="">Handlebars</a>, <a href="">Underscore</a>, etc.)</li>
            <li>Customize to your heart’s content with your own callbacks</li>

          <h2 id="documentation">Documentation and development</h2>

          <p>Please see the <a href="">GitHub repository</a> for detailed documentation of the available options or to contribute, explore, or raise an issue.</p>

          <h2 id="usage">Usage</h2>

          <p>Grab the <a href="">latest version of Sheetrock</a> for your project. The examples on this page use jQuery, but Sheetrock doesn’t require it.</p>

          <div class="example-render" data-language="markup">
            <!-- Load jQuery and Sheetrock from Unpkg -->
            <script src=""></script>
            <script src=""></script>

          <p>Sheetrock can also be used with Node.js; <a href="">see the documentation</a> for details.</p>

          <h3 id="expectations">Expectations</h3>

          <p>Sheetrock is designed to work with any Google Sheet, but makes some assumptions about the format and availability.</p>
            <li><strong>Public.</strong> In order for others to access the data in your Sheet with Sheetrock, the Sheet must be public. (<a href="">How do I make a spreadsheet public?</a>)</li>
            <li><strong>One header row.</strong> Sheetrock expects a single header row of column labels in the first row of the Sheet.</li>
            <li><strong>Plain text.</strong> Sheetrock doesn’t handle formatted text. Any formatting you’ve applied to your data—including hyperlinks—probably won’t show up.</li>

          <h2 id="examples">Examples</h2>

          <p>These are real, live examples. View source! Extend and adapt them!</p>

          <h3>Specify a spreadsheet.</h3>

          <p>Sheetrock’s only required option is the URL of a <a href="">public Google Spreadsheet</a>. (Click “Share” and set visibility to “Anyone with the link” or “Public on the web.”) As an example, let’s use <a href="">this spreadsheet</a>, which contains 1986 National League batting statistics.</p>

          <p>Make sure you include the <code class="inline">#gid=X</code> portion of the URL; it identifies the specific worksheet you want to use.</p>

          <script class="example-render" data-language="javascript">
            // Define spreadsheet URL.
            var mySpreadsheet = '';

          <h3 id="hello-world">Hello, world!</h3>

          <p>The most basic use case of Sheetrock simply fetches the an entire worksheet and loads it into a <code class="inline">&lt;table&gt;</code>.</p>

          <!-- We’re not actually running this code, so it’s mocked up. -->
          <div class="operator-plus">
            <pre class="language-markup"><code class="mockup">
              <table id="statistics" class="table table-condensed table-striped"></table>

          <pre class="language-javascript"><code class="mockup">
            // Load an entire worksheet.
              url: mySpreadsheet

          <p class="fiddle">
            <a href="">Show a jsFiddle for this example.</a>

          <p>However, that’s not very exciting, so we won’t show the result inline here—especially since the spreadsheet has a couple hundred rows.</p>

          <h3 id="basic">Basic example</h3>

          <p>Let’s move on to something slightly more interesting. Using Sheetrock, we can limit our scope and analyze the data using SQL-like queries. We can also provide a <code class="inline">fetchSize</code> to load just a portion of the data. We can always grab more data later—Sheetrock <strong>keeps track of how many rows you’ve requested</strong> and the next request will pick up where you left off.</p>

          <p>Let’s look at switch hitters and rank them by batting average. We’ll only grab the columns we care about and fetch just the top ten to help focus the reader’s attention.</p>

          <div class="example-render-group">

            <div class="example-render output" data-language="markup" data-example-class="operator-plus">
              <table id="switch-hitters" class="table table-condensed table-striped"></table>

            <script class="example-render" data-language="javascript" data-example-class="operator-equals">
              // Load top ten switch hitters.
                url: mySpreadsheet,
                query: "select A,B,C,D,E,L where E = 'Both' order by L desc",
                fetchSize: 10


          <p class="fiddle">
            <a href="">Show a jsFiddle for this example.</a>

          <h3 id="templating">Templating</h3>

          <p>Tables are nice, but we might want to represent the data in different ways. Let’s generate an ordered list by passing in a Handlebars template. This time we’ll rank the top five players by home runs.</p>

          <p>Note that the header row doesn’t show up here; Sheetrock only passes header rows to your template if the target element is a <code class="inline">&lt;table&gt;</code>.</p>

          <p>Also note that the template does not support referencing cells by column letter—instead, use the column label from the header row (e.g., <code class="inline">cells.Team</code>). Sheetrock also provides the template with <code class="inline">cellsArray</code>, an array that matches the column order of your Sheet or <code class="inline">query</code> option—so instead of <code class="inline">cells.Team</code>, we might also have used <code class="inline">cellsArray.[0]</code>.</p>

          <div class="example-render-group">

            <div class="example-render" data-language="markup" data-example-class="operator-plus">
              <!-- Load Handlebars.js from Unpkg. -->
              <script src=""></script>

            <div class="example-render output" data-language="markup" data-example-class="operator-plus">
              <h4>NL Home Run Leaders</h4>
              <ol id="hr">
                <script id="hr-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
                    <strong>{{cells.First}} {{cells.Last}}</strong>,
                    {{cells.Team}}, {{cells.HR}}

            <script class="example-render" data-language="javascript" data-example-class="operator-equals">
              // Compile the Handlebars template for HR leaders.
              var HRTemplate = Handlebars.compile($('#hr-template').html());

              // Load top five HR leaders.
                url: mySpreadsheet,
                query: "select A,C,D,I order by I desc",
                fetchSize: 5,
                rowTemplate: HRTemplate


          <p class="fiddle">
            <a href="">Show a jsFiddle for this example.</a>

          <h3 id="grouping">Grouping</h3>

          <p>Next, let’s group some data. For a more straightforward template, we’ll specify the labels we want Sheetrock to use when it returns the data using the <code class="inline">labels</code> option.</p>

          <div class="example-render-group">

            <div class="example-render output" data-language="markup" data-example-class="operator-plus">
              <h4>Team RBI</h4>
              <ol id="team-rbi">
              <script id="team-rbi-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
                <li><strong>{{cells.TeamName}}</strong>, {{cells.TeamRBI}}</li>

            <script class="example-render" data-language="javascript" data-example-class="operator-equals">
              // Compile Handlebars template for team RBI leaders.
              var RBITemplate = Handlebars.compile($('#team-rbi-template').html());

              // Load top five team RBI leaders.
                url: mySpreadsheet,
                query: "select A,sum(J) group by A order by sum(J) desc",
                fetchSize: 5,
                labels: ['TeamName', 'TeamRBI'],
                rowTemplate: RBITemplate


          <p class="fiddle">
            <a href="">Show a jsFiddle for this example.</a>

          <h2 id="datatables">DataTables</h2>

          <p>It's also easy to use Sheetrock with other libraries like <a href="" target="_blank">DataTables</a>.</p>

          <div class="example-render" data-language="markup">
            <!-- Load DataTables script and stylesheet from Unpkg -->
            <script src=""></script>
            <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

          <p>In this example, we load the entire sheet and then use DataTables to create a sortable, paginated table. We can't call DataTables right away because the data is fetched asynchronously. Instead, we wait for Sheetrock to emit a <code class="inline">sheetrock:loaded</code> event before calling <code class=:inline">.DataTables()</code>.

          <div class="example-render-group">

            <div class="example-render output" data-language="markup" data-example-class="operator-plus">
              <table id="raw-table" class="table table-condensed table-striped"></table>

            <script class="example-render" data-language="javascript" data-example-class="operator-equals">
              // Load all hitters and format with DataTables.
                url: mySpreadsheet,
                query: "select A,B,C,D,E,L order by L desc",
              }).on('sheetrock:loaded', function () {


          <p class="fiddle">
            <a href="">Show a jsFiddle for this example.</a>


          <p>Detailed documentation is available at the <a href="">GitHub repository</a>. Please feel free to <a href="">raise an issue</a> if you are having a problem with Sheetrock.</p>

          <h2 id="credits">Credits and license</h2>

          <p>Sheetrock was written by <a href="">Chris Zarate</a> and is released under the <a href="">MIT license</a>.</p>




      This has nothing to do with Sheetrock, but if you’re interested, here’s
      how the examples on this page were generated. There’s no mockup code:
      everything is generated from the actual code that runs on this page.

    <!-- Local helper code -->

       *  WE'LL DO IT LIVE!!!
       *  Create source code examples using this page's actual content!

      // Mirror the "source" of a content block in its own <pre><code> block.
      var addCodeBlock = function () {

        // Get attributes to be copied to container elements.
        var language = $(this).data('language');
        var classes = $(this).data('example-class');

        // Create container tags.
        var codeTag = $('<code></code>').text(cleanMargins($(this).html()));
        var preTag = $('<pre></pre>').addClass('language-' + language).append(codeTag);
        var containerTag = $('<div></div>').addClass(classes).append(preTag);

        // Append.
        var $parent = $(this).parent('.example-render-group');

        if ($parent.length) {
        } else {


      // Clean up the margins and leading/trailing newlines.
      var cleanMargins = function (str) {
        var lines = str.replace(/^\n+/, '').replace(/[\n\t ]+$/, '').split(/\n/);
        var firstLineIndent = lines[0].match(/^[\t ]+/);
        if (firstLineIndent) {
          firstLineIndent = new RegExp(firstLineIndent[0], 'g');
          lines = $.map(lines, function (line) {
            return line.replace(firstLineIndent, '');
        return lines.join('\n');

      // Show a jsFiddle when clicked.
      var showFiddle = function () {
        var $this = $(this);
        var attributes = ' width="100%" height="400" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" frameborder="0"';
        $this.before($('<iframe src="' + $this.attr('href') + 'embedded/"' + attributes + '></iframe>'));
        return false;

      // Trim margins of specified content blocks.
      $('.mockup').each(function () {

      // Mirror "source" for specified tags.

      // Show jsFiddles inline.
      $('.fiddle a').on('click', showFiddle);


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