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# PHP URL Util

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A PHP library providing common URL implementation.

## Installation

       "require": {
        "chroma-x/url-util": "~2.0"

## Usage

### Autoloading and namesapce


### Parsing an URL

use ChromaX\UrlUtil;

$url = new UrlUtil\Url('');

$scheme = $url->getScheme();
fwrite(STDOUT, 'Scheme "' . $scheme . '"' . PHP_EOL);

$hostname = $url->getHostname();
fwrite(STDOUT, 'Hostname "' . $hostname . '"' . PHP_EOL);

$port = $url->getPort();
fwrite(STDOUT, 'Port "' . (string)$port . '"' . PHP_EOL);

$username = $url->getUsername();
fwrite(STDOUT, 'Username "' . $username . '"' . PHP_EOL);

$password = $url->getPassword();
fwrite(STDOUT, 'Password "' . $password . '"' . PHP_EOL);

$path = $url->getPath();
fwrite(STDOUT, 'Path "' . $path . '"' . PHP_EOL);

$queryParameters = $url->getQueryParameters();
foreach ($queryParameters as $queryParameter) {
    fwrite(STDOUT, 'Query parameter "' . $queryParameter->getKey() . '" is "' . $queryParameter->getValue() . '"' . PHP_EOL);

$fragment = $url->getFragment();
fwrite(STDOUT, 'Fragment "' . $fragment . '"' . PHP_EOL);

    ->addQueryParameter(new UrlUtil\QueryParameter('arg1', '456'))
    ->addQueryParameter(new UrlUtil\QueryParameter('arg3', 'test'))

fwrite(STDOUT, 'URL "' . $url->buildUrl() . '"' . PHP_EOL);

will output the following

Scheme "https"
Hostname ""
Port "8443"
Username "john"
Password "secret"
Path "/path/to/resource"
Query parameter "arg1" is "123"
Query parameter "arg2" is "test"
Fragment "fragment"
URL ""


## Contribution

Contributing to our projects is always very appreciated.  
**But: please follow the contribution guidelines written down in the []( document.**

## License

PHP URL Util is under the MIT license.