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# Changelog

# 3.0.0
Breaking: Remove `install` method. Modifying `Ember.computed` is considered a bad practice.
Feature: Use `ember-macro-helpers`. That means that the footprint of the addon is much smaller
         and ALL macros are composable by default.
BREAKING: Stop testing in 1.13.

# 2.1.1
Feature: Added `hash` macro keeps returns an object with the given properties.

# 2.1.0
Bugfix: Allow summing empty array

# 2.0.0
Feature: Ember 2.x only support.
Breaking enhalcement: Remove `sumBy` CP.
Breaking enhalcement: Use `Array.prototype` instead of `Array.Polyfills` for `forEach`. Will not work on browsers not supported by Ember 2.x.
Breaking change: Removed deprecated macros `notAmong`, `notEqual` and `notMatch`.

# 1.3.2 2014-11-01
Bugfix: Remove wrong `main.js` from package.json. That was preventing the addont to work with ember-cli master.
Enhalcement: Build with ember-cli 0.2.0. Updated dependencies.

# 1.3.1 2014-11-01
Doc: Update to ember-cli-yuidoc. Now documentation is available under the `/docs` url when executing `ember serve --docs`, watching for changes.
Feature: Added support for composable CPs to `join` macro.

### 1.3.0 2014-10-20
Doc: Add formal YUIdoc to all macros.
Breaking enhalcement: Rename `addon/ember-cpm.js` to `addon/index.js`. Now you import `import EmberCPM from "ember-cpm";`
Deprecation: Deprecated `notEqual`, `notMatch` and `notAmong`
Feature: Added bluprint to generate macros: `ember g macro macro-name`
Breaking enhalcement: Macro `promise` returns a RSVP.Promise instead of a jQuery promise.

### 1.2.2 2014-10-14
Doc: Remove outdated warning in readme
Feature: Use Ember.deprecate to warn about deprecations.
Feature: Change build process to generate regular, production and minified builds for named-amd and globals.
Feature: The addon and the npm package are also published to the shim repo.
Feature: Replace broccoli-file-mover with broccoli-funnel

## 1.2.1 2014-10-15
Feature: Push all builds to shim repository on succesful builds.
Feature: Upload builds globals and amd-builds to S3 on succesful builds.
Feature: Added `quotient` CP.
Feature: Added `allEqual` CP.
Deprecate: Deprecate `sumBy`. Suggest a combination of `sum` and `mapBy`.

## 1.2.0 2014-10-10
Enhalcement: Use ember-cli as build tool, like other regular addons.

## 1.1.4 2014-10-09
Feature: Added `product` CP.
Feature: Added `conditional` CP.
Feature: Added `sum`, backwards compatible with ember's sum, but the ability of handle several arguments.
Feature: Added `difference` CP.

## v1.1.3, 2014-09-23
Feature: Ember-cpm works out of the box with ember-cli as an addon.

## v1.1.2, 2014-09-21
Bugfix: Change exports to make AMD build compatible with ember-cli.

## v1.1.1, 2014-08-10
Feature: Use testem as automates test tool.
Feature: Migrate to a build process based on broccoli.
Feature: Converted code to ES6 packages transpiled to global, AMD and CJS.
Feature: Add `firstPresent` macro.
Feature: Add `sumBy` macro.
Feature: Prepare library to be published via bower.

## v1.1.0, 2013-09-10

Feature: Add `join` macro

Feature: `fmt` macro accepts multiple properties; the `formatString` is still
the last argument, so this is 100% backwards-compatible with the
single-property version.

Register EmberCPM with `Ember.libraries` if available.

## v1.0.1, 2013-06-26

Bugfix: macros didn't work with nested properties, e.g.

## v1.0.0, 2013-06-20

Initial version with the following macros:

 * `among`
 * `encodeURIComponent`
 * `encodeURI`
 * `fmt`
 * `htmlEscape`
 * `ifNull`
 * `notAmong`
 * `notEqual`
 * `notMatch`
 * `promise`
 * `safeString`