import { connect as sqlPoolConnect } from '@cityssm/mssql-multi-pool'
import type { IResult } from 'mssql'
import { getConfigProperty } from '../helpers/functions.config.js'
import type { CallOutList } from '../types/recordTypes.js'
export async function getCallOutList(
listId: string
): Promise<CallOutList | undefined> {
const pool = await sqlPoolConnect(getConfigProperty('mssql'))
const listResult: IResult<CallOutList> = await pool
.input('listId', listId)
.query(`select l.listId, l.listName, l.listDescription,
l.allowSelfSignUp, l.selfSignUpKey,
l.sortKeyFunction, l.eligibilityFunction, l.employeePropertyName,
count(m.employeeNumber) as callOutListMembersCount
from MonTY.CallOutLists l
left join MonTY.CallOutListMembers m
on l.listId = m.listId
and m.recordDelete_dateTime is null
and m.employeeNumber in (select employeeNumber from MonTY.Employees where isActive = 1 and recordDelete_dateTime is null)
where l.recordDelete_dateTime is null
and l.listId = @listId
group by l.listId, l.listName, l.listDescription,
l.allowSelfSignUp, l.selfSignUpKey,
l.sortKeyFunction, l.eligibilityFunction, l.employeePropertyName`)
if (listResult.recordset.length > 0) {
return listResult.recordset[0]
return undefined