<%- include('_header-print'); -%>
<div class="column is-3 is-hidden-print">
<div class="panel m-2">
<div class="panel-heading">Report Options</div>
<label class="panel-block has-background-white">
<input id="option--showRowNumber" type="checkbox" />
Include Row Numbers
<label class="panel-block has-background-white">
<input id="option--showSortKey" type="checkbox" checked />
Include Sort Key Column
<%- include('_middle-print'); -%>
<% for (const callOutListColumn of callOutLists) { %>
<div class="columns">
<% for (const callOutList of callOutListColumn) { %>
<div class="column" style="break-inside: avoid;">
<h1 class="title is-5 mb-0">
<%= callOutList.listName %>
<p class="is-size-7">
<%- (callOutList.listDescription ?? '').replace(/\n/g, '<br />') %>
const rowNumberColumnWidth = Math.max(callOutList.callOutListMembers.length + 1, 1).toString().length
<table class="table is-narrow is-fullwidth is-fixed my-2 is-size-7">
<th class="column--rowNumber has-text-right is-hidden" style="width: <%= rowNumberColumnWidth %>em;">#</th>
<th>Home Contact</th>
<th class="column--sortKey">Sort Key</th>
<% for (const [rowNumber, member] of callOutList.callOutListMembers.entries()) { %>
<td class="column--rowNumber has-text-right is-hidden" style="width: <%= rowNumberColumnWidth %>em;"><%= rowNumber + 1 %></td>
<%= member.employeeSurname %>, <%= member.employeeGivenName %>
<%= member.homeContact1 %><br />
<%= member.homeContact2 %>
<td class="column--sortKey">
<%= member.sortKey %>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<p class="has-text-right is-size-7 is-italic">
<% const currentDate = new Date() %>
Printed <%= currentDate.toLocaleDateString() %> at <%= currentDate.toLocaleTimeString() %>
<script src="<%= urlPrefix %>/javascripts/print.callOutList.min.js"></script>
<%- include('_footer-print'); -%>