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# Lottery Licence Manager Documentation

**πŸ™ Thank you for taking the time to read the documentation. πŸ™**

![Lottery Licence Manager Dashboard](assets/images/dashboard.png)

The Lottery Licence Manager is a web application written by the
[City of Sault Ste. Marie](
to meet the lottery licensing requirements of Ontario municipalities
as defined by the
[Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO)](

While the application is built with Ontario municipalities in mind,
it is flexible enough to handle the lottery licensing demands of
municipalities in other jurisdictions.

## Features

-   "Out of the box" support for Ontario-based bingo, raffle,
    and break-open (Nevada) lottery licences.

-   Flexible reporting options that meet the requirements of municipalities,
    licence authorities, and inspectors.

-   Open source!  MIT licence!  No cost to use!

## User Documentation

![Lottery Licence Search](assets/images/licence-search.png)

**[Tips and Tricks](**<br />
Transform yourself from an average user into a power user. πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ

**[Organizations](**<br />
What are organizations?
How do I search organization records?
How do I maintain organization records?

**[Lottery Licences](**<br />
How do I search lottery licence records?
How do I maintain lottery licences?

**[Lottery Events](**<br />
What are lottery events?
How do I find lottery event records?
How do I report on lottery events?

**[Locations](**<br />
What are location records?
What are they used for?
How do I find location records?
How do I maintain location records?

## Administrator Documentation

**[Getting Started](**<br />
How to setup and start the application for the first time.

**[config.js file](**<br />
How to use the configuration file to customize the application.

**[Logging into a New Install](**<br />
How to activate the default admin user to access the application for the first time.

**[Administrator Tools - Application Settings](**<br />
Tweak some additional settings.

**[Administrator Tools - User Management](**<br />
How to add, update, and remove user accounts.

## More Help

Need additional help?  Have a feature you would like to see implemented?

**[Reach out through the Issues area on GitHub](**

_Remember that GitHub Issues are public and can be seen by everyone._

## Helpful Links

[AGCO - Charitable Lottery Licensing Overview](

[AGCO - Schedule of Approved Break Open Ticket Types and Associated Maximum Expenses](

[AGCO - Lottery Licensing Policy Manual](