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# Tips and Tricks

In no particular order, here are some tips to transform you
from an average user into a power user.

## Web Application Basics

If you are moving from another application or environment to a web application,
you may not know these tricks that can greatly boost your productivity.

**Need to consult an organization or location record while working on a new licence?**<br />
Open the reference records in new tabs.  Rather than just clicking on the organization name,
hold the <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> key while clicking to open the link in a new tab.
Alternatively, right-click the link, and choose "Open Link in New Tab".

**Need to print a report of what's on your screen right now?**<br />
Just print it!  Web applications make it easy to print any page you want.
The Lottery Licence Manager application is no different, and makes every effort
to ensure that no matter which page you're on, when you print, you get a decent result.

## Lottery Licence Manager Tricks

**Is the side menu taking up too much space?**<br />
The side menu is a handy place for category specific links,
but can take up valuable space on smaller screens.
At the bottom of each side menu, there is a "Hide Side Menu" button
for collapsing the menu.  The space will be replaced by a `>>` button
that will bring the side menu back.

**If you're good with Microsoft Excel (or another spreadsheet application),
you can build pretty much any report you need.**<br />
Most tables used by the Lottery Licence Manager can be exported from the Reports page.
Look for the full table exports.
These exports also contain the keys necessary to link the tables together.