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import sqlite from "better-sqlite3";
import { licencesDB as databasePath } from "../data/databasePaths.js";
import debug from "debug";
const debugSQL = debug("lottery-licence-manager:databaseInitializer");
const recordColumns = " recordCreate_userName varchar(30) not null," +
    " recordCreate_timeMillis integer not null," +
    " recordUpdate_userName varchar(30) not null," +
    " recordUpdate_timeMillis integer not null," +
    " recordDelete_userName varchar(30)," +
    " recordDelete_timeMillis integer";
export const initLicencesDB = () => {
    const licencesDB = sqlite(databasePath);
    const row = licencesDB
        .prepare("select name from sqlite_master where type = 'table' and name = 'Organizations'")
    if (!row) {
        debugSQL("Creating " + databasePath);
        licencesDB.prepare("create table if not exists Locations (" +
            "locationID integer primary key autoincrement," +
            " locationName varchar(100)," +
            " locationAddress1 varchar(50)," +
            " locationAddress2 varchar(50)," +
            " locationCity varchar(20)," +
            " locationProvince varchar(2)," +
            " locationPostalCode varchar(7)," +
            " locationIsDistributor bit not null default 0," +
            " locationIsManufacturer bit not null default 0," +
            recordColumns +
        licencesDB.prepare("create table if not exists Organizations (" +
            "organizationID integer primary key autoincrement," +
            " organizationName varchar(100) not null," +
            " organizationAddress1 varchar(50)," +
            " organizationAddress2 varchar(50)," +
            " organizationCity varchar(20)," +
            " organizationProvince varchar(2)," +
            " organizationPostalCode varchar(7)," +
            " trustAccountNumber varchar(20)," +
            " fiscalStartDate integer," +
            " fiscalEndDate integer," +
            " isEligibleForLicences bit not null default 1," +
            " organizationNote text not null default ''," +
            recordColumns +
        licencesDB.prepare("create table if not exists OrganizationRepresentatives (" +
            "organizationID integer not null," +
            " representativeIndex smallint not null," +
            " representativeName varchar(100) not null," +
            " representativeTitle varchar(100)," +
            " representativeAddress1 varchar(50)," +
            " representativeAddress2 varchar(50)," +
            " representativeCity varchar(20)," +
            " representativeProvince varchar(2)," +
            " representativePostalCode varchar(7)," +
            " representativePhoneNumber varchar(30)," +
            " representativePhoneNumber2 varchar(30)," +
            " representativeEmailAddress varchar(200)," +
            " isDefault bit not null default 0," +
            " primary key (organizationID, representativeIndex)," +
            " foreign key (organizationID) references Organizations (organizationID)" +
            ") without rowid").run();
        licencesDB.prepare("create table if not exists OrganizationRemarks (" +
            "organizationID integer not null," +
            " remarkIndex integer not null," +
            " remarkDate integer, remarkTime integer," +
            " remark text," +
            " isImportant bit not null default 0," +
            recordColumns + "," +
            " primary key (organizationID, remarkIndex)," +
            " foreign key (organizationID) references Organizations (organizationID)" +
            ") without rowid").run();
        licencesDB.prepare("create table if not exists OrganizationReminders (" +
            "organizationID integer not null," +
            " reminderIndex integer not null," +
            " reminderTypeKey varchar(15) not null," +
            " dueDate integer," +
            " dismissedDate integer," +
            " reminderStatus varchar(20)," +
            " reminderNote text," +
            recordColumns + "," +
            " primary key (organizationID, reminderIndex)," +
            " foreign key (organizationID) references Organizations (organizationID)" +
            ") without rowid").run();
        licencesDB.prepare("create table BankingMonths (bankingMonth integer primary key not null)").run();
        for (let month = 1; month <= 12; month += 1) {
            licencesDB.prepare("insert into BankingMonths (bankingMonth) values (" + month + ")").run();
        licencesDB.prepare("create table if not exists OrganizationBankRecords (" +
            "organizationID integer not null," +
            " recordIndex integer not null," +
            " accountNumber varchar(20) not null," +
            " bankingYear integer not null," +
            " bankingMonth integer not null," +
            " bankRecordType varchar(10) not null," +
            " recordIsNA bit not null default 0," +
            " recordDate integer," +
            " recordNote text," +
            recordColumns + "," +
            " primary key (organizationID, recordIndex)," +
            " unique (organizationID, accountNumber, bankingYear, bankingMonth, bankRecordType)," +
            " foreign key (organizationID) references Organizations (organizationID)" +
            ") without rowid").run();
        licencesDB.prepare("create table if not exists LotteryLicences (" +
            "licenceID integer primary key autoincrement," +
            " organizationID integer not null," +
            " externalLicenceNumber varchar(20)," +
            " externalLicenceNumberInteger bigint not null," +
            " applicationDate integer not null," +
            " licenceTypeKey char(2) not null," +
            " startDate integer, endDate integer," +
            " startTime integer, endTime integer," +
            " locationID integer," +
            " municipality varchar(100)," +
            " licenceDetails text," +
            " termsConditions text," +
            " totalPrizeValue decimal(10, 2)," +
            " licenceFee decimal(10, 2)," +
            " issueDate integer, issueTime integer," +
            " trackUpdatesAsAmendments bit not null default 0," +
            recordColumns + "," +
            " foreign key (organizationID) references Organizations (organizationID)," +
            " foreign key (locationID) references Locations (locationID)" +
        licencesDB.prepare("create index if not exists LotteryLicences_ExternalLicenceNumberInteger_Index" +
            " on LotteryLicences (externalLicenceNumberInteger desc)" +
            " where externalLicenceNumberInteger <> -1").run();
        licencesDB.prepare("create table if not exists LotteryLicenceTransactions (" +
            "licenceID integer not null," +
            " transactionIndex integer not null," +
            " transactionDate integer not null," +
            " transactionTime integer not null," +
            " externalReceiptNumber varchar(20)," +
            " transactionAmount decimal(10, 2) not null," +
            " transactionNote text," +
            recordColumns + "," +
            " primary key (licenceID, transactionIndex)," +
            " foreign key (licenceID) references LotteryLicences (licenceID)" +
            ") without rowid").run();
        licencesDB.prepare("create table if not exists LotteryLicenceAmendments (" +
            "licenceID integer not null," +
            " amendmentIndex integer not null," +
            " amendmentDate integer not null, amendmentTime integer not null," +
            " amendmentType text not null, amendment text," +
            " isHidden bit not null default 0," +
            recordColumns + "," +
            " primary key (licenceID, amendmentIndex)," +
            " foreign key (licenceID) references LotteryLicences (licenceID)" +
            ") without rowid").run();
        licencesDB.prepare("create table if not exists LotteryEvents (" +
            "licenceID integer not null," +
            " eventDate integer not null," +
            " reportDate integer," +
            " bank_name varchar(50)," +
            " bank_address varchar(50)," +
            " bank_accountNumber varchar(20)," +
            " bank_accountBalance decimal(12, 2)," +
            " costs_amountDonated decimal(10, 2)," +
            recordColumns + "," +
            " primary key (licenceID, eventDate)," +
            " foreign key (licenceID) references LotteryLicences (licenceID)" +
            ") without rowid").run();
        licencesDB.prepare("create table if not exists LotteryLicenceTicketTypes (" +
            "licenceID integer not null," +
            " ticketTypeIndex integer not null," +
            " amendmentDate integer not null," +
            " ticketType varchar(5) not null," +
            " distributorLocationID integer," +
            " manufacturerLocationID integer," +
            " unitCount integer not null," +
            " licenceFee decimal(10, 2)," +
            recordColumns + "," +
            " primary key (licenceID, ticketTypeIndex)," +
            " foreign key (licenceID) references LotteryLicences (licenceID)," +
            " foreign key (distributorLocationID) references Locations (locationID)," +
            " foreign key (manufacturerLocationID) references Locations (locationID)" +
            ") without rowid").run();
        licencesDB.prepare("create table if not exists LotteryLicenceFields (" +
            "licenceID integer not null," +
            " fieldKey varchar(20) not null," +
            " fieldValue text," +
            " primary key (licenceID, fieldKey)," +
            " foreign key (licenceID) references LotteryLicences (licenceID)" +
            ") without rowid").run();
        licencesDB.prepare("create table if not exists LotteryEventCosts (" +
            "licenceID integer not null," +
            " eventDate integer not null," +
            " ticketType varchar(5)," +
            " costs_receipts decimal(10, 2)," +
            " costs_admin decimal(10, 2)," +
            " costs_prizesAwarded decimal(10, 2)," +
            " primary key (licenceID, eventDate, ticketType)," +
            " foreign key (licenceID, eventDate) references LotteryEvents (licenceID, eventDate)" +
        licencesDB.prepare("create table if not exists LotteryEventFields (" +
            "licenceID integer not null," +
            " eventDate integer not null," +
            " fieldKey varchar(20) not null," +
            " fieldValue text," +
            " primary key (licenceID, eventDate, fieldKey)," +
            " foreign key (licenceID, eventDate) references LotteryEvents (licenceID, eventDate)" +
            ") without rowid").run();
        licencesDB.prepare("create table if not exists ApplicationSettings (" +
            "settingKey varchar(50) primary key not null," +
            " settingName varchar(100) not null," +
            " settingDescription text," +
            " settingValue text," +
            " orderNumber smallint not null default 0," +
            " recordUpdate_userName varchar(30) not null," +
            " recordUpdate_timeMillis integer not null" +
            ") without rowid").run();
        const settingInsertSQL = "insert or ignore into ApplicationSettings" +
            " (settingKey, settingName, settingDescription, settingValue, orderNumber," +
            " recordUpdate_userName, recordUpdate_timeMillis)" +
            " values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
            .run("licences.externalLicenceNumber.range.start", "External Licence Number: Range Start", ("When External Licence Numbers are generated using a range," +
            " this value will be used as the minimum for the range."), "-1", 1, "init",;
            .run("licences.externalLicenceNumber.range.end", "External Licence Number: Range End", ("When External Licence Numbers are generated using a range," +
            " this value will be used as the maximum for the range."), "0", 2, "init",;
        return true;
    return false;