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import sqlite from "better-sqlite3";
import { licencesDB as databasePath } from "../../data/databasePaths.js";
import * as dateTimeFns from "@cityssm/expressjs-server-js/dateTimeFns.js";
export const getDashboardStats = () => {
    const windowDate = new Date();
    const currentDateInteger = dateTimeFns.dateToInteger(windowDate);
    windowDate.setDate(windowDate.getDate() + 7);
    const windowEndDateInteger = dateTimeFns.dateToInteger(windowDate);
    windowDate.setDate(windowDate.getDate() - 14);
    const windowStartDateInteger = dateTimeFns.dateToInteger(windowDate);
    const database = sqlite(databasePath, {
        readonly: true
    const licenceStats = database.prepare("select ifnull(count(licenceID), 0) as licenceCount," +
        " ifnull(count(distinct organizationID), 0) as distinctOrganizationCount," +
        " ifnull(count(distinct locationID), 0) as distinctLocationCount" +
        " from LotteryLicences" +
        " where recordDelete_timeMillis is NULL" +
        " and issueDate is not NULL" +
        " and endDate >= ?")
    const eventStats = database.prepare("select ifnull(sum(case when eventDate = ? then 1 else 0 end), 0) as todayCount," +
        " ifnull(sum(case when eventDate < ? then 1 else 0 end), 0) as pastCount," +
        " ifnull(sum(case when eventDate > ? then 1 else 0 end), 0) as upcomingCount" +
        " from LotteryEvents" +
        " where recordDelete_timeMillis is NULL" +
        " and eventDate >= ?" +
        " and eventDate <= ?")
        .get(currentDateInteger, currentDateInteger, currentDateInteger, windowStartDateInteger, windowEndDateInteger);
    let events = [];
    if (eventStats.todayCount > 0 || eventStats.upcomingCount > 0) {
        events = database.prepare("select e.eventDate, l.licenceID, l.externalLicenceNumber," +
            " l.licenceTypeKey," +
            " lo.locationName, lo.locationAddress1," +
            " o.organizationName" +
            " from LotteryEvents e" +
            " left join LotteryLicences l on e.licenceID = l.licenceID" +
            " left join Locations lo on l.locationID = lo.locationID" +
            " left join Organizations o on l.organizationID = o.organizationID" +
            " where e.recordDelete_timeMillis is null" +
            " and l.recordDelete_timeMillis is null" +
            " and e.eventDate >= ?" +
            " and e.eventDate <= ?" +
            " order by e.eventDate, l.startTime")
            .all(currentDateInteger, windowEndDateInteger);
        for (const eventRecord of events) {
            eventRecord.eventDateString = dateTimeFns.dateIntegerToString(eventRecord.eventDate);
            eventRecord.locationDisplayName =
                (eventRecord.locationName === "" ? eventRecord.locationAddress1 : eventRecord.locationName);
    const reminderStats = database.prepare("select ifnull(sum(case when dueDate = ? then 1 else 0 end), 0) as todayCount," +
        " ifnull(sum(case when dueDate < ? then 1 else 0 end), 0) as pastCount," +
        " ifnull(sum(case when dueDate > ? then 1 else 0 end), 0) as upcomingCount" +
        " from OrganizationReminders" +
        " where recordDelete_timeMillis is NULL" +
        " and dismissedDate is null" +
        " and dueDate <= ?")
        .get(currentDateInteger, currentDateInteger, currentDateInteger, windowEndDateInteger);
    let reminders = [];
    if (reminderStats.todayCount > 0 || reminderStats.upcomingCount > 0) {
        reminders = database.prepare("select r.organizationID, o.organizationName," +
            " r.reminderTypeKey, r.dueDate" +
            " from OrganizationReminders r" +
            " left join Organizations o on r.organizationID = o.organizationID" +
            " where r.recordDelete_timeMillis is null" +
            " and o.recordDelete_timeMillis is null" +
            " and r.dismissedDate is null" +
            " and r.dueDate >= ?" +
            " and r.dueDate <= ?" +
            " order by r.dueDate, o.organizationName, r.reminderTypeKey")
            .all(currentDateInteger, windowEndDateInteger);
        for (const reminder of reminders) {
            reminder.dueDateString = dateTimeFns.dateIntegerToString(reminder.dueDate);
    const result = {
        currentDate: currentDateInteger,
        currentDateString: dateTimeFns.dateIntegerToString(currentDateInteger),
        windowStartDate: windowStartDateInteger,
        windowStartDateString: dateTimeFns.dateIntegerToString(windowStartDateInteger),
        windowEndDate: windowEndDateInteger,
        windowEndDateString: dateTimeFns.dateIntegerToString(windowEndDateInteger),
    return result;