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import sqlite from "better-sqlite3";
import { licencesDB as databasePath } from "../../data/databasePaths.js";

import * as dateTimeFns from "@cityssm/expressjs-server-js/dateTimeFns.js";
import { canUpdateObject } from "../licencesDB.js";

import type * as llm from "../../types/recordTypes";
import type * as expressSession from "express-session";

interface GetEventsReturn {
  count: number;
  events: llm.LotteryEvent[];

export const getEvents = (requestBody: {
  externalLicenceNumber?: string;
  licenceTypeKey?: string;
  organizationName?: string;
  locationName?: string;
  eventYear?: string;
  requestSession: expressSession.Session,
  options: {
    limit: number;
    offset: number;
  }): GetEventsReturn => {

  const database = sqlite(databasePath, {
    readonly: true

  // build where clause

  const sqlParameters = [];

  let sqlWhereClause = " where e.recordDelete_timeMillis is null" +
    " and l.recordDelete_timeMillis is null";

  if (requestBody.eventYear && requestBody.eventYear !== "") {
    sqlWhereClause += " and e.eventDate > (? * 10000)" +
      " and e.eventDate < (? * 10000) + 9999";

    sqlParameters.push(requestBody.eventYear, requestBody.eventYear);

  if (requestBody.externalLicenceNumber && requestBody.externalLicenceNumber !== "") {
    sqlWhereClause += " and instr(lower(l.externalLicenceNumber), ?) > 0";

  if (requestBody.licenceTypeKey && requestBody.licenceTypeKey !== "") {
    sqlWhereClause += " and l.licenceTypeKey = ?";

  if (requestBody.organizationName && requestBody.organizationName !== "") {

    const organizationNamePieces = requestBody.organizationName.toLowerCase().split(" ");

    for (const organizationNamePiece of organizationNamePieces) {
      sqlWhereClause += " and instr(lower(o.organizationName), ?)";

  if (requestBody.locationName && requestBody.locationName !== "") {

    const locationNamePieces = requestBody.locationName.toLowerCase().split(" ");

    for (const locationNamePiece of locationNamePieces) {
      sqlWhereClause += " and (instr(lower(lo.locationName), ?) or instr(lower(lo.locationAddress1), ?))";

      sqlParameters.push(locationNamePiece, locationNamePiece);

  // if a limit is used, get the count

  let count = 0;

  if (options.limit !== -1) {

    count = database.prepare("select ifnull(count(*), 0)" +
      " from LotteryEvents e" +
      " left join LotteryLicences l on e.licenceID = l.licenceID" +
      " left join Locations lo on l.locationID = lo.locationID" +
      " left join Organizations o on l.organizationID = o.organizationID" +

  let sql = "select" +
    " 'event' as recordType," +
    " e.eventDate, userFn_dateIntegerToString(e.eventDate) as eventDateString," +
    " e.reportDate, e.bank_name," +
    " sum(coalesce(c.costs_receipts, 0)) as costs_receiptsSum," +
    " l.licenceID, l.externalLicenceNumber, l.licenceTypeKey, l.licenceDetails," +
    " iif(lo.locationName = '', lo.locationAddress1, lo.locationName) as locationDisplayName," +
    " l.startTime, userFn_timeIntegerToString(l.startTime) as startTimeString," +
    " l.endTime, userFn_timeIntegerToString(l.endTime) as endTimeString," +
    " o.organizationName," +
    " e.recordCreate_userName, e.recordCreate_timeMillis, e.recordUpdate_userName, e.recordUpdate_timeMillis" +
    " from LotteryEvents e" +
    " left join LotteryLicences l on e.licenceID = l.licenceID" +
    " left join Locations lo on l.locationID = lo.locationID" +
    " left join Organizations o on l.organizationID = o.organizationID" +
    " left join LotteryEventCosts c on e.licenceID = c.licenceID and e.eventDate = c.eventDate" +
    sqlWhereClause +
    " group by e.eventDate, e.reportDate, e.bank_name," +
    " l.licenceID, l.externalLicenceNumber, l.licenceTypeKey, l.licenceDetails," +
    " lo.locationName, lo.locationAddress1, l.startTime, l.endTime, o.organizationName," +
    " e.recordCreate_userName, e.recordCreate_timeMillis, e.recordUpdate_userName, e.recordUpdate_timeMillis" +
    " order by e.eventDate, l.startTime";

  if (options.limit !== -1) {
    sql += " limit " + options.limit.toString() +
      " offset " + (options.offset || 0).toString();

  database.function("userFn_dateIntegerToString", dateTimeFns.dateIntegerToString);
  database.function("userFn_timeIntegerToString", dateTimeFns.timeIntegerToString);

  const events: llm.LotteryEvent[] =


  for (const lotteryEvent of events) {
    lotteryEvent.canUpdate = canUpdateObject(lotteryEvent, requestSession);

    delete lotteryEvent.bank_name;

  return {
    count: (options.limit === -1 ? events.length : count),