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import { canUpdateObject } from "../licencesDB.js";
import sqlite from "better-sqlite3";
import * as dateTimeFns from "@cityssm/expressjs-server-js/dateTimeFns.js";
import { licencesDB as databasePath } from "../../data/databasePaths.js";
export const getLocations = (requestSession, queryOptions) => {
    const database = sqlite(databasePath, {
        readonly: true
    const sqlParameters = [];
    let sqlWhereClause = " where lo.recordDelete_timeMillis is null";
    if (queryOptions.locationNameAddress && queryOptions.locationNameAddress !== "") {
        const locationNameAddressSplit = queryOptions.locationNameAddress.toLowerCase().split(" ");
        for (const locationPiece of locationNameAddressSplit) {
            sqlWhereClause += " and (instr(lower(lo.locationName), ?) or instr(lower(lo.locationAddress1),?))";
            sqlParameters.push(locationPiece, locationPiece);
    if (queryOptions.locationIsDistributor !== -1) {
        sqlWhereClause += " and lo.locationIsDistributor = ?";
    if (queryOptions.locationIsManufacturer !== -1) {
        sqlWhereClause += " and lo.locationIsManufacturer = ?";
    if (queryOptions.locationIsActive) {
        const currentDate = dateTimeFns.dateToInteger(new Date());
        sqlWhereClause += " and (lo.locationID in (" +
            "select lx.locationID from LotteryLicences lx" +
            " where lx.recordDelete_timeMillis is null" +
            " and lx.issueDate is not null and lx.endDate >= ?))";
    let count = 0;
    if (queryOptions.limit !== -1) {
        count = database.prepare("select ifnull(count(*), 0) as cnt" +
            " from Locations lo" +
    let sql = "select lo.locationID, lo.locationName," +
        " lo.locationAddress1, lo.locationAddress2, lo.locationCity, lo.locationProvince," +
        " lo.locationIsDistributor, lo.locationIsManufacturer," +
        " l.licences_endDateMax, coalesce(l.licences_count, 0) as licences_count," +
        " d.distributor_endDateMax, coalesce(d.distributor_count, 0) as distributor_count," +
        " m.manufacturer_endDateMax, coalesce(m.manufacturer_count, 0) as manufacturer_count" +
        " from Locations lo" +
        (" left join (" +
            "select locationID," +
            " count(licenceID) as licences_count, max(endDate) as licences_endDateMax" +
            " from LotteryLicences" +
            " where recordDelete_timeMillis is null" +
            " group by locationID" +
            ") l on lo.locationID = l.locationID") +
        (" left join (" +
            "select t.distributorLocationID," +
            " count(*) as distributor_count, max(l.endDate) as distributor_endDateMax" +
            " from LotteryLicenceTicketTypes t" +
            " left join LotteryLicences l on t.licenceID = l.licenceID" +
            " where t.recordDelete_timeMillis is null" +
            " group by t.distributorLocationID" +
            ") d on lo.locationID = d.distributorLocationID") +
        (" left join (" +
            "select t.manufacturerLocationID," +
            " count(*) as manufacturer_count, max(l.endDate) as manufacturer_endDateMax" +
            " from LotteryLicenceTicketTypes t" +
            " left join LotteryLicences l on t.licenceID = l.licenceID" +
            " where t.recordDelete_timeMillis is null" +
            " group by t.manufacturerLocationID" +
            ") m on lo.locationID = m.manufacturerLocationID") +
        sqlWhereClause +
        " order by case when lo.locationName = '' then lo.locationAddress1 else lo.locationName end";
    if (queryOptions.limit !== -1) {
        sql += " limit " + queryOptions.limit.toString() +
            " offset " + queryOptions.offset.toString();
    const rows = database.prepare(sql).all(sqlParameters);
    for (const element of rows) {
        element.recordType = "location";
        element.locationDisplayName =
            element.locationName === "" ? element.locationAddress1 : element.locationName;
        element.licences_endDateMaxString = dateTimeFns.dateIntegerToString(element.licences_endDateMax);
        element.distributor_endDateMaxString = dateTimeFns.dateIntegerToString(element.distributor_endDateMax);
        element.manufacturer_endDateMaxString = dateTimeFns.dateIntegerToString(element.manufacturer_endDateMax);
        element.canUpdate = canUpdateObject(element, requestSession);
    return {
        count: (queryOptions.limit === -1 ? rows.length : count),
        locations: rows