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import * as dateTimeFns from "@cityssm/expressjs-server-js/dateTimeFns.js";
import * as reportFunctions from "../";

import type { ConfigReportDefinition } from "../../types/configTypes";

const baseFunctions = (): Map<string, () => unknown> => {
  const functions = new Map();
  functions.set("userFn_licenceTypeKeyToLicenceType", reportFunctions.userFn_licenceTypeKeyToLicenceType);
  return functions;

export const reports: { [reportName: string]: ConfigReportDefinition } = {

  "events-all": {
    sql: "select * from LotteryEvents"

  "events-upcoming": {
    functions: baseFunctions,
    sql: "select e.licenceID, l.externalLicenceNumber," +
      " o.organizationName," +
      " e.eventDate, l.startTime, l.endTime," +
      " userFn_licenceTypeKeyToLicenceType(l.licenceTypeKey) as licenceType," +
      " l.licenceDetails" +
      " from LotteryEvents e" +
      " left join LotteryLicences l on e.licenceID = l.licenceID" +
      " left join Organizations o on l.organizationID = o.organizationID" +
      " where e.recordDelete_timeMillis is null" +
      " and l.recordDelete_timeMillis is null" +
      " and e.eventDate >= ?",

    params: () => [dateTimeFns.dateToInteger(new Date())]

  "events-pastUnreported": {
    functions: baseFunctions,
    sql: "select e.licenceID, l.externalLicenceNumber," +
      " e.eventDate, e.reportDate," +
      " e.bank_name, e.bank_address, e.bank_accountNumber, e.bank_accountBalance," +
      " userFn_licenceTypeKeyToLicenceType(l.licenceTypeKey) as licenceType," +
      " l.licenceDetails," +
      " o.organizationName," +
      " o.organizationAddress1, o.organizationAddress2," +
      " o.organizationCity, o.organizationProvince, o.organizationPostalCode," +
      " r.representativeName, r.representativeTitle, r.representativeAddress1, r.representativeAddress2," +
      " r.representativeCity, r.representativeProvince, r.representativePostalCode," +
      " r.representativePhoneNumber, r.representativeEmailAddress" +
      " from LotteryEvents e" +
      " left join LotteryLicences l on e.licenceID = l.licenceID" +
      " left join Organizations o on l.organizationID = o.organizationID" +
      " left join OrganizationRepresentatives r on o.organizationID = r.organizationID and r.isDefault = 1" +
      " where e.recordDelete_timeMillis is null" +
      " and l.recordDelete_timeMillis is null" +
      " and e.eventDate < ?" +
      " and (e.reportDate is null or e.reportDate = 0)",

    params: () => [dateTimeFns.dateToInteger(new Date())]

  "events-byLicence": {
    functions: () => {
      const functions = new Map();
      functions.set("userFn_licenceTypeKeyToLicenceType", reportFunctions.userFn_licenceTypeKeyToLicenceType);
      return functions;
    sql: "select e.licenceID, l.externalLicenceNumber, e.eventDate," +
      " o.organizationName," +
      " l.startDate, l.endDate, l.startTime, l.endTime," +
      " lo.locationName, lo.locationAddress1, l.licenceDetails," +
      " userFn_licenceTypeKeyToLicenceType(l.licenceTypeKey) as licenceType," +
      " l.totalPrizeValue, l.licenceFee," +
      " e.bank_name, e.bank_address, e.bank_accountNumber, e.bank_accountBalance," +
      " e.costs_amountDonated" +
      " from LotteryEvents e" +
      " left join LotteryLicences l on e.licenceID = l.licenceID" +
      " left join Locations lo on l.locationID = lo.locationID" +
      " left join Organizations o on l.organizationID = o.organizationID" +
      " where e.recordDelete_timeMillis is null" +
      " and l.recordDelete_timeMillis is null" +
      " and e.licenceID = ?",

    params: (request) => [request.query.licenceID]

export default reports;