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Test Coverage
<%- include('_header-print'); -%>

<h1 class="title is-1">
  <%= organization.organizationName %>

<div class="columns">
  <div class="column is-5">
      <%= organization.organizationAddress1 %><br />
      <% if (organization.organizationAddress2 !== "") { %>
        <%= organization.organizationAddress2 %><br />
      <% } %>
      <%= (organization.organizationCity === "" ? "" : organization.organizationCity + ", ") %>
      <%= organization.organizationProvince %><br />
      <%= organization.organizationPostalCode %>
  <div class="column">
    <div class="columns">
      <div class="column">
          <strong>Trust Account Number</strong><br />
          <% if (organization.trustAccountNumber === null || organization.trustAccountNumber === "") { %>
            <span class="has-text-grey">(Not Recorded)</span>
          <% } else { %>
            <%= organization.trustAccountNumber %>
          <% } %>
      <div class="column">
          <strong>Fiscal Year</strong><br />
          <% if (organization.fiscalStartDate === 0) { %>
            <span class="has-text-grey">(Not Recorded)</span>
          <% } else { %>
            <%= organization.fiscalStartDateString %> to <%= organization.fiscalEndDateString %>
          <% } %>

    <% if (!organization.isEligibleForLicences) { %>
      <div class="message is-danger">
        <p class="message-body">
          <i class="fas fa-times mr-3" aria-hidden="true"></i>
          <strong>Not Eligible for New Licences</strong>
    <% } %>
    <% if (organization.organizationNote && organization.organizationNote !== "") { %>
      <p class="mt-3">
        <strong>Notes</strong><br />
        <span class="has-newline-chars"><%= organization.organizationNote %></span>
    <% } %>

<section class="content">
  <h2 class="title is-3">Representatives</h2>

  <% if (organization.organizationRepresentatives.length === 0) { %>
    <div class="message is-warning">
      <div class="message-body">
        There are no representatives associated with this organization.
  <% } else { %>

    <table class="table is-fullwidth is-striped">
          <th class="has-width-10">&nbsp;</th>
          for (let index = 0; index < organization.organizationRepresentatives.length; index += 1) {
            const representativeObj = organization.organizationRepresentatives[index];
          <tr data-representative-index="<%= representativeObj.representativeIndex %>">
              <% if (representativeObj.isDefault === 1) { %>
                <i class="fas fa-lg fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i>
              <% } %>
              <%= representativeObj.representativeName %><br />
              <small><%= representativeObj.representativeTitle %></small>
              <%= representativeObj.representativeAddress1 %><br />
                <%= representativeObj.representativeAddress2 %>
                <%- (representativeObj.representativeAddress2 === "" ? "" : "<br />") %>
                <%= representativeObj.representativeCity %>, <%= representativeObj.representativeProvince %><br />
                <%= representativeObj.representativePostalCode %>
              <% if (representativeObj.representativePhoneNumber && representativeObj.representativePhoneNumber !== "") { %>
                <span class="icon"><i class="fas fa-fw fa-phone" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>
                <%= stringFns.formatPhoneNumber(representativeObj.representativePhoneNumber) %><br />
              <% } %>
              <% if (representativeObj.representativePhoneNumber2 && representativeObj.representativePhoneNumber2 !== "") { %>
                <span class="icon"><i class="fas fa-fw fa-phone" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>
                <%= stringFns.formatPhoneNumber(representativeObj.representativePhoneNumber2) %><br />
              <% } %>
              <% if (representativeObj.representativeEmailAddress && representativeObj.representativeEmailAddress !== "") { %>
                <span class="icon"><i class="fas fa-fw fa-envelope" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>
                <%= representativeObj.representativeEmailAddress %>
              <% } %>
        <% } %>
  <% } %>

<section class="content" style="page-break-inside:avoid">
  <h2 class="title is-3">Active Licences</h2>

    let licenceTbodyHTML = "";

    let rows_active = "";
    let count_active = 0;

    const licenceTypes = configFunctions.getProperty("licenceTypes");

    for (let licenceIndex = 0; licenceIndex < licences.length; licenceIndex += 1) {

      const licence = licences[licenceIndex];

      if (licence.endDate < currentDateInteger) {

      count_active += 1;

      let licenceType = {};
      for (let typeIndex = 0; typeIndex < licenceTypes.length; typeIndex += 1) {
        if (licenceTypes[typeIndex].licenceTypeKey === licence.licenceTypeKey) {
          licenceType = licenceTypes[typeIndex];

      let rowHTML = "<tr>" +
        "<td>" +
          htmlFns.escapeHTML(licence.externalLicenceNumber) + "<br />" +
          "<small>Licence #" + licence.licenceID + "</small>" +
          "</td>" +
        "<td>" + (licenceType.licenceType || licence.licenceTypeKey) + "</td>" +
        "<td class=\"has-newline-chars\">" + htmlFns.escapeHTML(licence.licenceDetails) + "</td>" +
        "<td>" +
          ? htmlFns.escapeHTML(licence.locationDisplayName) +
            (licence.locationDisplayName === licence.locationAddress1 ? "" : "<br /><small>" + htmlFns.escapeHTML(licence.locationAddress1) + "</small>")
          : "<span class=\"has-text-grey\">(No Location)</span>") +
          "</td>" +
        "<td class=\"is-nowrap\">" + licence.startDateString + "</td>" +
        "<td class=\"is-nowrap\">" + licence.endDateString + "</td>" +

      licenceTbodyHTML += rowHTML;

  <% if (count_active === 0) { %>
    <div class="message is-info">
      <div class="message-body">
        <%= organization.organizationName %> has no active licence records.
  <% } else { %>
    <table class="table is-fullwidth is-striped">
          <th class="has-width-150"><%= configFunctions.getProperty("licences.externalLicenceNumber.fieldLabel") %></th>
          <th class="has-width-50 is-nowrap">Licence Type</th>
          <th>Event Details</th>
          <th class="has-width-50">From</th>
          <th class="has-width-50">To</th>
      <tbody><%- licenceTbodyHTML %></tbody>
  <% } %>

<%- include('_footer-print'); -%>