* Application Information
export const dataCustodianApplicationStatuses = Object.freeze({
1: 'Review',
2: 'Production (Live)',
3: 'On Hold',
4: 'Revoked'
export const thirdPartyApplicationStatuses = Object.freeze({
1: 'Development',
2: 'ReviewTest',
3: 'Production',
4: 'Retired'
export const thirdPartyApplicationTypes = Object.freeze({
1: 'Web',
2: 'Desktop',
3: 'Mobile',
4: 'Device'
export const thirdPartyApplicationUses = Object.freeze({
1: 'EnergyManagement',
2: 'Comparisons',
3: 'Government',
4: 'Academic',
5: 'LawEnforcement'
export const grantTypes = Object.freeze({
client_credentials: 'Client Credentials',
authorization_code: 'Authorization Code',
refresh_token: 'Refresh Token'
export const responseTypes = Object.freeze({
code: 'Code'
* Authorization
export const authorizationStatuses = Object.freeze({
0: 'Revoked',
1: 'Active',
2: 'Denied'
export const tokenTypes = Object.freeze({
Bearer: 'Bearer'
export const authorizationErrors = Object.freeze({
invalid_request: 'Invalid Request',
invalid_client: 'Invalid Client',
invalid_grant: 'Invalid Grant',
unauthorized_client: 'Unauthorized Client',
unsupported_grant_type: 'Unsupported Grant Type',
invalid_redirect_uri: 'Invalid Redirect URI',
invalid_client_metadata: 'Invalid Client Metadata',
invalid_client_id: 'Invalid Client ID',
access_denied: 'Access Denied',
unsupported_response_type: 'Unsupported Response Type',
server_error: 'Server Error',
temporarily_unavailable: 'Temporarily Unavailable'
* Customer
export const customerKinds = Object.freeze({
residential: 'Residential customer',
residentialAndCommercial: 'Residential and commercial customer',
residentialAndStreetlight: 'Residential and streetlight customer',
'Residential streetlight or other related customer',
residentialFarmService: 'Residential farm service customer',
commercialIndustrial: 'Commercial industrial customer',
pumpingLoad: 'Pumping load customer',
windMachine: 'Wind machine customer',
energyServiceSupplier: 'Customer as energy service supplier',
energyServiceScheduler: 'Customer as energy service scheduler',
enterprise: 'Represents the owning enterprise',
regionalOperator: 'Represents a local operator of a larger enterprise',
subsidiary: 'A subsidiary of a larger enterprise',
internalUse: 'An internal use customer',
other: 'Other kind of customer'
* Customer Account
export const notificationMethodKinds = Object.freeze({
call: 'Telephone call',
email: 'Email message',
letter: 'Letter',
other: 'Other',
ivr: 'Interactive Voice Response system'
* Customer Agreement
export const enrollmentStatuses = Object.freeze({
unenrolled: 'Currently not enrolled',
enrolled: 'Currently enrolled',
enrolledPending: 'Currently pending enrollment'
* Interval Block
export const readingQualities = Object.freeze({
0: 'Valid',
7: 'Manually edited',
8: 'Estimated using reference day',
9: 'Estimated using linear interpolation',
10: 'Questionable',
11: 'Derived',
12: 'Projected (forecast)',
13: 'Mixed',
14: 'Raw',
15: 'Normalized for weather',
16: 'Other',
17: 'Validated',
18: 'Verified',
19: 'Revenue Quality'
* Meter
export const meterMultiplierKinds = Object.freeze({
kH: 'Meter watt-hour constant',
"The ratio of a transformer's primary and secondary windings",
kR: 'Register multiplier',
kE: 'Test constant',
ctRatio: 'Current transformer ratio',
ptRatio: 'Potential transformer ratio'
* Reading Type
export const accumulationBehaviours = Object.freeze({
0: 'None',
1: 'Bulk Quantity',
2: 'Continuous Cumulative',
3: 'Cumulative',
4: 'Delta Data',
6: 'Indicating',
9: 'Summation',
10: 'Time Delay',
12: 'Instantaneous',
13: 'Latching Quantity',
14: 'Bounded Quantity'
export const commodities = Object.freeze({
0: 'None',
1: 'Electricity Secondary Metered',
2: 'Electricity Primary Metered',
3: 'Communication',
4: 'Air',
5: 'Insulative Gas',
6: 'Insulative Oil',
7: 'Natural Gas',
8: 'Propane',
9: 'Potable Water',
10: 'Steam',
11: 'Waste Water',
12: 'Heating Fluid',
13: 'Cooling Fluid',
14: 'Nonpotable Water',
15: 'NOx',
16: 'SO2',
17: 'CH4',
18: 'CO2',
19: 'Carbon',
20: 'HCH',
21: 'PFC',
22: 'SF6',
23: 'TV Licence',
24: 'Internet',
25: 'Refuse',
26: 'Electricity Transmission Metered'
export const dataQualifiers = Object.freeze({
0: 'None',
2: 'Average',
4: 'Excess',
5: 'High Threshold',
7: 'Low Threshold',
8: 'Maximum',
9: 'Minimum',
11: 'Nominal',
12: 'Normal',
16: 'Second Maximum',
17: 'Second Minimum',
23: 'Third Maximum',
24: 'Fourth Maximum',
25: 'Fifth Maximum',
26: 'Sum'
export const flowDirections = Object.freeze({
0: 'None',
1: 'Forward',
2: 'Lagging',
3: 'Leading',
4: 'Net',
5: 'Q1 plus Q2',
7: 'Q1 plus Q3',
8: 'Q1 plus Q4',
9: 'Q1 minus Q4',
10: 'Q2 plus Q3',
11: 'Q2 plus Q4',
12: 'Q2 minus Q3',
13: 'Q3 plus Q4',
14: 'Q3 minus Q2',
15: 'Quadrant 1',
16: 'Quadrant 2',
17: 'Quadrant 3',
18: 'Quadrant 4',
19: 'Reverse',
20: 'Total',
21: 'Total By Phase'
export const readingTypeKinds = Object.freeze({
0: 'None',
2: 'Apparent Power Factor',
3: 'Currency',
4: 'Current',
5: 'Current Angle',
6: 'Current Imbalance',
7: 'Date',
8: 'Demand',
9: 'Distance',
10: 'Distortion Volt Amperes',
11: 'Energization',
12: 'Energy',
13: 'Energization Load Side',
14: 'Fan',
15: 'Frequency',
16: 'Funds',
17: 'IEEE 1366 ASAI',
18: 'IEEE 1366 ASIDI',
19: 'IEEE 1366 ASIFI',
20: 'IEEE 1366 CAIDI',
21: 'IEEE 1366 CAIFI',
22: 'IEEE 1366 CEMIn',
23: 'IEEE 1366 CEMSMIn',
24: 'IEEE 1366 CTAIDI',
25: 'IEEE 1366 MAIFI',
26: 'IEEE 1366 MAIFIe',
27: 'IEEE 1366 SAIDI',
28: 'IEEE 1366 SAIFI',
31: 'Line Losses',
32: 'Losses',
33: 'Negative Sequence',
34: 'Phasor Power Factor',
35: 'Phasor Reactive Power',
36: 'Positive Sequence',
37: 'Power',
38: 'Power Factor',
40: 'Quantity Power',
41: 'Sag',
42: 'Swell',
43: 'Switch Position',
44: 'Tap Position',
45: 'Tariff Rate',
46: 'Temperature',
47: 'Total Harmonic Distortion',
48: 'Transformer Losses',
49: 'Unipede Voltage Dip 10 to 15',
50: 'Unipede Voltage Dip 15 to 30',
51: 'Unipede Voltage Dip 30 to 60',
52: 'Unipede Voltage Dip 60 to 90',
53: 'Unipede Voltage Dip 90 to 100',
54: 'Voltage',
55: 'Voltage Angle',
56: 'Voltage Excursion',
57: 'Voltage Imbalance',
58: 'Volume',
59: 'Zero Flow Duration',
60: 'Zero Sequence',
64: 'Distortion Power Factor',
81: 'Frequency Excursion',
90: 'Application Context',
91: 'Ap Title',
92: 'Asset Number',
93: 'Bandwidth',
94: 'Battery Voltage',
95: 'Broadcast Address',
96: 'Device Address Type 1',
97: 'Device Address Type 2',
98: 'Device Address Type 3',
99: 'Device Address Type 4',
100: 'Device Class',
101: 'Electronic Serial Number',
102: 'End Device ID',
103: 'Group Address Type 1',
104: 'Group Address Type 2',
105: 'Group Address Type 3',
106: 'Group Address Type 4',
107: 'IP Address',
108: 'MAC Address',
109: 'Manufacturing Assigned Configuration ID',
110: 'Manufacturing Assigned Physical Serial Number',
111: 'Manufacturing Assigned Product Number',
112: 'Manufacturing Assigned Unique Communication Address',
113: 'Multi Cast Address',
114: 'One Way Address',
115: 'Signal Strength',
116: 'Two Way Address',
117: 'Signal to Noise Ratio',
118: 'Alarm',
119: 'Battery Carryover',
120: 'Data Overflow Alarm',
121: 'Demand Limit',
122: 'Demand Reset',
123: 'Diagnostic',
124: 'Emergency Limit',
125: 'Encoder Tamper',
126: 'IEEE 1366 Momentary Interruption',
127: 'IEEE 1366 Momentary Interruption Event',
128: 'IEEE 1366 Sustained Interruption',
129: 'Interruption Behaviour',
130: 'Inversion Tamper',
131: 'Load Interrupt',
132: 'Load Shed',
133: 'Maintenance',
134: 'Physical Tamper',
135: 'Power Loss Tamper',
136: 'Power Outage',
137: 'Power Quality',
138: 'Power Restoration',
139: 'Programmed',
140: 'Pushbutton',
141: 'Relay Activation',
142: 'Relay Cycle',
143: 'Removal Tamper',
144: 'Reprogramming Tamper',
145: 'Reverse Rotation Tamper',
146: 'Switch Armed',
147: 'Switch Disabled',
148: 'Tamper',
149: 'Watchdog Timeout',
150: 'Bill Last Period',
151: 'Bill To Date',
152: 'Bill Carryover',
153: 'Connection Fee',
154: 'Audible Volume',
155: 'Volumetric Flow'
export const phaseCodes = Object.freeze({
225: 'ABCN',
224: 'ABC',
193: 'ABN',
41: 'ACN',
97: 'BCN',
132: 'AB',
96: 'AC',
66: 'BC',
129: 'AN',
65: 'BN',
33: 'CN',
128: 'A',
64: 'B',
32: 'C',
16: 'N',
272: 'S2N',
784: 'S12N',
528: 'S1N',
256: 'S2',
768: 'S12',
769: 'S12N',
0: 'None',
136: 'AtoAv',
72: 'BAv',
40: 'CAv',
17: 'NG',
512: 'S1'
export const timeAttributes = Object.freeze({
0: 'None',
8: 'Billing Period',
11: 'Daily',
13: 'Monthly',
22: 'Seasonal',
24: 'Weekly',
32: 'Specified Period'
export const measuringPeriods = Object.freeze({
0: 'None',
1: 'Ten Minute',
2: 'Fifteen Minute',
3: 'One Minute',
4: 'Twenty Four Hour',
5: 'Thirty Minute',
6: 'Five Minute',
7: 'Sixty Minute',
10: 'Two Minute',
14: 'Three Minute',
15: 'Present',
16: 'Previous',
31: 'Twenty Minute',
50: 'Fixed Block 60 Min',
51: 'Fixed Block 30 Min',
52: 'Fixed Block 20 Min',
53: 'Fixed Block 15 Min',
54: 'Fixed Block 10 Min',
55: 'Fixed Block 5 Min',
56: 'Fixed Block 1 Min',
57: 'Rolling Block 60 Min Interval 30 Min Sub Interval',
58: 'Rolling Block 60 Min Interval 20 Min Sub Interval',
59: 'Rolling Block 60 Min Interval 15 Min Sub Interval',
60: 'Rolling Block 60 Min Interval 12 Min Sub Interval',
61: 'Rolling Block 60 Min Interval 10 Min Sub Interval',
62: 'Rolling Block 60 Min Interval 6 Min Sub Interval',
63: 'Rolling Block 60 Min Interval 5 Min Sub Interval',
64: 'Rolling Block 60 Min Interval 4 Min Sub Interval',
65: 'Rolling Block 30 Min Interval 15 Min Sub Interval',
66: 'Rolling Block 30 Min Interval 10 Min Sub Interval',
67: 'Rolling Block 30 Min Interval 6 Min Sub Interval',
68: 'Rolling Block 30 Min Interval 5 Min Sub Interval',
69: 'Rolling Block 30 Min Interval 3 Min Sub Interval',
70: 'Rolling Block 30 Min Interval 2 Min Sub Interval',
71: 'Rolling Block 15 Min Interval 5 Min Sub Interval',
72: 'Rolling Block 15 Min Interval 3 Min Sub Interval',
73: 'Rolling Block 15 Min Interval 1 Min Sub Interval',
74: 'Rolling Block 10 Min Interval 5 Min Sub Interval',
75: 'Rolling Block 10 Min Interval 2 Min Sub Interval',
76: 'Rolling Block 10 Min Interval 1 Min Sub Interval',
77: 'Rolling Block 5 Min Interval 1 Min Sub Interval'
* Service Status
export const currentStatuses = Object.freeze({
0: 'Unavailable',
1: 'Normal'
* Service Supplier
export const serviceSupplierKinds = Object.freeze({
utility: 'Delivers service to the customer',
retailer: 'Sells service but does not delivery to the customer',
other: 'Other kind of supplier',
lse: 'Load Service Entity',
mdma: 'Meter Data Management Agent',
msp: 'Meter Service Provider'
* Usage Point
export const serviceCategoryKinds = Object.freeze({
0: 'Electricity',
1: 'Gas',
2: 'Water',
3: 'Time',
4: 'Heat',
5: 'Refuse',
6: 'Sewerage',
7: 'Rates',
8: 'TV Licence',
9: 'Internet'
export const amiBillingReadyStatuses = Object.freeze({
'Usage point is equipped with an AMI capable meter that is not yet currently equipped with a communications module.',
'Usage point is equipped with an AMI capable meter; however, the AMI functionality has been disabled or is not being used.',
'Usage point is equipped with an operating AMI capable meter and accuracy has been certified for billing purposes.',
'Usage point is equipped with an AMI capable meter having communications capability.',
nonAmi: 'Usage point is equipped with a non AMI capable meter.',
nonMetered: 'Usage point is not currently equipped with a meter.',
'Usage point is equipped with an AMI capable meter that is functioning and communicating with the AMI network.'
export const connectionStates = Object.freeze({
'The usage point is connected to the network and able to receive or send the applicable commodity (electricity, gas, water, etc.).',
'The usage point has been disconnected through operation of a disconnect function within the meter present at the usage point. The usage point is unable to receive or send the applicable commodity (electricity, gas, water, etc.) A logical disconnect can often be achieved without utilising a field crew.',
'The usage point has been disconnected from the network at a point upstream of the meter. The usage point is unable to receive or send the applicable commodity (electricity, gas, water, etc.). A physical disconnect is often achieved by utilising a field crew.'
export const pnodeTypes = Object.freeze({
AG: 'Aggregated Generation',
CPZ: 'Custom Price Zone',
DPZ: 'Default Price Zone',
LAP: 'Load Aggregation Point',
TH: 'Trading Hub',
SYS: 'System Zone',
CA: 'Control Area',
DCA: 'Designated Congestion Area',
GA: 'Generic Aggregation',
GH: 'Generic Hub',
EHV: '500 kV - Extra High Voltage aggregate price nodes',
ZN: 'Zone',
INT: 'Interface',
BUS: 'Bus'
export const anodeTypes = Object.freeze({
SYS: 'System Zone/Region',
RUC: 'RUC Zone',
LFZ: 'Load Forecast Zone',
REG: 'Market Energy/Ancillary Service Region',
AGR: 'Aggregate Generation Resource',
POD: 'Point of Delivery',
ALR: 'Aggregate Load Resource',
LTAC: 'Load TransmissionAccessCharge (TAC) Group',
ACA: 'Adjacent Control Area',
ASR: 'Aggregated System Resource',
ECA: 'Embedded Control Area'
* Usage Summary
export const costDetailItemKinds = Object.freeze({
1: 'Energy Generation Fee',
2: 'Energy Delivery Fee',
3: 'Energy Usage Fee',
4: 'Administrative Fee',
5: 'Tax',
6: 'Energy Generation Credit',
7: 'Energy Delivery Credit',
8: 'Administrative Credit',
9: 'Payment',
10: 'Information'
* Measurement
export const powerOfTenMultipliers = Object.freeze({
'-12': 'Pico',
'-9': 'Nano',
'-6': 'Micro',
'-3': 'Milli',
'-2': 'Centi',
'-1': 'Deci',
0: 'None',
1: 'Deca',
2: 'Hecto',
3: 'Kilo',
6: 'Mega',
9: 'Giga',
12: 'Tera'
export const unitsOfMeasurement = Object.freeze({
61: 'VA',
38: 'W',
63: 'VAr',
71: 'VAh',
72: 'Wh',
73: 'VArh',
29: 'V',
30: 'ohm',
5: 'A',
25: 'F',
28: 'H',
23: 'degC',
27: 'sec',
159: 'min',
160: 'h',
9: 'deg',
10: 'rad',
31: 'J',
32: 'n',
53: 'siemens',
0: 'none',
33: 'Hz',
3: 'g',
39: 'pa',
2: 'm',
41: 'm2',
42: 'm3',
69: 'A2',
105: 'A2h',
70: 'A2s',
106: 'Ah',
152: 'APerA',
103: 'APerM',
68: 'As',
79: 'b',
113: 'bm',
22: 'bq',
132: 'btu',
133: 'btuPerH',
8: 'cd',
76: 'char',
75: 'HzPerSec',
114: 'code',
65: 'cosTheta',
111: 'count',
119: 'ft3',
120: 'ft3compensated',
123: 'ft3compensatedPerH',
78: 'gM2',
144: 'gPerG',
21: 'gy',
150: 'HzPerHz',
77: 'charPerSec',
130: 'imperialGal',
131: 'imperialGalPerH',
51: 'jPerK',
165: 'jPerKg',
6: 'K',
158: 'kat',
47: 'kgM',
48: 'kgPerM3',
134: 'litre',
157: 'litreCompensated',
138: 'litreCompensatedPerH',
137: 'litrePerH',
143: 'litrePerLitre',
82: 'litrePerSec',
156: 'litreUncompensated',
139: 'litreUncompensatedPerH',
35: 'lm',
34: 'lx',
49: 'm2PerSec',
167: 'm3compensated',
126: 'm3compensatedPerH',
125: 'm3PerH',
45: 'm3PerSec',
166: 'm3uncompensated',
127: 'm3uncompensatedPerH',
118: 'meCode',
7: 'mol',
147: 'molPerKg',
145: 'molPerM3',
146: 'molPerMol',
80: 'money',
148: 'mPerM',
46: 'mPerM3',
43: 'mPerSec',
44: 'mPerSec2',
102: 'ohmM',
155: 'paA',
140: 'paG',
141: 'psiA',
142: 'psiG',
100: 'q',
161: 'q45',
163: 'q45h',
162: 'q60',
164: 'q60h',
101: 'qh',
54: 'radPerSec',
154: 'rev',
4: 'revPerSec',
149: 'secPerSec',
11: 'sr',
109: 'status',
24: 'sv',
37: 't',
169: 'therm',
108: 'timeStamp',
128: 'usGal',
129: 'usGalPerH',
67: 'V2',
104: 'V2h',
117: 'VAhPerRev',
116: 'VArhPerRev',
74: 'VPerHz',
151: 'VPerV',
66: 'Vs',
36: 'wb',
107: 'WhPerM3',
115: 'WhPerRev',
50: 'wPerMK',
81: 'WPerSec',
153: 'WPerVA',
168: 'WPerW'
export const currencies = Object.freeze({
840: 'USD',
978: 'EUR',
36: 'AUD',
124: 'CAD',
756: 'CHF',
156: 'CNY',
208: 'DKK',
826: 'GBP',
392: 'JPY',
578: 'NOK',
643: 'RUB',
752: 'SEK',
356: 'INR',
0: 'Other'
export default {