/* eslint-disable eslint-comments/disable-enable-pair, unicorn/filename-case */
import { dateIntegerToString, dateToInteger } from '@cityssm/utils-datetime'
import sqlite from 'better-sqlite3'
import { parkingDB as databasePath } from '../data/databasePaths.js'
import type { ParkingTicket } from '../types/recordTypes.js'
export function getParkingTicketsAvailableForMTOConvictionBatch(): ParkingTicket[] {
const database = sqlite(databasePath, {
readonly: true
const issueDate = new Date()
issueDate.setDate(issueDate.getDate() - 60)
const issueDateNumber = dateToInteger(issueDate)
const parkingTickets = database
'select t.ticketId, t.ticketNumber, t.issueDate, t.licencePlateNumber,' +
' o.ownerName1 as licencePlateOwner_ownerName1' +
' from ParkingTickets t' +
// Matching Ownership Record
(' inner join ParkingTicketStatusLog ol on t.ticketId = ol.ticketId' +
' and ol.recordDelete_timeMillis is null' +
" and ol.statusKey = 'ownerLookupMatch'") +
(' left join LicencePlateOwners o' +
' on t.licencePlateCountry = o.licencePlateCountry' +
' and t.licencePlateProvince = o.licencePlateProvince' +
' and t.licencePlateNumber = o.licencePlateNumber' +
' and ol.statusField = o.recordDate' +
' and o.recordDelete_timeMillis is null') +
' where t.recordDelete_timeMillis is null' +
// Province of Ontario
" and t.licencePlateCountry = 'CA'" +
" and t.licencePlateProvince = 'ON'" +
" and t.licencePlateNumber != ''" +
' and t.issueDate <= ?' +
// No Trial Requested
// Not Part of Another Conviction Batch
(' and not exists (' +
'select 1 from ParkingTicketStatusLog s' +
' where t.ticketId = s.ticketId' +
' and s.recordDelete_timeMillis is null' +
" and s.statusKey in ('trial', 'convictionBatch')" +
')') +
// Unresolved or Resolved with Convicted Status
(' and (' +
't.resolvedDate is null' +
' or exists (' +
'select 1 from ParkingTicketStatusLog s' +
' where t.ticketId = s.ticketId' +
' and s.recordDelete_timeMillis is null' +
" and s.statusKey = 'convicted'" +
')' +
')') +
' order by ticketNumber'
.all(issueDateNumber) as ParkingTicket[]
for (const ticket of parkingTickets) {
ticket.issueDateString = dateIntegerToString(ticket.issueDate)
return parkingTickets