import { dateToInteger, dateToTimeInteger } from '@cityssm/utils-datetime';
import sqlite from 'better-sqlite3';
import { parkingDB as databasePath } from '../../data/databasePaths.js';
export default function lockLookupBatch(batchId, sessionUser) {
const database = sqlite(databasePath);
const rightNow = new Date();
const info = database
.prepare(`update LicencePlateLookupBatches
set lockDate = ?,
recordUpdate_userName = ?,
recordUpdate_timeMillis = ?
where batchId = ?
and recordDelete_timeMillis is null
and lockDate is null`)
.run(dateToInteger(rightNow), sessionUser.userName, rightNow.getTime(), batchId);
if (info.changes > 0) {
.prepare(`insert into ParkingTicketStatusLog (
ticketId, statusIndex,
statusDate, statusTime,
statusKey, statusField, statusNote,
recordCreate_userName, recordCreate_timeMillis,
recordUpdate_userName, recordUpdate_timeMillis)
select t.ticketId, ifnull(max(s.statusIndex), 0) + 1 as statusIndex,
? as statusDate,
? as statusTime,
'ownerLookupPending' as statusKey,
e.batchId as statusField,
'Looking up '||e.licencePlateNumber||' '||e.licencePlateProvince||' '||e.licencePlateCountry as statusNote,
? as recordCreate_userName,
? as recordCreate_timeMillis,
? as recordUpdate_userName,
? as recordUpdate_timeMillis
from LicencePlateLookupBatchEntries e
left join ParkingTickets t
on e.licencePlateCountry = t.licencePlateCountry
and e.licencePlateProvince = t.licencePlateProvince
and e.licencePlateNumber = t.licencePlateNumber
left join ParkingTicketStatusLog s on t.ticketId = s.ticketId
where e.batchId = ?
and (
e.ticketId = t.ticketId
or (t.recordDelete_timeMillis is null and t.resolvedDate is null))
group by t.ticketId, e.licencePlateCountry, e.licencePlateProvince, e.licencePlateNumber, e.batchId
having max(case when s.statusKey in ('ownerLookupPending', 'ownerLookupMatch', 'ownerLookupError') and s.recordDelete_timeMillis is null then 1 else 0 end) = 0`)
.run(dateToInteger(rightNow), dateToTimeInteger(rightNow), sessionUser.userName, rightNow.getTime(), sessionUser.userName, rightNow.getTime(), batchId);
return {
success: info.changes > 0