import sqlite from 'better-sqlite3';
import { parkingDB as databasePath } from '../../data/databasePaths.js';
export default function removeLicencePlateFromLookupBatch(requestBody, sessionUser) {
const database = sqlite(databasePath);
const canUpdateBatch = database
.prepare(`update LicencePlateLookupBatches
set recordUpdate_userName = ?,
recordUpdate_timeMillis = ?
where batchId = ?
and recordDelete_timeMillis is null
and lockDate is null`)
.run(sessionUser.userName,, requestBody.batchId).changes;
if (canUpdateBatch === 0) {
return {
success: false,
message: 'Batch cannot be updated.'
const info = database
.prepare(`delete from LicencePlateLookupBatchEntries
where batchId = ?
and ticketId = ?
and licencePlateCountry = ?
and licencePlateProvince = ?
and licencePlateNumber = ?`)
.run(requestBody.batchId, requestBody.ticketId, requestBody.licencePlateCountry, requestBody.licencePlateProvince, requestBody.licencePlateNumber);
return info.changes > 0
? {
success: true
: {
success: false,
message: 'Licence plate not removed from the batch.'