# Admin - config.js
The `data/config.js` file is used to customize your application. On first install, the file does not exist.
You can create one from scratch, or get started by using the `data/configOntario.js` file as a template.
You can also import configuration from another file, like `data/configOntario.js`,
then override the settings you want.
export let config = {};
// your configuration
// ...
export default config;
## `config.application = {};`
| Property Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
| ------------------------- | ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------- |
| `applicationName` | string | Make the application your own by changing the name. | `"Parking Ticket System"` |
| `logoURL` | string | The path to a custom logo. Square-shaped images work best. | `"/images/noParking.svg"` |
| `httpPort` | number | The listening port for HTTP. | `4000` |
| `https` | object | The HTTPS configuration. | _(Described below)_ |
| `feature_mtoExportImport` | boolean | When `true`, Ontario, Canada specific features will be enabled. | `false` |
| `task_nhtsa` | object | Configuration for the NHTSA refresh background thread. | _(Described below)_ |
### `config.application.https = {};`
| Property Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
| ------------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------ | ------------- |
| `port` | number | The listening port for HTTPS. | `null` |
| `keyPath` | string | The path to the key file. | `null` |
| `certPath` | string | The path to the certificate file. | `null` |
| `passphrase` | string | The secret passphrase for the certificate. | `null` |
### `config.application.task_nhtsa = {};`
| Property Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
| ------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| `runTask` | boolean | When `true`, the NHTSA background task should run. | `false` |
| `executeHour` | number | The hour of the day when the task should run. | 2 |
* * *
## `config.session = {};`
| Property Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
| -------------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| `cookieName` | string | The name of the session cookie. | `"parking-ticket-system-user-sid"` |
| `secret` | string | The secret used to sign the session cookie. | `"cityssm/parking-ticket-system"` |
| `maxAgeMillis` | number | The session timeout in milliseconds. | `3600000` |
| `doKeepAlive` | boolean | When `true`, the browser will ping the web application to keep the session active. | `false` |
* * *
## `config.admin = {};`
_Note that this property can be used to activate an admin user,
that can then be used to create a proper admin user in the `users.db`.
It should not be used on an ongoing basis._
| Property Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
| ----------------- | ------ | ---------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| `defaultPassword` | string | A default password for the _admin_ user. | `null` |
* * *
## `config.defaults = {};`
| Property Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
| ------------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| `province` | string | The default province code, used when creating new parking ticket records. | `""` |
| `country` | string | The default country code, used when creating new parking ticket records | `""` |
* * *
## `config.parkingTickets = {};`
| Property Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
| ------------------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------- |
| `ticketNumber` | object | Settings for the ticket number field. | _(Described below)_ |
| `licencePlateExpiryDate` | object | Settings for the licence plate expiry date field. | _(Described below)_ |
### `config.parkingTickets.ticketNumber = {};`
| Property Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
| -------------------- | -------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| `fieldLabel` | string | The display name for the ticket number field. | `"Ticket Number"` |
| `pattern` | RegExp | The pattern that the field must match. | `/^[\d\w -]{1,10}$/` |
| `isUnique` | boolean | When `true`, the ticket number is checked to make sure it has not been used in the past two years. | `true` |
| `nextTicketNumberFn` | function | A function that returns the next parking ticket number. | `function(currentTicketNumber) { return ""; }` |
### `config.parkingTickets.licencePlateExpiryDate = {};`
| Property Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
| ------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| `includeDay` | boolean | When `true`, the expiry date will use a full date field. | `false` |
* * *
## `config.parkingTicketStatuses = [parkingTicketStatusA, parkingTicketStatusB, ...];`
An array of parking ticket status configuration objects.
### `parkingTicketStatus = {};`
| Property Name | Type | Description | Sample Value |
| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------ |
| `statusKey` | string | A unique, behind-the-scenes identifier for the ticket status. | `"paid"` |
| `status` | string | A human-readable, display name for the status. | `"Paid"` |
| `statusField.fieldLabel` | string | A human-readable label for the first status field. | `"Amount Paid"` |
| `statusField2.fieldLabel` | string | A human-readable label for the second status field. | `"Receipt Number"` |
| `isFinalStatus` | boolean | When `true`, the ticket can be marked as resolved by this status. | `true` |
| `isUserSettable` | boolean | When `true`, the status will be available from the "Add Status" window. | `false` |
* * *
## `config.licencePlateCountryAliases = { [countryShortName: string]: string };`
An object mapping country short names to full country names.
// Sample
config.licencePlateCountryAliases = {
"CA": "Canada",
"US": "USA"
* * *
## `config.licencePlateProvinceAliases = { [countryName: string]: { [provinceShortName: string]: string } };`
An object mapping province short names to full province names.
// Sample
config.licencePlateProvinceAliases = {
"Canada": {
AB: "Alberta",
BC: "British Columbia",
MB: "Manitoba",
NB: "New Brunswick",
NL: "Newfoundland and Labrador",
NS: "Nova Scotia",
NT: "Northwest Territories",
NU: "Nunavut",
ON: "Ontario",
PE: "Prince Edward Island",
QC: "Quebec",
SK: "Saskatchewan",
YT: "Yukon"
"USA": {
AL: "Alabama",
// ...
WY: "Wyoming"
* * *
## `config.licencePlateProvinces = { [countryName: string]: licencePlateCountry };`
An object of province details.
### `licencePlateCountry = {};`
| Property Name | Type | Description |
| ------------------ | -------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
| `countryShortName` | string | The proper short name for the country. |
| `provinces` | `{ [provinceName: string]: licencePlateProvince }` | An object of province definitions. |
### `licencePlateProvince = {};`
| Property Name | Type | Description |
| ------------------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------------ |
| `provinceShortName` | string | The proper short name for the province. |
| `color` | string | The color code for the licence plate text. |
| `backgroundColor` | string | The color code for the licence plate background. |
// Sample
config.licencePlateProvinces = {
"Canada": {
countryShortName: "CA",
provinces: {
"Alberta": {
provinceShortName: "AB",
color: "#dd262b",
backgroundColor: "#fff"
// ...
"Ontario": {
provinceShortName: "ON",
color: "#0661a4",
backgroundColor: "#fff"
// ...
"Yukon": {
provinceShortName: "YT",
color: "#252525",
backgroundColor: "#fff"
"USA": {
// ...
* * *
## `config.genders = [ genderA, genderB, ... ];`
An array of observed genders.
### `gender = {};`
| Property Name | Type | Description | Sample Value |
| ------------- | ------ | ----------------------------------- | ------------ |
| `genderKey` | string | A unique identifier for the gender. | `"F"` |
| `gender` | string | The full gender name. | `"Female"` |
* * *
## `config.parkingOffences = {};`
| Property Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
| ----------------------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------------- | -------------------- |
| `accountNumber.pattern` | RegExp | A regular expression to validate account numbers. | `/^[\d\w -]{1,20}$/` |
* * *
## `config.locationClasses = [ locationClassA, locationClassB, ... ];`
An array of location classes.
### `locationClass = {};`
| Property Name | Type | Description | Sample Value |
| ------------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------------- | --------------- |
| `locationClassKey` | string | A unique identifier for the location class. | `"parkingLot"` |
| `locationClass` | string | The human-readable location class name. | `"Parking Lot"` |
* * *
## `config.databaseCleanup = {};`
| Property Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
| ------------- | ------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| `windowDays` | number | The number of days after a record has been deleted when it can be safely purged. | `30` |
* * *
## `config.mtoExportImport = {};`
Configuration settings when using the Ontario, Canada MTO integrations.
| Property Name | Type | Description | Sample Value |
| ---------------- | ------ | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------ |
| `authorizedUser` | string | The key associated with your acocunt with MTO. | `"XXXX"` |