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# [Bedrock](
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Bedrock is a modern WordPress stack that helps you get started with the best development tools and project structure.

Much of the philosophy behind Bedrock is inspired by the [Twelve-Factor App]( methodology including the [WordPress specific version](

## Features

* Better folder structure
* Dependency management with [Composer](
* Easy WordPress configuration with environment specific files
* Environment variables with [Dotenv](
* Autoloader for mu-plugins (use regular plugins as mu-plugins)
* Enhanced security (separated web root and secure passwords with [wp-password-bcrypt](

Use [Trellis]( for additional features:

* Easy development environments with [Vagrant](
* Easy server provisioning with [Ansible]( (Ubuntu 16.04, PHP 7.1, MariaDB)
* One-command deploys

See a complete working example in the [ repo](

## Requirements

* PHP >= 5.6
* Composer - [Install](

## Installation

1. Create a new project in a new folder for your project:

  `composer create-project roots/bedrock your-project-folder-name`

2. Update environment variables in `.env`  file:
  * `DB_NAME` - Database name
  * `DB_USER` - Database user
  * `DB_PASSWORD` - Database password
  * `DB_HOST` - Database host
  * `WP_ENV` - Set to environment (`development`, `staging`, `production`)
  * `WP_HOME` - Full URL to WordPress home (
  * `WP_SITEURL` - Full URL to WordPress including subdirectory (

  If you want to automatically generate the security keys (assuming you have wp-cli installed locally) you can use the very handy [wp-cli-dotenv-command][wp-cli-dotenv]:

      wp package install aaemnnosttv/wp-cli-dotenv-command

      wp dotenv salts regenerate

  Or, you can cut and paste from the [Roots WordPress Salt Generator][roots-wp-salt].

3. Add theme(s) in `web/app/themes` as you would for a normal WordPress site.

4. Set your site vhost document root to `/path/to/site/web/` (`/path/to/site/current/web/` if using deploys)

5. Access WP admin at ``

## Deploys

There are two methods to deploy Bedrock sites out of the box:

* [Trellis](
* [bedrock-capistrano](

Any other deployment method can be used as well with one requirement:

`composer install` must be run as part of the deploy process.

## Documentation

Bedrock documentation is available at [](

## Contributing

Contributions are welcome from everyone. We have [contributing guidelines]( to help you get started.

## Community

Keep track of development and community news.

* Participate on the [Roots Discourse](
* Follow [@rootswp on Twitter](
* Read and subscribe to the [Roots Blog](
* Subscribe to the [Roots Newsletter](
* Listen to the [Roots Radio podcast](
