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The `sshd` role creates the following two configuration files on the server, setting secure defaults.

* SSH server: `/etc/ssh/sshd_config`
* SSH client: `/etc/ssh/ssh_config`

## Open a backup SSH connection

When you modify SSH settings, you risk creating a configuration that blocks your future access. As a precaution, open a backup SSH connection in a second terminal before running the `sshd` role. Use this backup connection to resolve any configuration problems you encounter. Keep the connection active until you are confident your revised SSH configuration will allow you future access.

ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=60 root@

The `ServerAliveInterval` option causes your SSH client to periodically send the server messages that the connection is still alive. This helps prevent the server or your NAT router from pruning the connection as stale. If you are using PuTTY or WinSCP, change the "Seconds between keepalives" to 60.

## Full configuration

To keep the files as simple as possible, options are omitted if their system defaults are secure and broadly applicable. You may see the full and active configuration by running the following commands on your server.

* SSH server (`sshd_config`): `sshd -T`
* SSH client (`ssh_config`): `ssh -G`

There are [resources](#resources) for understanding each option.

## Customize via variables

You may redefine any variable found in `templates/sshd_config.j2` or `templates/ssh_config.j2`. The default settings are viewable in `defaults/main.yml`. To override a setting, you could redefine your chosen variable in a file such as `group_vars/all/main.yml` or `group_vars/all/security.yml`. If you don't find a variable for the setting you need to change, you may need to [customize via child templates](#customize-via-child-templates).

### Basic variable override

Suppose you want your SSH server to `AcceptEnv`, whereas the Trellis default does not accept any env variables. You could find the relevant variable name in `templates/sshd_config.j2` or in `defaults/main.yml`, then redefine that variable in `group_vars/all/main.yml`. In this example, the relevant variable is `sshd_accept_env` and is formatted as a list.

# group_vars/all/main.yml

  - LANG
  - LC_*

You may notice that `templates/ssh_config.j2` references some `ssh_<varname>` variables that are not included in `defaults/main.yml` and that default to a `sshd_<varname>` variable. Here is an example:
AddressFamily {{ ssh_address_family | default(sshd_address_family) }}
This pattern spares `defaults/main.yml` from having repetitious `ssh` and `sshd` definitions for all settings. You may still define custom values for any `ssh_<varname>` in your `group_vars` files.

### `Ciphers`, `KexAlgorithms`, and `MACs`

The variables for `Ciphers`, `KexAlgorithms`, and `MACs` are split into `<varname>_default` and `<varname>_extra` (e.g., `sshd_macs_default` and `sshd_macs_extra`). The `<varname>_default` contains a list you will probably not need to change. You may use `<varname>_extra` to supplement the default lists. SSH connections involving older systems may require some of the less secure options below.

# group_vars/all/security.yml

# Allow CBC mode ciphers (less secure)
  - aes256-cbc
  - aes192-cbc
  - aes128-cbc

# Accommodate older systems by allowing weaker kex algorithms (less secure)
  - diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
  - diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
  - diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

# Accommodate older systems by allowing weaker MACs (less secure)
  - hmac-sha1

## Customize via child templates

If you can't [customize via variables](#customize-via-variables) because the template doesn't include a variable for the setting you want to change, first check the [full configuration](#full-configuration) to verify that the default in effect is not what you want. If you need to make a change, you may create a child template to override the default template.

Create your child templates following the [Jinja template inheritance]( docs and the guidelines below.

### Designate a child template

Use the `sshd_config` and `ssh_config` variables to inform Trellis of the child templates you have created. Below is an example of designating child templates in a new `templates` directory in your Trellis project root (e.g., next to the `server.yml` playbook).

# group_vars/all/main.yml

sshd_config: "{{ playbook_dir }}/templates/sshd_config.j2"
ssh_config: "{{ playbook_dir }}/templates/ssh_config.j2"

### Create a child template

Create your child templates at the paths you designated in the `sshd_config` and `ssh_config` variables described above. [Child templates]( must include two elements:

* an `{% extends 'base_template' %}` statement
* one or more `{% block block_name %}` blocks

The path for your base template – referenced in your `extends` statement – must be relative to the `server.yml` playbook (i.e., relative to the Trellis root directory). See the examples below.

Here is an example child template that adds some sftp settings to the end of the `sshd_config`.

# templates/sshd_config.j2

{% extends 'roles/sshd/templates/sshd_config.j2' %}

{% block main %}
{{ super() }}
Match Group sftponly
AllowAgentForwarding no
ChrootDirectory /home/%u
ForceCommand internal-sftp
PermitRootLogin no
{%- endblock %}
The [`{{ super() }}`]( Jinja2 function returns the original block content from the base template, and can be omitted if you don't want to include the original content.

Here is an example child template that adds host-specific SSH options at the beginning of `ssh_config`.

# templates/ssh_config.j2

{% extends 'roles/sshd/templates/ssh_config.j2' %}

{% block main %}
# Host-specific configuration
    Port 2222
    ForwardAgent yes

# Global defaults for all Hosts
{{ super() }}
{%- endblock %}

## Troubleshooting

See the Trellis docs for [troubleshooting SSH connections](

## Resources

* Ubuntu manpage for [sshd_config](
* Ubuntu manpage for [ssh_config](
* stribika's [Secure Secure Shell]( post
* MozillaWiki's [security guidelines for OpenSSH](
*'s [Applied Crypto Hardening](

## Attribution

Many thanks to [nickjj]( for creating the [original version]( of this role.