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 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE.md
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
 *        @link: https://gitlab.com/cjtterabytesoft/tadweb
 *      @author: Wilmer Arámbula <terabytefrelance@gmail.com>
 *   @copyright: (c) CJT TERABYTE INC
 *     @widgets: [ToolBar]
 *       @since: 1.0
 *         @yii: 3.0

namespace cjtterabytesoft\toolbar;

use cjtterabytesoft\toolbar\assets\ToolBarAsset;
use yii\base\Widget;
use yii\bootstrap4\ButtonDropdown;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use yii\helpers\Html;
use yii\helpers\Url;

class ToolBar extends Widget
     * @var string the tag to use to render panel title
    public $_tag_container_panel_header = 'div';

     * @var array the options to use to render panel title
    public $_options_container_panel_header = ['class' => 'peers bg-primary text-white align-content-center p-15'];

     * @var string the tag to use to render panel title left
    public $_tag_left_panel_header = 'div';

     * @var array the options to use to render panel title left
    public $_options_left_panel_header = ['class' => 'float-left'];

     * @var string the tag to use to render panel title rigth
    public $_tag_rigth_panel_header = 'div';

     * @var array the options to use to render panel title rigth
    public $_options_rigth_panel_header = ['class' => 'float-right ml-auto'];

     * @var string use to panel header title
    public $_panel_header_title = '';

     * @var string the tag to use to render panel title icon
    public $_tag_icon_panel = 'i';

     * @var string the label to use to render panel title icon
    public $_label_icon_panel = '';

     * @var array the options to use to render panel title icons
    public $_options_icon_panel = ['class' => 'fas fa-th'];

     * @var string the label panel title
    public $_title_panel = '';

     * @var bool Show/Hidden Summary Label
    public $_summary = false;

     * @var string the tag to use to render container panel button
    public $_tag_container_panel_button = 'div';

     * @var array the options to use to render container panel button
    public $_options_container_panel_button = ['class' => 'peers bd p-15'];

     * @var string the tag to use to render panel button left
    public $_tag_left_panel_button = 'div';

     * @var array the options to use to render panel button left
    public $_options_left_panel_button = ['class' => 'peers float-left'];

     * @var string the tag to use to render panel button rigth
    public $_tag_rigth_panel_button = 'div';

     * @var array the options to use to render panel button rigth
    public $_options_rigth_panel_button = ['class' => 'peers float-right ml-auto'];

     * @var array Templates
    public $_templates = [];

     * @var array Buttons
    public $_toolbar = [];

     * @var bool show/hidden panel button pages
    public $_button_pages = false;

     * @var bool show/hidden panel button export
    public $_button_export = false;

     * @var bool whether the label should be HTML-encoded.
    public $_encodeLabel = false;

     * @var bool whether the JS file should be registered.
    public $_registerJs = true;

     * @var array Options Filter.
    public $_optionsFilter = [];

     * @var string Message Filter Error.
    public $_messageFilter = '';

     * Initializes the widget.
     * If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation first.
    public function init()

        if (empty($this->_optionsFilter['message_filter'])) {
            $this->_messageFilter = \yii::t('toolbar', 'Please select one or more items from the list.');

        $iconpanel = $this->renderIcon();
        $titlepanel = $this->renderTitlePanel();

        $this->_panel_header_title = $iconpanel . '&nbsp' . '<b>' . $titlepanel . '</b>';

     * Run the widget.
     * If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation first.
    public function run()
        if (!empty($this->_optionsFilter['id_grid']) && !empty($this->_optionsFilter['id_button']) && !empty($this->_optionsFilter['route_filter'])) {
            $id_grid = $this->_optionsFilter['id_grid'];
            $id_button = $this->_optionsFilter['id_button'];
            $route_filter = $this->_optionsFilter['route_filter'];
            $this->view->registerJs("filterGridSelect('#$id_grid', '#$id_button', '$route_filter', '$this->_messageFilter');");

        if ($this->_registerJs) {
            $toolbar = new ToolBarAsset();

        echo $this->renderPanelHeader() . $this->renderPanelBar();

    private function renderButtonExport()
        $button_export = '';
        if ($this->_button_export) {
            $button_export = ButtonDropdown::widget([
                'buttonOptions' => ['class' => 'btn-primary ai-c mL-2'],
                'encodeLabel' => $this->_encodeLabel,
                'label' => Html::tag('i', '', ['class' => 'fas fa-file-export']),
                'options' => ['class' => 'dropleft'],
                'dropdown' => [
                    'encodeLabels' => $this->_encodeLabel,
                    'items' => [
                        Html::tag('h6', \yii::t('toolbar', 'Export Menu'), ['class' => 'dropdown-header']),
                        Html::tag('div', '', ['class' => 'dropdown-divider']),
                            'label' => Html::tag('i', '', ['class' => 'fas fa-file']) . ' ' . 'Csv',
                            'url' => Url::current(['export']),
                            'linkOptions' => ['data' => ['method' => 'post', 'params' => ['actionExport' => 'Csv']]],
                            'label' => Html::tag('i', '', ['class' => 'fas fa-file-excel']) . ' ' . 'Excel',
                            'url' => Url::current(['export']),
                            'linkOptions' => ['data' => ['method' => 'post', 'params' => ['actionExport' => 'Excel']]],
                            'label' => Html::tag('i', '', ['class' => 'fas fa-file-code']) . ' ' . 'Html',
                            'url' => Url::current(['export']),
                            'linkOptions' => ['data' => ['method' => 'post', 'params' => ['actionExport' => 'Html']]],
                            'label' => Html::tag('i', '', ['class' => 'fas fa-file-pdf']) . ' ' . 'Pdf',
                            'url' => Url::current(['export']),
                            'linkOptions' => ['data' => ['method' => 'post', 'params' => ['actionExport' => 'Pdf']]],
                            'label' => Html::tag('i', '', ['class' => 'fas fa-file-word']) . ' ' . 'Word',
                            'url' => Url::current(['export']),
                            'linkOptions' => ['data' => ['method' => 'post', 'params' => ['actionExport' => 'Word']]],

        return $button_export;

    private function renderButtonPages()
        $button_pages = '';

        if ($this->_button_pages) {
            $button_pages = ButtonDropdown::widget([
                'buttonOptions' => ['class' => 'btn-primary ai-c mL-2'],
                'encodeLabel' => $this->_encodeLabel,
                'label' => Html::tag('i', '', ['class' => 'fas fa-cog']),
                'options' => ['class' => 'float-right'],
                'dropdown' => [
                    'items' => [
                        Html::tag('h6', \yii::t('toolbar', 'Page Size Menu'), ['class' => 'dropdown-header']),
                        Html::tag('div', '', ['class' => 'dropdown-divider']),
                        ['label' => '1', 'url' => Url::current(['index', 'page' => 1, 'per-page' => '1'])],
                        ['label' => '5', 'url' => Url::current(['index', 'page' => 1, 'per-page' => '5'])],
                        ['label' => '10', 'url' => Url::current(['index', 'page' => 1, 'per-page' => '10'])],
                        ['label' => '20', 'url' => Url::current(['index', 'page' => 1, 'per-page' => '20'])],
                        ['label' => '25', 'url' => Url::current(['index', 'page' => 1, 'per-page' => '25'])],
                        ['label' => '50', 'url' => Url::current(['index', 'page' => 1, 'per-page' => '50'])],

        return $button_pages;

    private function renderIcon()
        return Html::tag($this->_tag_icon_panel, $this->_label_icon_panel, $this->_options_icon_panel);

    private function renderPanelBar()
        $panel_button = Html::begintag($this->_tag_container_panel_button, $this->_options_container_panel_button) .
                            $this->renderToolBar() .
        return $panel_button;

    private function renderPanelHeader()
        $pageSize = \yii::$app->params['defaultPageSize'];

        if (\yii::$app->session->get('per-page') !== null) {
            $pageSize = \yii::$app->session->get('per-page');

        $summary = ($this->_summary) ? '{summary}' . ' ' . 'Records per pages: ' . '<b>' . $pageSize . '</b>' : ' ';

        $panel_header = Html::begintag($this->_tag_container_panel_header, $this->_options_container_panel_header) .
                            Html::begintag($this->_tag_left_panel_header, $this->_options_left_panel_header) .
                                $this->_panel_header_title .
                            Html::endTag($this->_tag_left_panel_header) .
                            Html::begintag($this->_tag_rigth_panel_header, $this->_options_rigth_panel_header) .
                                $summary .
                            Html::endTag($this->_tag_rigth_panel_header) .
        return $panel_header;

    private function renderTitlePanel()
        if (empty($this->_title_panel)) {
            $this->_title_panel = \yii::t('toolbar', 'Gridview ToolBar');

        return $this->_title_panel;

    private function renderToolBar()
        $buttons_left = '';
        $buttons_rigth = '';

        ArrayHelper::setValue($this->_toolbar, 'pages.0', $this->renderButtonPages());
        ArrayHelper::setValue($this->_toolbar, 'export.0', $this->renderButtonExport());

        foreach ($this->_templates as $items => $buttons) {
            foreach ($buttons as $item => $button) {
                if (!empty(ArrayHelper::getValue($this->_toolbar, $button, ''))) {
                    switch ($items) {
                        case 'left':
                            $buttons_left .= implode(',', ArrayHelper::getValue($this->_toolbar, $button, ''));
                        case 'rigth':
                            $buttons_rigth .= implode(',', ArrayHelper::getValue($this->_toolbar, $button, ''));

        return Html::tag($this->_tag_left_panel_button, $buttons_left, $this->_options_left_panel_button) .
               Html::tag($this->_tag_rigth_panel_button, $buttons_rigth, $this->_options_rigth_panel_button);