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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

 * @module autoformat/autoformat

import BlockAutoformatEditing from './blockautoformatediting';
import InlineAutoformatEditing from './inlineautoformatediting';
import Plugin from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-core/src/plugin';

 * Enables a set of predefined autoformatting actions.
 * For a detailed overview, check the {@glink features/autoformat Autoformatting feature documentation}
 * and the {@glink api/autoformat package page}.
 * @extends module:core/plugin~Plugin
export default class Autoformat extends Plugin {
     * @inheritDoc
    static get pluginName() {
        return 'Autoformat';

     * @inheritDoc
    afterInit() {

     * Adds autoformatting related to the {@link module:list/list~List}.
     * When typed:
     * - `* ` or `- ` – A paragraph will be changed to a bulleted list.
     * - `1. ` or `1) ` – A paragraph will be changed to a numbered list ("1" can be any digit or a list of digits).
     * @private
    _addListAutoformats() {
        const commands = this.editor.commands;

        if ( commands.get( 'bulletedList' ) ) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-new
            new BlockAutoformatEditing( this.editor, /^[*-]\s$/, 'bulletedList' );

        if ( commands.get( 'numberedList' ) ) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-new
            new BlockAutoformatEditing( this.editor, /^1[.|)]\s$/, 'numberedList' );

     * Adds autoformatting related to the {@link module:basic-styles/bold~Bold},
     * {@link module:basic-styles/italic~Italic}, {@link module:basic-styles/code~Code}
     * and {@link module:basic-styles/strikethrough~Strikethrough}
     * When typed:
     * - `**foobar**` – `**` characters are removed and `foobar` is set to bold,
     * - `__foobar__` – `__` characters are removed and `foobar` is set to bold,
     * - `*foobar*` – `*` characters are removed and `foobar` is set to italic,
     * - `_foobar_` – `_` characters are removed and `foobar` is set to italic,
     * - ``` `foobar` – ``` ` ``` characters are removed and `foobar` is set to code,
     * - `~~foobar~~` – `~~` characters are removed and `foobar` is set to strikethrough.
     * @private
    _addBasicStylesAutoformats() {
        const commands = this.editor.commands;

        if ( commands.get( 'bold' ) ) {
            /* eslint-disable no-new */
            const boldCallback = getCallbackFunctionForInlineAutoformat( this.editor, 'bold' );

            new InlineAutoformatEditing( this.editor, /(\*\*)([^*]+)(\*\*)$/g, boldCallback );
            new InlineAutoformatEditing( this.editor, /(__)([^_]+)(__)$/g, boldCallback );
            /* eslint-enable no-new */

        if ( commands.get( 'italic' ) ) {
            /* eslint-disable no-new */
            const italicCallback = getCallbackFunctionForInlineAutoformat( this.editor, 'italic' );

            // The italic autoformatter cannot be triggered by the bold markers, so we need to check the
            // text before the pattern (e.g. `(?:^|[^\*])`).
            new InlineAutoformatEditing( this.editor, /(?:^|[^*])(\*)([^*_]+)(\*)$/g, italicCallback );
            new InlineAutoformatEditing( this.editor, /(?:^|[^_])(_)([^_]+)(_)$/g, italicCallback );
            /* eslint-enable no-new */

        if ( commands.get( 'code' ) ) {
            /* eslint-disable no-new */
            const codeCallback = getCallbackFunctionForInlineAutoformat( this.editor, 'code' );

            new InlineAutoformatEditing( this.editor, /(`)([^`]+)(`)$/g, codeCallback );
            /* eslint-enable no-new */

        if ( commands.get( 'strikethrough' ) ) {
            /* eslint-disable no-new */
            const strikethroughCallback = getCallbackFunctionForInlineAutoformat( this.editor, 'strikethrough' );

            new InlineAutoformatEditing( this.editor, /(~~)([^~]+)(~~)$/g, strikethroughCallback );
            /* eslint-enable no-new */

     * Adds autoformatting related to {@link module:heading/heading~Heading}.
     * It is using a number at the end of the command name to associate it with the proper trigger:
     * * `heading` with value `heading1` will be executed when typing `#`,
     * * `heading` with value `heading2` will be executed when typing `##`,
     * * ... up to `heading6` and `######`.
     * @private
    _addHeadingAutoformats() {
        const command = this.editor.commands.get( 'heading' );

        if ( command ) {
                .filter( name => name.match( /^heading[1-6]$/ ) )
                .forEach( commandValue => {
                    const level = commandValue[ 7 ];
                    const pattern = new RegExp( `^(#{${ level }})\\s$` );

                    // eslint-disable-next-line no-new
                    new BlockAutoformatEditing( this.editor, pattern, () => {
                        if ( !command.isEnabled ) {
                            return false;

                        this.editor.execute( 'heading', { value: commandValue } );
                    } );
                } );

     * Adds autoformatting related to {@link module:block-quote/blockquote~BlockQuote}.
     * When typed:
     * * `> ` – A paragraph will be changed to a block quote.
     * @private
    _addBlockQuoteAutoformats() {
        if ( this.editor.commands.get( 'blockQuote' ) ) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-new
            new BlockAutoformatEditing( this.editor, /^>\s$/, 'blockQuote' );

     * Adds autoformatting related to {@link module:code-block/codeblock~CodeBlock}.
     * When typed:
     * - `` ``` `` – A paragraph will be changed to a code block.
     * @private
    _addCodeBlockAutoformats() {
        if ( this.editor.commands.get( 'codeBlock' ) ) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-new
            new BlockAutoformatEditing( this.editor, /^```$/, 'codeBlock' );

// Helper function for getting `InlineAutoformatEditing` callbacks that checks if command is enabled.
// @param {module:core/editor/editor~Editor} editor
// @param {String} attributeKey
// @returns {Function}
function getCallbackFunctionForInlineAutoformat( editor, attributeKey ) {
    return ( writer, rangesToFormat ) => {
        const command = editor.commands.get( attributeKey );

        if ( !command.isEnabled ) {
            return false;

        const validRanges = editor.model.schema.getValidRanges( rangesToFormat, attributeKey );

        for ( const range of validRanges ) {
            writer.setAttribute( attributeKey, true, range );

        // After applying attribute to the text, remove given attribute from the selection.
        // This way user is able to type a text without attribute used by auto formatter.
        writer.removeSelectionAttribute( attributeKey );