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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

 * @module autoformat/inlineautoformatediting

import getLastTextLine from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-typing/src/utils/getlasttextline';

 * The inline autoformatting engine. It allows to format various inline patterns. For example,
 * it can be configured to make "foo" bold when typed `**foo**` (the `**` markers will be removed).
 * The autoformatting operation is integrated with the undo manager,
 * so the autoformatting step can be undone if the user's intention was not to format the text.
 * See the constructors documentation to learn how to create custom inline autoformatters. You can also use
 * the {@link module:autoformat/autoformat~Autoformat} feature which enables a set of default autoformatters
 * (lists, headings, bold and italic).
export default class InlineAutoformatEditing {
     * @inheritDoc
    static get pluginName() {
        return 'InlineAutoformatEditing';

     * Enables autoformatting mechanism for a given {@link module:core/editor/editor~Editor}.
     * It formats the matched text by applying the given model attribute or by running the provided formatting callback.
     * On every change applied to the model the autoformatting engine checks the text on the left of the selection
     * and executes the provided action if the text matches given criteria (regular expression or callback).
     * @param {module:core/editor/editor~Editor} editor The editor instance.
     * @param {Function|RegExp} testRegexpOrCallback The regular expression or callback to execute on text.
     * Provided regular expression *must* have three capture groups. The first and the third capture group
     * should match opening and closing delimiters. The second capture group should match the text to format.
     *        // Matches the `**bold text**` pattern.
     *        // There are three capturing groups:
     *        // - The first to match the starting `**` delimiter.
     *        // - The second to match the text to format.
     *        // - The third to match the ending `**` delimiter.
     *        new InlineAutoformatEditing( editor, /(\*\*)([^\*]+?)(\*\*)$/g, 'bold' );
     * When a function is provided instead of the regular expression, it will be executed with the text to match as a parameter.
     * The function should return proper "ranges" to delete and format.
     *        {
     *            remove: [
     *                [ 0, 1 ],    // Remove the first letter from the given text.
     *                [ 5, 6 ]    // Remove the 6th letter from the given text.
     *            ],
     *            format: [
     *                [ 1, 5 ]    // Format all letters from 2nd to 5th.
     *            ]
     *        }
     * @param {Function|String} attributeOrCallback The name of attribute to apply on matching text or a callback for manual
     * formatting. If callback is passed it should return `false` if changes should not be applied (e.g. if a command is disabled).
     *        // Use attribute name:
     *        new InlineAutoformatEditing( editor, /(\*\*)([^\*]+?)(\*\*)$/g, 'bold' );
     *        // Use formatting callback:
     *        new InlineAutoformatEditing( editor, /(\*\*)([^\*]+?)(\*\*)$/g, ( writer, rangesToFormat ) => {
     *            const command = editor.commands.get( 'bold' );
     *            if ( !command.isEnabled ) {
     *                return false;
     *            }
     *            const validRanges = editor.model.schema.getValidRanges( rangesToFormat, 'bold' );
     *            for ( let range of validRanges ) {
     *                writer.setAttribute( 'bold', true, range );
     *            }
     *        } );
    constructor( editor, testRegexpOrCallback, attributeOrCallback ) {
        let regExp;
        let attributeKey;
        let testCallback;
        let formatCallback;

        if ( testRegexpOrCallback instanceof RegExp ) {
            regExp = testRegexpOrCallback;
        } else {
            testCallback = testRegexpOrCallback;

        if ( typeof attributeOrCallback == 'string' ) {
            attributeKey = attributeOrCallback;
        } else {
            formatCallback = attributeOrCallback;

        // A test callback run on changed text.
        testCallback = testCallback || ( text => {
            let result;
            const remove = [];
            const format = [];

            while ( ( result = regExp.exec( text ) ) !== null ) {
                // There should be full match and 3 capture groups.
                if ( result && result.length < 4 ) {

                let {
                    '1': leftDel,
                    '2': content,
                    '3': rightDel
                } = result;

                // Real matched string - there might be some non-capturing groups so we need to recalculate starting index.
                const found = leftDel + content + rightDel;
                index += result[ 0 ].length - found.length;

                // Start and End offsets of delimiters to remove.
                const delStart = [
                    index + leftDel.length
                const delEnd = [
                    index + leftDel.length + content.length,
                    index + leftDel.length + content.length + rightDel.length

                remove.push( delStart );
                remove.push( delEnd );

                format.push( [ index + leftDel.length, index + leftDel.length + content.length ] );

            return {
        } );

        // A format callback run on matched text.
        formatCallback = formatCallback || ( ( writer, rangesToFormat ) => {
            const validRanges = editor.model.schema.getValidRanges( rangesToFormat, attributeKey );

            for ( const range of validRanges ) {
                writer.setAttribute( attributeKey, true, range );

            // After applying attribute to the text, remove given attribute from the selection.
            // This way user is able to type a text without attribute used by auto formatter.
            writer.removeSelectionAttribute( attributeKey );
        } );

        editor.model.document.on( 'change', ( evt, batch ) => {
            if ( batch.type == 'transparent' ) {

            const model = editor.model;
            const selection = model.document.selection;

            // Do nothing if selection is not collapsed.
            if ( !selection.isCollapsed ) {

            const changes = Array.from( model.document.differ.getChanges() );
            const entry = changes[ 0 ];

            // Typing is represented by only a single change.
            if ( changes.length != 1 || entry.type !== 'insert' || != '$text' || entry.length != 1 ) {

            const focus = selection.focus;
            const block = focus.parent;
            const { text, range } = getLastTextLine( model.createRange( model.createPositionAt( block, 0 ), focus ), model );
            const testOutput = testCallback( text );
            const rangesToFormat = testOutputToRanges( range.start, testOutput.format, model );
            const rangesToRemove = testOutputToRanges( range.start, testOutput.remove, model );

            if ( !( rangesToFormat.length && rangesToRemove.length ) ) {

            // Use enqueueChange to create new batch to separate typing batch from the auto-format changes.
            model.enqueueChange( writer => {
                // Apply format.
                const hasChanged = formatCallback( writer, rangesToFormat );

                // Strict check on `false` to have backward compatibility (when callbacks were returning `undefined`).
                if ( hasChanged === false ) {

                // Remove delimiters - use reversed order to not mix the offsets while removing.
                for ( const range of rangesToRemove.reverse() ) {
                    writer.remove( range );
            } );
        } );

// Converts output of the test function provided to the InlineAutoformatEditing and converts it to the model ranges
// inside provided block.
// @private
// @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} start
// @param {Array.<Array>} arrays
// @param {module:engine/model/model~Model} model
function testOutputToRanges( start, arrays, model ) {
    return arrays
        .filter( array => ( array[ 0 ] !== undefined && array[ 1 ] !== undefined ) )
        .map( array => {
            return model.createRange( start.getShiftedBy( array[ 0 ] ), start.getShiftedBy( array[ 1 ] ) );
        } );