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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

import Command from './command';

 * @module core/multicommand

 * A CKEditor command that aggregates other commands.
 * This command is used to proxy multiple commands. The multi-command is enabled when
 * at least one of its registered child commands is enabled.
 * When executing a multi-command the first command that is enabled will be executed.
 *        const multiCommand = new MultiCommand( editor );
 *        const commandFoo = new Command( editor );
 *        const commandBar = new Command( editor );
 *        // Register child commands.
 *        multiCommand.registerChildCommand( commandFoo );
 *        multiCommand.registerChildCommand( commandBar );
 *        // Enable one of the commands.
 *        commandBar.isEnabled = true;
 *        multiCommand.execute(); // Will execute commandBar.
 * @extends module:core/command~Command
export default class MultiCommand extends Command {
     * @inheritDoc
    constructor( editor ) {
        super( editor );

         * Registered child commands.
         * @type {Array.<module:core/command~Command>}
         * @private
        this._childCommands = [];

     * @inheritDoc
    refresh() {
        // Override base command refresh(): the command's state is changed when one of child commands changes states.

     * Executes the first of it registered child commands.
    execute( ...args ) {
        const command = this._getFirstEnabledCommand();

        command.execute( args );

     * Registers a child command.
     * @param {module:core/command~Command} command
    registerChildCommand( command ) {
        this._childCommands.push( command );

        // Change multi command enabled state when one of registered commands changes state.
        command.on( 'change:isEnabled', () => this._checkEnabled() );


     * Checks if any of child commands is enabled.
     * @private
    _checkEnabled() {
        this.isEnabled = !!this._getFirstEnabledCommand();

     * Returns a first enabled command or undefined if none of them is enabled.
     * @returns {module:core/command~Command|undefined}
     * @private
    _getFirstEnabledCommand() {
        return this._childCommands.find( command => command.isEnabled );