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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

 * @module engine/controller/datacontroller

import mix from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/mix';
import ObservableMixin from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/observablemixin';
import CKEditorError from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/ckeditorerror';

import Mapper from '../conversion/mapper';

import DowncastDispatcher from '../conversion/downcastdispatcher';
import { insertText } from '../conversion/downcasthelpers';

import UpcastDispatcher from '../conversion/upcastdispatcher';
import { convertText, convertToModelFragment } from '../conversion/upcasthelpers';

import ViewDocumentFragment from '../view/documentfragment';
import ViewDocument from '../view/document';
import ViewDowncastWriter from '../view/downcastwriter';

import ModelRange from '../model/range';

 * Controller for the data pipeline. The data pipeline controls how data is retrieved from the document
 * and set inside it. Hence, the controller features two methods which allow to {@link ~DataController#get get}
 * and {@link ~DataController#set set} data of the {@link ~DataController#model model}
 * using given:
 * * {@link module:engine/dataprocessor/dataprocessor~DataProcessor data processor},
 * * downcast converters,
 * * upcast converters.
 * An instance of the data controller is always available in the {@link module:core/editor/editor~Editor#data ``}
 * property:
 * { rootName: 'customRoot' } ); // -> '<p>Hello!</p>'
 * @mixes module:utils/observablemixin~ObservableMixin
export default class DataController {
     * Creates a data controller instance.
     * @param {module:engine/model/model~Model} model Data model.
     * @param {module:engine/view/stylesmap~StylesProcessor} stylesProcessor The styles processor instance.
    constructor( model, stylesProcessor ) {
         * Data model.
         * @readonly
         * @member {module:engine/model/model~Model}
        this.model = model;

         * Styles processor used during the conversion.
         * @readonly
         * @member {module:engine/view/stylesmap~StylesProcessor}
        this.stylesProcessor = stylesProcessor;

         * Data processor used during the conversion.
         * @member {module:engine/dataprocessor/dataprocessor~DataProcessor} #processor

         * Mapper used for the conversion. It has no permanent bindings, because they are created when getting data and
         * cleared directly after the data are converted. However, the mapper is defined as a class property, because
         * it needs to be passed to the `DowncastDispatcher` as a conversion API.
         * @readonly
         * @member {module:engine/conversion/mapper~Mapper}
        this.mapper = new Mapper();

         * Downcast dispatcher used by the {@link #get get method}. Downcast converters should be attached to it.
         * @readonly
         * @member {module:engine/conversion/downcastdispatcher~DowncastDispatcher}
        this.downcastDispatcher = new DowncastDispatcher( {
            mapper: this.mapper
        } );
        this.downcastDispatcher.on( 'insert:$text', insertText(), { priority: 'lowest' } );

         * Upcast dispatcher used by the {@link #set set method}. Upcast converters should be attached to it.
         * @readonly
         * @member {module:engine/conversion/upcastdispatcher~UpcastDispatcher}
        this.upcastDispatcher = new UpcastDispatcher( {
            schema: model.schema
        } );

         * The view document used by the data controller.
         * @readonly
         * @member {module:engine/view/document~Document}
        this.viewDocument = new ViewDocument( stylesProcessor );

         * The view downcast writer just for data conversion purposes, i.e. to modify
         * the {@link #viewDocument}.
         * @private
         * @readonly
         * @member {module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter}
        this._viewWriter = new ViewDowncastWriter( this.viewDocument );

        // Define default converters for text and elements.
        // Note that if there is no default converter for the element it will be skipped, for instance `<b>foo</b>` will be
        // converted to nothing. We add `convertToModelFragment` as a last converter so it converts children of that
        // element to the document fragment so `<b>foo</b>` will be converted to `foo` if there is no converter for `<b>`.
        this.upcastDispatcher.on( 'text', convertText(), { priority: 'lowest' } );
        this.upcastDispatcher.on( 'element', convertToModelFragment(), { priority: 'lowest' } );
        this.upcastDispatcher.on( 'documentFragment', convertToModelFragment(), { priority: 'lowest' } );

        this.decorate( 'init' );

        // Fire `ready` event when initialisation has completed. Such low level listener gives possibility
        // to plug into initialisation pipeline without interrupting the initialisation flow.
        this.on( 'init', () => {
   'ready' );
        }, { priority: 'lowest' } );

     * Returns the model's data converted by downcast dispatchers attached to {@link #downcastDispatcher} and
     * formatted by the {@link #processor data processor}.
     * @param {Object} [options]
     * @param {String} [options.rootName='main'] Root name.
     * @param {String} [options.trim='empty'] Whether returned data should be trimmed. This option is set to `empty` by default,
     * which means whenever editor content is considered empty, an empty string will be returned. To turn off trimming completely
     * use `'none'`. In such cases exact content will be returned (for example `<p>&nbsp;</p>` for an empty editor).
     * @returns {String} Output data.
    get( options ) {
        const { rootName = 'main', trim = 'empty' } = options || {};

        if ( !this._checkIfRootsExists( [ rootName ] ) ) {
             * Cannot get data from a non-existing root. This error is thrown when {@link #get DataController#get() method}
             * is called with non-existent root name. For example, if there is an editor instance with only `main` root,
             * calling {@link #get} like:
             *        data.get( { rootName: 'root2' } );
             * will throw this error.
             * @error datacontroller-get-non-existent-root
            throw new CKEditorError( 'datacontroller-get-non-existent-root: Attempting to get data from a non-existing root.', this );

        const root = this.model.document.getRoot( rootName );

        if ( trim === 'empty' && !this.model.hasContent( root, { ignoreWhitespaces: true } ) ) {
            return '';

        return this.stringify( root );

     * Returns the content of the given {@link module:engine/model/element~Element model's element} or
     * {@link module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment model document fragment} converted by the downcast converters
     * attached to {@link #downcastDispatcher} and formatted by the {@link #processor data processor}.
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element|module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} modelElementOrFragment
     * Element whose content will be stringified.
     * @returns {String} Output data.
    stringify( modelElementOrFragment ) {
        // Model -> view.
        const viewDocumentFragment = this.toView( modelElementOrFragment );

        // View -> data.
        return this.processor.toData( viewDocumentFragment );

     * Returns the content of the given {@link module:engine/model/element~Element model element} or
     * {@link module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment model document fragment} converted by the downcast
     * converters attached to {@link #downcastDispatcher} to a
     * {@link module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment view document fragment}.
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element|module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} modelElementOrFragment
     * Element or document fragment whose content will be converted.
     * @returns {module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} Output view DocumentFragment.
    toView( modelElementOrFragment ) {
        const viewDocument = this.viewDocument;
        const viewWriter = this._viewWriter;

        // Clear bindings so the call to this method gives correct results.

        // First, convert elements.
        const modelRange = ModelRange._createIn( modelElementOrFragment );
        const viewDocumentFragment = new ViewDocumentFragment( viewDocument );

        this.mapper.bindElements( modelElementOrFragment, viewDocumentFragment );

        // We have no view controller and rendering do DOM in DataController so view.change() block is not used here.
        this.downcastDispatcher.convertInsert( modelRange, viewWriter );

        if ( ! 'documentFragment' ) ) {
            // Then, if a document element is converted, convert markers.
            // From all document markers, get those, which "intersect" with the converter element.
            const markers = _getMarkersRelativeToElement( modelElementOrFragment );

            for ( const [ name, range ] of markers ) {
                this.downcastDispatcher.convertMarkerAdd( name, range, viewWriter );

        return viewDocumentFragment;

     * Sets initial input data parsed by the {@link #processor data processor} and
     * converted by the {@link #upcastDispatcher view-to-model converters}.
     * Initial data can be set only to document that {@link module:engine/model/document~Document#version} is equal 0.
     * **Note** This method is {@link module:utils/observablemixin~ObservableMixin#decorate decorated} which is
     * used by e.g. collaborative editing plugin that syncs remote data on init.
     * When data is passed as a string it is initialized on a default `main` root:
     *        dataController.init( '<p>Foo</p>' ); // Initializes data on the `main` root.
     * To initialize data on a different root or multiple roots at once, object containing `rootName` - `data` pairs should be passed:
     *        dataController.init( { main: '<p>Foo</p>', title: '<h1>Bar</h1>' } ); // Initializes data on the `main` and `title` roots.
     * @fires init
     * @param {String|Object.<String,String>} data Input data as a string or an object containing `rootName` - `data`
     * pairs to initialize data on multiple roots at once.
     * @returns {Promise} Promise that is resolved after the data is set on the editor.
    init( data ) {
        if ( this.model.document.version ) {
             * Cannot set initial data to not empty {@link module:engine/model/document~Document}.
             * Initial data should be set once, during {@link module:core/editor/editor~Editor} initialization,
             * when the {@link module:engine/model/document~Document#version} is equal 0.
             * @error datacontroller-init-document-not-empty
            throw new CKEditorError( 'datacontroller-init-document-not-empty: Trying to set initial data to not empty document.', this );

        let initialData = {};
        if ( typeof data === 'string' ) {
            initialData.main = data; // Default root is 'main'. To initiate data on a different root, object should be passed.
        } else {
            initialData = data;

        if ( !this._checkIfRootsExists( Object.keys( initialData ) ) ) {
             * Cannot init data on a non-existing root. This error is thrown when {@link #init DataController#init() method}
             * is called with non-existent root name. For example, if there is an editor instance with only `main` root,
             * calling {@link #init} like:
             *         data.init( { main: '<p>Foo</p>', root2: '<p>Bar</p>' } );
             * will throw this error.
             * @error datacontroller-init-non-existent-root
            throw new CKEditorError( 'datacontroller-init-non-existent-root: Attempting to init data on a non-existing root.', this );

        this.model.enqueueChange( 'transparent', writer => {
            for ( const rootName of Object.keys( initialData ) ) {
                const modelRoot = this.model.document.getRoot( rootName );
                writer.insert( this.parse( initialData[ rootName ], modelRoot ), modelRoot, 0 );
        } );

        return Promise.resolve();

     * Sets input data parsed by the {@link #processor data processor} and
     * converted by the {@link #upcastDispatcher view-to-model converters}.
     * This method can be used any time to replace existing editor data by the new one without clearing the
     * {@link module:engine/model/document~Document#history document history}.
     * This method also creates a batch with all the changes applied. If all you need is to parse data, use
     * the {@link #parse} method.
     * When data is passed as a string it is set on a default `main` root:
     *        dataController.set( '<p>Foo</p>' ); // Sets data on the `main` root.
     * To set data on a different root or multiple roots at once, object containing `rootName` - `data` pairs should be passed:
     *        dataController.set( { main: '<p>Foo</p>', title: '<h1>Bar</h1>' } ); // Sets data on the `main` and `title` roots.
     * @param {String|Object.<String,String>} data Input data as a string or an object containing `rootName` - `data`
     * pairs to set data on multiple roots at once.
    set( data ) {
        let newData = {};

        if ( typeof data === 'string' ) {
            newData.main = data; // Default root is 'main'. To set data on a different root, object should be passed.
        } else {
            newData = data;

        if ( !this._checkIfRootsExists( Object.keys( newData ) ) ) {
             * Cannot set data on a non-existing root. This error is thrown when {@link #set DataController#set() method}
             * is called with non-existent root name. For example, if there is an editor instance with only `main` root,
             * calling {@link #set} like:
             *         data.set( { main: '<p>Foo</p>', root2: '<p>Bar</p>' } );
             * will throw this error.
             * @error datacontroller-set-non-existent-root
            throw new CKEditorError( 'datacontroller-set-non-existent-root: Attempting to set data on a non-existing root.', this );

        this.model.enqueueChange( 'transparent', writer => {
            writer.setSelection( null );
            writer.removeSelectionAttribute( this.model.document.selection.getAttributeKeys() );

            for ( const rootName of Object.keys( newData ) ) {
                // Save to model.
                const modelRoot = this.model.document.getRoot( rootName );

                writer.remove( writer.createRangeIn( modelRoot ) );
                writer.insert( this.parse( newData[ rootName ], modelRoot ), modelRoot, 0 );
        } );

     * Returns the data parsed by the {@link #processor data processor} and then converted by upcast converters
     * attached to the {@link #upcastDispatcher}.
     * @see #set
     * @param {String} data Data to parse.
     * @param {module:engine/model/schema~SchemaContextDefinition} [context='$root'] Base context in which the view will
     * be converted to the model. See: {@link module:engine/conversion/upcastdispatcher~UpcastDispatcher#convert}.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} Parsed data.
    parse( data, context = '$root' ) {
        // data -> view
        const viewDocumentFragment = this.processor.toView( data );

        // view -> model
        return this.toModel( viewDocumentFragment, context );

     * Returns the result of the given {@link module:engine/view/element~Element view element} or
     * {@link module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment view document fragment} converted by the
     * {@link #upcastDispatcher view-to-model converters}, wrapped by {@link module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment}.
     * When marker elements were converted during the conversion process, it will be set as a document fragment's
     * {@link module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment#markers static markers map}.
     * @param {module:engine/view/element~Element|module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} viewElementOrFragment
     * Element or document fragment whose content will be converted.
     * @param {module:engine/model/schema~SchemaContextDefinition} [context='$root'] Base context in which the view will
     * be converted to the model. See: {@link module:engine/conversion/upcastdispatcher~UpcastDispatcher#convert}.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} Output document fragment.
    toModel( viewElementOrFragment, context = '$root' ) {
        return this.model.change( writer => {
            return this.upcastDispatcher.convert( viewElementOrFragment, writer, context );
        } );

     * Adds a style processor normalization rules.
     * You can implement your own rules as well as use one of the available processor rules:
     * * background: {@link module:engine/view/styles/background~addBackgroundRules}
     * * border: {@link module:engine/view/styles/border~addBorderRules}
     * * margin: {@link module:engine/view/styles/margin~addMarginRules}
     * * padding: {@link module:engine/view/styles/padding~addPaddingRules}
     * @param {Function} callback
    addStyleProcessorRules( callback ) {
        callback( this.stylesProcessor );

     * Removes all event listeners set by the DataController.
    destroy() {

     * Checks if all provided root names are existing editor roots.
     * @private
     * @param {Array.<String>} rootNames Root names to check.
     * @returns {Boolean} Whether all provided root names are existing editor roots.
    _checkIfRootsExists( rootNames ) {
        for ( const rootName of rootNames ) {
            if ( !this.model.document.getRootNames().includes( rootName ) ) {
                return false;

        return true;

     * Event fired once data initialisation has finished.
     * @event ready

     * Event fired after {@link #init init() method} has been run. It can be {@link #listenTo listened to} to adjust/modify
     * the initialisation flow. However, if the `init` event is stopped or prevented, the {@link #event:ready ready event}
     * should be fired manually.
     * The `init` event is fired by decorated {@link #init} method.
     * See {@link module:utils/observablemixin~ObservableMixin#decorate} for more information and samples.
     * @event init

mix( DataController, ObservableMixin );

// Helper function for downcast conversion.
// Takes a document element (element that is added to a model document) and checks which markers are inside it
// and which markers are containing it. If the marker is intersecting with element, the intersection is returned.
function _getMarkersRelativeToElement( element ) {
    const result = [];
    const doc = element.root.document;

    if ( !doc ) {
        return [];

    const elementRange = ModelRange._createIn( element );

    for ( const marker of doc.model.markers ) {
        const intersection = elementRange.getIntersection( marker.getRange() );

        if ( intersection ) {
            result.push( [, intersection ] );

    return result;