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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

 * @module engine/conversion/mapper

import ModelPosition from '../model/position';
import ModelRange from '../model/range';

import ViewPosition from '../view/position';
import ViewRange from '../view/range';
import ViewText from '../view/text';

import EmitterMixin from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/emittermixin';
import mix from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/mix';

 * Maps elements, positions and markers between {@link module:engine/view/document~Document the view} and
 * {@link module:engine/model/model the model}.
 * The instance of the Mapper used for the editing pipeline is available in
 * {@link module:engine/controller/editingcontroller~EditingController#mapper `editor.editing.mapper`}.
 * Mapper uses bound elements to find corresponding elements and positions, so, to get proper results,
 * all model elements should be {@link module:engine/conversion/mapper~Mapper#bindElements bound}.
 * To map complex model to/from view relations, you may provide custom callbacks for
 * {@link module:engine/conversion/mapper~Mapper#event:modelToViewPosition modelToViewPosition event} and
 * {@link module:engine/conversion/mapper~Mapper#event:viewToModelPosition viewToModelPosition event} that are fired whenever
 * a position mapping request occurs.
 * Those events are fired by {@link module:engine/conversion/mapper~Mapper#toViewPosition toViewPosition}
 * and {@link module:engine/conversion/mapper~Mapper#toModelPosition toModelPosition} methods. `Mapper` adds it's own default callbacks
 * with `'lowest'` priority. To override default `Mapper` mapping, add custom callback with higher priority and
 * stop the event.
export default class Mapper {
     * Creates an instance of the mapper.
    constructor() {
         * Model element to view element mapping.
         * @private
         * @member {WeakMap}
        this._modelToViewMapping = new WeakMap();

         * View element to model element mapping.
         * @private
         * @member {WeakMap}
        this._viewToModelMapping = new WeakMap();

         * A map containing callbacks between view element names and functions evaluating length of view elements
         * in model.
         * @private
         * @member {Map}
        this._viewToModelLengthCallbacks = new Map();

         * Model marker name to view elements mapping.
         * Keys are `String`s while values are `Set`s with {@link module:engine/view/element~Element view elements}.
         * One marker (name) can be mapped to multiple elements.
         * @private
         * @member {Map}
        this._markerNameToElements = new Map();

         * View element to model marker names mapping.
         * This is reverse to {@link ~Mapper#_markerNameToElements} map.
         * @private
         * @member {Map}
        this._elementToMarkerNames = new Map();

         * Stores marker names of markers which has changed due to unbinding a view element (so it is assumed that the view element
         * has been removed, moved or renamed).
         * @private
         * @member {Set.<module:engine/model/markercollection~Marker>}
        this._unboundMarkerNames = new Set();

        // Default mapper algorithm for mapping model position to view position.
        this.on( 'modelToViewPosition', ( evt, data ) => {
            if ( data.viewPosition ) {

            const viewContainer = this._modelToViewMapping.get( data.modelPosition.parent );

            data.viewPosition = this._findPositionIn( viewContainer, data.modelPosition.offset );
        }, { priority: 'low' } );

        // Default mapper algorithm for mapping view position to model position.
        this.on( 'viewToModelPosition', ( evt, data ) => {
            if ( data.modelPosition ) {

            const viewBlock = this.findMappedViewAncestor( data.viewPosition );
            const modelParent = this._viewToModelMapping.get( viewBlock );
            const modelOffset = this._toModelOffset( data.viewPosition.parent, data.viewPosition.offset, viewBlock );

            data.modelPosition = ModelPosition._createAt( modelParent, modelOffset );
        }, { priority: 'low' } );

     * Marks model and view elements as corresponding. Corresponding elements can be retrieved by using
     * the {@link module:engine/conversion/mapper~Mapper#toModelElement toModelElement} and
     * {@link module:engine/conversion/mapper~Mapper#toViewElement toViewElement} methods.
     * The information that elements are bound is also used to translate positions.
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element} modelElement Model element.
     * @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} viewElement View element.
    bindElements( modelElement, viewElement ) {
        this._modelToViewMapping.set( modelElement, viewElement );
        this._viewToModelMapping.set( viewElement, modelElement );

     * Unbinds given {@link module:engine/view/element~Element view element} from the map.
     * **Note:** view-to-model binding will be removed, if it existed. However, corresponding model-to-view binding
     * will be removed only if model element is still bound to passed `viewElement`.
     * This behavior lets for re-binding model element to another view element without fear of losing the new binding
     * when the previously bound view element is unbound.
     * @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} viewElement View element to unbind.
    unbindViewElement( viewElement ) {
        const modelElement = this.toModelElement( viewElement );

        this._viewToModelMapping.delete( viewElement );

        if ( this._elementToMarkerNames.has( viewElement ) ) {
            for ( const markerName of this._elementToMarkerNames.get( viewElement ) ) {
                this._unboundMarkerNames.add( markerName );

        if ( this._modelToViewMapping.get( modelElement ) == viewElement ) {
            this._modelToViewMapping.delete( modelElement );

     * Unbinds given {@link module:engine/model/element~Element model element} from the map.
     * **Note:** model-to-view binding will be removed, if it existed. However, corresponding view-to-model binding
     * will be removed only if view element is still bound to passed `modelElement`.
     * This behavior lets for re-binding view element to another model element without fear of losing the new binding
     * when the previously bound model element is unbound.
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element} modelElement Model element to unbind.
    unbindModelElement( modelElement ) {
        const viewElement = this.toViewElement( modelElement );

        this._modelToViewMapping.delete( modelElement );

        if ( this._viewToModelMapping.get( viewElement ) == modelElement ) {
            this._viewToModelMapping.delete( viewElement );

     * Binds given marker name with given {@link module:engine/view/element~Element view element}. The element
     * will be added to the current set of elements bound with given marker name.
     * @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} element Element to bind.
     * @param {String} name Marker name.
    bindElementToMarker( element, name ) {
        const elements = this._markerNameToElements.get( name ) || new Set();
        elements.add( element );

        const names = this._elementToMarkerNames.get( element ) || new Set();
        names.add( name );

        this._markerNameToElements.set( name, elements );
        this._elementToMarkerNames.set( element, names );

     * Unbinds an element from given marker name.
     * @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} element Element to unbind.
     * @param {String} name Marker name.
    unbindElementFromMarkerName( element, name ) {
        const nameToElements = this._markerNameToElements.get( name );

        if ( nameToElements ) {
            nameToElements.delete( element );

            if ( nameToElements.size == 0 ) {
                this._markerNameToElements.delete( name );

        const elementToNames = this._elementToMarkerNames.get( element );

        if ( elementToNames ) {
            elementToNames.delete( name );

            if ( elementToNames.size == 0 ) {
                this._elementToMarkerNames.delete( element );

     * Returns all marker names of markers which has changed due to unbinding a view element (so it is assumed that the view element
     * has been removed, moved or renamed) since the last flush. After returning, the marker names list is cleared.
     * @returns {Array.<String>}
    flushUnboundMarkerNames() {
        const markerNames = Array.from( this._unboundMarkerNames );


        return markerNames;

     * Removes all model to view and view to model bindings.
    clearBindings() {
        this._modelToViewMapping = new WeakMap();
        this._viewToModelMapping = new WeakMap();
        this._markerNameToElements = new Map();
        this._elementToMarkerNames = new Map();
        this._unboundMarkerNames = new Set();

     * Gets the corresponding model element.
     * **Note:** {@link module:engine/view/uielement~UIElement} does not have corresponding element in model.
     * @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} viewElement View element.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/element~Element|undefined} Corresponding model element or `undefined` if not found.
    toModelElement( viewElement ) {
        return this._viewToModelMapping.get( viewElement );

     * Gets the corresponding view element.
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element} modelElement Model element.
     * @returns {module:engine/view/element~Element|undefined} Corresponding view element or `undefined` if not found.
    toViewElement( modelElement ) {
        return this._modelToViewMapping.get( modelElement );

     * Gets the corresponding model range.
     * @param {module:engine/view/range~Range} viewRange View range.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/range~Range} Corresponding model range.
    toModelRange( viewRange ) {
        return new ModelRange( this.toModelPosition( viewRange.start ), this.toModelPosition( viewRange.end ) );

     * Gets the corresponding view range.
     * @param {module:engine/model/range~Range} modelRange Model range.
     * @returns {module:engine/view/range~Range} Corresponding view range.
    toViewRange( modelRange ) {
        return new ViewRange( this.toViewPosition( modelRange.start ), this.toViewPosition( modelRange.end ) );

     * Gets the corresponding model position.
     * @fires viewToModelPosition
     * @param {module:engine/view/position~Position} viewPosition View position.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position} Corresponding model position.
    toModelPosition( viewPosition ) {
        const data = {
            mapper: this
        }; 'viewToModelPosition', data );

        return data.modelPosition;

     * Gets the corresponding view position.
     * @fires modelToViewPosition
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} modelPosition Model position.
     * @param {Object} [options] Additional options for position mapping process.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.isPhantom=false] Should be set to `true` if the model position to map is pointing to a place
     * in model tree which no longer exists. For example, it could be an end of a removed model range.
     * @returns {module:engine/view/position~Position} Corresponding view position.
    toViewPosition( modelPosition, options = { isPhantom: false } ) {
        const data = {
            mapper: this,
            isPhantom: options.isPhantom
        }; 'modelToViewPosition', data );

        return data.viewPosition;

     * Gets all view elements bound to the given marker name.
     * @param {String} name Marker name.
     * @returns {Set.<module:engine/view/element~Element>|null} View elements bound with given marker name or `null`
     * if no elements are bound to given marker name.
    markerNameToElements( name ) {
        const boundElements = this._markerNameToElements.get( name );

        if ( !boundElements ) {
            return null;

        const elements = new Set();

        for ( const element of boundElements ) {
            if ( 'attributeElement' ) ) {
                for ( const clone of element.getElementsWithSameId() ) {
                    elements.add( clone );
            } else {
                elements.add( element );

        return elements;

     * Registers a callback that evaluates the length in the model of a view element with given name.
     * The callback is fired with one argument, which is a view element instance. The callback is expected to return
     * a number representing the length of view element in model.
     *        // List item in view may contain nested list, which have other list items. In model though,
     *        // the lists are represented by flat structure. Because of those differences, length of list view element
     *        // may be greater than one. In the callback it's checked how many nested list items are in evaluated list item.
     *        function getViewListItemLength( element ) {
     *            let length = 1;
     *            for ( let child of element.getChildren() ) {
     *                if ( == 'ul' || == 'ol' ) {
     *                    for ( let item of child.getChildren() ) {
     *                        length += getViewListItemLength( item );
     *                    }
     *                }
     *            }
     *            return length;
     *        }
     *        mapper.registerViewToModelLength( 'li', getViewListItemLength );
     * @param {String} viewElementName Name of view element for which callback is registered.
     * @param {Function} lengthCallback Function return a length of view element instance in model.
    registerViewToModelLength( viewElementName, lengthCallback ) {
        this._viewToModelLengthCallbacks.set( viewElementName, lengthCallback );

     * For given `viewPosition`, finds and returns the closest ancestor of this position that has a mapping to
     * the model.
     * @param {module:engine/view/position~Position} viewPosition Position for which mapped ancestor should be found.
     * @returns {module:engine/view/element~Element}
    findMappedViewAncestor( viewPosition ) {
        let parent = viewPosition.parent;

        while ( !this._viewToModelMapping.has( parent ) ) {
            parent = parent.parent;

        return parent;

     * Calculates model offset based on the view position and the block element.
     * Example:
     *        <p>foo<b>ba|r</b></p> // _toModelOffset( b, 2, p ) -> 5
     * Is a sum of:
     *        <p>foo|<b>bar</b></p> // _toModelOffset( p, 3, p ) -> 3
     *        <p>foo<b>ba|r</b></p> // _toModelOffset( b, 2, b ) -> 2
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} viewParent Position parent.
     * @param {Number} viewOffset Position offset.
     * @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} viewBlock Block used as a base to calculate offset.
     * @returns {Number} Offset in the model.
    _toModelOffset( viewParent, viewOffset, viewBlock ) {
        if ( viewBlock != viewParent ) {
            // See example.
            const offsetToParentStart = this._toModelOffset( viewParent.parent, viewParent.index, viewBlock );
            const offsetInParent = this._toModelOffset( viewParent, viewOffset, viewParent );

            return offsetToParentStart + offsetInParent;

        // viewBlock == viewParent, so we need to calculate the offset in the parent element.

        // If the position is a text it is simple ("ba|r" -> 2).
        if ( 'text' ) ) {
            return viewOffset;

        // If the position is in an element we need to sum lengths of siblings ( <b> bar </b> foo | -> 3 + 3 = 6 ).
        let modelOffset = 0;

        for ( let i = 0; i < viewOffset; i++ ) {
            modelOffset += this.getModelLength( viewParent.getChild( i ) );

        return modelOffset;

     * Gets the length of the view element in the model.
     * The length is calculated as follows:
     * * if {@link #registerViewToModelLength length mapping callback} is provided for given `viewNode` it is used to
     * evaluate model length (`viewNode` is used as first and only parameter passed to the callback),
     * * length of a {@link module:engine/view/text~Text text node} is equal to the length of it's
     * {@link module:engine/view/text~Text#data data},
     * * length of a {@link module:engine/view/uielement~UIElement ui element} is equal to 0,
     * * length of a mapped {@link module:engine/view/element~Element element} is equal to 1,
     * * length of a not-mapped {@link module:engine/view/element~Element element} is equal to the length of it's children.
     * Examples:
     *        foo                          -> 3 // Text length is equal to it's data length.
     *        <p>foo</p>                   -> 1 // Length of an element which is mapped is by default equal to 1.
     *        <b>foo</b>                   -> 3 // Length of an element which is not mapped is a length of its children.
     *        <div><p>x</p><p>y</p></div>  -> 2 // Assuming that <div> is not mapped and <p> are mapped.
     * @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} viewNode View node.
     * @returns {Number} Length of the node in the tree model.
    getModelLength( viewNode ) {
        if ( this._viewToModelLengthCallbacks.get( ) ) {
            const callback = this._viewToModelLengthCallbacks.get( );

            return callback( viewNode );
        } else if ( this._viewToModelMapping.has( viewNode ) ) {
            return 1;
        } else if ( 'text' ) ) {
        } else if ( 'uiElement' ) ) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            let len = 0;

            for ( const child of viewNode.getChildren() ) {
                len += this.getModelLength( child );

            return len;

     * Finds the position in the view node (or its children) with the expected model offset.
     * Example:
     *        <p>fo<b>bar</b>bom</p> -> expected offset: 4
     *        _findPositionIn( p, 4 ):
     *        <p>|fo<b>bar</b>bom</p> -> expected offset: 4, actual offset: 0
     *        <p>fo|<b>bar</b>bom</p> -> expected offset: 4, actual offset: 2
     *        <p>fo<b>bar</b>|bom</p> -> expected offset: 4, actual offset: 5 -> we are too far
     *        _findPositionIn( b, 4 - ( 5 - 3 ) ):
     *        <p>fo<b>|bar</b>bom</p> -> expected offset: 2, actual offset: 0
     *        <p>fo<b>bar|</b>bom</p> -> expected offset: 2, actual offset: 3 -> we are too far
     *        _findPositionIn( bar, 2 - ( 3 - 3 ) ):
     *        We are in the text node so we can simple find the offset.
     *        <p>fo<b>ba|r</b>bom</p> -> expected offset: 2, actual offset: 2 -> position found
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} viewParent Tree view element in which we are looking for the position.
     * @param {Number} expectedOffset Expected offset.
     * @returns {module:engine/view/position~Position} Found position.
    _findPositionIn( viewParent, expectedOffset ) {
        // Last scanned view node.
        let viewNode;
        // Length of the last scanned view node.
        let lastLength = 0;

        let modelOffset = 0;
        let viewOffset = 0;

        // In the text node it is simple: offset in the model equals offset in the text.
        if ( 'text' ) ) {
            return new ViewPosition( viewParent, expectedOffset );

        // In other cases we add lengths of child nodes to find the proper offset.

        // If it is smaller we add the length.
        while ( modelOffset < expectedOffset ) {
            viewNode = viewParent.getChild( viewOffset );
            lastLength = this.getModelLength( viewNode );
            modelOffset += lastLength;

        // If it equals we found the position.
        if ( modelOffset == expectedOffset ) {
            return this._moveViewPositionToTextNode( new ViewPosition( viewParent, viewOffset ) );
        // If it is higher we need to enter last child.
        else {
            // ( modelOffset - lastLength ) is the offset to the child we enter,
            // so we subtract it from the expected offset to fine the offset in the child.
            return this._findPositionIn( viewNode, expectedOffset - ( modelOffset - lastLength ) );

     * Because we prefer positions in text nodes over positions next to text node moves view position to the text node
     * if it was next to it.
     *        <p>[]<b>foo</b></p> -> <p>[]<b>foo</b></p> // do not touch if position is not directly next to text
     *        <p>foo[]<b>foo</b></p> -> <p>foo{}<b>foo</b></p> // move to text node
     *        <p><b>[]foo</b></p> -> <p><b>{}foo</b></p> // move to text node
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/view/position~Position} viewPosition Position potentially next to text node.
     * @returns {module:engine/view/position~Position} Position in text node if possible.
    _moveViewPositionToTextNode( viewPosition ) {
        // If the position is just after text node, put it at the end of that text node.
        // If the position is just before text node, put it at the beginning of that text node.
        const nodeBefore = viewPosition.nodeBefore;
        const nodeAfter = viewPosition.nodeAfter;

        if ( nodeBefore instanceof ViewText ) {
            return new ViewPosition( nodeBefore, );
        } else if ( nodeAfter instanceof ViewText ) {
            return new ViewPosition( nodeAfter, 0 );

        // Otherwise, just return the given position.
        return viewPosition;

     * Fired for each model-to-view position mapping request. The purpose of this event is to enable custom model-to-view position
     * mapping. Callbacks added to this event take {@link module:engine/model/position~Position model position} and are expected to
     * calculate {@link module:engine/view/position~Position view position}. Calculated view position should be added as `viewPosition`
     * value in `data` object that is passed as one of parameters to the event callback.
     *         // Assume that "captionedImage" model element is converted to <img> and following <span> elements in view,
     *         // and the model element is bound to <img> element. Force mapping model positions inside "captionedImage" to that
     *         // <span> element.
     *        mapper.on( 'modelToViewPosition', ( evt, data ) => {
     *            const positionParent = modelPosition.parent;
     *            if ( == 'captionedImage' ) {
     *                const viewImg = data.mapper.toViewElement( positionParent );
     *                const viewCaption = viewImg.nextSibling; // The <span> element.
     *                data.viewPosition = new ViewPosition( viewCaption, modelPosition.offset );
     *                // Stop the event if other callbacks should not modify calculated value.
     *                evt.stop();
     *            }
     *        } );
     * **Note:** keep in mind that sometimes a "phantom" model position is being converted. "Phantom" model position is
     * a position that points to a non-existing place in model. Such position might still be valid for conversion, though
     * (it would point to a correct place in view when converted). One example of such situation is when a range is
     * removed from model, there may be a need to map the range's end (which is no longer valid model position). To
     * handle such situation, check `data.isPhantom` flag:
     *         // Assume that there is "customElement" model element and whenever position is before it, we want to move it
     *         // to the inside of the view element bound to "customElement".
     *        mapper.on( 'modelToViewPosition', ( evt, data ) => {
     *            if ( data.isPhantom ) {
     *                return;
     *            }
     *            // Below line might crash for phantom position that does not exist in model.
     *            const sibling = data.modelPosition.nodeBefore;
     *            // Check if this is the element we are interested in.
     *            if ( ! 'customElement' ) ) {
     *                return;
     *            }
     *            const viewElement = data.mapper.toViewElement( sibling );
     *            data.viewPosition = new ViewPosition( sibling, 0 );
     *            evt.stop();
     *        } );
     * **Note:** default mapping callback is provided with `low` priority setting and does not cancel the event, so it is possible to
     * attach a custom callback after default callback and also use `data.viewPosition` calculated by default callback
     * (for example to fix it).
     * **Note:** default mapping callback will not fire if `data.viewPosition` is already set.
     * **Note:** these callbacks are called **very often**. For efficiency reasons, it is advised to use them only when position
     * mapping between given model and view elements is unsolvable using just elements mapping and default algorithm. Also,
     * the condition that checks if special case scenario happened should be as simple as possible.
     * @event modelToViewPosition
     * @param {Object} data Data pipeline object that can store and pass data between callbacks. The callback should add
     * `viewPosition` value to that object with calculated {@link module:engine/view/position~Position view position}.
     * @param {module:engine/conversion/mapper~Mapper} data.mapper Mapper instance that fired the event.

     * Fired for each view-to-model position mapping request. See {@link module:engine/conversion/mapper~Mapper#event:modelToViewPosition}.
     *         // See example in `modelToViewPosition` event description.
     *         // This custom mapping will map positions from <span> element next to <img> to the "captionedImage" element.
     *        mapper.on( 'viewToModelPosition', ( evt, data ) => {
     *            const positionParent = viewPosition.parent;
     *            if ( positionParent.hasClass( 'image-caption' ) ) {
     *                const viewImg = positionParent.previousSibling;
     *                const modelImg = data.mapper.toModelElement( viewImg );
     *                data.modelPosition = new ModelPosition( modelImg, viewPosition.offset );
     *                evt.stop();
     *            }
     *        } );
     * **Note:** default mapping callback is provided with `low` priority setting and does not cancel the event, so it is possible to
     * attach a custom callback after default callback and also use `data.modelPosition` calculated by default callback
     * (for example to fix it).
     * **Note:** default mapping callback will not fire if `data.modelPosition` is already set.
     * **Note:** these callbacks are called **very often**. For efficiency reasons, it is advised to use them only when position
     * mapping between given model and view elements is unsolvable using just elements mapping and default algorithm. Also,
     * the condition that checks if special case scenario happened should be as simple as possible.
     * @event viewToModelPosition
     * @param {Object} data Data pipeline object that can store and pass data between callbacks. The callback should add
     * `modelPosition` value to that object with calculated {@link module:engine/model/position~Position model position}.
     * @param {module:engine/conversion/mapper~Mapper} data.mapper Mapper instance that fired the event.

mix( Mapper, EmitterMixin );