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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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 * @module engine/conversion/modelconsumable

import TextProxy from '../model/textproxy';

 * Manages a list of consumable values for {@link module:engine/model/item~Item model items}.
 * Consumables are various aspects of the model. A model item can be broken down into singular properties that might be
 * taken into consideration when converting that item.
 * `ModelConsumable` is used by {@link module:engine/conversion/downcastdispatcher~DowncastDispatcher} while analyzing changed
 * parts of {@link module:engine/model/document~Document the document}. The added / changed / removed model items are broken down
 * into singular properties (the item itself and it's attributes). All those parts are saved in `ModelConsumable`. Then,
 * during conversion, when given part of model item is converted (i.e. the view element has been inserted into the view,
 * but without attributes), consumable value is removed from `ModelConsumable`.
 * For model items, `ModelConsumable` stores consumable values of one of following types: `insert`, `addattribute:<attributeKey>`,
 * `changeattributes:<attributeKey>`, `removeattributes:<attributeKey>`.
 * In most cases, it is enough to let {@link module:engine/conversion/downcastdispatcher~DowncastDispatcher}
 * gather consumable values, so there is no need to use
 * {@link module:engine/conversion/modelconsumable~ModelConsumable#add add method} directly.
 * However, it is important to understand how consumable values can be
 * {@link module:engine/conversion/modelconsumable~ModelConsumable#consume consumed}.
 * See {@link module:engine/conversion/downcasthelpers default downcast converters} for more information.
 * Keep in mind, that one conversion event may have multiple callbacks (converters) attached to it. Each of those is
 * able to convert one or more parts of the model. However, when one of those callbacks actually converts
 * something, other should not, because they would duplicate the results. Using `ModelConsumable` helps avoiding
 * this situation, because callbacks should only convert those values, which were not yet consumed from `ModelConsumable`.
 * Consuming multiple values in a single callback:
 *        // Converter for custom `image` element that might have a `caption` element inside which changes
 *        // how the image is displayed in the view:
 *        //
 *        // Model:
 *        //
 *        // [image]
 *        //   └─ [caption]
 *        //       └─ foo
 *        //
 *        // View:
 *        //
 *        // <figure>
 *        //   ├─ <img />
 *        //   └─ <caption>
 *        //       └─ foo
 *        modelConversionDispatcher.on( 'insert:image', ( evt, data, conversionApi ) => {
 *            // First, consume the `image` element.
 *            conversionApi.consumable.consume( data.item, 'insert' );
 *            // Just create normal image element for the view.
 *            // Maybe it will be "decorated" later.
 *            const viewImage = new ViewElement( 'img' );
 *            const insertPosition = conversionApi.mapper.toViewPosition( data.range.start );
 *            const viewWriter = conversionApi.writer;
 *            // Check if the `image` element has children.
 *            if ( data.item.childCount > 0 ) {
 *                const modelCaption = data.item.getChild( 0 );
 *                // `modelCaption` insertion change is consumed from consumable values.
 *                // It will not be converted by other converters, but it's children (probably some text) will be.
 *                // Through mapping, converters for text will know where to insert contents of `modelCaption`.
 *                if ( conversionApi.consumable.consume( modelCaption, 'insert' ) ) {
 *                    const viewCaption = new ViewElement( 'figcaption' );
 *                    const viewImageHolder = new ViewElement( 'figure', null, [ viewImage, viewCaption ] );
 *                    conversionApi.mapper.bindElements( modelCaption, viewCaption );
 *                    conversionApi.mapper.bindElements( data.item, viewImageHolder );
 *                    viewWriter.insert( insertPosition, viewImageHolder );
 *                }
 *            } else {
 *                conversionApi.mapper.bindElements( data.item, viewImage );
 *                viewWriter.insert( insertPosition, viewImage );
 *            }
 *            evt.stop();
 *        } );
export default class ModelConsumable {
     * Creates an empty consumables list.
    constructor() {
         * Contains list of consumable values.
         * @private
         * @member {Map} module:engine/conversion/modelconsumable~ModelConsumable#_consumable
        this._consumable = new Map();

         * For each {@link module:engine/model/textproxy~TextProxy} added to `ModelConsumable`, this registry holds parent
         * of that `TextProxy` and start and end indices of that `TextProxy`. This allows identification of `TextProxy`
         * instances that points to the same part of the model but are different instances. Each distinct `TextProxy`
         * is given unique `Symbol` which is then registered as consumable. This process is transparent for `ModelConsumable`
         * API user because whenever `TextProxy` is added, tested, consumed or reverted, internal mechanisms of
         * `ModelConsumable` translates `TextProxy` to that unique `Symbol`.
         * @private
         * @member {Map} module:engine/conversion/modelconsumable~ModelConsumable#_textProxyRegistry
        this._textProxyRegistry = new Map();

     * Adds a consumable value to the consumables list and links it with given model item.
     *        modelConsumable.add( modelElement, 'insert' ); // Add `modelElement` insertion change to consumable values.
     *        modelConsumable.add( modelElement, 'addAttribute:bold' ); // Add `bold` attribute insertion on `modelElement` change.
     *        modelConsumable.add( modelElement, 'removeAttribute:bold' ); // Add `bold` attribute removal on `modelElement` change.
     *        modelConsumable.add( modelSelection, 'selection' ); // Add `modelSelection` to consumable values.
     *        modelConsumable.add( modelRange, 'range' ); // Add `modelRange` to consumable values.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item|module:engine/model/selection~Selection|module:engine/model/range~Range} item
     * Model item, range or selection that has the consumable.
     * @param {String} type Consumable type. Will be normalized to a proper form, that is either `<word>` or `<part>:<part>`.
     * Second colon and everything after will be cut. Passing event name is a safe and good practice.
    add( item, type ) {
        type = _normalizeConsumableType( type );

        if ( item instanceof TextProxy ) {
            item = this._getSymbolForTextProxy( item );

        if ( !this._consumable.has( item ) ) {
            this._consumable.set( item, new Map() );

        this._consumable.get( item ).set( type, true );

     * Removes given consumable value from given model item.
     *        modelConsumable.consume( modelElement, 'insert' ); // Remove `modelElement` insertion change from consumable values.
     *        modelConsumable.consume( modelElement, 'addAttribute:bold' ); // Remove `bold` attribute insertion on `modelElement` change.
     *        modelConsumable.consume( modelElement, 'removeAttribute:bold' ); // Remove `bold` attribute removal on `modelElement` change.
     *        modelConsumable.consume( modelSelection, 'selection' ); // Remove `modelSelection` from consumable values.
     *        modelConsumable.consume( modelRange, 'range' ); // Remove 'modelRange' from consumable values.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item|module:engine/model/selection~Selection|module:engine/model/range~Range} item
     * Model item, range or selection from which consumable will be consumed.
     * @param {String} type Consumable type. Will be normalized to a proper form, that is either `<word>` or `<part>:<part>`.
     * Second colon and everything after will be cut. Passing event name is a safe and good practice.
     * @returns {Boolean} `true` if consumable value was available and was consumed, `false` otherwise.
    consume( item, type ) {
        type = _normalizeConsumableType( type );

        if ( item instanceof TextProxy ) {
            item = this._getSymbolForTextProxy( item );

        if ( this.test( item, type ) ) {
            this._consumable.get( item ).set( type, false );

            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Tests whether there is a consumable value of given type connected with given model item.
     *        modelConsumable.test( modelElement, 'insert' ); // Check for `modelElement` insertion change.
     *        modelConsumable.test( modelElement, 'addAttribute:bold' ); // Check for `bold` attribute insertion on `modelElement` change.
     *        modelConsumable.test( modelElement, 'removeAttribute:bold' ); // Check for `bold` attribute removal on `modelElement` change.
     *        modelConsumable.test( modelSelection, 'selection' ); // Check if `modelSelection` is consumable.
     *        modelConsumable.test( modelRange, 'range' ); // Check if `modelRange` is consumable.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item|module:engine/model/selection~Selection|module:engine/model/range~Range} item
     * Model item, range or selection to be tested.
     * @param {String} type Consumable type. Will be normalized to a proper form, that is either `<word>` or `<part>:<part>`.
     * Second colon and everything after will be cut. Passing event name is a safe and good practice.
     * @returns {null|Boolean} `null` if such consumable was never added, `false` if the consumable values was
     * already consumed or `true` if it was added and not consumed yet.
    test( item, type ) {
        type = _normalizeConsumableType( type );

        if ( item instanceof TextProxy ) {
            item = this._getSymbolForTextProxy( item );

        const itemConsumables = this._consumable.get( item );

        if ( itemConsumables === undefined ) {
            return null;

        const value = itemConsumables.get( type );

        if ( value === undefined ) {
            return null;

        return value;

     * Reverts consuming of consumable value.
     *        modelConsumable.revert( modelElement, 'insert' ); // Revert consuming `modelElement` insertion change.
     *        modelConsumable.revert( modelElement, 'addAttribute:bold' ); // Revert consuming `bold` attribute insert from `modelElement`.
     *        modelConsumable.revert( modelElement, 'removeAttribute:bold' ); // Revert consuming `bold` attribute remove from `modelElement`.
     *        modelConsumable.revert( modelSelection, 'selection' ); // Revert consuming `modelSelection`.
     *        modelConsumable.revert( modelRange, 'range' ); // Revert consuming `modelRange`.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item|module:engine/model/selection~Selection|module:engine/model/range~Range} item
     * Model item, range or selection to be reverted.
     * @param {String} type Consumable type.
     * @returns {null|Boolean} `true` if consumable has been reversed, `false` otherwise. `null` if the consumable has
     * never been added.
    revert( item, type ) {
        type = _normalizeConsumableType( type );

        if ( item instanceof TextProxy ) {
            item = this._getSymbolForTextProxy( item );

        const test = this.test( item, type );

        if ( test === false ) {
            this._consumable.get( item ).set( type, true );

            return true;
        } else if ( test === true ) {
            return false;

        return null;

     * Gets a unique symbol for passed {@link module:engine/model/textproxy~TextProxy} instance. All `TextProxy` instances that
     * have same parent, same start index and same end index will get the same symbol.
     * Used internally to correctly consume `TextProxy` instances.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/model/textproxy~TextProxy} textProxy `TextProxy` instance to get a symbol for.
     * @returns {Symbol} Symbol representing all equal instances of `TextProxy`.
    _getSymbolForTextProxy( textProxy ) {
        let symbol = null;

        const startMap = this._textProxyRegistry.get( textProxy.startOffset );

        if ( startMap ) {
            const endMap = startMap.get( textProxy.endOffset );

            if ( endMap ) {
                symbol = endMap.get( textProxy.parent );

        if ( !symbol ) {
            symbol = this._addSymbolForTextProxy( textProxy.startOffset, textProxy.endOffset, textProxy.parent );

        return symbol;

     * Adds a symbol for given properties that characterizes a {@link module:engine/model/textproxy~TextProxy} instance.
     * Used internally to correctly consume `TextProxy` instances.
     * @private
     * @param {Number} startIndex Text proxy start index in it's parent.
     * @param {Number} endIndex Text proxy end index in it's parent.
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element} parent Text proxy parent.
     * @returns {Symbol} Symbol generated for given properties.
    _addSymbolForTextProxy( start, end, parent ) {
        const symbol = Symbol( 'textProxySymbol' );
        let startMap, endMap;

        startMap = this._textProxyRegistry.get( start );

        if ( !startMap ) {
            startMap = new Map();
            this._textProxyRegistry.set( start, startMap );

        endMap = startMap.get( end );

        if ( !endMap ) {
            endMap = new Map();
            startMap.set( end, endMap );

        endMap.set( parent, symbol );

        return symbol;

// Returns a normalized consumable type name from given string. A normalized consumable type name is a string that has
// at most one colon, for example: `insert` or `addMarker:highlight`. If string to normalize has more "parts" (more colons),
// the other parts are dropped, for example: `addattribute:bold:$text` -> `addattributes:bold`.
// @param {String} type Consumable type.
// @returns {String} Normalized consumable type.
function _normalizeConsumableType( type ) {
    const parts = type.split( ':' );

    return parts.length > 1 ? parts[ 0 ] + ':' + parts[ 1 ] : parts[ 0 ];