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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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 * @module engine/dev-utils/model

 * Collection of methods for manipulating the {@link module:engine/model/model model} for testing purposes.

import RootElement from '../model/rootelement';
import Model from '../model/model';
import ModelRange from '../model/range';
import ModelPosition from '../model/position';
import ModelSelection from '../model/selection';
import ModelDocumentFragment from '../model/documentfragment';
import DocumentSelection from '../model/documentselection';

import View from '../view/view';
import ViewContainerElement from '../view/containerelement';
import ViewRootEditableElement from '../view/rooteditableelement';

import { parse as viewParse, stringify as viewStringify } from '../../src/dev-utils/view';

import DowncastDispatcher from '../conversion/downcastdispatcher';
import UpcastDispatcher from '../conversion/upcastdispatcher';
import Mapper from '../conversion/mapper';
import {
} from '../conversion/downcasthelpers';

import { isPlainObject } from 'lodash-es';
import toMap from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/tomap';
import { StylesProcessor } from '../view/stylesmap';

 * Writes the content of a model {@link module:engine/model/document~Document document} to an HTML-like string.
 *        getData( editor.model ); // -> '<paragraph>Foo![]</paragraph>'
 * **Note:** A {@link module:engine/model/text~Text text} node that contains attributes will be represented as:
 *        <$text attribute="value">Text data</$text>
 * **Note:** Using this tool in production-grade code is not recommended. It was designed for development, prototyping,
 * debugging and testing.
 * @param {module:engine/model/model~Model} model
 * @param {Object} [options]
 * @param {Boolean} [options.withoutSelection=false] Whether to write the selection. When set to `true`, the selection will
 * not be included in the returned string.
 * @param {String} [options.rootName='main'] The name of the root from which the data should be stringified. If not provided,
 * the default `main` name will be used.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.convertMarkers=false] Whether to include markers in the returned string.
 * @returns {String} The stringified data.
export function getData( model, options = {} ) {
    if ( !( model instanceof Model ) ) {
        throw new TypeError( 'Model needs to be an instance of module:engine/model/model~Model.' );

    const rootName = options.rootName || 'main';
    const root = model.document.getRoot( rootName );

    return getData._stringify(
        options.withoutSelection ? null : model.document.selection,
        options.convertMarkers ? model.markers : null

// Set stringify as getData private method - needed for testing/spying.
getData._stringify = stringify;

 * Sets the content of a model {@link module:engine/model/document~Document document} provided as an HTML-like string.
 *        setData( editor.model, '<paragraph>Foo![]</paragraph>' );
 * **Note:** Remember to register elements in the {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#schema model's schema} before
 * trying to use them.
 * **Note:** To create a {@link module:engine/model/text~Text text} node that contains attributes use:
 *        <$text attribute="value">Text data</$text>
 * **Note:** Using this tool in production-grade code is not recommended. It was designed for development, prototyping,
 * debugging and testing.
 * @param {module:engine/model/model~Model} model
 * @param {String} data HTML-like string to write into the document.
 * @param {Object} options
 * @param {String} [options.rootName='main'] Root name where parsed data will be stored. If not provided, the default `main`
 * name will be used.
 * @param {Array<Object>} [options.selectionAttributes] A list of attributes which will be passed to the selection.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.lastRangeBackward=false] If set to `true`, the last range will be added as backward.
 * @param {String} [options.batchType='transparent'] Batch type used for inserting elements.
 * See {@link module:engine/model/batch~Batch#type}.
export function setData( model, data, options = {} ) {
    if ( !( model instanceof Model ) ) {
        throw new TypeError( 'Model needs to be an instance of module:engine/model/model~Model.' );

    let modelDocumentFragment, selection;
    const modelRoot = model.document.getRoot( options.rootName || 'main' );

    // Parse data string to model.
    const parsedResult = setData._parse( data, model.schema, {
        lastRangeBackward: options.lastRangeBackward,
        selectionAttributes: options.selectionAttributes,
        context: [ ]
    } );

    // Retrieve DocumentFragment and Selection from parsed model.
    if ( parsedResult.model ) {
        modelDocumentFragment = parsedResult.model;
        selection = parsedResult.selection;
    } else {
        modelDocumentFragment = parsedResult;

    model.change( writer => {
        // Replace existing model in document by new one.
        writer.remove( writer.createRangeIn( modelRoot ) );
        writer.insert( modelDocumentFragment, modelRoot );

        // Clean up previous document selection.
        writer.setSelection( null );
        writer.removeSelectionAttribute( model.document.selection.getAttributeKeys() );

        // Update document selection if specified.
        if ( selection ) {
            const ranges = [];

            for ( const range of selection.getRanges() ) {
                const start = new ModelPosition( modelRoot, range.start.path );
                const end = new ModelPosition( modelRoot, range.end.path );

                ranges.push( new ModelRange( start, end ) );

            writer.setSelection( ranges, { backward: selection.isBackward } );

            if ( options.selectionAttributes ) {
                writer.setSelectionAttribute( selection.getAttributes() );
    } );

// Set parse as setData private method - needed for testing/spying.
setData._parse = parse;

 * Converts model nodes to HTML-like string representation.
 * **Note:** A {@link module:engine/model/text~Text text} node that contains attributes will be represented as:
 *        <$text attribute="value">Text data</$text>
 * @param {module:engine/model/rootelement~RootElement|module:engine/model/element~Element|module:engine/model/text~Text|
 * module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} node A node to stringify.
 * @param {module:engine/model/selection~Selection|module:engine/model/position~Position|
 * module:engine/model/range~Range} [selectionOrPositionOrRange=null]
 * A selection instance whose ranges will be included in the returned string data. If a range instance is provided, it will be
 * converted to a selection containing this range. If a position instance is provided, it will be converted to a selection
 * containing one range collapsed at this position.
 * @param {Iterable.<module:engine/model/markercollection~Marker>|null} markers Markers to include.
 * @returns {String} An HTML-like string representing the model.
export function stringify( node, selectionOrPositionOrRange = null, markers = null ) {
    const model = new Model();
    const mapper = new Mapper();
    let selection, range;

    // Create a range witch wraps passed node.
    if ( node instanceof RootElement || node instanceof ModelDocumentFragment ) {
        range = model.createRangeIn( node );
    } else {
        // Node is detached - create new document fragment.
        if ( !node.parent ) {
            const fragment = new ModelDocumentFragment( node );
            range = model.createRangeIn( fragment );
        } else {
            range = new ModelRange(
                model.createPositionBefore( node ),
                model.createPositionAfter( node )

    // Get selection from passed selection or position or range if at least one is specified.
    if ( selectionOrPositionOrRange instanceof ModelSelection ) {
        selection = selectionOrPositionOrRange;
    } else if ( selectionOrPositionOrRange instanceof DocumentSelection ) {
        selection = selectionOrPositionOrRange;
    } else if ( selectionOrPositionOrRange instanceof ModelRange ) {
        selection = new ModelSelection( selectionOrPositionOrRange );
    } else if ( selectionOrPositionOrRange instanceof ModelPosition ) {
        selection = new ModelSelection( selectionOrPositionOrRange );

    // Set up conversion.
    // Create a temporary view controller.
    const stylesProcessor = new StylesProcessor();
    const view = new View( stylesProcessor );
    const viewDocument = view.document;
    const viewRoot = new ViewRootEditableElement( viewDocument, 'div' );

    // Create a temporary root element in view document.
    viewRoot.rootName = 'main';
    viewDocument.roots.add( viewRoot );

    // Create and setup downcast dispatcher.
    const downcastDispatcher = new DowncastDispatcher( { mapper } );

    // Bind root elements.
    mapper.bindElements( node.root, viewRoot );

    downcastDispatcher.on( 'insert:$text', insertText() );
    downcastDispatcher.on( 'attribute', ( evt, data, conversionApi ) => {
        if ( data.item instanceof ModelSelection || data.item instanceof DocumentSelection || 'textProxy' ) ) {
            const converter = wrap( ( modelAttributeValue, viewWriter ) => {
                return viewWriter.createAttributeElement(
                    { [ data.attributeKey ]: stringifyAttributeValue( modelAttributeValue ) }
            } );

            converter( evt, data, conversionApi );
    } );
    downcastDispatcher.on( 'insert', insertElement( modelItem => {
        // Stringify object types values for properly display as an output string.
        const attributes = convertAttributes( modelItem.getAttributes(), stringifyAttributeValue );

        return new ViewContainerElement( viewDocument,, attributes );
    } ) );

    downcastDispatcher.on( 'selection', convertRangeSelection() );
    downcastDispatcher.on( 'selection', convertCollapsedSelection() );
    downcastDispatcher.on( 'addMarker', insertUIElement( ( data, writer ) => {
        const name = data.markerName + ':' + ( data.isOpening ? 'start' : 'end' );

        return writer.createUIElement( name );
    } ) );

    // Convert model to view.
    const writer = view._writer;
    downcastDispatcher.convertInsert( range, writer );

    // Convert model selection to view selection.
    if ( selection ) {
        downcastDispatcher.convertSelection( selection, markers || model.markers, writer );

    if ( markers ) {
        // To provide stable results, sort markers by name.
        markers = Array.from( markers ).sort( ( a, b ) => < ? 1 : -1 );

        for ( const marker of markers ) {
            downcastDispatcher.convertMarkerAdd(, marker.getRange(), writer );

    // Parse view to data string.
    let data = viewStringify( viewRoot, viewDocument.selection, { sameSelectionCharacters: true } );

    // Removing unneccessary <div> and </div> added because `viewRoot` was also stringified alongside input data.
    data = data.substr( 5, data.length - 11 );


    // Replace valid XML `model-text-with-attributes` element name to `$text`.
    return data.replace( new RegExp( 'model-text-with-attributes', 'g' ), '$text' );

 * Parses an HTML-like string and returns the model {@link module:engine/model/rootelement~RootElement rootElement}.
 * **Note:** To create a {@link module:engine/model/text~Text text} node that contains attributes use:
 *        <$text attribute="value">Text data</$text>
 * @param {String} data HTML-like string to be parsed.
 * @param {module:engine/model/schema~Schema} schema A schema instance used by converters for element validation.
 * @param {Object} [options={}] Additional configuration.
 * @param {Array<Object>} [options.selectionAttributes] A list of attributes which will be passed to the selection.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.lastRangeBackward=false] If set to `true`, the last range will be added as backward.
 * @param {module:engine/model/schema~SchemaContextDefinition} [options.context='$root'] The conversion context.
 * If not provided, the default `'$root'` will be used.
 * @returns {module:engine/model/element~Element|module:engine/model/text~Text|
 * module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment|Object} Returns the parsed model node or
 * an object with two fields: `model` and `selection`, when selection ranges were included in the data to parse.
export function parse( data, schema, options = {} ) {
    const mapper = new Mapper();

    // Replace not accepted by XML `$text` tag name by valid one `model-text-with-attributes`.
    data = data.replace( new RegExp( '\\$text', 'g' ), 'model-text-with-attributes' );

    // Parse data to view using view utils.
    const parsedResult = viewParse( data, {
        sameSelectionCharacters: true,
        lastRangeBackward: !!options.lastRangeBackward
    } );

    // Retrieve DocumentFragment and Selection from parsed view.
    let viewDocumentFragment, viewSelection, selection;

    if ( parsedResult.view && parsedResult.selection ) {
        viewDocumentFragment = parsedResult.view;
        viewSelection = parsedResult.selection;
    } else {
        viewDocumentFragment = parsedResult;

    // Set up upcast dispatcher.
    const modelController = new Model();
    const upcastDispatcher = new UpcastDispatcher( { schema, mapper } );

    upcastDispatcher.on( 'documentFragment', convertToModelFragment() );
    upcastDispatcher.on( 'element:model-text-with-attributes', convertToModelText( true ) );
    upcastDispatcher.on( 'element', convertToModelElement() );
    upcastDispatcher.on( 'text', convertToModelText() );

    upcastDispatcher.isDebug = true;

    // Convert view to model.
    let model = modelController.change(
        writer => upcastDispatcher.convert( viewDocumentFragment.root, writer, options.context || '$root' )

    mapper.bindElements( model, viewDocumentFragment.root );

    // If root DocumentFragment contains only one element - return that element.
    if ( model.childCount == 1 ) {
        model = model.getChild( 0 );

    // Convert view selection to model selection.

    if ( viewSelection ) {
        const ranges = [];

        // Convert ranges.
        for ( const viewRange of viewSelection.getRanges() ) {
            ranges.push( mapper.toModelRange( viewRange ) );

        // Create new selection.
        selection = new ModelSelection( ranges, { backward: viewSelection.isBackward } );

        // Set attributes to selection if specified.
        for ( const [ key, value ] of toMap( options.selectionAttributes || [] ) ) {
            selection.setAttribute( key, value );

    // Return model end selection when selection was specified.
    if ( selection ) {
        return { model, selection };

    // Otherwise return model only.
    return model;

// -- Converters view -> model -----------------------------------------------------

function convertToModelFragment() {
    return ( evt, data, conversionApi ) => {
        const childrenResult = conversionApi.convertChildren( data.viewItem, data.modelCursor );

        conversionApi.mapper.bindElements( data.modelCursor.parent, data.viewItem );

        data = Object.assign( data, childrenResult );


function convertToModelElement() {
    return ( evt, data, conversionApi ) => {
        const elementName =;

        if ( !conversionApi.schema.checkChild( data.modelCursor, elementName ) ) {
            throw new Error( `Element '${ elementName }' was not allowed in given position.` );

        // View attribute value is a string so we want to typecast it to the original type.
        // E.g. `bold="true"` - value will be parsed from string `"true"` to boolean `true`.
        const attributes = convertAttributes( data.viewItem.getAttributes(), parseAttributeValue );
        const element = conversionApi.writer.createElement(, attributes );

        conversionApi.writer.insert( element, data.modelCursor );

        conversionApi.mapper.bindElements( element, data.viewItem );

        conversionApi.convertChildren( data.viewItem, ModelPosition._createAt( element, 0 ) );

        data.modelRange = ModelRange._createOn( element );
        data.modelCursor = data.modelRange.end;


function convertToModelText( withAttributes = false ) {
    return ( evt, data, conversionApi ) => {
        if ( !conversionApi.schema.checkChild( data.modelCursor, '$text' ) ) {
            throw new Error( 'Text was not allowed in given position.' );

        let node;

        if ( withAttributes ) {
            // View attribute value is a string so we want to typecast it to the original type.
            // E.g. `bold="true"` - value will be parsed from string `"true"` to boolean `true`.
            const attributes = convertAttributes( data.viewItem.getAttributes(), parseAttributeValue );

            node = conversionApi.writer.createText( data.viewItem.getChild( 0 ).data, attributes );
        } else {
            node = conversionApi.writer.createText( );

        conversionApi.writer.insert( node, data.modelCursor );

        data.modelRange = ModelRange._createFromPositionAndShift( data.modelCursor, node.offsetSize );
        data.modelCursor = data.modelRange.end;


// Tries to get original type of attribute value using JSON parsing:
//        `'true'` => `true`
//        `'1'` => `1`
//        `'{"x":1,"y":2}'` => `{ x: 1, y: 2 }`
// Parse error means that value should be a string:
//        `'foobar'` => `'foobar'`
function parseAttributeValue( attribute ) {
    try {
        return JSON.parse( attribute );
    } catch ( e ) {
        return attribute;

// When value is an Object stringify it.
function stringifyAttributeValue( data ) {
    if ( isPlainObject( data ) ) {
        return JSON.stringify( data );

    return data;

// Loop trough attributes map and converts each value by passed converter.
function* convertAttributes( attributes, converter ) {
    for ( const [ key, value ] of attributes ) {
        yield [ key, converter( value ) ];