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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

 * @module engine/dev-utils/operationreplayer

/* global setTimeout */

import OperationFactory from '../model/operation/operationfactory';

 * Operation replayer is a development tool created for easy replaying of operations on the document from stringified operations.
export default class OperationReplayer {
     * @param {module:engine/model/model~Model} model Data model.
     * @param {String} logSeparator Separator between operations.
     * @param {String} stringifiedOperations Operations to replay.
    constructor( model, logSeparator, stringifiedOperations ) {
        this._model = model;
        this._logSeparator = logSeparator;
        this.setStringifiedOperations( stringifiedOperations );

     * Parses the given string containing stringified operations and sets parsed operations as operations to replay.
     * @param {String} stringifiedOperations Stringified operations to replay.
    setStringifiedOperations( stringifiedOperations ) {
        if ( stringifiedOperations === '' ) {
            this._operationsToReplay = [];


        this._operationsToReplay = stringifiedOperations
            .split( this._logSeparator )
            .map( stringifiedOperation => JSON.parse( stringifiedOperation ) );

     * Returns operations to replay.
     * @returns {Array.<module:engine/model/operation/operation~Operation>}
    getOperationsToReplay() {
        return this._operationsToReplay;

     * Applies all operations with a delay between actions.
     * @param {Number} timeInterval Time between applying operations.
     * @returns {Promise}
    play( timeInterval = 1000 ) {
        const operationReplayer = this; // eslint-disable-line consistent-this

        return new Promise( ( res, rej ) => {

            function play() {
                operationReplayer.applyNextOperation().then( isFinished => {
                    if ( isFinished ) {
                        return res();

                    setTimeout( play, timeInterval );
                } ).catch( err => {
                    rej( err );
                } );
        } );

     * Applies `numberOfOperations` operations, beginning after the last applied operation (or first, if no operations were applied).
     * @param {Number} numberOfOperations The number of operations to apply.
     * @returns {Promise}
    applyOperations( numberOfOperations ) {
        if ( numberOfOperations <= 0 ) {

        return this.applyNextOperation()
            .then( isFinished => {
                if ( !isFinished ) {
                    return this.applyOperations( numberOfOperations - 1 );
            } );

     * Applies all operations to replay at once.
     * @returns {Promise}
    applyAllOperations() {
        return this.applyNextOperation()
            .then( isFinished => {
                if ( !isFinished ) {
                    return this.applyAllOperations();
            } );

     * Applies the next operation to replay. Returns a promise with the `isFinished` parameter that is `true` if the last
     * operation in the replayer has been applied, `false` otherwise.
     * @returns {Promise.<Boolean>}
    applyNextOperation() {
        const model = this._model;

        return new Promise( res => {
            model.enqueueChange( writer => {
                const operationJson = this._operationsToReplay.shift();

                if ( !operationJson ) {
                    return res( true );

                const operation = OperationFactory.fromJSON( operationJson, model.document );

                writer.batch.addOperation( operation );
                model.applyOperation( operation );

                res( false );
            } );
        } );