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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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 * @module engine/model/batch

 * A batch instance groups model changes ({@link module:engine/model/operation/operation~Operation operations}). All operations
 * grouped in a single batch can be reverted together, so you can also think about a batch as of a single undo step. If you want
 * to extend a given undo step, you can add more changes to the batch using {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#enqueueChange}:
 *        model.enqueueChange( batch, writer => {
 *            writer.insertText( 'foo', paragraph, 'end' );
 *        } );
 * @see module:engine/model/model~Model#enqueueChange
 * @see module:engine/model/model~Model#change
export default class Batch {
     * Creates a batch instance.
     * @see module:engine/model/model~Model#enqueueChange
     * @see module:engine/model/model~Model#change
     * @param {'transparent'|'default'} [type='default'] The type of the batch.
    constructor( type = 'default' ) {
         * An array of operations that compose this batch.
         * @readonly
         * @type {Array.<module:engine/model/operation/operation~Operation>}
        this.operations = [];

         * The type of the batch.
         * It can be one of the following values:
         * * `'default'` &ndash; All "normal" batches. This is the most commonly used type.
         * * `'transparent'` &ndash; A batch that should be ignored by other features, i.e. an initial batch or collaborative editing
         * changes.
         * @readonly
         * @type {'transparent'|'default'}
        this.type = type;

     * Returns the base version of this batch, which is equal to the base version of the first operation in the batch.
     * If there are no operations in the batch or neither operation has the base version set, it returns `null`.
     * @readonly
     * @type {Number|null}
    get baseVersion() {
        for ( const op of this.operations ) {
            if ( op.baseVersion !== null ) {
                return op.baseVersion;

        return null;

     * Adds an operation to the batch instance.
     * @param {module:engine/model/operation/operation~Operation} operation An operation to add.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/operation/operation~Operation} The added operation.
    addOperation( operation ) {
        operation.batch = this;
        this.operations.push( operation );

        return operation;