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Test Coverage
 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

 * @module engine/model/differ

import Position from './position';
import Range from './range';

 * Calculates the difference between two model states.
 * Receives operations that are to be applied on the model document. Marks parts of the model document tree which
 * are changed and saves the state of these elements before the change. Then, it compares saved elements with the
 * changed elements, after all changes are applied on the model document. Calculates the diff between saved
 * elements and new ones and returns a change set.
export default class Differ {
     * Creates a `Differ` instance.
     * @param {module:engine/model/markercollection~MarkerCollection} markerCollection Model's marker collection.
    constructor( markerCollection ) {
         * Reference to the model's marker collection.
         * @private
         * @type {module:engine/model/markercollection~MarkerCollection}
        this._markerCollection = markerCollection;

         * A map that stores changes that happened in a given element.
         * The keys of the map are references to the model elements.
         * The values of the map are arrays with changes that were done on this element.
         * @private
         * @type {Map}
        this._changesInElement = new Map();

         * A map that stores "element's children snapshots". A snapshot is representing children of a given element before
         * the first change was applied on that element. Snapshot items are objects with two properties: `name`,
         * containing the element name (or `'$text'` for a text node) and `attributes` which is a map of the node's attributes.
         * @private
         * @type {Map}
        this._elementSnapshots = new Map();

         * A map that stores all changed markers.
         * The keys of the map are marker names.
         * The values of the map are objects with the `oldRange` and `newRange` properties. They store the marker range
         * state before and after the change.
         * @private
         * @type {Map}
        this._changedMarkers = new Map();

         * Stores the number of changes that were processed. Used to order the changes chronologically. It is important
         * when changes are sorted.
         * @private
         * @type {Number}
        this._changeCount = 0;

         * For efficiency purposes, `Differ` stores the change set returned by the differ after {@link #getChanges} call.
         * Cache is reset each time a new operation is buffered. If the cache has not been reset, {@link #getChanges} will
         * return the cached value instead of calculating it again.
         * This property stores those changes that did not take place in graveyard root.
         * @private
         * @type {Array.<Object>|null}
        this._cachedChanges = null;

         * For efficiency purposes, `Differ` stores the change set returned by the differ after the {@link #getChanges} call.
         * The cache is reset each time a new operation is buffered. If the cache has not been reset, {@link #getChanges} will
         * return the cached value instead of calculating it again.
         * This property stores all changes evaluated by `Differ`, including those that took place in the graveyard.
         * @private
         * @type {Array.<Object>|null}
        this._cachedChangesWithGraveyard = null;

     * Informs whether there are any changes buffered in `Differ`.
     * @readonly
     * @type {Boolean}
    get isEmpty() {
        return this._changesInElement.size == 0 && this._changedMarkers.size == 0;

     * Marks given `item` in differ to be "refreshed". It means that the item will be marked as removed and inserted in the differ changes
     * set, so it will be effectively re-converted when differ changes will be handled by a dispatcher.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item} item Item to refresh.
    refreshItem( item ) {
        if ( this._isInInsertedElement( item.parent ) ) {

        this._markRemove( item.parent, item.startOffset, item.offsetSize );
        this._markInsert( item.parent, item.startOffset, item.offsetSize );

        const range = Range._createOn( item );

        for ( const marker of this._markerCollection.getMarkersIntersectingRange( range ) ) {
            const markerRange = marker.getRange();

            this.bufferMarkerChange(, markerRange, markerRange, marker.affectsData );

        // Clear cache after each buffered operation as it is no longer valid.
        this._cachedChanges = null;

     * Buffers the given operation. An operation has to be buffered before it is executed.
     * Operation type is checked and it is checked which nodes it will affect. These nodes are then stored in `Differ`
     * in the state before the operation is executed.
     * @param {module:engine/model/operation/operation~Operation} operation An operation to buffer.
    bufferOperation( operation ) {
        // Below we take an operation, check its type, then use its parameters in marking (private) methods.
        // The general rule is to not mark elements inside inserted element. All inserted elements are re-rendered.
        // Marking changes in them would cause a "double" changing then.
        switch ( operation.type ) {
            case 'insert': {
                if ( this._isInInsertedElement( operation.position.parent ) ) {

                this._markInsert( operation.position.parent, operation.position.offset, operation.nodes.maxOffset );

            case 'addAttribute':
            case 'removeAttribute':
            case 'changeAttribute': {
                for ( const item of operation.range.getItems( { shallow: true } ) ) {
                    if ( this._isInInsertedElement( item.parent ) ) {

                    this._markAttribute( item );

            case 'remove':
            case 'move':
            case 'reinsert': {
                // When range is moved to the same position then not mark it as a change.
                // See:
                if (
                    operation.sourcePosition.isEqual( operation.targetPosition ) ||
                    operation.sourcePosition.getShiftedBy( operation.howMany ).isEqual( operation.targetPosition )
                ) {

                const sourceParentInserted = this._isInInsertedElement( operation.sourcePosition.parent );
                const targetParentInserted = this._isInInsertedElement( operation.targetPosition.parent );

                if ( !sourceParentInserted ) {
                    this._markRemove( operation.sourcePosition.parent, operation.sourcePosition.offset, operation.howMany );

                if ( !targetParentInserted ) {
                    this._markInsert( operation.targetPosition.parent, operation.getMovedRangeStart().offset, operation.howMany );

            case 'rename': {
                if ( this._isInInsertedElement( operation.position.parent ) ) {

                this._markRemove( operation.position.parent, operation.position.offset, 1 );
                this._markInsert( operation.position.parent, operation.position.offset, 1 );

                const range = Range._createFromPositionAndShift( operation.position, 1 );

                for ( const marker of this._markerCollection.getMarkersIntersectingRange( range ) ) {
                    const markerRange = marker.getRange();

                    this.bufferMarkerChange(, markerRange, markerRange, marker.affectsData );

            case 'split': {
                const splitElement = operation.splitPosition.parent;

                // Mark that children of the split element were removed.
                if ( !this._isInInsertedElement( splitElement ) ) {
                    this._markRemove( splitElement, operation.splitPosition.offset, operation.howMany );

                // Mark that the new element (split copy) was inserted.
                if ( !this._isInInsertedElement( operation.insertionPosition.parent ) ) {
                    this._markInsert( operation.insertionPosition.parent, operation.insertionPosition.offset, 1 );

                // If the split took the element from the graveyard, mark that the element from the graveyard was removed.
                if ( operation.graveyardPosition ) {
                    this._markRemove( operation.graveyardPosition.parent, operation.graveyardPosition.offset, 1 );

            case 'merge': {
                // Mark that the merged element was removed.
                const mergedElement = operation.sourcePosition.parent;

                if ( !this._isInInsertedElement( mergedElement.parent ) ) {
                    this._markRemove( mergedElement.parent, mergedElement.startOffset, 1 );

                // Mark that the merged element was inserted into graveyard.
                const graveyardParent = operation.graveyardPosition.parent;

                this._markInsert( graveyardParent, operation.graveyardPosition.offset, 1 );

                // Mark that children of merged element were inserted at new parent.
                const mergedIntoElement = operation.targetPosition.parent;

                if ( !this._isInInsertedElement( mergedIntoElement ) ) {
                    this._markInsert( mergedIntoElement, operation.targetPosition.offset, mergedElement.maxOffset );


        // Clear cache after each buffered operation as it is no longer valid.
        this._cachedChanges = null;

     * Buffers a marker change.
     * @param {String} markerName The name of the marker that changed.
     * @param {module:engine/model/range~Range|null} oldRange Marker range before the change or `null` if the marker has just
     * been created.
     * @param {module:engine/model/range~Range|null} newRange Marker range after the change or `null` if the marker was removed.
     * @param {Boolean} affectsData Flag indicating whether marker affects the editor data.
    bufferMarkerChange( markerName, oldRange, newRange, affectsData ) {
        const buffered = this._changedMarkers.get( markerName );

        if ( !buffered ) {
            this._changedMarkers.set( markerName, {
            } );
        } else {
            buffered.newRange = newRange;
            buffered.affectsData = affectsData;

            if ( buffered.oldRange == null && buffered.newRange == null ) {
                // The marker is going to be removed (`newRange == null`) but it did not exist before the first buffered change
                // (`buffered.oldRange == null`). In this case, do not keep the marker in buffer at all.
                this._changedMarkers.delete( markerName );

     * Returns all markers that should be removed as a result of buffered changes.
     * @returns {Array.<Object>} Markers to remove. Each array item is an object containing the `name` and `range` properties.
    getMarkersToRemove() {
        const result = [];

        for ( const [ name, change ] of this._changedMarkers ) {
            if ( change.oldRange != null ) {
                result.push( { name, range: change.oldRange } );

        return result;

     * Returns all markers which should be added as a result of buffered changes.
     * @returns {Array.<Object>} Markers to add. Each array item is an object containing the `name` and `range` properties.
    getMarkersToAdd() {
        const result = [];

        for ( const [ name, change ] of this._changedMarkers ) {
            if ( change.newRange != null ) {
                result.push( { name, range: change.newRange } );

        return result;

     * Returns all markers which changed.
     * @returns {Array.<Object>}
    getChangedMarkers() {
        return Array.from( this._changedMarkers ).map( item => (
                name: item[ 0 ],
                data: {
                    oldRange: item[ 1 ].oldRange,
                    newRange: item[ 1 ].newRange
        ) );

     * Checks whether some of the buffered changes affect the editor data.
     * Types of changes which affect the editor data:
     * * model structure changes,
     * * attribute changes,
     * * changes of markers which were defined as `affectingData`.
     * @returns {Boolean}
    hasDataChanges() {
        for ( const [ , change ] of this._changedMarkers ) {
            if ( change.affectsData ) {
                return true;

        // If markers do not affect the data, check whether there are some changes in elements.
        return this._changesInElement.size > 0;

     * Calculates the diff between the old model tree state (the state before the first buffered operations since the last {@link #reset}
     * call) and the new model tree state (actual one). It should be called after all buffered operations are executed.
     * The diff set is returned as an array of diff items, each describing a change done on the model. The items are sorted by
     * the position on which the change happened. If a position {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#isBefore is before}
     * another one, it will be on an earlier index in the diff set.
     * Because calculating the diff is a costly operation, the result is cached. If no new operation was buffered since the
     * previous {@link #getChanges} call, the next call will return the cached value.
     * @param {Object} options Additional options.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.includeChangesInGraveyard=false] If set to `true`, also changes that happened
     * in the graveyard root will be returned. By default, changes in the graveyard root are not returned.
     * @returns {Array.<Object>} Diff between the old and the new model tree state.
    getChanges( options = { includeChangesInGraveyard: false } ) {
        // If there are cached changes, just return them instead of calculating changes again.
        if ( this._cachedChanges ) {
            if ( options.includeChangesInGraveyard ) {
                return this._cachedChangesWithGraveyard.slice();
            } else {
                return this._cachedChanges.slice();

        // Will contain returned results.
        const diffSet = [];

        // Check all changed elements.
        for ( const element of this._changesInElement.keys() ) {
            // Get changes for this element and sort them.
            const changes = this._changesInElement.get( element ).sort( ( a, b ) => {
                if ( a.offset === b.offset ) {
                    if ( a.type != b.type ) {
                        // If there are multiple changes at the same position, "remove" change should be first.
                        // If the order is different, for example, we would first add some nodes and then removed them
                        // (instead of the nodes that we should remove).
                        return a.type == 'remove' ? -1 : 1;

                    return 0;

                return a.offset < b.offset ? -1 : 1;
            } );

            // Get children of this element before any change was applied on it.
            const snapshotChildren = this._elementSnapshots.get( element );
            // Get snapshot of current element's children.
            const elementChildren = _getChildrenSnapshot( element.getChildren() );

            // Generate actions basing on changes done on element.
            const actions = _generateActionsFromChanges( snapshotChildren.length, changes );

            let i = 0; // Iterator in `elementChildren` array -- iterates through current children of element.
            let j = 0; // Iterator in `snapshotChildren` array -- iterates through old children of element.

            // Process every action.
            for ( const action of actions ) {
                if ( action === 'i' ) {
                    // Generate diff item for this element and insert it into the diff set.
                    diffSet.push( this._getInsertDiff( element, i, elementChildren[ i ].name ) );

                } else if ( action === 'r' ) {
                    // Generate diff item for this element and insert it into the diff set.
                    diffSet.push( this._getRemoveDiff( element, i, snapshotChildren[ j ].name ) );

                } else if ( action === 'a' ) {
                    // Take attributes from saved and current children.
                    const elementAttributes = elementChildren[ i ].attributes;
                    const snapshotAttributes = snapshotChildren[ j ].attributes;
                    let range;

                    if ( elementChildren[ i ].name == '$text' ) {
                        range = new Range( Position._createAt( element, i ), Position._createAt( element, i + 1 ) );
                    } else {
                        const index = element.offsetToIndex( i );
                        range = new Range( Position._createAt( element, i ), Position._createAt( element.getChild( index ), 0 ) );

                    // Generate diff items for this change (there might be multiple attributes changed and
                    // there is a single diff for each of them) and insert them into the diff set.
                    diffSet.push( ...this._getAttributesDiff( range, snapshotAttributes, elementAttributes ) );

                } else {
                    // `action` is 'equal'. Child not changed.

        // Then, sort the changes by the position (change at position before other changes is first).
        diffSet.sort( ( a, b ) => {
            // If the change is in different root, we don't care much, but we'd like to have all changes in given
            // root "together" in the array. So let's just sort them by the root name. It does not matter which root
            // will be processed first.
            if ( a.position.root != b.position.root ) {
                return a.position.root.rootName < b.position.root.rootName ? -1 : 1;

            // If change happens at the same position...
            if ( a.position.isEqual( b.position ) ) {
                // Keep chronological order of operations.
                return a.changeCount - b.changeCount;

            // If positions differ, position "on the left" should be earlier in the result.
            return a.position.isBefore( b.position ) ? -1 : 1;
        } );

        // Glue together multiple changes (mostly on text nodes).
        for ( let i = 1; i < diffSet.length; i++ ) {
            const prevDiff = diffSet[ i - 1 ];
            const thisDiff = diffSet[ i ];

            // Glue remove changes if they happen on text on same position.
            const isConsecutiveTextRemove =
                prevDiff.type == 'remove' && thisDiff.type == 'remove' &&
       == '$text' && == '$text' &&
                prevDiff.position.isEqual( thisDiff.position );

            // Glue insert changes if they happen on text on consecutive fragments.
            const isConsecutiveTextAdd =
                prevDiff.type == 'insert' && thisDiff.type == 'insert' &&
       == '$text' && == '$text' &&
                prevDiff.position.parent == thisDiff.position.parent &&
                prevDiff.position.offset + prevDiff.length == thisDiff.position.offset;

            // Glue attribute changes if they happen on consecutive fragments and have same key, old value and new value.
            const isConsecutiveAttributeChange =
                prevDiff.type == 'attribute' && thisDiff.type == 'attribute' &&
                prevDiff.position.parent == thisDiff.position.parent &&
                prevDiff.range.isFlat && thisDiff.range.isFlat &&
                prevDiff.position.offset + prevDiff.length == thisDiff.position.offset &&
                prevDiff.attributeKey == thisDiff.attributeKey &&
                prevDiff.attributeOldValue == thisDiff.attributeOldValue &&
                prevDiff.attributeNewValue == thisDiff.attributeNewValue;

            if ( isConsecutiveTextRemove || isConsecutiveTextAdd || isConsecutiveAttributeChange ) {
                diffSet[ i - 1 ].length++;

                if ( isConsecutiveAttributeChange ) {
                    diffSet[ i - 1 ].range.end = diffSet[ i - 1 ].range.end.getShiftedBy( 1 );

                diffSet.splice( i, 1 );

        // Remove `changeCount` property from diff items. It is used only for sorting and is internal thing.
        for ( const item of diffSet ) {
            delete item.changeCount;

            if ( item.type == 'attribute' ) {
                delete item.position;
                delete item.length;

        this._changeCount = 0;

        // Cache changes.
        this._cachedChangesWithGraveyard = diffSet.slice();
        this._cachedChanges = diffSet.slice().filter( _changesInGraveyardFilter );

        if ( options.includeChangesInGraveyard ) {
            return this._cachedChangesWithGraveyard;
        } else {
            return this._cachedChanges;

     * Resets `Differ`. Removes all buffered changes.
    reset() {
        this._cachedChanges = null;

     * Saves and handles an insert change.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element} parent
     * @param {Number} offset
     * @param {Number} howMany
    _markInsert( parent, offset, howMany ) {
        const changeItem = { type: 'insert', offset, howMany, count: this._changeCount++ };

        this._markChange( parent, changeItem );

     * Saves and handles a remove change.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element} parent
     * @param {Number} offset
     * @param {Number} howMany
    _markRemove( parent, offset, howMany ) {
        const changeItem = { type: 'remove', offset, howMany, count: this._changeCount++ };

        this._markChange( parent, changeItem );

        this._removeAllNestedChanges( parent, offset, howMany );

     * Saves and handles an attribute change.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item} item
    _markAttribute( item ) {
        const changeItem = { type: 'attribute', offset: item.startOffset, howMany: item.offsetSize, count: this._changeCount++ };

        this._markChange( item.parent, changeItem );

     * Saves and handles a model change.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element} parent
     * @param {Object} changeItem
    _markChange( parent, changeItem ) {
        // First, make a snapshot of this parent's children (it will be made only if it was not made before).
        this._makeSnapshot( parent );

        // Then, get all changes that already were done on the element (empty array if this is the first change).
        const changes = this._getChangesForElement( parent );

        // Then, look through all the changes, and transform them or the new change.
        this._handleChange( changeItem, changes );

        // Add the new change.
        changes.push( changeItem );

        // Remove incorrect changes. During transformation some change might be, for example, included in another.
        // In that case, the change will have `howMany` property set to `0` or less. We need to remove those changes.
        for ( let i = 0; i < changes.length; i++ ) {
            if ( changes[ i ].howMany < 1 ) {
                changes.splice( i, 1 );


     * Gets an array of changes that have already been saved for a given element.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element} element
     * @returns {Array.<Object>}
    _getChangesForElement( element ) {
        let changes;

        if ( this._changesInElement.has( element ) ) {
            changes = this._changesInElement.get( element );
        } else {
            changes = [];

            this._changesInElement.set( element, changes );

        return changes;

     * Saves a children snapshot for a given element.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element} element
    _makeSnapshot( element ) {
        if ( !this._elementSnapshots.has( element ) ) {
            this._elementSnapshots.set( element, _getChildrenSnapshot( element.getChildren() ) );

     * For a given newly saved change, compares it with a change already done on the element and modifies the incoming
     * change and/or the old change.
     * @private
     * @param {Object} inc Incoming (new) change.
     * @param {Array.<Object>} changes An array containing all the changes done on that element.
    _handleChange( inc, changes ) {
        // We need a helper variable that will store how many nodes are to be still handled for this change item.
        // `nodesToHandle` (how many nodes still need to be handled) and `howMany` (how many nodes were affected)
        // needs to be differentiated.
        // This comes up when there are multiple changes that are affected by `inc` change item.
        // For example: assume two insert changes: `{ offset: 2, howMany: 1 }` and `{ offset: 5, howMany: 1 }`.
        // Assume that `inc` change is remove `{ offset: 2, howMany: 2, nodesToHandle: 2 }`.
        // Then, we:
        // - "forget" about first insert change (it is "eaten" by remove),
        // - because of that, at the end we will want to remove only one node (`nodesToHandle = 1`),
        // - but still we have to change offset of the second insert change from `5` to `3`!
        // So, `howMany` does not change throughout items transformation and keeps information about how many nodes were affected,
        // while `nodesToHandle` means how many nodes need to be handled after the change item is transformed by other changes.
        inc.nodesToHandle = inc.howMany;

        for ( const old of changes ) {
            const incEnd = inc.offset + inc.howMany;
            const oldEnd = old.offset + old.howMany;

            if ( inc.type == 'insert' ) {
                if ( old.type == 'insert' ) {
                    if ( inc.offset <= old.offset ) {
                        old.offset += inc.howMany;
                    } else if ( inc.offset < oldEnd ) {
                        old.howMany += inc.nodesToHandle;
                        inc.nodesToHandle = 0;

                if ( old.type == 'remove' ) {
                    if ( inc.offset < old.offset ) {
                        old.offset += inc.howMany;

                if ( old.type == 'attribute' ) {
                    if ( inc.offset <= old.offset ) {
                        old.offset += inc.howMany;
                    } else if ( inc.offset < oldEnd ) {
                        // This case is more complicated, because attribute change has to be split into two.
                        // Example (assume that uppercase and lowercase letters mean different attributes):
                        // initial state:        abcxyz
                        // attribute change:    aBCXYz
                        // incoming insert:        aBCfooXYz
                        // Change ranges cannot intersect because each item has to be described exactly (it was either
                        // not changed, inserted, removed, or its attribute was changed). That's why old attribute
                        // change has to be split and both parts has to be handled separately from now on.
                        const howMany = old.howMany;

                        old.howMany = inc.offset - old.offset;

                        // Add the second part of attribute change to the beginning of processed array so it won't
                        // be processed again in this loop.
                        changes.unshift( {
                            type: 'attribute',
                            offset: incEnd,
                            howMany: howMany - old.howMany,
                            count: this._changeCount++
                        } );

            if ( inc.type == 'remove' ) {
                if ( old.type == 'insert' ) {
                    if ( incEnd <= old.offset ) {
                        old.offset -= inc.howMany;
                    } else if ( incEnd <= oldEnd ) {
                        if ( inc.offset < old.offset ) {
                            const intersectionLength = incEnd - old.offset;

                            old.offset = inc.offset;

                            old.howMany -= intersectionLength;
                            inc.nodesToHandle -= intersectionLength;
                        } else {
                            old.howMany -= inc.nodesToHandle;
                            inc.nodesToHandle = 0;
                    } else {
                        if ( inc.offset <= old.offset ) {
                            inc.nodesToHandle -= old.howMany;
                            old.howMany = 0;
                        } else if ( inc.offset < oldEnd ) {
                            const intersectionLength = oldEnd - inc.offset;

                            old.howMany -= intersectionLength;
                            inc.nodesToHandle -= intersectionLength;

                if ( old.type == 'remove' ) {
                    if ( incEnd <= old.offset ) {
                        old.offset -= inc.howMany;
                    } else if ( inc.offset < old.offset ) {
                        inc.nodesToHandle += old.howMany;
                        old.howMany = 0;

                if ( old.type == 'attribute' ) {
                    if ( incEnd <= old.offset ) {
                        old.offset -= inc.howMany;
                    } else if ( inc.offset < old.offset ) {
                        const intersectionLength = incEnd - old.offset;

                        old.offset = inc.offset;
                        old.howMany -= intersectionLength;
                    } else if ( inc.offset < oldEnd ) {
                        if ( incEnd <= oldEnd ) {
                            // On first sight in this case we don't need to split attribute operation into two.
                            // However the changes set is later converted to actions (see `_generateActionsFromChanges`).
                            // For that reason, no two changes may intersect.
                            // So we cannot have an attribute change that "contains" remove change.
                            // Attribute change needs to be split.
                            const howMany = old.howMany;

                            old.howMany = inc.offset - old.offset;

                            const howManyAfter = howMany - old.howMany - inc.nodesToHandle;

                            // Add the second part of attribute change to the beginning of processed array so it won't
                            // be processed again in this loop.
                            changes.unshift( {
                                type: 'attribute',
                                offset: inc.offset,
                                howMany: howManyAfter,
                                count: this._changeCount++
                            } );
                        } else {
                            old.howMany -= oldEnd - inc.offset;

            if ( inc.type == 'attribute' ) {
                // In case of attribute change, `howMany` should be kept same as `nodesToHandle`. It's not an error.
                if ( old.type == 'insert' ) {
                    if ( inc.offset < old.offset && incEnd > old.offset ) {
                        if ( incEnd > oldEnd ) {
                            // This case is similar to a case described when incoming change was insert and old change was attribute.
                            // See comment above.
                            // This time incoming change is attribute. We need to split incoming change in this case too.
                            // However this time, the second part of the attribute change needs to be processed further
                            // because there might be other changes that it collides with.
                            const attributePart = {
                                type: 'attribute',
                                offset: oldEnd,
                                howMany: incEnd - oldEnd,
                                count: this._changeCount++

                            this._handleChange( attributePart, changes );

                            changes.push( attributePart );

                        inc.nodesToHandle = old.offset - inc.offset;
                        inc.howMany = inc.nodesToHandle;
                    } else if ( inc.offset >= old.offset && inc.offset < oldEnd ) {
                        if ( incEnd > oldEnd ) {
                            inc.nodesToHandle = incEnd - oldEnd;
                            inc.offset = oldEnd;
                        } else {
                            inc.nodesToHandle = 0;

                if ( old.type == 'remove' ) {
                    // This is a case when attribute change "contains" remove change.
                    // The attribute change needs to be split into two because changes cannot intersect.
                    if ( inc.offset < old.offset && incEnd > old.offset ) {
                        const attributePart = {
                            type: 'attribute',
                            offset: old.offset,
                            howMany: incEnd - old.offset,
                            count: this._changeCount++

                        this._handleChange( attributePart, changes );

                        changes.push( attributePart );

                        inc.nodesToHandle = old.offset - inc.offset;
                        inc.howMany = inc.nodesToHandle;

                if ( old.type == 'attribute' ) {
                    // There are only two conflicting scenarios possible here:
                    if ( inc.offset >= old.offset && incEnd <= oldEnd ) {
                        // `old` change includes `inc` change, or they are the same.
                        inc.nodesToHandle = 0;
                        inc.howMany = 0;
                        inc.offset = 0;
                    } else if ( inc.offset <= old.offset && incEnd >= oldEnd ) {
                        // `inc` change includes `old` change.
                        old.howMany = 0;

        inc.howMany = inc.nodesToHandle;
        delete inc.nodesToHandle;

     * Returns an object with a single insert change description.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element} parent The element in which the change happened.
     * @param {Number} offset The offset at which change happened.
     * @param {String} name The name of the removed element or `'$text'` for a character.
     * @returns {Object} The diff item.
    _getInsertDiff( parent, offset, name ) {
        return {
            type: 'insert',
            position: Position._createAt( parent, offset ),
            length: 1,
            changeCount: this._changeCount++

     * Returns an object with a single remove change description.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element} parent The element in which change happened.
     * @param {Number} offset The offset at which change happened.
     * @param {String} name The name of the removed element or `'$text'` for a character.
     * @returns {Object} The diff item.
    _getRemoveDiff( parent, offset, name ) {
        return {
            type: 'remove',
            position: Position._createAt( parent, offset ),
            length: 1,
            changeCount: this._changeCount++

     * Returns an array of objects where each one is a single attribute change description.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/model/range~Range} range The range where the change happened.
     * @param {Map} oldAttributes A map, map iterator or compatible object that contains attributes before the change.
     * @param {Map} newAttributes A map, map iterator or compatible object that contains attributes after the change.
     * @returns {Array.<Object>} An array containing one or more diff items.
    _getAttributesDiff( range, oldAttributes, newAttributes ) {
        // Results holder.
        const diffs = [];

        // Clone new attributes as we will be performing changes on this object.
        newAttributes = new Map( newAttributes );

        // Look through old attributes.
        for ( const [ key, oldValue ] of oldAttributes ) {
            // Check what is the new value of the attribute (or if it was removed).
            const newValue = newAttributes.has( key ) ? newAttributes.get( key ) : null;

            // If values are different (or attribute was removed)...
            if ( newValue !== oldValue ) {
                // Add diff item.
                diffs.push( {
                    type: 'attribute',
                    position: range.start,
                    range: range.clone(),
                    length: 1,
                    attributeKey: key,
                    attributeOldValue: oldValue,
                    attributeNewValue: newValue,
                    changeCount: this._changeCount++
                } );

            // Prevent returning two diff items for the same change.
            newAttributes.delete( key );

        // Look through new attributes that weren't handled above.
        for ( const [ key, newValue ] of newAttributes ) {
            // Each of them is a new attribute. Add diff item.
            diffs.push( {
                type: 'attribute',
                position: range.start,
                range: range.clone(),
                length: 1,
                attributeKey: key,
                attributeOldValue: null,
                attributeNewValue: newValue,
                changeCount: this._changeCount++
            } );

        return diffs;

     * Checks whether given element or any of its parents is an element that is buffered as an inserted element.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element} element Element to check.
     * @returns {Boolean}
    _isInInsertedElement( element ) {
        const parent = element.parent;

        if ( !parent ) {
            return false;

        const changes = this._changesInElement.get( parent );
        const offset = element.startOffset;

        if ( changes ) {
            for ( const change of changes ) {
                if ( change.type == 'insert' && offset >= change.offset && offset < change.offset + change.howMany ) {
                    return true;

        return this._isInInsertedElement( parent );

     * Removes deeply all buffered changes that are registered in elements from range specified by `parent`, `offset`
     * and `howMany`.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element} parent
     * @param {Number} offset
     * @param {Number} howMany
    _removeAllNestedChanges( parent, offset, howMany ) {
        const range = new Range( Position._createAt( parent, offset ), Position._createAt( parent, offset + howMany ) );

        for ( const item of range.getItems( { shallow: true } ) ) {
            if ( 'element' ) ) {
                this._elementSnapshots.delete( item );
                this._changesInElement.delete( item );

                this._removeAllNestedChanges( item, 0, item.maxOffset );

// Returns an array that is a copy of passed child list with the exception that text nodes are split to one or more
// objects, each representing one character and attributes set on that character.
function _getChildrenSnapshot( children ) {
    const snapshot = [];

    for ( const child of children ) {
        if ( 'text' ) ) {
            for ( let i = 0; i <; i++ ) {
                snapshot.push( {
                    name: '$text',
                    attributes: new Map( child.getAttributes() )
                } );
        } else {
            snapshot.push( {
                attributes: new Map( child.getAttributes() )
            } );

    return snapshot;

// Generates array of actions for given changes set.
// It simulates what `diff` function does.
// Generated actions are:
// - 'e' for 'equal' - when item at that position did not change,
// - 'i' for 'insert' - when item at that position was inserted,
// - 'r' for 'remove' - when item at that position was removed,
// - 'a' for 'attribute' - when item at that position has it attributes changed.
// Example (assume that uppercase letters have bold attribute, compare with function code):
// children before:    fooBAR
// children after:    foxybAR
// changes: type: remove, offset: 1, howMany: 1
//            type: insert, offset: 2, howMany: 2
//            type: attribute, offset: 4, howMany: 1
// expected actions: equal (f), remove (o), equal (o), insert (x), insert (y), attribute (b), equal (A), equal (R)
// steps taken by th script:
// 1. change = "type: remove, offset: 1, howMany: 1"; offset = 0; oldChildrenHandled = 0
//    1.1 between this change and the beginning is one not-changed node, fill with one equal action, one old child has been handled
//    1.2 this change removes one node, add one remove action
//    1.3 change last visited `offset` to 1
//    1.4 since an old child has been removed, one more old child has been handled
//    1.5 actions at this point are: equal, remove
// 2. change = "type: insert, offset: 2, howMany: 2"; offset = 1; oldChildrenHandled = 2
//    2.1 between this change and previous change is one not-changed node, add equal action, another one old children has been handled
//    2.2 this change inserts two nodes, add two insert actions
//    2.3 change last visited offset to the end of the inserted range, that is 4
//    2.4 actions at this point are: equal, remove, equal, insert, insert
// 3. change = "type: attribute, offset: 4, howMany: 1"; offset = 4, oldChildrenHandled = 3
//    3.1 between this change and previous change are no not-changed nodes
//    3.2 this change changes one node, add one attribute action
//    3.3 change last visited `offset` to the end of change range, that is 5
//    3.4 since an old child has been changed, one more old child has been handled
//    3.5 actions at this point are: equal, remove, equal, insert, insert, attribute
// 4. after loop oldChildrenHandled = 4, oldChildrenLength = 6 (fooBAR is 6 characters)
//    4.1 fill up with two equal actions
// The result actions are: equal, remove, equal, insert, insert, attribute, equal, equal.
function _generateActionsFromChanges( oldChildrenLength, changes ) {
    const actions = [];

    let offset = 0;
    let oldChildrenHandled = 0;

    // Go through all buffered changes.
    for ( const change of changes ) {
        // First, fill "holes" between changes with "equal" actions.
        if ( change.offset > offset ) {
            for ( let i = 0; i < change.offset - offset; i++ ) {
                actions.push( 'e' );

            oldChildrenHandled += change.offset - offset;

        // Then, fill up actions accordingly to change type.
        if ( change.type == 'insert' ) {
            for ( let i = 0; i < change.howMany; i++ ) {
                actions.push( 'i' );

            // The last handled offset is after inserted range.
            offset = change.offset + change.howMany;
        } else if ( change.type == 'remove' ) {
            for ( let i = 0; i < change.howMany; i++ ) {
                actions.push( 'r' );

            // The last handled offset is at the position where the nodes were removed.
            offset = change.offset;
            // We removed `howMany` old nodes, update `oldChildrenHandled`.
            oldChildrenHandled += change.howMany;
        } else {
            actions.push( ...'a'.repeat( change.howMany ).split( '' ) );

            // The last handled offset is at the position after the changed range.
            offset = change.offset + change.howMany;
            // We changed `howMany` old nodes, update `oldChildrenHandled`.
            oldChildrenHandled += change.howMany;

    // Fill "equal" actions at the end of actions set. Use `oldChildrenHandled` to see how many children
    // has not been changed / removed at the end of their parent.
    if ( oldChildrenHandled < oldChildrenLength ) {
        for ( let i = 0; i < oldChildrenLength - oldChildrenHandled - offset; i++ ) {
            actions.push( 'e' );

    return actions;

// Filter callback for Array.filter that filters out change entries that are in graveyard.
function _changesInGraveyardFilter( entry ) {
    const posInGy = entry.position && entry.position.root.rootName == '$graveyard';
    const rangeInGy = entry.range && entry.range.root.rootName == '$graveyard';

    return !posInGy && !rangeInGy;