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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

 * @module engine/model/document

import Differ from './differ';
import RootElement from './rootelement';
import History from './history';
import DocumentSelection from './documentselection';
import Collection from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/collection';
import EmitterMixin from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/emittermixin';
import CKEditorError from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/ckeditorerror';
import mix from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/mix';
import { isInsideSurrogatePair, isInsideCombinedSymbol } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/unicode';
import { clone } from 'lodash-es';

// @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE // const { logDocument } = require( '../dev-utils/utils' );

const graveyardName = '$graveyard';

 * Data model's document. It contains the model's structure, its selection and the history of changes.
 * Read more about working with the model in
 * {@glink framework/guides/architecture/editing-engine#model introduction to the the editing engine's architecture}.
 * Usually, the document contains just one {@link module:engine/model/document~Document#roots root element}, so
 * you can retrieve it by just calling {@link module:engine/model/document~Document#getRoot} without specifying its name:
 *        model.document.getRoot(); // -> returns the main root
 * However, the document may contain multiple roots – e.g. when the editor has multiple editable areas
 * (e.g. a title and a body of a message).
 * @mixes module:utils/emittermixin~EmitterMixin
export default class Document {
     * Creates an empty document instance with no {@link #roots} (other than
     * the {@link #graveyard graveyard root}).
    constructor( model ) {
         * The {@link module:engine/model/model~Model model} that the document is a part of.
         * @readonly
         * @type {module:engine/model/model~Model}
        this.model = model;

         * The document version. It starts from `0` and every operation increases the version number. It is used to ensure that
         * operations are applied on a proper document version.
         * If the {@link module:engine/model/operation/operation~Operation#baseVersion base version} does not match the document version,
         * a {@link module:utils/ckeditorerror~CKEditorError model-document-applyOperation-wrong-version} error is thrown.
         * @type {Number}
        this.version = 0;

         * The document's history.
         * @readonly
         * @type {module:engine/model/history~History}
        this.history = new History( this );

         * The selection in this document.
         * @readonly
         * @type {module:engine/model/documentselection~DocumentSelection}
        this.selection = new DocumentSelection( this );

         * A list of roots that are owned and managed by this document. Use {@link #createRoot} and
         * {@link #getRoot} to manipulate it.
         * @readonly
         * @type {module:utils/collection~Collection}
        this.roots = new Collection( { idProperty: 'rootName' } );

         * The model differ object. Its role is to buffer changes done on the model document and then calculate a diff of those changes.
         * @readonly
         * @type {module:engine/model/differ~Differ}
        this.differ = new Differ( model.markers );

         * Post-fixer callbacks registered to the model document.
         * @private
         * @type {Set.<Function>}
        this._postFixers = new Set();

         * A boolean indicates whether the selection has changed until
         * @private
         * @type {Boolean}
        this._hasSelectionChangedFromTheLastChangeBlock = false;

        // Graveyard tree root. Document always have a graveyard root, which stores removed nodes.
        this.createRoot( '$root', graveyardName );

        // First, if the operation is a document operation check if it's base version is correct.
        this.listenTo( model, 'applyOperation', ( evt, args ) => {
            const operation = args[ 0 ];

            if ( operation.isDocumentOperation && operation.baseVersion !== this.version ) {
                 * Only operations with matching versions can be applied.
                 * @error document-applyOperation-wrong-version
                 * @param {module:engine/model/operation/operation~Operation} operation
                throw new CKEditorError(
                    'model-document-applyOperation-wrong-version: Only operations with matching versions can be applied.',
                    { operation }
        }, { priority: 'highest' } );

        // Then, still before an operation is applied on model, buffer the change in differ.
        this.listenTo( model, 'applyOperation', ( evt, args ) => {
            const operation = args[ 0 ];

            if ( operation.isDocumentOperation ) {
                this.differ.bufferOperation( operation );
        }, { priority: 'high' } );

        // After the operation is applied, bump document's version and add the operation to the history.
        this.listenTo( model, 'applyOperation', ( evt, args ) => {
            const operation = args[ 0 ];

            if ( operation.isDocumentOperation ) {
                this.history.addOperation( operation );
        }, { priority: 'low' } );

        // Listen to selection changes. If selection changed, mark it.
        this.listenTo( this.selection, 'change', () => {
            this._hasSelectionChangedFromTheLastChangeBlock = true;
        } );

        // Buffer marker changes.
        // This is not covered in buffering operations because markers may change outside of them (when they
        // are modified using `model.markers` collection, not through `MarkerOperation`).
        this.listenTo( model.markers, 'update', ( evt, marker, oldRange, newRange ) => {
            // Whenever marker is updated, buffer that change.
            this.differ.bufferMarkerChange(, oldRange, newRange, marker.affectsData );

            if ( oldRange === null ) {
                // If this is a new marker, add a listener that will buffer change whenever marker changes.
                marker.on( 'change', ( evt, oldRange ) => {
                    this.differ.bufferMarkerChange(, oldRange, marker.getRange(), marker.affectsData );
                } );
        } );

     * The graveyard tree root. A document always has a graveyard root that stores removed nodes.
     * @readonly
     * @member {module:engine/model/rootelement~RootElement}
    get graveyard() {
        return this.getRoot( graveyardName );

     * Creates a new root.
     * @param {String} [elementName='$root'] The element name. Defaults to `'$root'` which also has some basic schema defined
     * (`$block`s are allowed inside the `$root`). Make sure to define a proper schema if you use a different name.
     * @param {String} [rootName='main'] A unique root name.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/rootelement~RootElement} The created root.
    createRoot( elementName = '$root', rootName = 'main' ) {
        if ( this.roots.get( rootName ) ) {
             * A root with the specified name already exists.
             * @error model-document-createRoot-name-exists
             * @param {module:engine/model/document~Document} doc
             * @param {String} name
            throw new CKEditorError(
                'model-document-createRoot-name-exists: Root with specified name already exists.',
                { name: rootName }

        const root = new RootElement( this, elementName, rootName );
        this.roots.add( root );

        return root;

     * Removes all event listeners set by the document instance.
    destroy() {

     * Returns a root by its name.
     * @param {String} [name='main'] A unique root name.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/rootelement~RootElement|null} The root registered under a given name or `null` when
     * there is no root with the given name.
    getRoot( name = 'main' ) {
        return this.roots.get( name );

     * Returns an array with names of all roots (without the {@link #graveyard}) added to the document.
     * @returns {Array.<String>} Roots names.
    getRootNames() {
        return Array.from( this.roots, root => root.rootName ).filter( name => name != graveyardName );

     * Used to register a post-fixer callback. A post-fixer mechanism guarantees that the features
     * will operate on a correct model state.
     * An execution of a feature may lead to an incorrect document tree state. The callbacks are used to fix the document tree after
     * it has changed. Post-fixers are fired just after all changes from the outermost change block were applied but
     * before the {@link module:engine/model/document~Document#event:change change event} is fired. If a post-fixer callback made
     * a change, it should return `true`. When this happens, all post-fixers are fired again to check if something else should
     * not be fixed in the new document tree state.
     * As a parameter, a post-fixer callback receives a {@link module:engine/model/writer~Writer writer} instance connected with the
     * executed changes block. Thanks to that, all changes done by the callback will be added to the same
     * {@link module:engine/model/batch~Batch batch} (and undo step) as the original changes. This makes post-fixer changes transparent
     * for the user.
     * An example of a post-fixer is a callback that checks if all the data were removed from the editor. If so, the
     * callback should add an empty paragraph so that the editor is never empty:
     *        document.registerPostFixer( writer => {
     *            const changes = document.differ.getChanges();
     *            // Check if the changes lead to an empty root in the editor.
     *            for ( const entry of changes ) {
     *                if ( entry.type == 'remove' && entry.position.root.isEmpty ) {
     *                    writer.insertElement( 'paragraph', entry.position.root, 0 );
     *                    // It is fine to return early, even if multiple roots would need to be fixed.
     *                    // All post-fixers will be fired again, so if there are more empty roots, those will be fixed, too.
     *                    return true;
     *                }
     *            }
     *        } );
     * @param {Function} postFixer
    registerPostFixer( postFixer ) {
        this._postFixers.add( postFixer );

     * A custom `toJSON()` method to solve child-parent circular dependencies.
     * @returns {Object} A clone of this object with the document property changed to a string.
    toJSON() {
        const json = clone( this );

        // Due to circular references we need to remove parent reference.
        json.selection = '[engine.model.DocumentSelection]';
        json.model = '[engine.model.Model]';

        return json;

     * Check if there were any changes done on document, and if so, call post-fixers,
     * fire `change` event for features and conversion and then reset the differ.
     * Fire `change:data` event when at least one operation or buffered marker changes the data.
     * @protected
     * @fires change
     * @fires change:data
     * @param {module:engine/model/writer~Writer} writer The writer on which post-fixers will be called.
    _handleChangeBlock( writer ) {
        if ( this._hasDocumentChangedFromTheLastChangeBlock() ) {
            this._callPostFixers( writer );

            // Refresh selection attributes according to the final position in the model after the change.

            if ( this.differ.hasDataChanges() ) {
       'change:data', writer.batch );
            } else {
       'change', writer.batch );

            // Theoretically, it is not necessary to refresh selection after change event because
            // post-fixers are the last who should change the model, but just in case...


        this._hasSelectionChangedFromTheLastChangeBlock = false;

     * Returns whether there is a buffered change or if the selection has changed from the last
     * {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#enqueueChange `enqueueChange()` block}
     * or {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#change `change()` block}.
     * @protected
     * @returns {Boolean} Returns `true` if document has changed from the last `change()` or `enqueueChange()` block.
    _hasDocumentChangedFromTheLastChangeBlock() {
        return !this.differ.isEmpty || this._hasSelectionChangedFromTheLastChangeBlock;

     * Returns the default root for this document which is either the first root that was added to the document using
     * {@link #createRoot} or the {@link #graveyard graveyard root} if no other roots were created.
     * @protected
     * @returns {module:engine/model/rootelement~RootElement} The default root for this document.
    _getDefaultRoot() {
        for ( const root of this.roots ) {
            if ( root !== this.graveyard ) {
                return root;

        return this.graveyard;

     * Returns the default range for this selection. The default range is a collapsed range that starts and ends
     * at the beginning of this selection's document {@link #_getDefaultRoot default root}.
     * @protected
     * @returns {module:engine/model/range~Range}
    _getDefaultRange() {
        const defaultRoot = this._getDefaultRoot();
        const model = this.model;
        const schema = model.schema;

        // Find the first position where the selection can be put.
        const position = model.createPositionFromPath( defaultRoot, [ 0 ] );
        const nearestRange = schema.getNearestSelectionRange( position );

        // If valid selection range is not found - return range collapsed at the beginning of the root.
        return nearestRange || model.createRange( position );

     * Checks whether a given {@link module:engine/model/range~Range range} is a valid range for
     * the {@link #selection document's selection}.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/model/range~Range} range A range to check.
     * @returns {Boolean} `true` if `range` is valid, `false` otherwise.
    _validateSelectionRange( range ) {
        return validateTextNodePosition( range.start ) && validateTextNodePosition( range.end );

     * Performs post-fixer loops. Executes post-fixer callbacks as long as none of them has done any changes to the model.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/model/writer~Writer} writer The writer on which post-fixer callbacks will be called.
    _callPostFixers( writer ) {
        let wasFixed = false;

        do {
            for ( const callback of this._postFixers ) {
                // Ensure selection attributes are up to date before each post-fixer.
                // It might be good to refresh the selection after each operation but at the moment it leads
                // to losing attributes for composition or and spell checking

                wasFixed = callback( writer );

                if ( wasFixed ) {
        } while ( wasFixed );

     * Fired after each {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#enqueueChange `enqueueChange()` block} or the outermost
     * {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#change `change()` block} was executed and the document was changed
     * during that block's execution.
     * The changes which this event will cover include:
     * * document structure changes,
     * * selection changes,
     * * marker changes.
     * If you want to be notified about all these changes, then simply listen to this event like this:
     *        model.document.on( 'change', () => {
     *            console.log( 'The document has changed!' );
     *        } );
     * If, however, you only want to be notified about the data changes, then use the
     * {@link module:engine/model/document~Document#event:change:data change:data} event,
     * which is fired for document structure changes and marker changes (which affects the data).
     *        model.document.on( 'change:data', () => {
     *            console.log( 'The data has changed!' );
     *        } );
     * @event change
     * @param {module:engine/model/batch~Batch} batch The batch that was used in the executed changes block.

     * It is a narrower version of the {@link #event:change} event. It is fired for changes which
     * affect the editor data. This is:
     * * document structure changes,
     * * marker changes (which affects the data).
     * If you want to be notified about the data changes, then listen to this event:
     *        model.document.on( 'change:data', () => {
     *            console.log( 'The data has changed!' );
     *        } );
     * If you would like to listen to all document changes, then check out the
     * {@link module:engine/model/document~Document#event:change change} event.
     * @event change:data
     * @param {module:engine/model/batch~Batch} batch The batch that was used in the executed changes block.

    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE // log( version = null ) {
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //     version = version === null ? this.version : version;
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //     logDocument( this, version );
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE // }

mix( Document, EmitterMixin );

// Checks whether given range boundary position is valid for document selection, meaning that is not between
// unicode surrogate pairs or base character and combining marks.
function validateTextNodePosition( rangeBoundary ) {
    const textNode = rangeBoundary.textNode;

    if ( textNode ) {
        const data =;
        const offset = rangeBoundary.offset - textNode.startOffset;

        return !isInsideSurrogatePair( data, offset ) && !isInsideCombinedSymbol( data, offset );

    return true;