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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

 * @module engine/model/documentselection

import mix from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/mix';
import EmitterMixin from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/emittermixin';

import Selection from './selection';
import LiveRange from './liverange';
import Text from './text';
import TextProxy from './textproxy';
import toMap from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/tomap';
import Collection from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/collection';
import CKEditorError from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/ckeditorerror';
import uid from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/uid';

const storePrefix = 'selection:';

 * `DocumentSelection` is a special selection which is used as the
 * {@link module:engine/model/document~Document#selection document's selection}.
 * There can be only one instance of `DocumentSelection` per document.
 * Document selection can only be changed by using the {@link module:engine/model/writer~Writer} instance
 * inside the {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#change `change()`} block, as it provides a secure way to modify model.
 * `DocumentSelection` is automatically updated upon changes in the {@link module:engine/model/document~Document document}
 * to always contain valid ranges. Its attributes are inherited from the text unless set explicitly.
 * Differences between {@link module:engine/model/selection~Selection} and `DocumentSelection` are:
 * * there is always a range in `DocumentSelection` - even if no ranges were added there is a "default range"
 * present in the selection,
 * * ranges added to this selection updates automatically when the document changes,
 * * attributes of `DocumentSelection` are updated automatically according to selection ranges.
 * Since `DocumentSelection` uses {@link module:engine/model/liverange~LiveRange live ranges}
 * and is updated when {@link module:engine/model/document~Document document}
 * changes, it cannot be set on {@link module:engine/model/node~Node nodes}
 * that are inside {@link module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment document fragment}.
 * If you need to represent a selection in document fragment,
 * use {@link module:engine/model/selection~Selection Selection class} instead.
 * @mixes module:utils/emittermixin~EmitterMixin
export default class DocumentSelection {
     * Creates an empty live selection for given {@link module:engine/model/document~Document}.
     * @param {module:engine/model/document~Document} doc Document which owns this selection.
    constructor( doc ) {
         * Selection used internally by that class (`DocumentSelection` is a proxy to that selection).
         * @protected
        this._selection = new LiveSelection( doc );

        this._selection.delegate( 'change:range' ).to( this );
        this._selection.delegate( 'change:attribute' ).to( this );
        this._selection.delegate( 'change:marker' ).to( this );

     * Returns whether the selection is collapsed. Selection is collapsed when there is exactly one range which is
     * collapsed.
     * @readonly
     * @type {Boolean}
    get isCollapsed() {
        return this._selection.isCollapsed;

     * Selection anchor. Anchor may be described as a position where the most recent part of the selection starts.
     * Together with {@link #focus} they define the direction of selection, which is important
     * when expanding/shrinking selection. Anchor is always {@link module:engine/model/range~Range#start start} or
     * {@link module:engine/model/range~Range#end end} position of the most recently added range.
     * Is set to `null` if there are no ranges in selection.
     * @see #focus
     * @readonly
     * @type {module:engine/model/position~Position|null}
    get anchor() {
        return this._selection.anchor;

     * Selection focus. Focus is a position where the selection ends.
     * Is set to `null` if there are no ranges in selection.
     * @see #anchor
     * @readonly
     * @type {module:engine/model/position~Position|null}
    get focus() {
        return this._selection.focus;

     * Returns number of ranges in selection.
     * @readonly
     * @type {Number}
    get rangeCount() {
        return this._selection.rangeCount;

     * Describes whether `Documentselection` has own range(s) set, or if it is defaulted to
     * {@link module:engine/model/document~Document#_getDefaultRange document's default range}.
     * @readonly
     * @type {Boolean}
    get hasOwnRange() {
        return this._selection.hasOwnRange;

     * Specifies whether the {@link #focus}
     * precedes {@link #anchor}.
     * @readonly
     * @type {Boolean}
    get isBackward() {
        return this._selection.isBackward;

     * Describes whether the gravity is overridden (using {@link module:engine/model/writer~Writer#overrideSelectionGravity}) or not.
     * Note that the gravity remains overridden as long as will not be restored the same number of times as it was overridden.
     * @readonly
     * @returns {Boolean}
    get isGravityOverridden() {
        return this._selection.isGravityOverridden;

     * A collection of selection markers.
     * Marker is a selection marker when selection range is inside the marker range.
     * @readonly
     * @type {module:utils/collection~Collection.<module:engine/model/markercollection~Marker>}
    get markers() {
        return this._selection.markers;

     * Used for the compatibility with the {@link module:engine/model/selection~Selection#isEqual} method.
     * @protected
    get _ranges() {
        return this._selection._ranges;

     * Returns an iterable that iterates over copies of selection ranges.
     * @returns {Iterable.<module:engine/model/range~Range>}
    getRanges() {
        return this._selection.getRanges();

     * Returns the first position in the selection.
     * First position is the position that {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#isBefore is before}
     * any other position in the selection.
     * Returns `null` if there are no ranges in selection.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position|null}
    getFirstPosition() {
        return this._selection.getFirstPosition();

     * Returns the last position in the selection.
     * Last position is the position that {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#isAfter is after}
     * any other position in the selection.
     * Returns `null` if there are no ranges in selection.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position|null}
    getLastPosition() {
        return this._selection.getLastPosition();

     * Returns a copy of the first range in the selection.
     * First range is the one which {@link module:engine/model/range~Range#start start} position
     * {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#isBefore is before} start position of all other ranges
     * (not to confuse with the first range added to the selection).
     * Returns `null` if there are no ranges in selection.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/range~Range|null}
    getFirstRange() {
        return this._selection.getFirstRange();

     * Returns a copy of the last range in the selection.
     * Last range is the one which {@link module:engine/model/range~Range#end end} position
     * {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#isAfter is after} end position of all other ranges (not to confuse with the range most
     * recently added to the selection).
     * Returns `null` if there are no ranges in selection.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/range~Range|null}
    getLastRange() {
        return this._selection.getLastRange();

     * Gets elements of type {@link module:engine/model/schema~Schema#isBlock "block"} touched by the selection.
     * This method's result can be used for example to apply block styling to all blocks covered by this selection.
     * **Note:** `getSelectedBlocks()` returns blocks that are nested in other non-block elements
     * but will not return blocks nested in other blocks.
     * In this case the function will return exactly all 3 paragraphs (note: `<blockQuote>` is not a block itself):
     *        <paragraph>[a</paragraph>
     *        <blockQuote>
     *            <paragraph>b</paragraph>
     *        </blockQuote>
     *        <paragraph>c]d</paragraph>
     * In this case the paragraph will also be returned, despite the collapsed selection:
     *        <paragraph>[]a</paragraph>
     * In such a scenario, however, only blocks A, B & E will be returned as blocks C & D are nested in block B:
     *        [<blockA></blockA>
     *        <blockB>
     *            <blockC></blockC>
     *            <blockD></blockD>
     *        </blockB>
     *        <blockE></blockE>]
     * If the selection is inside a block all the inner blocks (A & B) are returned:
     *         <block>
     *            <blockA>[a</blockA>
     *             <blockB>b]</blockB>
     *         </block>
     * **Special case**: If a selection ends at the beginning of a block, that block is not returned as from user perspective
     * this block wasn't selected. See [#984]( for more details.
     *        <paragraph>[a</paragraph>
     *        <paragraph>b</paragraph>
     *        <paragraph>]c</paragraph> // this block will not be returned
     * @returns {Iterable.<module:engine/model/element~Element>}
    getSelectedBlocks() {
        return this._selection.getSelectedBlocks();

     * Returns the selected element. {@link module:engine/model/element~Element Element} is considered as selected if there is only
     * one range in the selection, and that range contains exactly one element.
     * Returns `null` if there is no selected element.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/element~Element|null}
    getSelectedElement() {
        return this._selection.getSelectedElement();

     * Checks whether the selection contains the entire content of the given element. This means that selection must start
     * at a position {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#isTouching touching} the element's start and ends at position
     * touching the element's end.
     * By default, this method will check whether the entire content of the selection's current root is selected.
     * Useful to check if e.g. the user has just pressed <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>A</kbd>.
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element} [element=this.anchor.root]
     * @returns {Boolean}
    containsEntireContent( element ) {
        return this._selection.containsEntireContent( element );

     * Unbinds all events previously bound by document selection.
    destroy() {

     * Returns iterable that iterates over this selection's attribute keys.
     * @returns {Iterable.<String>}
    getAttributeKeys() {
        return this._selection.getAttributeKeys();

     * Returns iterable that iterates over this selection's attributes.
     * Attributes are returned as arrays containing two items. First one is attribute key and second is attribute value.
     * This format is accepted by native `Map` object and also can be passed in `Node` constructor.
     * @returns {Iterable.<*>}
    getAttributes() {
        return this._selection.getAttributes();

     * Gets an attribute value for given key or `undefined` if that attribute is not set on the selection.
     * @param {String} key Key of attribute to look for.
     * @returns {*} Attribute value or `undefined`.
    getAttribute( key ) {
        return this._selection.getAttribute( key );

     * Checks if the selection has an attribute for given key.
     * @param {String} key Key of attribute to check.
     * @returns {Boolean} `true` if attribute with given key is set on selection, `false` otherwise.
    hasAttribute( key ) {
        return this._selection.hasAttribute( key );

     * Refreshes selection attributes and markers according to the current position in the model.
    refresh() {
        this._selection._updateAttributes( false );

     * Checks whether this object is of the given type.
     * 'selection' ); // -> true
     * 'documentSelection' ); // -> true
     * 'model:selection' ); // -> true
     * 'model:documentSelection' ); // -> true
     * 'view:selection' ); // -> false
     * 'element' ); // -> false
     * 'node' ); // -> false
     * {@link module:engine/model/node~Node#is Check the entire list of model objects} which implement the `is()` method.
     * @param {String} type
     * @returns {Boolean}
    is( type ) {
        return type === 'selection' ||
            type == 'model:selection' ||
            type == 'documentSelection' ||
            type == 'model:documentSelection';

     * Moves {@link module:engine/model/documentselection~DocumentSelection#focus} to the specified location.
     * Should be used only within the {@link module:engine/model/writer~Writer#setSelectionFocus} method.
     * The location can be specified in the same form as
     * {@link module:engine/model/writer~Writer#createPositionAt writer.createPositionAt()} parameters.
     * @see module:engine/model/writer~Writer#setSelectionFocus
     * @protected
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item|module:engine/model/position~Position} itemOrPosition
     * @param {Number|'end'|'before'|'after'} [offset] Offset or one of the flags. Used only when
     * first parameter is a {@link module:engine/model/item~Item model item}.
    _setFocus( itemOrPosition, offset ) {
        this._selection.setFocus( itemOrPosition, offset );

     * Sets this selection's ranges and direction to the specified location based on the given
     * {@link module:engine/model/selection~Selectable selectable}.
     * Should be used only within the {@link module:engine/model/writer~Writer#setSelection} method.
     * @see module:engine/model/writer~Writer#setSelection
     * @protected
     * @param {module:engine/model/selection~Selectable} selectable
     * @param {Number|'before'|'end'|'after'|'on'|'in'} [placeOrOffset] Sets place or offset of the selection.
     * @param {Object} [options]
     * @param {Boolean} [options.backward] Sets this selection instance to be backward.
    _setTo( selectable, placeOrOffset, options ) {
        this._selection.setTo( selectable, placeOrOffset, options );

     * Sets attribute on the selection. If attribute with the same key already is set, it's value is overwritten.
     * Should be used only within the {@link module:engine/model/writer~Writer#setSelectionAttribute} method.
     * @see module:engine/model/writer~Writer#setSelectionAttribute
     * @protected
     * @param {String} key Key of the attribute to set.
     * @param {*} value Attribute value.
    _setAttribute( key, value ) {
        this._selection.setAttribute( key, value );

     * Removes an attribute with given key from the selection.
     * If the given attribute was set on the selection, fires the {@link module:engine/model/selection~Selection#event:change:range}
     * event with removed attribute key.
     * Should be used only within the {@link module:engine/model/writer~Writer#removeSelectionAttribute} method.
     * @see module:engine/model/writer~Writer#removeSelectionAttribute
     * @protected
     * @param {String} key Key of the attribute to remove.
    _removeAttribute( key ) {
        this._selection.removeAttribute( key );

     * Returns an iterable that iterates through all selection attributes stored in current selection's parent.
     * @protected
     * @returns {Iterable.<*>}
    _getStoredAttributes() {
        return this._selection._getStoredAttributes();

     * Temporarily changes the gravity of the selection from the left to the right.
     * The gravity defines from which direction the selection inherits its attributes. If it's the default left
     * gravity, the selection (after being moved by the the user) inherits attributes from its left hand side.
     * This method allows to temporarily override this behavior by forcing the gravity to the right.
     * It returns an unique identifier which is required to restore the gravity. It guarantees the symmetry
     * of the process.
     * @see module:engine/model/writer~Writer#overrideSelectionGravity
     * @protected
     * @returns {String} The unique id which allows restoring the gravity.
    _overrideGravity() {
        return this._selection.overrideGravity();

     * Restores the {@link ~DocumentSelection#_overrideGravity overridden gravity}.
     * Restoring the gravity is only possible using the unique identifier returned by
     * {@link ~DocumentSelection#_overrideGravity}. Note that the gravity remains overridden as long as won't be restored
     * the same number of times it was overridden.
     * @see module:engine/model/writer~Writer#restoreSelectionGravity
     * @protected
     * @param {String} uid The unique id returned by {@link #_overrideGravity}.
    _restoreGravity( uid ) {
        this._selection.restoreGravity( uid );

     * Generates and returns an attribute key for selection attributes store, basing on original attribute key.
     * @protected
     * @param {String} key Attribute key to convert.
     * @returns {String} Converted attribute key, applicable for selection store.
    static _getStoreAttributeKey( key ) {
        return storePrefix + key;

     * Checks whether the given attribute key is an attribute stored on an element.
     * @protected
     * @param {String} key
     * @returns {Boolean}
    static _isStoreAttributeKey( key ) {
        return key.startsWith( storePrefix );

mix( DocumentSelection, EmitterMixin );

 * Fired when selection range(s) changed.
 * @event change:range
 * @param {Boolean} directChange In case of {@link module:engine/model/selection~Selection} class it is always set
 * to `true` which indicates that the selection change was caused by a direct use of selection's API.
 * The {@link module:engine/model/documentselection~DocumentSelection}, however, may change because its position
 * was directly changed through the {@link module:engine/model/writer~Writer writer} or because its position was
 * changed because the structure of the model has been changed (which means an indirect change).
 * The indirect change does not occur in case of normal (detached) selections because they are "static" (as "not live")
 * which mean that they are not updated once the document changes.

 * Fired when selection attribute changed.
 * @event change:attribute
 * @param {Boolean} directChange In case of {@link module:engine/model/selection~Selection} class it is always set
 * to `true` which indicates that the selection change was caused by a direct use of selection's API.
 * The {@link module:engine/model/documentselection~DocumentSelection}, however, may change because its attributes
 * were directly changed through the {@link module:engine/model/writer~Writer writer} or because its position was
 * changed in the model and its attributes were refreshed (which means an indirect change).
 * The indirect change does not occur in case of normal (detached) selections because they are "static" (as "not live")
 * which mean that they are not updated once the document changes.
 * @param {Array.<String>} attributeKeys Array containing keys of attributes that changed.

 * Fired when selection marker(s) changed.
 * @event change:marker
 * @param {Boolean} directChange This is always set to `false` in case of `change:marker` event as there is no possibility
 * to change markers directly through {@link module:engine/model/documentselection~DocumentSelection} API.
 * See also {@link module:engine/model/documentselection~DocumentSelection#event:change:range} and
 * {@link module:engine/model/documentselection~DocumentSelection#event:change:attribute}.
 * @param {Array.<module:engine/model/markercollection~Marker>} oldMarkers Markers in which the selection was before the change.

// `LiveSelection` is used internally by {@link module:engine/model/documentselection~DocumentSelection} and shouldn't be used directly.
// LiveSelection` is automatically updated upon changes in the {@link module:engine/model/document~Document document}
// to always contain valid ranges. Its attributes are inherited from the text unless set explicitly.
// Differences between {@link module:engine/model/selection~Selection} and `LiveSelection` are:
// * there is always a range in `LiveSelection` - even if no ranges were added there is a "default range"
// present in the selection,
// * ranges added to this selection updates automatically when the document changes,
// * attributes of `LiveSelection` are updated automatically according to selection ranges.
// @extends module:engine/model/selection~Selection

class LiveSelection extends Selection {
    // Creates an empty live selection for given {@link module:engine/model/document~Document}.
    // @param {module:engine/model/document~Document} doc Document which owns this selection.
    constructor( doc ) {

        // List of selection markers.
        // Marker is a selection marker when selection range is inside the marker range.
        // @type {module:utils/collection~Collection}
        this.markers = new Collection( { idProperty: 'name' } );

        // Document which owns this selection.
        // @protected
        // @member {module:engine/model/model~Model}
        this._model = doc.model;

        // Document which owns this selection.
        // @protected
        // @member {module:engine/model/document~Document}
        this._document = doc;

        // Keeps mapping of attribute name to priority with which the attribute got modified (added/changed/removed)
        // last time. Possible values of priority are: `'low'` and `'normal'`.
        // Priorities are used by internal `LiveSelection` mechanisms. All attributes set using `LiveSelection`
        // attributes API are set with `'normal'` priority.
        // @private
        // @member {Map} module:engine/model/liveselection~LiveSelection#_attributePriority
        this._attributePriority = new Map();

        // Contains data required to fix ranges which have been moved to the graveyard.
        // @private
        // @member {Array} module:engine/model/liveselection~LiveSelection#_fixGraveyardRangesData
        this._fixGraveyardRangesData = [];

        // Flag that informs whether the selection ranges have changed. It is changed on true when `LiveRange#change:range` event is fired.
        // @private
        // @member {Array} module:engine/model/liveselection~LiveSelection#_hasChangedRange
        this._hasChangedRange = false;

        // Each overriding gravity adds an UID to the set and each removal removes it.
        // Gravity is overridden when there's at least one UID in the set.
        // Gravity is restored when the set is empty.
        // This is to prevent conflicts when gravity is overridden by more than one feature at the same time.
        // @private
        // @type {Set}
        this._overriddenGravityRegister = new Set();

        // Ensure selection is correct after each operation.
        this.listenTo( this._model, 'applyOperation', ( evt, args ) => {
            const operation = args[ 0 ];

            if ( !operation.isDocumentOperation || operation.type == 'marker' || operation.type == 'rename' || operation.type == 'noop' ) {

            while ( this._fixGraveyardRangesData.length ) {
                const { liveRange, sourcePosition } = this._fixGraveyardRangesData.shift();

                this._fixGraveyardSelection( liveRange, sourcePosition );

            if ( this._hasChangedRange ) {
                this._hasChangedRange = false;
       'change:range', { directChange: false } );
        }, { priority: 'lowest' } );

        // Ensure selection is correct and up to date after each range change.
        this.on( 'change:range', () => {
            for ( const range of this.getRanges() ) {
                if ( !this._document._validateSelectionRange( range ) ) {
                     * Range from {@link module:engine/model/documentselection~DocumentSelection document selection}
                     * starts or ends at incorrect position.
                     * @error document-selection-wrong-position
                     * @param {module:engine/model/range~Range} range
                    throw new CKEditorError(
                        'document-selection-wrong-position: Range from document selection starts or ends at incorrect position.',
                        { range }
        } );

        // Update markers data stored by the selection after each marker change.
        this.listenTo( this._model.markers, 'update', () => this._updateMarkers() );

        // Ensure selection is up to date after each change block.
        this.listenTo( this._document, 'change', ( evt, batch ) => {
            clearAttributesStoredInElement( this._model, batch );
        } );

    get isCollapsed() {
        const length = this._ranges.length;

        return length === 0 ? this._document._getDefaultRange().isCollapsed : super.isCollapsed;

    get anchor() {
        return super.anchor || this._document._getDefaultRange().start;

    get focus() {
        return super.focus || this._document._getDefaultRange().end;

    get rangeCount() {
        return this._ranges.length ? this._ranges.length : 1;

    // Describes whether `LiveSelection` has own range(s) set, or if it is defaulted to
    // {@link module:engine/model/document~Document#_getDefaultRange document's default range}.
    // @readonly
    // @type {Boolean}
    get hasOwnRange() {
        return this._ranges.length > 0;

    // When set to `true` then selection attributes on node before the caret won't be taken
    // into consideration while updating selection attributes.
    // @protected
    // @type {Boolean}
    get isGravityOverridden() {
        return !!this._overriddenGravityRegister.size;

    // Unbinds all events previously bound by live selection.
    destroy() {
        for ( let i = 0; i < this._ranges.length; i++ ) {
            this._ranges[ i ].detach();


    * getRanges() {
        if ( this._ranges.length ) {
            yield* super.getRanges();
        } else {
            yield this._document._getDefaultRange();

    getFirstRange() {
        return super.getFirstRange() || this._document._getDefaultRange();

    getLastRange() {
        return super.getLastRange() || this._document._getDefaultRange();

    setTo( selectable, optionsOrPlaceOrOffset, options ) {
        super.setTo( selectable, optionsOrPlaceOrOffset, options );
        this._updateAttributes( true );

    setFocus( itemOrPosition, offset ) {
        super.setFocus( itemOrPosition, offset );
        this._updateAttributes( true );

    setAttribute( key, value ) {
        if ( this._setAttribute( key, value ) ) {
            // Fire event with exact data.
            const attributeKeys = [ key ];
   'change:attribute', { attributeKeys, directChange: true } );

    removeAttribute( key ) {
        if ( this._removeAttribute( key ) ) {
            // Fire event with exact data.
            const attributeKeys = [ key ];
   'change:attribute', { attributeKeys, directChange: true } );

    overrideGravity() {
        const overrideUid = uid();

        // Remember that another overriding has been requested. It will need to be removed
        // before the gravity is to be restored.
        this._overriddenGravityRegister.add( overrideUid );

        if ( this._overriddenGravityRegister.size === 1 ) {
            this._updateAttributes( true );

        return overrideUid;

    restoreGravity( uid ) {
        if ( !this._overriddenGravityRegister.has( uid ) ) {
             * Restoring gravity for an unknown UID is not possible. Make sure you are using a correct
             * UID obtained from the {@link module:engine/model/writer~Writer#overrideSelectionGravity} to restore.
             * @error document-selection-gravity-wrong-restore
             * @param {String} uid The unique identifier returned by
             * {@link module:engine/model/documentselection~DocumentSelection#_overrideGravity}.
            throw new CKEditorError(
                'document-selection-gravity-wrong-restore: Attempting to restore the selection gravity for an unknown UID.',
                { uid }

        this._overriddenGravityRegister.delete( uid );

        // Restore gravity only when all overriding have been restored.
        if ( !this.isGravityOverridden ) {
            this._updateAttributes( true );

    _popRange() {

    _pushRange( range ) {
        const liveRange = this._prepareRange( range );

        // `undefined` is returned when given `range` is in graveyard root.
        if ( liveRange ) {
            this._ranges.push( liveRange );

    // Prepares given range to be added to selection. Checks if it is correct,
    // converts it to {@link module:engine/model/liverange~LiveRange LiveRange}
    // and sets listeners listening to the range's change event.
    // @private
    // @param {module:engine/model/range~Range} range
    _prepareRange( range ) {
        this._checkRange( range );

        if ( range.root == this._document.graveyard ) {
            // @if CK_DEBUG // console.warn( 'Trying to add a Range that is in the graveyard root. Range rejected.' );


        const liveRange = LiveRange.fromRange( range );

        liveRange.on( 'change:range', ( evt, oldRange, data ) => {
            this._hasChangedRange = true;

            // If `LiveRange` is in whole moved to the graveyard, save necessary data. It will be fixed on `Model#applyOperation` event.
            if ( liveRange.root == this._document.graveyard ) {
                this._fixGraveyardRangesData.push( {
                    sourcePosition: data.deletionPosition
                } );
        } );

        return liveRange;

    _updateMarkers() {
        const markers = [];
        let changed = false;

        for ( const marker of this._model.markers ) {
            const markerRange = marker.getRange();

            for ( const selectionRange of this.getRanges() ) {
                if ( markerRange.containsRange( selectionRange, !selectionRange.isCollapsed ) ) {
                    markers.push( marker );

        const oldMarkers = Array.from( this.markers );

        for ( const marker of markers ) {
            if ( !this.markers.has( marker ) ) {
                this.markers.add( marker );

                changed = true;

        for ( const marker of Array.from( this.markers ) ) {
            if ( !markers.includes( marker ) ) {
                this.markers.remove( marker );

                changed = true;

        if ( changed ) {
   'change:marker', { oldMarkers, directChange: false } );

    // Updates this selection attributes according to its ranges and the {@link module:engine/model/document~Document model document}.
    // @protected
    // @param {Boolean} clearAll
    // @fires change:attribute
    _updateAttributes( clearAll ) {
        const newAttributes = toMap( this._getSurroundingAttributes() );
        const oldAttributes = toMap( this.getAttributes() );

        if ( clearAll ) {
            // If `clearAll` remove all attributes and reset priorities.
            this._attributePriority = new Map();
            this._attrs = new Map();
        } else {
            // If not, remove only attributes added with `low` priority.
            for ( const [ key, priority ] of this._attributePriority ) {
                if ( priority == 'low' ) {
                    this._attrs.delete( key );
                    this._attributePriority.delete( key );

        this._setAttributesTo( newAttributes );

        // Let's evaluate which attributes really changed.
        const changed = [];

        // First, loop through all attributes that are set on selection right now.
        // Check which of them are different than old attributes.
        for ( const [ newKey, newValue ] of this.getAttributes() ) {
            if ( !oldAttributes.has( newKey ) || oldAttributes.get( newKey ) !== newValue ) {
                changed.push( newKey );

        // Then, check which of old attributes got removed.
        for ( const [ oldKey ] of oldAttributes ) {
            if ( !this.hasAttribute( oldKey ) ) {
                changed.push( oldKey );

        // Fire event with exact data (fire only if anything changed).
        if ( changed.length > 0 ) {
   'change:attribute', { attributeKeys: changed, directChange: false } );

    // Internal method for setting `LiveSelection` attribute. Supports attribute priorities (through `directChange`
    // parameter).
    // @private
    // @param {String} key Attribute key.
    // @param {*} value Attribute value.
    // @param {Boolean} [directChange=true] `true` if the change is caused by `Selection` API, `false` if change
    // is caused by `Batch` API.
    // @returns {Boolean} Whether value has changed.
    _setAttribute( key, value, directChange = true ) {
        const priority = directChange ? 'normal' : 'low';

        if ( priority == 'low' && this._attributePriority.get( key ) == 'normal' ) {
            // Priority too low.
            return false;

        const oldValue = super.getAttribute( key );

        // Don't do anything if value has not changed.
        if ( oldValue === value ) {
            return false;

        this._attrs.set( key, value );

        // Update priorities map.
        this._attributePriority.set( key, priority );

        return true;

    // Internal method for removing `LiveSelection` attribute. Supports attribute priorities (through `directChange`
    // parameter).
    // NOTE: Even if attribute is not present in the selection but is provided to this method, it's priority will
    // be changed according to `directChange` parameter.
    // @private
    // @param {String} key Attribute key.
    // @param {Boolean} [directChange=true] `true` if the change is caused by `Selection` API, `false` if change
    // is caused by `Batch` API.
    // @returns {Boolean} Whether attribute was removed. May not be true if such attributes didn't exist or the
    // existing attribute had higher priority.
    _removeAttribute( key, directChange = true ) {
        const priority = directChange ? 'normal' : 'low';

        if ( priority == 'low' && this._attributePriority.get( key ) == 'normal' ) {
            // Priority too low.
            return false;

        // Update priorities map.
        this._attributePriority.set( key, priority );

        // Don't do anything if value has not changed.
        if ( !super.hasAttribute( key ) ) {
            return false;

        this._attrs.delete( key );

        return true;

    // Internal method for setting multiple `LiveSelection` attributes. Supports attribute priorities (through
    // `directChange` parameter).
    // @private
    // @param {Map.<String,*>} attrs Iterable object containing attributes to be set.
    // @returns {Set.<String>} Changed attribute keys.
    _setAttributesTo( attrs ) {
        const changed = new Set();

        for ( const [ oldKey, oldValue ] of this.getAttributes() ) {
            // Do not remove attribute if attribute with same key and value is about to be set.
            if ( attrs.get( oldKey ) === oldValue ) {

            // All rest attributes will be removed so changed attributes won't change .
            this._removeAttribute( oldKey, false );

        for ( const [ key, value ] of attrs ) {
            // Attribute may not be set because of attributes or because same key/value is already added.
            const gotAdded = this._setAttribute( key, value, false );

            if ( gotAdded ) {
                changed.add( key );

        return changed;

    // Returns an iterable that iterates through all selection attributes stored in current selection's parent.
    // @protected
    // @returns {Iterable.<*>}
    * _getStoredAttributes() {
        const selectionParent = this.getFirstPosition().parent;

        if ( this.isCollapsed && selectionParent.isEmpty ) {
            for ( const key of selectionParent.getAttributeKeys() ) {
                if ( key.startsWith( storePrefix ) ) {
                    const realKey = key.substr( storePrefix.length );

                    yield [ realKey, selectionParent.getAttribute( key ) ];

    // Checks model text nodes that are closest to the selection's first position and returns attributes of first
    // found element. If there are no text nodes in selection's first position parent, it returns selection
    // attributes stored in that parent.
    // @private
    // @returns {Iterable.<*>} Collection of attributes.
    _getSurroundingAttributes() {
        const position = this.getFirstPosition();
        const schema = this._model.schema;

        let attrs = null;

        if ( !this.isCollapsed ) {
            // 1. If selection is a range...
            const range = this.getFirstRange();

            // ...look for a first character node in that range and take attributes from it.
            for ( const value of range ) {
                // If the item is an object, we don't want to get attributes from its children.
                if ( 'element' ) && schema.isObject( value.item ) ) {

                if ( value.type == 'text' ) {
                    attrs = value.item.getAttributes();
        } else {
            // 2. If the selection is a caret or the range does not contain a character node...

            const nodeBefore = position.textNode ? position.textNode : position.nodeBefore;
            const nodeAfter = position.textNode ? position.textNode : position.nodeAfter;

            // When gravity is overridden then don't take node before into consideration.
            if ( !this.isGravityOverridden ) {
                // ...look at the node before caret and take attributes from it if it is a character node.
                attrs = getAttrsIfCharacter( nodeBefore );

            // 3. If not, look at the node after caret...
            if ( !attrs ) {
                attrs = getAttrsIfCharacter( nodeAfter );

            // 4. If not, try to find the first character on the left, that is in the same node.
            // When gravity is overridden then don't take node before into consideration.
            if ( !this.isGravityOverridden && !attrs ) {
                let node = nodeBefore;

                while ( node && !attrs ) {
                    node = node.previousSibling;
                    attrs = getAttrsIfCharacter( node );

            // 5. If not found, try to find the first character on the right, that is in the same node.
            if ( !attrs ) {
                let node = nodeAfter;

                while ( node && !attrs ) {
                    node = node.nextSibling;
                    attrs = getAttrsIfCharacter( node );

            // 6. If not found, selection should retrieve attributes from parent.
            if ( !attrs ) {
                attrs = this._getStoredAttributes();

        return attrs;

    // Fixes a selection range after it ends up in graveyard root.
    // @private
    // @param {module:engine/model/liverange~LiveRange} liveRange The range from selection, that ended up in the graveyard root.
    // @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} removedRangeStart Start position of a range which was removed.
    _fixGraveyardSelection( liveRange, removedRangeStart ) {
        // The start of the removed range is the closest position to the `liveRange` - the original selection range.
        // This is a good candidate for a fixed selection range.
        const positionCandidate = removedRangeStart.clone();

        // Find a range that is a correct selection range and is closest to the start of removed range.
        const selectionRange = this._model.schema.getNearestSelectionRange( positionCandidate );

        // Remove the old selection range before preparing and adding new selection range. This order is important,
        // because new range, in some cases, may intersect with old range (it depends on `getNearestSelectionRange()` result).
        const index = this._ranges.indexOf( liveRange );
        this._ranges.splice( index, 1 );

        // If nearest valid selection range has been found - add it in the place of old range.
        // If range is equal to any other selection ranges then it is probably due to contents
        // of a multi-range selection being removed. See ckeditor/ckeditor5#6501.
        if ( selectionRange && !isRangeCollidingWithSelection( selectionRange, this ) ) {
            // Check the range, convert it to live range, bind events, etc.
            const newRange = this._prepareRange( selectionRange );

            // Add new range in the place of old range.
            this._ranges.splice( index, 0, newRange );
        // If nearest valid selection range cannot be found or is intersecting with other selection ranges removing the old range is fine.

// Helper function for {@link module:engine/model/liveselection~LiveSelection#_updateAttributes}.
// It takes model item, checks whether it is a text node (or text proxy) and, if so, returns it's attributes. If not, returns `null`.
// @param {module:engine/model/item~Item|null}  node
// @returns {Boolean}
function getAttrsIfCharacter( node ) {
    if ( node instanceof TextProxy || node instanceof Text ) {
        return node.getAttributes();

    return null;

// Removes selection attributes from element which is not empty anymore.
// @param {module:engine/model/model~Model} model
// @param {module:engine/model/batch~Batch} batch
function clearAttributesStoredInElement( model, batch ) {
    const differ = model.document.differ;

    for ( const entry of differ.getChanges() ) {
        if ( entry.type != 'insert' ) {

        const changeParent = entry.position.parent;
        const isNoLongerEmpty = entry.length === changeParent.maxOffset;

        if ( isNoLongerEmpty ) {
            model.enqueueChange( batch, writer => {
                const storedAttributes = Array.from( changeParent.getAttributeKeys() )
                    .filter( key => key.startsWith( storePrefix ) );

                for ( const key of storedAttributes ) {
                    writer.removeAttribute( key, changeParent );
            } );

// Checks if range collides with any of selection ranges.
function isRangeCollidingWithSelection( range, selection ) {
    return !selection._ranges.every( selectionRange => !range.isEqual( selectionRange ) );