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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

 * @module engine/model/operation/splitoperation

import Operation from './operation';
import MergeOperation from './mergeoperation';
import Position from '../position';
import Range from '../range';
import { _insert, _move } from './utils';

import CKEditorError from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/ckeditorerror';

 * Operation to split {@link module:engine/model/element~Element an element} at given
 * {@link module:engine/model/operation/splitoperation~SplitOperation#splitPosition split position} into two elements,
 * both containing a part of the element's original content.
 * @extends module:engine/model/operation/operation~Operation
export default class SplitOperation extends Operation {
     * Creates a split operation.
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} splitPosition Position at which an element should be split.
     * @param {Number} howMany Total offset size of elements that are in the split element after `position`.
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position|null} graveyardPosition Position in the graveyard root before the element which
     * should be used as a parent of the nodes after `position`. If it is not set, a copy of the the `position` parent will be used.
     * @param {Number|null} baseVersion Document {@link module:engine/model/document~Document#version} on which operation
     * can be applied or `null` if the operation operates on detached (non-document) tree.
    constructor( splitPosition, howMany, graveyardPosition, baseVersion ) {
        super( baseVersion );

         * Position at which an element should be split.
         * @member {module:engine/model/position~Position} module:engine/model/operation/splitoperation~SplitOperation#splitPosition
        this.splitPosition = splitPosition.clone();
        // Keep position sticking to the next node. This way any new content added at the place where the element is split
        // will be left in the original element.
        this.splitPosition.stickiness = 'toNext';

         * Total offset size of elements that are in the split element after `position`.
         * @member {Number} module:engine/model/operation/splitoperation~SplitOperation#howMany
        this.howMany = howMany;

         * Position at which the clone of split element (or element from graveyard) will be inserted.
         * @member {module:engine/model/position~Position} module:engine/model/operation/splitoperation~SplitOperation#insertionPosition
        this.insertionPosition = SplitOperation.getInsertionPosition( splitPosition );
        this.insertionPosition.stickiness = 'toNone';

         * Position in the graveyard root before the element which should be used as a parent of the nodes after `position`.
         * If it is not set, a copy of the the `position` parent will be used.
         * The default behavior is to clone the split element. Element from graveyard is used during undo.
         * @member {module:engine/model/position~Position|null} #graveyardPosition
        this.graveyardPosition = graveyardPosition ? graveyardPosition.clone() : null;

        if ( this.graveyardPosition ) {
            this.graveyardPosition.stickiness = 'toNext';

     * @inheritDoc
    get type() {
        return 'split';

     * Position inside the new clone of a split element.
     * This is a position where nodes that are after the split position will be moved to.
     * @readonly
     * @type {module:engine/model/position~Position}
    get moveTargetPosition() {
        const path = this.insertionPosition.path.slice();
        path.push( 0 );

        return new Position( this.insertionPosition.root, path );

     * Artificial range that contains all the nodes from the split element that will be moved to the new element.
     * The range starts at {@link ~#splitPosition} and ends in the same parent, at `POSITIVE_INFINITY` offset.
     * @readonly
     * @type {module:engine/model/range~Range}
    get movedRange() {
        const end = this.splitPosition.getShiftedBy( Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY );

        return new Range( this.splitPosition, end );

     * Creates and returns an operation that has the same parameters as this operation.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/operation/splitoperation~SplitOperation} Clone of this operation.
    clone() {
        const split = new this.constructor( this.splitPosition, this.howMany, this.graveyardPosition, this.baseVersion );
        split.insertionPosition = this.insertionPosition;

        return split;

     * See {@link module:engine/model/operation/operation~Operation#getReversed `Operation#getReversed()`}.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/operation/mergeoperation~MergeOperation}
    getReversed() {
        const graveyard = this.splitPosition.root.document.graveyard;
        const graveyardPosition = new Position( graveyard, [ 0 ] );

        return new MergeOperation( this.moveTargetPosition, this.howMany, this.splitPosition, graveyardPosition, this.baseVersion + 1 );

     * @inheritDoc
    _validate() {
        const element = this.splitPosition.parent;
        const offset = this.splitPosition.offset;

        // Validate whether split operation has correct parameters.
        if ( !element || element.maxOffset < offset ) {
             * Split position is invalid.
             * @error split-operation-position-invalid
            throw new CKEditorError( 'split-operation-position-invalid: Split position is invalid.', this );
        } else if ( !element.parent ) {
             * Cannot split root element.
             * @error split-operation-split-in-root
            throw new CKEditorError( 'split-operation-split-in-root: Cannot split root element.', this );
        } else if ( this.howMany != element.maxOffset - this.splitPosition.offset ) {
             * Split operation specifies wrong number of nodes to move.
             * @error split-operation-how-many-invalid
            throw new CKEditorError( 'split-operation-how-many-invalid: Split operation specifies wrong number of nodes to move.', this );
        } else if ( this.graveyardPosition && !this.graveyardPosition.nodeAfter ) {
             * Graveyard position invalid.
             * @error split-operation-graveyard-position-invalid
            throw new CKEditorError( 'split-operation-graveyard-position-invalid: Graveyard position invalid.', this );

     * @inheritDoc
    _execute() {
        const splitElement = this.splitPosition.parent;

        if ( this.graveyardPosition ) {
            _move( Range._createFromPositionAndShift( this.graveyardPosition, 1 ), this.insertionPosition );
        } else {
            const newElement = splitElement._clone();

            _insert( this.insertionPosition, newElement );

        const sourceRange = new Range(
            Position._createAt( splitElement, this.splitPosition.offset ),
            Position._createAt( splitElement, splitElement.maxOffset )

        _move( sourceRange, this.moveTargetPosition );

     * @inheritDoc
    toJSON() {
        const json = super.toJSON();

        json.splitPosition = this.splitPosition.toJSON();
        json.insertionPosition = this.insertionPosition.toJSON();

        if ( this.graveyardPosition ) {
            json.graveyardPosition = this.graveyardPosition.toJSON();

        return json;

     * @inheritDoc
    static get className() {
        return 'SplitOperation';

     * Helper function that returns a default insertion position basing on given `splitPosition`. The default insertion
     * position is after the split element.
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} splitPosition
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position}
    static getInsertionPosition( splitPosition ) {
        const path = splitPosition.path.slice( 0, -1 );
        path[ path.length - 1 ]++;

        return new Position( splitPosition.root, path );

     * Creates `SplitOperation` object from deserilized object, i.e. from parsed JSON string.
     * @param {Object} json Deserialized JSON object.
     * @param {module:engine/model/document~Document} document Document on which this operation will be applied.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/operation/splitoperation~SplitOperation}
    static fromJSON( json, document ) {
        const splitPosition = Position.fromJSON( json.splitPosition, document );
        const insertionPosition = Position.fromJSON( json.insertionPosition, document );
        const graveyardPosition = json.graveyardPosition ? Position.fromJSON( json.graveyardPosition, document ) : null;

        const split = new this( splitPosition, json.howMany, graveyardPosition, json.baseVersion );
        split.insertionPosition = insertionPosition;

        return split;

    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE // toString() {
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //     return `SplitOperation( ${ this.baseVersion } ): ${ this.splitPosition } ` +
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //        `( ${ this.howMany } ) -> ${ this.insertionPosition }` +
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //        `${ this.graveyardPosition ? ' with ' + this.graveyardPosition : '' }`;
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE // }