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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

 * @module engine/model/position

import TreeWalker from './treewalker';
import compareArrays from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/comparearrays';
import CKEditorError from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/ckeditorerror';

// To check if component is loaded more than once.
import '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/version';

 * Represents a position in the model tree.
 * A position is represented by its {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#root} and
 * a {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#path} in that root.
 * You can create position instances via its constructor or the `createPosition*()` factory methods of
 * {@link module:engine/model/model~Model} and {@link module:engine/model/writer~Writer}.
 * **Note:** Position is based on offsets, not indexes. This means that a position between two text nodes
 * `foo` and `bar` has offset `3`, not `1`. See {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#path} for more information.
 * Since a position in the model is represented by a {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#root position root} and
 * {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#path position path} it is possible to create positions placed in non-existing places.
 * This requirement is important for operational transformation algorithms.
 * Also, {@link module:engine/model/operation/operation~Operation operations}
 * kept in the {@link module:engine/model/document~Document#history document history}
 * are storing positions (and ranges) which were correct when those operations were applied, but may not be correct
 * after the document has changed.
 * When changes are applied to the model, it may also happen that {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#parent position parent}
 * will change even if position path has not changed. Keep in mind, that if a position leads to non-existing element,
 * {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#parent} and some other properties and methods will throw errors.
 * In most cases, position with wrong path is caused by an error in code, but it is sometimes needed, as described above.
export default class Position {
     * Creates a position.
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element|module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} root Root of the position.
     * @param {Array.<Number>} path Position path. See {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#path}.
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~PositionStickiness} [stickiness='toNone'] Position stickiness.
     * See {@link module:engine/model/position~PositionStickiness}.
    constructor( root, path, stickiness = 'toNone' ) {
        if ( ! 'element' ) && ! 'documentFragment' ) ) {
             * Position root is invalid.
             * Positions can only be anchored in elements or document fragments.
             * @error model-position-root-invalid
            throw new CKEditorError(
                'model-position-root-invalid: Position root invalid.',

        if ( !( path instanceof Array ) || path.length === 0 ) {
             * Position path must be an array with at least one item.
             * @error model-position-path-incorrect-format
             * @param path
            throw new CKEditorError(
                'model-position-path-incorrect-format: Position path must be an array with at least one item.',
                { path }

        // Normalize the root and path when element (not root) is passed.
        if ( 'rootElement' ) ) {
            path = path.slice();
        } else {
            path = [ ...root.getPath(), ...path ];
            root = root.root;

         * Root of the position path.
         * @readonly
         * @member {module:engine/model/element~Element|module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment}
         * module:engine/model/position~Position#root
        this.root = root;

         * Position of the node in the tree. **Path contains offsets, not indexes.**
         * Position can be placed before, after or in a {@link module:engine/model/node~Node node} if that node has
         * {@link module:engine/model/node~Node#offsetSize} greater than `1`. Items in position path are
         * {@link module:engine/model/node~Node#startOffset starting offsets} of position ancestors, starting from direct root children,
         * down to the position offset in it's parent.
         *         ROOT
         *          |- P            before: [ 0 ]         after: [ 1 ]
         *          |- UL           before: [ 1 ]         after: [ 2 ]
         *             |- LI        before: [ 1, 0 ]      after: [ 1, 1 ]
         *             |  |- foo    before: [ 1, 0, 0 ]   after: [ 1, 0, 3 ]
         *             |- LI        before: [ 1, 1 ]      after: [ 1, 2 ]
         *                |- bar    before: [ 1, 1, 0 ]   after: [ 1, 1, 3 ]
         * `foo` and `bar` are representing {@link module:engine/model/text~Text text nodes}. Since text nodes has offset size
         * greater than `1` you can place position offset between their start and end:
         *         ROOT
         *          |- P
         *          |- UL
         *             |- LI
         *             |  |- f^o|o  ^ has path: [ 1, 0, 1 ]   | has path: [ 1, 0, 2 ]
         *             |- LI
         *                |- b^a|r  ^ has path: [ 1, 1, 1 ]   | has path: [ 1, 1, 2 ]
         * @readonly
         * @member {Array.<Number>} module:engine/model/position~Position#path
        this.path = path;

         * Position stickiness. See {@link module:engine/model/position~PositionStickiness}.
         * @member {module:engine/model/position~PositionStickiness} module:engine/model/position~Position#stickiness
        this.stickiness = stickiness;

     * Offset at which this position is located in its {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#parent parent}. It is equal
     * to the last item in position {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#path path}.
     * @type {Number}
    get offset() {
        return this.path[ this.path.length - 1 ];

     * @param {Number} newOffset
    set offset( newOffset ) {
        this.path[ this.path.length - 1 ] = newOffset;

     * Parent element of this position.
     * Keep in mind that `parent` value is calculated when the property is accessed.
     * If {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#path position path}
     * leads to a non-existing element, `parent` property will throw error.
     * Also it is a good idea to cache `parent` property if it is used frequently in an algorithm (i.e. in a long loop).
     * @readonly
     * @type {module:engine/model/element~Element|module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment}
    get parent() {
        let parent = this.root;

        for ( let i = 0; i < this.path.length - 1; i++ ) {
            parent = parent.getChild( parent.offsetToIndex( this.path[ i ] ) );

            if ( !parent ) {
                throw new CKEditorError( 'model-position-path-incorrect: The position\'s path is incorrect.', this, { position: this } );

        if ( 'text' ) ) {
             * The position's path is incorrect. This means that a position does not point to
             * a correct place in the tree and hence, some of its methods and getters cannot work correctly.
             * **Note**: Unlike DOM and view positions, in the model, the
             * {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#parent position's parent} is always an element or a document fragment.
             * The last offset in the {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#path position's path} is the point in this element where
             * this position points.
             * Read more about model positions and offsets in
             * the {@glink framework/guides/architecture/editing-engine#indexes-and-offsets Editing engine architecture guide}.
             * @error position-incorrect-path
             * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} position The incorrect position.
            throw new CKEditorError( 'model-position-path-incorrect: The position\'s path is incorrect.', this, { position: this } );

        return parent;

     * Position {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#offset offset} converted to an index in position's parent node. It is
     * equal to the {@link module:engine/model/node~Node#index index} of a node after this position. If position is placed
     * in text node, position index is equal to the index of that text node.
     * @readonly
     * @type {Number}
    get index() {
        return this.parent.offsetToIndex( this.offset );

     * Returns {@link module:engine/model/text~Text text node} instance in which this position is placed or `null` if this
     * position is not in a text node.
     * @readonly
     * @type {module:engine/model/text~Text|null}
    get textNode() {
        return getTextNodeAtPosition( this, this.parent );

     * Node directly after this position or `null` if this position is in text node.
     * @readonly
     * @type {module:engine/model/node~Node|null}
    get nodeAfter() {
        // Cache the parent and reuse for performance reasons. See #6579 and #6582.
        const parent = this.parent;

        return getNodeAfterPosition( this, parent, getTextNodeAtPosition( this, parent ) );

     * Node directly before this position or `null` if this position is in text node.
     * @readonly
     * @type {module:engine/model/node~Node|null}
    get nodeBefore() {
        // Cache the parent and reuse for performance reasons. See #6579 and #6582.
        const parent = this.parent;

        return getNodeBeforePosition( this, parent, getTextNodeAtPosition( this, parent ) );

     * Is `true` if position is at the beginning of its {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#parent parent}, `false` otherwise.
     * @readonly
     * @type {Boolean}
    get isAtStart() {
        return this.offset === 0;

     * Is `true` if position is at the end of its {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#parent parent}, `false` otherwise.
     * @readonly
     * @type {Boolean}
    get isAtEnd() {
        return this.offset == this.parent.maxOffset;

     * Checks whether this position is before or after given position.
     * This method is safe to use it on non-existing positions (for example during operational transformation).
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} otherPosition Position to compare with.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~PositionRelation}
    compareWith( otherPosition ) {
        if ( this.root != otherPosition.root ) {
            return 'different';

        const result = compareArrays( this.path, otherPosition.path );

        switch ( result ) {
            case 'same':
                return 'same';

            case 'prefix':
                return 'before';

            case 'extension':
                return 'after';

                return this.path[ result ] < otherPosition.path[ result ] ? 'before' : 'after';

     * Gets the farthest position which matches the callback using
     * {@link module:engine/model/treewalker~TreeWalker TreeWalker}.
     * For example:
     *         getLastMatchingPosition( value => value.type == 'text' );
     *         // <paragraph>[]foo</paragraph> -> <paragraph>foo[]</paragraph>
     *         getLastMatchingPosition( value => value.type == 'text', { direction: 'backward' } );
     *         // <paragraph>foo[]</paragraph> -> <paragraph>[]foo</paragraph>
     *         getLastMatchingPosition( value => false );
     *         // Do not move the position.
     * @param {Function} skip Callback function. Gets {@link module:engine/model/treewalker~TreeWalkerValue} and should
     * return `true` if the value should be skipped or `false` if not.
     * @param {Object} options Object with configuration options. See {@link module:engine/model/treewalker~TreeWalker}.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position} The position after the last item which matches the `skip` callback test.
    getLastMatchingPosition( skip, options = {} ) {
        options.startPosition = this;

        const treeWalker = new TreeWalker( options );
        treeWalker.skip( skip );

        return treeWalker.position;

     * Returns a path to this position's parent. Parent path is equal to position {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#path path}
     * but without the last item.
     * This method is safe to use it on non-existing positions (for example during operational transformation).
     * @returns {Array.<Number>} Path to the parent.
    getParentPath() {
        return this.path.slice( 0, -1 );

     * Returns ancestors array of this position, that is this position's parent and its ancestors.
     * @returns {Array.<module:engine/model/item~Item>} Array with ancestors.
    getAncestors() {
        const parent = this.parent;

        if ( 'documentFragment' ) ) {
            return [ parent ];
        } else {
            return parent.getAncestors( { includeSelf: true } );

     * Returns the slice of two position {@link #path paths} which is identical. The {@link #root roots}
     * of these two paths must be identical.
     * This method is safe to use it on non-existing positions (for example during operational transformation).
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} position The second position.
     * @returns {Array.<Number>} The common path.
    getCommonPath( position ) {
        if ( this.root != position.root ) {
            return [];

        // We find on which tree-level start and end have the lowest common ancestor
        const cmp = compareArrays( this.path, position.path );
        // If comparison returned string it means that arrays are same.
        const diffAt = ( typeof cmp == 'string' ) ? Math.min( this.path.length, position.path.length ) : cmp;

        return this.path.slice( 0, diffAt );

     * Returns an {@link module:engine/model/element~Element} or {@link module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment}
     * which is a common ancestor of both positions. The {@link #root roots} of these two positions must be identical.
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} position The second position.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/element~Element|module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment|null}
    getCommonAncestor( position ) {
        const ancestorsA = this.getAncestors();
        const ancestorsB = position.getAncestors();

        let i = 0;

        while ( ancestorsA[ i ] == ancestorsB[ i ] && ancestorsA[ i ] ) {

        return i === 0 ? null : ancestorsA[ i - 1 ];

     * Returns a new instance of `Position`, that has same {@link #parent parent} but it's offset
     * is shifted by `shift` value (can be a negative value).
     * This method is safe to use it on non-existing positions (for example during operational transformation).
     * @param {Number} shift Offset shift. Can be a negative value.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position} Shifted position.
    getShiftedBy( shift ) {
        const shifted = this.clone();

        const offset = shifted.offset + shift;
        shifted.offset = offset < 0 ? 0 : offset;

        return shifted;

     * Checks whether this position is after given position.
     * This method is safe to use it on non-existing positions (for example during operational transformation).
     * @see module:engine/model/position~Position#isBefore
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} otherPosition Position to compare with.
     * @returns {Boolean} True if this position is after given position.
    isAfter( otherPosition ) {
        return this.compareWith( otherPosition ) == 'after';

     * Checks whether this position is before given position.
     * **Note:** watch out when using negation of the value returned by this method, because the negation will also
     * be `true` if positions are in different roots and you might not expect this. You should probably use
     * `a.isAfter( b ) || a.isEqual( b )` or `!a.isBefore( p ) && a.root == b.root` in most scenarios. If your
     * condition uses multiple `isAfter` and `isBefore` checks, build them so they do not use negated values, i.e.:
     *        if ( a.isBefore( b ) && c.isAfter( d ) ) {
     *            // do A.
     *        } else {
     *            // do B.
     *        }
     * or, if you have only one if-branch:
     *        if ( !( a.isBefore( b ) && c.isAfter( d ) ) {
     *            // do B.
     *        }
     * rather than:
     *        if ( !a.isBefore( b ) || && !c.isAfter( d ) ) {
     *            // do B.
     *        } else {
     *            // do A.
     *        }
     * This method is safe to use it on non-existing positions (for example during operational transformation).
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} otherPosition Position to compare with.
     * @returns {Boolean} True if this position is before given position.
    isBefore( otherPosition ) {
        return this.compareWith( otherPosition ) == 'before';

     * Checks whether this position is equal to given position.
     * This method is safe to use it on non-existing positions (for example during operational transformation).
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} otherPosition Position to compare with.
     * @returns {Boolean} True if positions are same.
    isEqual( otherPosition ) {
        return this.compareWith( otherPosition ) == 'same';

     * Checks whether this position is touching given position. Positions touch when there are no text nodes
     * or empty nodes in a range between them. Technically, those positions are not equal but in many cases
     * they are very similar or even indistinguishable.
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} otherPosition Position to compare with.
     * @returns {Boolean} True if positions touch.
    isTouching( otherPosition ) {
        let left = null;
        let right = null;
        const compare = this.compareWith( otherPosition );

        switch ( compare ) {
            case 'same':
                return true;

            case 'before':
                left = Position._createAt( this );
                right = Position._createAt( otherPosition );

            case 'after':
                left = Position._createAt( otherPosition );
                right = Position._createAt( this );

                return false;

        // Cached for optimization purposes.
        let leftParent = left.parent;

        while ( left.path.length + right.path.length ) {
            if ( left.isEqual( right ) ) {
                return true;

            if ( left.path.length > right.path.length ) {
                if ( left.offset !== leftParent.maxOffset ) {
                    return false;

                left.path = left.path.slice( 0, -1 );
                leftParent = leftParent.parent;
            } else {
                if ( right.offset !== 0 ) {
                    return false;

                right.path = right.path.slice( 0, -1 );

     * Checks whether this object is of the given.
     * 'position' ); // -> true
     * 'model:position' ); // -> true
     * 'view:position' ); // -> false
     * 'documentSelection' ); // -> false
     * {@link module:engine/model/node~Node#is Check the entire list of model objects} which implement the `is()` method.
     * @param {String} type
     * @returns {Boolean}
    is( type ) {
        return type === 'position' || type === 'model:position';

     * Checks if two positions are in the same parent.
     * This method is safe to use it on non-existing positions (for example during operational transformation).
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} position Position to compare with.
     * @returns {Boolean} `true` if positions have the same parent, `false` otherwise.
    hasSameParentAs( position ) {
        if ( this.root !== position.root ) {
            return false;

        const thisParentPath = this.getParentPath();
        const posParentPath = position.getParentPath();

        return compareArrays( thisParentPath, posParentPath ) == 'same';

     * Returns a copy of this position that is transformed by given `operation`.
     * The new position's parameters are updated accordingly to the effect of the `operation`.
     * For example, if `n` nodes are inserted before the position, the returned position {@link ~Position#offset} will be
     * increased by `n`. If the position was in a merged element, it will be accordingly moved to the new element, etc.
     * This method is safe to use it on non-existing positions (for example during operational transformation).
     * @param {module:engine/model/operation/operation~Operation} operation Operation to transform by.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position} Transformed position.
    getTransformedByOperation( operation ) {
        let result;

        switch ( operation.type ) {
            case 'insert':
                result = this._getTransformedByInsertOperation( operation );
            case 'move':
            case 'remove':
            case 'reinsert':
                result = this._getTransformedByMoveOperation( operation );
            case 'split':
                result = this._getTransformedBySplitOperation( operation );
            case 'merge':
                result = this._getTransformedByMergeOperation( operation );
                result = Position._createAt( this );

        return result;

     * Returns a copy of this position transformed by an insert operation.
     * @protected
     * @param {module:engine/model/operation/insertoperation~InsertOperation} operation
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position}
    _getTransformedByInsertOperation( operation ) {
        return this._getTransformedByInsertion( operation.position, operation.howMany );

     * Returns a copy of this position transformed by a move operation.
     * @protected
     * @param {module:engine/model/operation/moveoperation~MoveOperation} operation
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position}
    _getTransformedByMoveOperation( operation ) {
        return this._getTransformedByMove( operation.sourcePosition, operation.targetPosition, operation.howMany );

     * Returns a copy of this position transformed by a split operation.
     * @protected
     * @param {module:engine/model/operation/splitoperation~SplitOperation} operation
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position}
    _getTransformedBySplitOperation( operation ) {
        const movedRange = operation.movedRange;

        const isContained = movedRange.containsPosition( this ) ||
            ( movedRange.start.isEqual( this ) && this.stickiness == 'toNext' );

        if ( isContained ) {
            return this._getCombined( operation.splitPosition, operation.moveTargetPosition );
        } else {
            if ( operation.graveyardPosition ) {
                return this._getTransformedByMove( operation.graveyardPosition, operation.insertionPosition, 1 );
            } else {
                return this._getTransformedByInsertion( operation.insertionPosition, 1 );

     * Returns a copy of this position transformed by merge operation.
     * @protected
     * @param {module:engine/model/operation/mergeoperation~MergeOperation} operation
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position}
    _getTransformedByMergeOperation( operation ) {
        const movedRange = operation.movedRange;
        const isContained = movedRange.containsPosition( this ) || movedRange.start.isEqual( this );

        let pos;

        if ( isContained ) {
            pos = this._getCombined( operation.sourcePosition, operation.targetPosition );

            if ( operation.sourcePosition.isBefore( operation.targetPosition ) ) {
                // Above happens during OT when the merged element is moved before the merged-to element.
                pos = pos._getTransformedByDeletion( operation.deletionPosition, 1 );
        } else if ( this.isEqual( operation.deletionPosition ) ) {
            pos = Position._createAt( operation.deletionPosition );
        } else {
            pos = this._getTransformedByMove( operation.deletionPosition, operation.graveyardPosition, 1 );

        return pos;

     * Returns a copy of this position that is updated by removing `howMany` nodes starting from `deletePosition`.
     * It may happen that this position is in a removed node. If that is the case, `null` is returned instead.
     * @protected
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} deletePosition Position before the first removed node.
     * @param {Number} howMany How many nodes are removed.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position|null} Transformed position or `null`.
    _getTransformedByDeletion( deletePosition, howMany ) {
        const transformed = Position._createAt( this );

        // This position can't be affected if deletion was in a different root.
        if ( this.root != deletePosition.root ) {
            return transformed;

        if ( compareArrays( deletePosition.getParentPath(), this.getParentPath() ) == 'same' ) {
            // If nodes are removed from the node that is pointed by this position...
            if ( deletePosition.offset < this.offset ) {
                // And are removed from before an offset of that position...
                if ( deletePosition.offset + howMany > this.offset ) {
                    // Position is in removed range, it's no longer in the tree.
                    return null;
                } else {
                    // Decrement the offset accordingly.
                    transformed.offset -= howMany;
        } else if ( compareArrays( deletePosition.getParentPath(), this.getParentPath() ) == 'prefix' ) {
            // If nodes are removed from a node that is on a path to this position...
            const i = deletePosition.path.length - 1;

            if ( deletePosition.offset <= this.path[ i ] ) {
                // And are removed from before next node of that path...
                if ( deletePosition.offset + howMany > this.path[ i ] ) {
                    // If the next node of that path is removed return null
                    // because the node containing this position got removed.
                    return null;
                } else {
                    // Otherwise, decrement index on that path.
                    transformed.path[ i ] -= howMany;

        return transformed;

     * Returns a copy of this position that is updated by inserting `howMany` nodes at `insertPosition`.
     * @protected
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} insertPosition Position where nodes are inserted.
     * @param {Number} howMany How many nodes are inserted.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position} Transformed position.
    _getTransformedByInsertion( insertPosition, howMany ) {
        const transformed = Position._createAt( this );

        // This position can't be affected if insertion was in a different root.
        if ( this.root != insertPosition.root ) {
            return transformed;

        if ( compareArrays( insertPosition.getParentPath(), this.getParentPath() ) == 'same' ) {
            // If nodes are inserted in the node that is pointed by this position...
            if ( insertPosition.offset < this.offset || ( insertPosition.offset == this.offset && this.stickiness != 'toPrevious' ) ) {
                // And are inserted before an offset of that position...
                // "Push" this positions offset.
                transformed.offset += howMany;
        } else if ( compareArrays( insertPosition.getParentPath(), this.getParentPath() ) == 'prefix' ) {
            // If nodes are inserted in a node that is on a path to this position...
            const i = insertPosition.path.length - 1;

            if ( insertPosition.offset <= this.path[ i ] ) {
                // And are inserted before next node of that path...
                // "Push" the index on that path.
                transformed.path[ i ] += howMany;

        return transformed;

     * Returns a copy of this position that is updated by moving `howMany` nodes from `sourcePosition` to `targetPosition`.
     * @protected
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} sourcePosition Position before the first element to move.
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} targetPosition Position where moved elements will be inserted.
     * @param {Number} howMany How many consecutive nodes to move, starting from `sourcePosition`.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position} Transformed position.
    _getTransformedByMove( sourcePosition, targetPosition, howMany ) {
        // Update target position, as it could be affected by nodes removal.
        targetPosition = targetPosition._getTransformedByDeletion( sourcePosition, howMany );

        if ( sourcePosition.isEqual( targetPosition ) ) {
            // If `targetPosition` is equal to `sourcePosition` this isn't really any move. Just return position as it is.
            return Position._createAt( this );

        // Moving a range removes nodes from their original position. We acknowledge this by proper transformation.
        const transformed = this._getTransformedByDeletion( sourcePosition, howMany );

        const isMoved = transformed === null ||
            ( sourcePosition.isEqual( this ) && this.stickiness == 'toNext' ) ||
            ( sourcePosition.getShiftedBy( howMany ).isEqual( this ) && this.stickiness == 'toPrevious' );

        if ( isMoved ) {
            // This position is inside moved range (or sticks to it).
            // In this case, we calculate a combination of this position, move source position and target position.
            return this._getCombined( sourcePosition, targetPosition );
        } else {
            // This position is not inside a removed range.
            // In next step, we simply reflect inserting `howMany` nodes, which might further affect the position.
            return transformed._getTransformedByInsertion( targetPosition, howMany );

     * Returns a new position that is a combination of this position and given positions.
     * The combined position is a copy of this position transformed by moving a range starting at `source` position
     * to the `target` position. It is expected that this position is inside the moved range.
     * Example:
     *        let original = model.createPositionFromPath( root, [ 2, 3, 1 ] );
     *        let source = model.createPositionFromPath( root, [ 2, 2 ] );
     *        let target = model.createPositionFromPath( otherRoot, [ 1, 1, 3 ] );
     *        original._getCombined( source, target ); // path is [ 1, 1, 4, 1 ], root is `otherRoot`
     * Explanation:
     * We have a position `[ 2, 3, 1 ]` and move some nodes from `[ 2, 2 ]` to `[ 1, 1, 3 ]`. The original position
     * was inside moved nodes and now should point to the new place. The moved nodes will be after
     * positions `[ 1, 1, 3 ]`, `[ 1, 1, 4 ]`, `[ 1, 1, 5 ]`. Since our position was in the second moved node,
     * the transformed position will be in a sub-tree of a node at `[ 1, 1, 4 ]`. Looking at original path, we
     * took care of `[ 2, 3 ]` part of it. Now we have to add the rest of the original path to the transformed path.
     * Finally, the transformed position will point to `[ 1, 1, 4, 1 ]`.
     * @protected
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} source Beginning of the moved range.
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} target Position where the range is moved.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position} Combined position.
    _getCombined( source, target ) {
        const i = source.path.length - 1;

        // The first part of a path to combined position is a path to the place where nodes were moved.
        const combined = Position._createAt( target );
        combined.stickiness = this.stickiness;

        // Then we have to update the rest of the path.

        // Fix the offset because this position might be after `from` position and we have to reflect that.
        combined.offset = combined.offset + this.path[ i ] - source.offset;

        // Then, add the rest of the path.
        // If this position is at the same level as `from` position nothing will get added.
        combined.path = [ ...combined.path, ...this.path.slice( i + 1 ) ];

        return combined;

     * @inheritDoc
    toJSON() {
        return {
            root: this.root.toJSON(),
            path: Array.from( this.path ),
            stickiness: this.stickiness

     * Returns a new position that is equal to current position.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position}
    clone() {
        return new this.constructor( this.root, this.path, this.stickiness );

     * Creates position at the given location. The location can be specified as:
     * * a {@link module:engine/model/position~Position position},
     * * parent element and offset (offset defaults to `0`),
     * * parent element and `'end'` (sets position at the end of that element),
     * * {@link module:engine/model/item~Item model item} and `'before'` or `'after'` (sets position before or after given model item).
     * This method is a shortcut to other factory methods such as:
     * * {@link module:engine/model/position~Position._createBefore},
     * * {@link module:engine/model/position~Position._createAfter}.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item|module:engine/model/position~Position} itemOrPosition
     * @param {Number|'end'|'before'|'after'} [offset] Offset or one of the flags. Used only when the
     * first parameter is a {@link module:engine/model/item~Item model item}.
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~PositionStickiness} [stickiness='toNone'] Position stickiness. Used only when the
     * first parameter is a {@link module:engine/model/item~Item model item}.
     * @protected
    static _createAt( itemOrPosition, offset, stickiness = 'toNone' ) {
        if ( itemOrPosition instanceof Position ) {
            return new Position( itemOrPosition.root, itemOrPosition.path, itemOrPosition.stickiness );
        } else {
            const node = itemOrPosition;

            if ( offset == 'end' ) {
                offset = node.maxOffset;
            } else if ( offset == 'before' ) {
                return this._createBefore( node, stickiness );
            } else if ( offset == 'after' ) {
                return this._createAfter( node, stickiness );
            } else if ( offset !== 0 && !offset ) {
                 * {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#createPositionAt `Model#createPositionAt()`}
                 * requires the offset to be specified when the first parameter is a model item.
                 * @error model-createPositionAt-offset-required
                throw new CKEditorError(
                    'model-createPositionAt-offset-required: ' +
                    'Model#createPositionAt() requires the offset when the first parameter is a model item.',
                    [ this, itemOrPosition ]

            if ( ! 'element' ) && ! 'documentFragment' ) ) {
                 * Position parent have to be a model element or model document fragment.
                 * @error model-position-parent-incorrect
                throw new CKEditorError(
                    'model-position-parent-incorrect: Position parent have to be a element or document fragment.',
                    [ this, itemOrPosition ]

            const path = node.getPath();

            path.push( offset );

            return new this( node.root, path, stickiness );

     * Creates a new position, after given {@link module:engine/model/item~Item model item}.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item} item Item after which the position should be placed.
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~PositionStickiness} [stickiness='toNone'] Position stickiness.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position}
     * @protected
    static _createAfter( item, stickiness ) {
        if ( !item.parent ) {
             * You can not make a position after a root element.
             * @error model-position-after-root
             * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item} root
            throw new CKEditorError(
                'model-position-after-root: You cannot make a position after root.',
                [ this, item ],
                { root: item }

        return this._createAt( item.parent, item.endOffset, stickiness );

     * Creates a new position, before the given {@link module:engine/model/item~Item model item}.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item} item Item before which the position should be placed.
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~PositionStickiness} [stickiness='toNone'] Position stickiness.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position}
     * @protected
    static _createBefore( item, stickiness ) {
        if ( !item.parent ) {
             * You can not make a position before a root element.
             * @error model-position-before-root
             * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item} root
            throw new CKEditorError(
                'model-position-before-root: You cannot make a position before root.',
                { root: item }

        return this._createAt( item.parent, item.startOffset, stickiness );

     * Creates a `Position` instance from given plain object (i.e. parsed JSON string).
     * @param {Object} json Plain object to be converted to `Position`.
     * @param {module:engine/model/document~Document} doc Document object that will be position owner.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position} `Position` instance created using given plain object.
    static fromJSON( json, doc ) {
        if ( json.root === '$graveyard' ) {
            const pos = new Position( doc.graveyard, json.path );
            pos.stickiness = json.stickiness;

            return pos;

        if ( !doc.getRoot( json.root ) ) {
             * Cannot create position for document. Root with specified name does not exist.
             * @error model-position-fromjson-no-root
             * @param {String} rootName
            throw new CKEditorError(
                'model-position-fromjson-no-root: Cannot create position for document. Root with specified name does not exist.',
                { rootName: json.root }

        return new Position( doc.getRoot( json.root ), json.path, json.stickiness );

    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE // toString() {
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //     return `${ this.root } [ ${ this.path.join( ', ' ) } ]`;
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE // }

    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE // log() {
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //     console.log( 'ModelPosition: ' + this );
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE // }

 * A flag indicating whether this position is `'before'` or `'after'` or `'same'` as given position.
 * If positions are in different roots `'different'` flag is returned.
 * @typedef {String} module:engine/model/position~PositionRelation

 * Represents how position is "sticking" with neighbour nodes. Used to define how position should be transformed (moved)
 * in edge cases. Possible values: `'toNone'`, `'toNext'`, `'toPrevious'`.
 * Examples:
 *        Insert. Position is at | and nodes are inserted at the same position, marked as ^:
 *        - sticks to none:           <p>f^|oo</p>  ->  <p>fbar|oo</p>
 *        - sticks to next node:      <p>f^|oo</p>  ->  <p>fbar|oo</p>
 *        - sticks to previous node:  <p>f|^oo</p>  ->  <p>f|baroo</p>
 *        Move. Position is at | and range [oo] is moved to position ^:
 *        - sticks to none:           <p>f|[oo]</p><p>b^ar</p>  ->  <p>f|</p><p>booar</p>
 *        - sticks to none:           <p>f[oo]|</p><p>b^ar</p>  ->  <p>f|</p><p>booar</p>
 *        - sticks to next node:      <p>f|[oo]</p><p>b^ar</p>  ->  <p>f</p><p>b|ooar</p>
 *        - sticks to next node:      <p>f[oo]|</p><p>b^ar</p>  ->  <p>f|</p><p>booar</p>
 *        - sticks to previous node:  <p>f|[oo]</p><p>b^ar</p>  ->  <p>f|</p><p>booar</p>
 *        - sticks to previous node:  <p>f[oo]|</p><p>b^ar</p>  ->  <p>f</p><p>boo|ar</p>
 * @typedef {String} module:engine/model/position~PositionStickiness

 * Returns a text node at the given position.
 * This is a helper function optimized to reuse the position parent instance for performance reasons.
 * Normally, you should use {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#textNode `Position#textNode`}.
 * If you start hitting performance issues with {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#parent `Position#parent`}
 * check if your algorithm does not access it multiple times (which can happen directly or indirectly via other position properties).
 * See
 * See also:
 * * {@link module:engine/model/position~getNodeAfterPosition}
 * * {@link module:engine/model/position~getNodeBeforePosition}
 * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} position
 * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element|module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} positionParent The parent of the
 * given position.
 * @returns {module:engine/model/text~Text|null}
export function getTextNodeAtPosition( position, positionParent ) {
    const node = positionParent.getChild( positionParent.offsetToIndex( position.offset ) );

    if ( node && 'text' ) && node.startOffset < position.offset ) {
        return node;

    return null;

 * Returns the node after the given position.
 * This is a helper function optimized to reuse the position parent instance and the calculation of the text node at the
 * specific position for performance reasons.
 * Normally, you should use {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#nodeAfter `Position#nodeAfter`}.
 * If you start hitting performance issues with {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#parent `Position#parent`} and/or
 * {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#textNode `Position#textNode`}
 * check if your algorithm does not access those properties multiple times
 * (which can happen directly or indirectly via other position properties).
 * See and
 * See also:
 * * {@link module:engine/model/position~getTextNodeAtPosition}
 * * {@link module:engine/model/position~getNodeBeforePosition}
 * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} position
 * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element|module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} positionParent The parent of the
 * given position.
 * @param {module:engine/model/text~Text|null} textNode Text node at the given position.
 * @returns {module:engine/model/node~Node|null}
export function getNodeAfterPosition( position, positionParent, textNode ) {
    if ( textNode !== null ) {
        return null;

    return positionParent.getChild( positionParent.offsetToIndex( position.offset ) );

 * Returns the node before the given position.
 * Refer to {@link module:engine/model/position~getNodeBeforePosition} for documentation on when to use this util method.
 * See also:
 * * {@link module:engine/model/position~getTextNodeAtPosition}
 * * {@link module:engine/model/position~getNodeAfterPosition}
 * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} position
 * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element|module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} positionParent The parent of the
 * given position.
 * @param {module:engine/model/text~Text|null} textNode Text node at the given position.
 * @returns {module:engine/model/node~Node|null}
export function getNodeBeforePosition( position, positionParent, textNode ) {
    if ( textNode !== null ) {
        return null;

    return positionParent.getChild( positionParent.offsetToIndex( position.offset ) - 1 );