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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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 * @module engine/model/utils/deletecontent

import LivePosition from '../liveposition';
import Range from '../range';
import DocumentSelection from '../documentselection';

 * Deletes content of the selection and merge siblings. The resulting selection is always collapsed.
 * **Note:** Use {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#deleteContent} instead of this function.
 * This function is only exposed to be reusable in algorithms
 * which change the {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#deleteContent}
 * method's behavior.
 * @param {module:engine/model/model~Model} model The model in context of which the insertion
 * should be performed.
 * @param {module:engine/model/selection~Selection|module:engine/model/documentselection~DocumentSelection} selection
 * Selection of which the content should be deleted.
 * @param {Object} [options]
 * @param {Boolean} [options.leaveUnmerged=false] Whether to merge elements after removing the content of the selection.
 * For example `<heading>x[x</heading><paragraph>y]y</paragraph>` will become:
 * * `<heading>x^y</heading>` with the option disabled (`leaveUnmerged == false`)
 * * `<heading>x^</heading><paragraph>y</paragraph>` with enabled (`leaveUnmerged == true`).
 * Note: {@link module:engine/model/schema~Schema#isObject object} and {@link module:engine/model/schema~Schema#isLimit limit}
 * elements will not be merged.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.doNotResetEntireContent=false] Whether to skip replacing the entire content with a
 * paragraph when the entire content was selected.
 * For example `<heading>[x</heading><paragraph>y]</paragraph>` will become:
 * * `<paragraph>^</paragraph>` with the option disabled (`doNotResetEntireContent == false`)
 * * `<heading>^</heading>` with enabled (`doNotResetEntireContent == true`).
 * @param {Boolean} [options.doNotAutoparagraph=false] Whether to create a paragraph if after content deletion selection is moved
 * to a place where text cannot be inserted.
 * For example `<paragraph>x</paragraph>[<image src="foo.jpg"></image>]` will become:
 * * `<paragraph>x</paragraph><paragraph>[]</paragraph>` with the option disabled (`doNotAutoparagraph == false`)
 * * `<paragraph>x</paragraph>[]` with the option enabled (`doNotAutoparagraph == true`).
 * If you use this option you need to make sure to handle invalid selections yourself or leave
 * them to the selection post-fixer (may not always work).
 * **Note:** if there is no valid position for the selection, the paragraph will always be created:
 * `[<image src="foo.jpg"></image>]` -> `<paragraph>[]</paragraph>`.
export default function deleteContent( model, selection, options = {} ) {
    if ( selection.isCollapsed ) {

    const selRange = selection.getFirstRange();

    // If the selection is already removed, don't do anything.
    if ( selRange.root.rootName == '$graveyard' ) {

    const schema = model.schema;

    model.change( writer => {
        // 1. Replace the entire content with paragraph.
        // See:
        if ( !options.doNotResetEntireContent && shouldEntireContentBeReplacedWithParagraph( schema, selection ) ) {
            replaceEntireContentWithParagraph( writer, selection, schema );


        const startPos = selRange.start;
        const endPos = LivePosition.fromPosition( selRange.end, 'toNext' );

        // 2. Remove the content if there is any.
        if ( !selRange.start.isTouching( selRange.end ) ) {
            writer.remove( selRange );

        // 3. Merge elements in the right branch to the elements in the left branch.
        // The only reasonable (in terms of data and selection correctness) case in which we need to do that is:
        // <heading type=1>Fo[</heading><paragraph>]ar</paragraph> => <heading type=1>Fo^ar</heading>
        // However, the algorithm supports also merging deeper structures (up to the depth of the shallower branch),
        // as it's hard to imagine what should actually be the default behavior. Usually, specific features will
        // want to override that behavior anyway.
        if ( !options.leaveUnmerged ) {
            mergeBranches( writer, startPos, endPos );

            // TMP this will be replaced with a postfixer.
            // We need to check and strip disallowed attributes in all nested nodes because after merge
            // some attributes could end up in a path where are disallowed.
            // e.g. bold is disallowed for <H1>
            // <h1>Fo{o</h1><p>b}a<b>r</b><p> -> <h1>Fo{}a<b>r</b><h1> -> <h1>Fo{}ar<h1>.
            schema.removeDisallowedAttributes( startPos.parent.getChildren(), writer );

        collapseSelectionAt( writer, selection, startPos );

        // 4. Add a paragraph to set selection in it.
        // Check if a text is allowed in the new container. If not, try to create a new paragraph (if it's allowed here).
        // If autoparagraphing is off, we assume that you know what you do so we leave the selection wherever it was.
        if ( !options.doNotAutoparagraph && shouldAutoparagraph( schema, startPos ) ) {
            insertParagraph( writer, startPos, selection );

    } );

// This function is a result of reaching the Ballmer's peak for just the right amount of time.
// Even I had troubles documenting it after a while and after reading it again I couldn't believe that it really works.
function mergeBranches( writer, startPos, endPos ) {
    const startParent = startPos.parent;
    const endParent = endPos.parent;

    // If both positions ended up in the same parent, then there's nothing more to merge:
    // <$root><p>x[]</p><p>{}y</p></$root> => <$root><p>xy</p>[]{}</$root>
    if ( startParent == endParent ) {

    // If one of the positions is a limit element, then there's nothing to merge because we don't want to cross the limit boundaries.
    if ( writer.model.schema.isLimit( startParent ) || writer.model.schema.isLimit( endParent ) ) {

    // Check if operations we'll need to do won't need to cross object or limit boundaries.
    // E.g., we can't merge endParent into startParent in this case:
    // <limit><startParent>x[]</startParent></limit><endParent>{}</endParent>
    if ( !checkCanBeMerged( startPos, endPos, writer.model.schema ) ) {

    // Remember next positions to merge. For example:
    // <a><b>x[]</b></a><c><d>{}y</d></c>
    // will become:
    // <a><b>xy</b>[]</a><c>{}</c>
    startPos = writer.createPositionAfter( startParent );
    endPos = writer.createPositionBefore( endParent );

    if ( !endPos.isEqual( startPos ) ) {
        // In this case, before we merge, we need to move `endParent` to the `startPos`:
        // <a><b>x[]</b></a><c><d>{}y</d></c>
        // becomes:
        // <a><b>x</b>[]<d>y</d></a><c>{}</c>
        writer.insert( endParent, startPos );

    // Merge two siblings:
    // <a>x</a>[]<b>y</b> -> <a>xy</a> (the usual case)
    // <a><b>x</b>[]<d>y</d></a><c></c> -> <a><b>xy</b>[]</a><c></c> (this is the "move parent" case shown above)
    writer.merge( startPos );

    // Remove empty end ancestors:
    // <a>fo[o</a><b><a><c>bar]</c></a></b>
    // becomes:
    // <a>fo[]</a><b><a>{}</a></b>
    // So we can remove <a> and <b>.
    while ( endPos.parent.isEmpty ) {
        const parentToRemove = endPos.parent;

        endPos = writer.createPositionBefore( parentToRemove );

        writer.remove( parentToRemove );

    // Continue merging next level.
    mergeBranches( writer, startPos, endPos );

function shouldAutoparagraph( schema, position ) {
    const isTextAllowed = schema.checkChild( position, '$text' );
    const isParagraphAllowed = schema.checkChild( position, 'paragraph' );

    return !isTextAllowed && isParagraphAllowed;

// Check if parents of two positions can be merged by checking if there are no limit/object
// boundaries between those two positions.
// E.g. in <bQ><p>x[]</p></bQ><widget><caption>{}</caption></widget>
// we'll check <p>, <bQ>, <widget> and <caption>.
// Usually, widget and caption are marked as objects/limits in the schema, so in this case merging will be blocked.
function checkCanBeMerged( leftPos, rightPos, schema ) {
    const rangeToCheck = new Range( leftPos, rightPos );

    for ( const value of rangeToCheck.getWalker() ) {
        if ( schema.isLimit( value.item ) ) {
            return false;

    return true;

function insertParagraph( writer, position, selection ) {
    const paragraph = writer.createElement( 'paragraph' );

    writer.insert( paragraph, position );

    collapseSelectionAt( writer, selection, writer.createPositionAt( paragraph, 0 ) );

function replaceEntireContentWithParagraph( writer, selection ) {
    const limitElement = writer.model.schema.getLimitElement( selection );

    writer.remove( writer.createRangeIn( limitElement ) );
    insertParagraph( writer, writer.createPositionAt( limitElement, 0 ), selection );

// We want to replace the entire content with a paragraph when:
// * the entire content is selected,
// * selection contains at least two elements,
// * whether the paragraph is allowed in schema in the common ancestor.
function shouldEntireContentBeReplacedWithParagraph( schema, selection ) {
    const limitElement = schema.getLimitElement( selection );

    if ( !selection.containsEntireContent( limitElement ) ) {
        return false;

    const range = selection.getFirstRange();

    if ( range.start.parent == range.end.parent ) {
        return false;

    return schema.checkChild( limitElement, 'paragraph' );

// Helper function that sets the selection. Depending whether given `selection` is a document selection or not,
// uses a different method to set it.
function collapseSelectionAt( writer, selection, positionOrRange ) {
    if ( selection instanceof DocumentSelection ) {
        writer.setSelection( positionOrRange );
    } else {
        selection.setTo( positionOrRange );