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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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 * @module engine/model/utils/getselectedcontent

 * Gets a clone of the selected content.
 * For example, for the following selection:
 * ```html
 * <p>x</p><quote><p>y</p><h>fir[st</h></quote><p>se]cond</p><p>z</p>
 * ```
 * It will return a document fragment with such a content:
 * ```html
 * <quote><h>st</h></quote><p>se</p>
 * ```
 * @param {module:engine/model/model~Model} model The model in context of which
 * the selection modification should be performed.
 * @param {module:engine/model/selection~Selection|module:engine/model/documentselection~DocumentSelection} selection
 * The selection of which content will be returned.
 * @returns {module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment}
export default function getSelectedContent( model, selection ) {
    return model.change( writer => {
        const frag = writer.createDocumentFragment();
        const range = selection.getFirstRange();

        if ( !range || range.isCollapsed ) {
            return frag;

        const root = range.start.root;
        const commonPath = range.start.getCommonPath( range.end );
        const commonParent = root.getNodeByPath( commonPath );

        // ## 1st step
        // First, we'll clone a fragment represented by a minimal flat range
        // containing the original range to be cloned.
        // E.g. let's consider such a range:
        // <p>x</p><quote><p>y</p><h>fir[st</h></quote><p>se]cond</p><p>z</p>
        // A minimal flat range containing this one is:
        // <p>x</p>[<quote><p>y</p><h>first</h></quote><p>second</p>]<p>z</p>
        // We can easily clone this structure, preserving e.g. the <quote> element.
        let flatSubtreeRange;

        if ( range.start.parent == range.end.parent ) {
            // The original range is flat, so take it.
            flatSubtreeRange = range;
        } else {
            flatSubtreeRange = writer.createRange(
                writer.createPositionAt( commonParent, range.start.path[ commonPath.length ] ),
                writer.createPositionAt( commonParent, range.end.path[ commonPath.length ] + 1 )

        const howMany = flatSubtreeRange.end.offset - flatSubtreeRange.start.offset;

        // Clone the whole contents.
        for ( const item of flatSubtreeRange.getItems( { shallow: true } ) ) {
            if ( 'textProxy' ) ) {
                writer.appendText(, item.getAttributes(), frag );
            } else {
                writer.append( item._clone( true ), frag );

        // ## 2nd step
        // If the original range wasn't flat, then we need to remove the excess nodes from the both ends of the cloned fragment.
        // For example, for the range shown in the 1st step comment, we need to remove these pieces:
        // <quote>[<p>y</p>]<h>[fir]st</h></quote><p>se[cond]</p>
        // So this will be the final copied content:
        // <quote><h>st</h></quote><p>se</p>
        // In order to do that, we remove content from these two ranges:
        // [<quote><p>y</p><h>fir]st</h></quote><p>se[cond</p>]
        if ( flatSubtreeRange != range ) {
            // Find the position of the original range in the cloned fragment.
            const newRange = range._getTransformedByMove( flatSubtreeRange.start, writer.createPositionAt( frag, 0 ), howMany )[ 0 ];

            const leftExcessRange = writer.createRange( writer.createPositionAt( frag, 0 ), newRange.start );
            const rightExcessRange = writer.createRange( newRange.end, writer.createPositionAt( frag, 'end' ) );

            removeRangeContent( rightExcessRange, writer );
            removeRangeContent( leftExcessRange, writer );

        return frag;
    } );

// After is fixed,
// this function will, most likely, be able to rewritten using getMinimalFlatRanges().
function removeRangeContent( range, writer ) {
    const parentsToCheck = [];

    Array.from( range.getItems( { direction: 'backward' } ) )
        // We should better store ranges because text proxies will lose integrity
        // with the text nodes when we'll start removing content.
        .map( item => writer.createRangeOn( item ) )
        // Filter only these items which are fully contained in the passed range.
        // E.g. for the following range: [<quote><p>y</p><h>fir]st</h>
        // the walker will return the entire <h> element, when only the "fir" item inside it is fully contained.
        .filter( itemRange => {
            // We should be able to use Range.containsRange, but
            const contained =
                ( itemRange.start.isAfter( range.start ) || itemRange.start.isEqual( range.start ) ) &&
                ( itemRange.end.isBefore( range.end ) || itemRange.end.isEqual( range.end ) );

            return contained;
        } )
        .forEach( itemRange => {
            parentsToCheck.push( itemRange.start.parent );

            writer.remove( itemRange );
        } );

    // Remove ancestors of the removed items if they turned to be empty now
    // (their whole content was contained in the range).
    parentsToCheck.forEach( parentToCheck => {
        let parent = parentToCheck;

        while ( parent.parent && parent.isEmpty ) {
            const removeRange = writer.createRangeOn( parent );

            parent = parent.parent;

            writer.remove( removeRange );
    } );