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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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 * @module engine/model/utils/modifyselection

import Position from '../position';
import TreeWalker from '../treewalker';
import Range from '../range';
import { isInsideSurrogatePair, isInsideCombinedSymbol } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/unicode';
import DocumentSelection from '../documentselection';

const wordBoundaryCharacters = ' ,.?!:;"-()';

 * Modifies the selection. Currently, the supported modifications are:
 * * Extending. The selection focus is moved in the specified `options.direction` with a step specified in `options.unit`.
 * Possible values for `unit` are:
 *  * `'character'` (default) - moves selection by one user-perceived character. In most cases this means moving by one
 *  character in `String` sense. However, unicode also defines "combing marks". These are special symbols, that combines
 *  with a symbol before it ("base character") to create one user-perceived character. For example, `q̣̇` is a normal
 *  letter `q` with two "combining marks": upper dot (`Ux0307`) and lower dot (`Ux0323`). For most actions, i.e. extending
 *  selection by one position, it is correct to include both "base character" and all of it's "combining marks". That is
 *  why `'character'` value is most natural and common method of modifying selection.
 *  * `'codePoint'` - moves selection by one unicode code point. In contrary to, `'character'` unit, this will insert
 *  selection between "base character" and "combining mark", because "combining marks" have their own unicode code points.
 *  However, for technical reasons, unicode code points with values above `UxFFFF` are represented in native `String` by
 *  two characters, called "surrogate pairs". Halves of "surrogate pairs" have a meaning only when placed next to each other.
 *  For example `𨭎` is represented in `String` by `\uD862\uDF4E`. Both `\uD862` and `\uDF4E` do not have any meaning
 *  outside the pair (are rendered as ? when alone). Position between them would be incorrect. In this case, selection
 *  extension will include whole "surrogate pair".
 *  * `'word'` - moves selection by a whole word.
 * **Note:** if you extend a forward selection in a backward direction you will in fact shrink it.
 * **Note:** Use {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#modifySelection} instead of this function.
 * This function is only exposed to be reusable in algorithms
 * which change the {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#modifySelection}
 * method's behavior.
 * @param {module:engine/model/model~Model} model The model in context of which
 * the selection modification should be performed.
 * @param {module:engine/model/selection~Selection|module:engine/model/documentselection~DocumentSelection} selection
 * The selection to modify.
 * @param {Object} [options]
 * @param {'forward'|'backward'} [options.direction='forward'] The direction in which the selection should be modified.
 * @param {'character'|'codePoint'|'word'} [options.unit='character'] The unit by which selection should be modified.
export default function modifySelection( model, selection, options = {} ) {
    const schema = model.schema;
    const isForward = options.direction != 'backward';
    const unit = options.unit ? options.unit : 'character';

    const focus = selection.focus;

    const walker = new TreeWalker( {
        boundaries: getSearchRange( focus, isForward ),
        singleCharacters: true,
        direction: isForward ? 'forward' : 'backward'
    } );

    const data = { walker, schema, isForward, unit };

    let next;

    while ( ( next = ) ) {
        if ( next.done ) {

        const position = tryExtendingTo( data, next.value );

        if ( position ) {
            if ( selection instanceof DocumentSelection ) {
                model.change( writer => {
                    writer.setSelectionFocus( position );
                } );
            } else {
                selection.setFocus( position );


// Checks whether the selection can be extended to the the walker's next value (next position).
// @param {{ walker, unit, isForward, schema }} data
// @param {module:engine/view/treewalker~TreeWalkerValue} value
function tryExtendingTo( data, value ) {
    // If found text, we can certainly put the focus in it. Let's just find a correct position
    // based on the unit.
    if ( value.type == 'text' ) {
        if ( data.unit === 'word' ) {
            return getCorrectWordBreakPosition( data.walker, data.isForward );

        return getCorrectPosition( data.walker, data.unit, data.isForward );

    // Entering an element.
    if ( value.type == ( data.isForward ? 'elementStart' : 'elementEnd' ) ) {
        // If it's an object, we can select it now.
        if ( data.schema.isObject( value.item ) ) {
            return Position._createAt( value.item, data.isForward ? 'after' : 'before' );

        // If text allowed on this position, extend to this place.
        if ( data.schema.checkChild( value.nextPosition, '$text' ) ) {
            return value.nextPosition;
    // Leaving an element.
    else {
        // If leaving a limit element, stop.
        if ( data.schema.isLimit( value.item ) ) {
            // NOTE: Fast-forward the walker until the end.
            data.walker.skip( () => true );


        // If text allowed on this position, extend to this place.
        if ( data.schema.checkChild( value.nextPosition, '$text' ) ) {
            return value.nextPosition;

// Finds a correct position by walking in a text node and checking whether selection can be extended to given position
// or should be extended further.
// @param {module:engine/model/treewalker~TreeWalker} walker
// @param {String} unit The unit by which selection should be modified.
function getCorrectPosition( walker, unit ) {
    const textNode = walker.position.textNode;

    if ( textNode ) {
        const data =;
        let offset = walker.position.offset - textNode.startOffset;

        while ( isInsideSurrogatePair( data, offset ) || ( unit == 'character' && isInsideCombinedSymbol( data, offset ) ) ) {

            offset = walker.position.offset - textNode.startOffset;

    return walker.position;

// Finds a correct position of a word break by walking in a text node and checking whether selection can be extended to given position
// or should be extended further.
// @param {module:engine/model/treewalker~TreeWalker} walker
// @param {Boolean} isForward Is the direction in which the selection should be modified is forward.
function getCorrectWordBreakPosition( walker, isForward ) {
    let textNode = walker.position.textNode;

    if ( textNode ) {
        let offset = walker.position.offset - textNode.startOffset;

        while ( !isAtWordBoundary(, offset, isForward ) && !isAtNodeBoundary( textNode, offset, isForward ) ) {

            // Check of adjacent text nodes with different attributes (like BOLD).
            // Example          : 'foofoo []bar<$text bold="true">bar</$text> bazbaz'
            // should expand to : 'foofoo [bar<$text bold="true">bar</$text>] bazbaz'.
            const nextNode = isForward ? walker.position.nodeAfter : walker.position.nodeBefore;

            // Scan only text nodes. Ignore inline elements (like `<softBreak>`).
            if ( nextNode && 'text' ) ) {
                // Check boundary char of an adjacent text node.
                const boundaryChar = isForward ? 0 : - 1 );

                // Go to the next node if the character at the boundary of that node belongs to the same word.
                if ( !wordBoundaryCharacters.includes( boundaryChar ) ) {
                    // If adjacent text node belongs to the same word go to it & reset values.

                    textNode = walker.position.textNode;

            offset = walker.position.offset - textNode.startOffset;

    return walker.position;

function getSearchRange( start, isForward ) {
    const root = start.root;
    const searchEnd = Position._createAt( root, isForward ? 'end' : 0 );

    if ( isForward ) {
        return new Range( start, searchEnd );
    } else {
        return new Range( searchEnd, start );

// Checks if selection is on word boundary.
// @param {String} data The text node value to investigate.
// @param {Number} offset Position offset.
// @param {Boolean} isForward Is the direction in which the selection should be modified is forward.
function isAtWordBoundary( data, offset, isForward ) {
    // The offset to check depends on direction.
    const offsetToCheck = offset + ( isForward ? 0 : -1 );

    return wordBoundaryCharacters.includes( data.charAt( offsetToCheck ) );

// Checks if selection is on node boundary.
// @param {module:engine/model/text~Text} textNode The text node to investigate.
// @param {Number} offset Position offset.
// @param {Boolean} isForward Is the direction in which the selection should be modified is forward.
function isAtNodeBoundary( textNode, offset, isForward ) {
    return offset === ( isForward ? textNode.endOffset : 0 );