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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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 * @module engine/model/utils/selection-post-fixer

import Range from '../range';
import Position from '../position';

 * Injects selection post-fixer to the model.
 * The role of the selection post-fixer is to ensure that the selection is in a correct place
 * after a {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#change `change()`} block was executed.
 * The correct position means that:
 * * All collapsed selection ranges are in a place where the {@link module:engine/model/schema~Schema}
 * allows a `$text`.
 * * None of the selection's non-collapsed ranges crosses a {@link module:engine/model/schema~Schema#isLimit limit element}
 * boundary (a range must be rooted within one limit element).
 * * Only {@link module:engine/model/schema~Schema#isObject object elements} can be selected from the outside
 * (e.g. `[<paragraph>foo</paragraph>]` is invalid). This rule applies independently to both selection ends, so this
 * selection is correct: `<paragraph>f[oo</paragraph><image></image>]`.
 * If the position is not correct, the post-fixer will automatically correct it.
 * ## Fixing a non-collapsed selection
 * See as an example a selection that starts in a P1 element and ends inside the text of a TD element
 * (`[` and `]` are range boundaries and `(l)` denotes an element defined as `isLimit=true`):
 *        root
 *         |- element P1
 *         |   |- "foo"                                      root
 *         |- element TABLE (l)                   P1         TABLE             P2
 *         |   |- element TR (l)                 f o[o     TR      TR         b a r
 *         |   |   |- element TD (l)                       TD      TD
 *         |   |       |- "aaa"                          a]a a    b b b
 *         |   |- element TR (l)
 *         |   |   |- element TD (l)                           ||
 *         |   |       |- "bbb"                                ||
 *         |- element P2                                       VV
 *         |   |- "bar"
 *                                                           root
 *                                                P1         TABLE]            P2
 *                                               f o[o     TR      TR         b a r
 *                                                         TD      TD
 *                                                       a a a    b b b
 * In the example above, the TABLE, TR and TD are defined as `isLimit=true` in the schema. The range which is not contained within
 * a single limit element must be expanded to select the outermost limit element. The range end is inside the text node of the TD element.
 * As the TD element is a child of the TR and TABLE elements, where both are defined as `isLimit=true` in the schema, the range must be
 * expanded to select the whole TABLE element.
 * **Note** If the selection contains multiple ranges, the method returns a minimal set of ranges that are not intersecting after expanding
 * them to select `isLimit=true` elements.
 * @param {module:engine/model/model~Model} model
export function injectSelectionPostFixer( model ) {
    model.document.registerPostFixer( writer => selectionPostFixer( writer, model ) );

// The selection post-fixer.
// @param {module:engine/model/writer~Writer} writer
// @param {module:engine/model/model~Model} model
function selectionPostFixer( writer, model ) {
    const selection = model.document.selection;
    const schema = model.schema;

    const ranges = [];

    let wasFixed = false;

    for ( const modelRange of selection.getRanges() ) {
        // Go through all ranges in selection and try fixing each of them.
        // Those ranges might overlap but will be corrected later.
        const correctedRange = tryFixingRange( modelRange, schema );

        if ( correctedRange ) {
            ranges.push( correctedRange );
            wasFixed = true;
        } else {
            ranges.push( modelRange );

    // If any of ranges were corrected update the selection.
    if ( wasFixed ) {
        writer.setSelection( mergeIntersectingRanges( ranges ), { backward: selection.isBackward } );

// Tries fixing a range if it's incorrect.
// @param {module:engine/model/range~Range} range
// @param {module:engine/model/schema~Schema} schema
// @returns {module:engine/model/range~Range|null} Returns fixed range or null if range is valid.
function tryFixingRange( range, schema ) {
    if ( range.isCollapsed ) {
        return tryFixingCollapsedRange( range, schema );

    return tryFixingNonCollapsedRage( range, schema );

// Tries to fix collapsed ranges.
// * Fixes situation when a range is in a place where $text is not allowed
// @param {module:engine/model/range~Range} range Collapsed range to fix.
// @param {module:engine/model/schema~Schema} schema
// @returns {module:engine/model/range~Range|null} Returns fixed range or null if range is valid.
function tryFixingCollapsedRange( range, schema ) {
    const originalPosition = range.start;

    const nearestSelectionRange = schema.getNearestSelectionRange( originalPosition );

    // This might be null ie when editor data is empty.
    // In such cases there is no need to fix the selection range.
    if ( !nearestSelectionRange ) {
        return null;

    if ( !nearestSelectionRange.isCollapsed ) {
        return nearestSelectionRange;

    const fixedPosition = nearestSelectionRange.start;

    // Fixed position is the same as original - no need to return corrected range.
    if ( originalPosition.isEqual( fixedPosition ) ) {
        return null;

    return new Range( fixedPosition );

// Tries to fix an expanded range.
// @param {module:engine/model/range~Range} range Expanded range to fix.
// @param {module:engine/model/schema~Schema} schema
// @returns {module:engine/model/range~Range|null} Returns fixed range or null if range is valid.
function tryFixingNonCollapsedRage( range, schema ) {
    const start = range.start;
    const end = range.end;

    const isTextAllowedOnStart = schema.checkChild( start, '$text' );
    const isTextAllowedOnEnd = schema.checkChild( end, '$text' );

    const startLimitElement = schema.getLimitElement( start );
    const endLimitElement = schema.getLimitElement( end );

    // Ranges which both end are inside the same limit element (or root) might needs only minor fix.
    if ( startLimitElement === endLimitElement ) {
        // Range is valid when both position allows to place a text:
        // - <block>f[oobarba]z</block>
        // This would be "fixed" by a next check but as it will be the same it's better to return null so the selection stays the same.
        if ( isTextAllowedOnStart && isTextAllowedOnEnd ) {
            return null;

        // Range that is on non-limit element (or is partially) must be fixed so it is placed inside the block around $text:
        // - [<block>foo</block>]    ->    <block>[foo]</block>
        // - [<block>foo]</block>    ->    <block>[foo]</block>
        // - <block>f[oo</block>]    ->    <block>f[oo]</block>
        // - [<block>foo</block><object></object>]    ->    <block>[foo</block><object></object>]
        if ( checkSelectionOnNonLimitElements( start, end, schema ) ) {
            const isStartObject = start.nodeAfter && schema.isObject( start.nodeAfter );
            const fixedStart = isStartObject ? null : schema.getNearestSelectionRange( start, 'forward' );

            const isEndObject = end.nodeBefore && schema.isObject( end.nodeBefore );
            const fixedEnd = isEndObject ? null : schema.getNearestSelectionRange( end, 'backward' );

            // The schema.getNearestSelectionRange might return null - if that happens use original position.
            const rangeStart = fixedStart ? fixedStart.start : start;
            const rangeEnd = fixedEnd ? fixedEnd.start : end;

            return new Range( rangeStart, rangeEnd );

    const isStartInLimit = startLimitElement && ! 'rootElement' );
    const isEndInLimit = endLimitElement && ! 'rootElement' );

    // At this point we eliminated valid positions on text nodes so if one of range positions is placed inside a limit element
    // then the range crossed limit element boundaries and needs to be fixed.
    if ( isStartInLimit || isEndInLimit ) {
        const bothInSameParent = ( start.nodeAfter && end.nodeBefore ) && start.nodeAfter.parent === end.nodeBefore.parent;

        const expandStart = isStartInLimit && ( !bothInSameParent || !isInObject( start.nodeAfter, schema ) );
        const expandEnd = isEndInLimit && ( !bothInSameParent || !isInObject( end.nodeBefore, schema ) );

        // Although we've already found limit element on start/end positions we must find the outer-most limit element.
        // as limit elements might be nested directly inside (ie table > tableRow > tableCell).
        let fixedStart = start;
        let fixedEnd = end;

        if ( expandStart ) {
            fixedStart = Position._createBefore( findOutermostLimitAncestor( startLimitElement, schema ) );

        if ( expandEnd ) {
            fixedEnd = Position._createAfter( findOutermostLimitAncestor( endLimitElement, schema ) );

        return new Range( fixedStart, fixedEnd );

    // Range was not fixed at this point so it is valid - ie it was placed around limit element already.
    return null;

// Finds the outer-most ancestor.
// @param {module:engine/model/node~Node} startingNode
// @param {module:engine/model/schema~Schema} schema
// @param {String} expandToDirection Direction of expansion - either 'start' or 'end' of the range.
// @returns {module:engine/model/node~Node}
function findOutermostLimitAncestor( startingNode, schema ) {
    let isLimitNode = startingNode;
    let parent = isLimitNode;

    // Find outer most isLimit block as such blocks might be nested (ie. in tables).
    while ( schema.isLimit( parent ) && parent.parent ) {
        isLimitNode = parent;
        parent = parent.parent;

    return isLimitNode;

// Checks whether any of range boundaries is placed around non-limit elements.
// @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} start
// @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} end
// @param {module:engine/model/schema~Schema} schema
// @returns {Boolean}
function checkSelectionOnNonLimitElements( start, end, schema ) {
    const startIsOnBlock = ( start.nodeAfter && !schema.isLimit( start.nodeAfter ) ) || schema.checkChild( start, '$text' );
    const endIsOnBlock = ( end.nodeBefore && !schema.isLimit( end.nodeBefore ) ) || schema.checkChild( end, '$text' );

    // We should fix such selection when one of those nodes needs fixing.
    return startIsOnBlock || endIsOnBlock;

// Returns a minimal non-intersecting array of ranges.
// @param {Array.<module:engine/model/range~Range>} ranges
// @returns {Array.<module:engine/model/range~Range>}
function mergeIntersectingRanges( ranges ) {
    const nonIntersectingRanges = [];

    // First range will always be fine.
    nonIntersectingRanges.push( ranges.shift() );

    for ( const range of ranges ) {
        const previousRange = nonIntersectingRanges.pop();

        if ( range.isIntersecting( previousRange ) ) {
            // Get the sum of two ranges.
            const start = previousRange.start.isAfter( range.start ) ? range.start : previousRange.start;
            const end = previousRange.end.isAfter( range.end ) ? previousRange.end : range.end;

            const merged = new Range( start, end );
            nonIntersectingRanges.push( merged );
        } else {
            nonIntersectingRanges.push( previousRange );
            nonIntersectingRanges.push( range );

    return nonIntersectingRanges;

// Checks if node exists and if it's an object.
// @param {module:engine/model/node~Node} node
// @param {module:engine/model/schema~Schema} schema
// @returns {Boolean}
function isInObject( node, schema ) {
    return node && schema.isObject( node );