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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

 * @module engine/model/writer

import AttributeOperation from './operation/attributeoperation';
import DetachOperation from './operation/detachoperation';
import InsertOperation from './operation/insertoperation';
import MarkerOperation from './operation/markeroperation';
import MoveOperation from './operation/moveoperation';
import RenameOperation from './operation/renameoperation';
import RootAttributeOperation from './operation/rootattributeoperation';
import SplitOperation from './operation/splitoperation';
import MergeOperation from './operation/mergeoperation';

import DocumentFragment from './documentfragment';
import Text from './text';
import Element from './element';
import RootElement from './rootelement';
import Position from './position';
import Range from './range.js';
import DocumentSelection from './documentselection';

import toMap from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/tomap';

import CKEditorError from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/ckeditorerror';

 * The model can only be modified by using the writer. It should be used whenever you want to create a node, modify
 * child nodes, attributes or text, set the selection's position and its attributes.
 * The instance of the writer is only available in the {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#change `change()`} or
 * {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#enqueueChange `enqueueChange()`}.
 *        model.change( writer => {
 *            writer.insertText( 'foo', paragraph, 'end' );
 *        } );
 * Note that the writer should never be stored and used outside of the `change()` and
 * `enqueueChange()` blocks.
 * Note that writer's methods do not check the {@link module:engine/model/schema~Schema}. It is possible
 * to create incorrect model structures by using the writer. Read more about in
 * {@glink framework/guides/deep-dive/schema#who-checks-the-schema "Who checks the schema?"}.
 * @see module:engine/model/model~Model#change
 * @see module:engine/model/model~Model#enqueueChange
export default class Writer {
     * Creates a writer instance.
     * **Note:** It is not recommended to use it directly. Use {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#change `Model#change()`} or
     * {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#enqueueChange `Model#enqueueChange()`} instead.
     * @protected
     * @param {module:engine/model/model~Model} model
     * @param {module:engine/model/batch~Batch} batch
    constructor( model, batch ) {
         * Instance of the model on which this writer operates.
         * @readonly
         * @type {module:engine/model/model~Model}
        this.model = model;

         * The batch to which this writer will add changes.
         * @readonly
         * @type {module:engine/model/batch~Batch}
        this.batch = batch;

     * Creates a new {@link module:engine/model/text~Text text node}.
     *        writer.createText( 'foo' );
     *        writer.createText( 'foo', { bold: true } );
     * @param {String} data Text data.
     * @param {Object} [attributes] Text attributes.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/text~Text} Created text node.
    createText( data, attributes ) {
        return new Text( data, attributes );

     * Creates a new {@link module:engine/model/element~Element element}.
     *        writer.createElement( 'paragraph' );
     *        writer.createElement( 'paragraph', { alignment: 'center' } );
     * @param {String} name Name of the element.
     * @param {Object} [attributes] Elements attributes.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/element~Element} Created element.
    createElement( name, attributes ) {
        return new Element( name, attributes );

     * Creates a new {@link module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment document fragment}.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} Created document fragment.
    createDocumentFragment() {
        return new DocumentFragment();

     * Inserts item on given position.
     *        const paragraph = writer.createElement( 'paragraph' );
     *        writer.insert( paragraph, position );
     * Instead of using position you can use parent and offset:
     *        const text = writer.createText( 'foo' );
     *        writer.insert( text, paragraph, 5 );
     * You can also use `end` instead of the offset to insert at the end:
     *        const text = writer.createText( 'foo' );
     *        writer.insert( text, paragraph, 'end' );
     * Or insert before or after another element:
     *        const paragraph = writer.createElement( 'paragraph' );
     *        writer.insert( paragraph, anotherParagraph, 'after' );
     * These parameters works the same way as {@link #createPositionAt `writer.createPositionAt()`}.
     * Note that if the item already has parent it will be removed from the previous parent.
     * Note that you cannot re-insert a node from a document to a different document or a document fragment. In this case,
     * `model-writer-insert-forbidden-move` is thrown.
     * If you want to move {@link module:engine/model/range~Range range} instead of an
     * {@link module:engine/model/item~Item item} use {@link module:engine/model/writer~Writer#move `Writer#move()`}.
     * **Note:** For a paste-like content insertion mechanism see
     * {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#insertContent `model.insertContent()`}.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item|module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} item Item or document
     * fragment to insert.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item|module:engine/model/position~Position} itemOrPosition
     * @param {Number|'end'|'before'|'after'} [offset] Offset or one of the flags. Used only when
     * second parameter is a {@link module:engine/model/item~Item model item}.
    insert( item, itemOrPosition, offset = 0 ) {

        if ( item instanceof Text && == '' ) {

        const position = Position._createAt( itemOrPosition, offset );

        // If item has a parent already.
        if ( item.parent ) {
            // We need to check if item is going to be inserted within the same document.
            if ( isSameTree( item.root, position.root ) ) {
                // If it's we just need to move it.
                this.move( Range._createOn( item ), position );

            // If it isn't the same root.
            else {
                if ( item.root.document ) {
                     * Cannot move a node from a document to a different tree.
                     * It is forbidden to move a node that was already in a document outside of it.
                     * @error model-writer-insert-forbidden-move
                    throw new CKEditorError(
                        'model-writer-insert-forbidden-move: ' +
                        'Cannot move a node from a document to a different tree. ' +
                        'It is forbidden to move a node that was already in a document outside of it.',
                } else {
                    // Move between two different document fragments or from document fragment to a document is possible.
                    // In that case, remove the item from it's original parent.
                    this.remove( item );

        const version = position.root.document ? position.root.document.version : null;

        const insert = new InsertOperation( position, item, version );

        if ( item instanceof Text ) {
            insert.shouldReceiveAttributes = true;

        this.batch.addOperation( insert );
        this.model.applyOperation( insert );

        // When element is a DocumentFragment we need to move its markers to Document#markers.
        if ( item instanceof DocumentFragment ) {
            for ( const [ markerName, markerRange ] of item.markers ) {
                // We need to migrate marker range from DocumentFragment to Document.
                const rangeRootPosition = Position._createAt( markerRange.root, 0 );
                const range = new Range(
                    markerRange.start._getCombined( rangeRootPosition, position ),
                    markerRange.end._getCombined( rangeRootPosition, position )

                const options = { range, usingOperation: true, affectsData: true };

                if ( this.model.markers.has( markerName ) ) {
                    this.updateMarker( markerName, options );
                } else {
                    this.addMarker( markerName, options );

     * Creates and inserts text on given position. You can optionally set text attributes:
     *        writer.insertText( 'foo', position );
     *        writer.insertText( 'foo', { bold: true }, position );
     * Instead of using position you can use parent and offset or define that text should be inserted at the end
     * or before or after other node:
     *        // Inserts 'foo' in paragraph, at offset 5:
     *        writer.insertText( 'foo', paragraph, 5 );
     *        // Inserts 'foo' at the end of a paragraph:
     *        writer.insertText( 'foo', paragraph, 'end' );
     *        // Inserts 'foo' after an image:
     *        writer.insertText( 'foo', image, 'after' );
     * These parameters work in the same way as {@link #createPositionAt `writer.createPositionAt()`}.
     * @param {String} data Text data.
     * @param {Object} [attributes] Text attributes.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item|module:engine/model/position~Position} itemOrPosition
     * @param {Number|'end'|'before'|'after'} [offset] Offset or one of the flags. Used only when
     * third parameter is a {@link module:engine/model/item~Item model item}.
    insertText( text, attributes, itemOrPosition, offset ) {
        if ( attributes instanceof DocumentFragment || attributes instanceof Element || attributes instanceof Position ) {
            this.insert( this.createText( text ), attributes, itemOrPosition );
        } else {
            this.insert( this.createText( text, attributes ), itemOrPosition, offset );

     * Creates and inserts element on given position. You can optionally set attributes:
     *        writer.insertElement( 'paragraph', position );
     *        writer.insertElement( 'paragraph', { alignment: 'center' }, position );
     * Instead of using position you can use parent and offset or define that text should be inserted at the end
     * or before or after other node:
     *        // Inserts paragraph in the root at offset 5:
     *        writer.insertElement( 'paragraph', root, 5 );
     *        // Inserts paragraph at the end of a blockquote:
     *        writer.insertElement( 'paragraph', blockquote, 'end' );
     *        // Inserts after an image:
     *        writer.insertElement( 'paragraph', image, 'after' );
     * These parameters works the same way as {@link #createPositionAt `writer.createPositionAt()`}.
     * @param {String} name Name of the element.
     * @param {Object} [attributes] Elements attributes.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item|module:engine/model/position~Position} itemOrPosition
     * @param {Number|'end'|'before'|'after'} [offset] Offset or one of the flags. Used only when
     * third parameter is a {@link module:engine/model/item~Item model item}.
    insertElement( name, attributes, itemOrPosition, offset ) {
        if ( attributes instanceof DocumentFragment || attributes instanceof Element || attributes instanceof Position ) {
            this.insert( this.createElement( name ), attributes, itemOrPosition );
        } else {
            this.insert( this.createElement( name, attributes ), itemOrPosition, offset );

     * Inserts item at the end of the given parent.
     *        const paragraph = writer.createElement( 'paragraph' );
     *        writer.append( paragraph, root );
     * Note that if the item already has parent it will be removed from the previous parent.
     * If you want to move {@link module:engine/model/range~Range range} instead of an
     * {@link module:engine/model/item~Item item} use {@link module:engine/model/writer~Writer#move `Writer#move()`}.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item|module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment}
     * item Item or document fragment to insert.
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element|module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} parent
    append( item, parent ) {
        this.insert( item, parent, 'end' );

     * Creates text node and inserts it at the end of the parent. You can optionally set text attributes:
     *        writer.appendText( 'foo', paragraph );
     *        writer.appendText( 'foo', { bold: true }, paragraph );
     * @param {String} text Text data.
     * @param {Object} [attributes] Text attributes.
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element|module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} parent
    appendText( text, attributes, parent ) {
        if ( attributes instanceof DocumentFragment || attributes instanceof Element ) {
            this.insert( this.createText( text ), attributes, 'end' );
        } else {
            this.insert( this.createText( text, attributes ), parent, 'end' );

     * Creates element and inserts it at the end of the parent. You can optionally set attributes:
     *        writer.appendElement( 'paragraph', root );
     *        writer.appendElement( 'paragraph', { alignment: 'center' }, root );
     * @param {String} name Name of the element.
     * @param {Object} [attributes] Elements attributes.
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element|module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} parent
    appendElement( name, attributes, parent ) {
        if ( attributes instanceof DocumentFragment || attributes instanceof Element ) {
            this.insert( this.createElement( name ), attributes, 'end' );
        } else {
            this.insert( this.createElement( name, attributes ), parent, 'end' );

     * Sets value of the attribute with given key on a {@link module:engine/model/item~Item model item}
     * or on a {@link module:engine/model/range~Range range}.
     * @param {String} key Attribute key.
     * @param {*} value Attribute new value.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item|module:engine/model/range~Range} itemOrRange
     * Model item or range on which the attribute will be set.
    setAttribute( key, value, itemOrRange ) {

        if ( itemOrRange instanceof Range ) {
            const ranges = itemOrRange.getMinimalFlatRanges();

            for ( const range of ranges ) {
                setAttributeOnRange( this, key, value, range );
        } else {
            setAttributeOnItem( this, key, value, itemOrRange );

     * Sets values of attributes on a {@link module:engine/model/item~Item model item}
     * or on a {@link module:engine/model/range~Range range}.
     *        writer.setAttributes( {
     *            bold: true,
     *            italic: true
     *        }, range );
     * @param {Object} attributes Attributes keys and values.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item|module:engine/model/range~Range} itemOrRange
     * Model item or range on which the attributes will be set.
    setAttributes( attributes, itemOrRange ) {
        for ( const [ key, val ] of toMap( attributes ) ) {
            this.setAttribute( key, val, itemOrRange );

     * Removes an attribute with given key from a {@link module:engine/model/item~Item model item}
     * or from a {@link module:engine/model/range~Range range}.
     * @param {String} key Attribute key.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item|module:engine/model/range~Range} itemOrRange
     * Model item or range from which the attribute will be removed.
    removeAttribute( key, itemOrRange ) {

        if ( itemOrRange instanceof Range ) {
            const ranges = itemOrRange.getMinimalFlatRanges();

            for ( const range of ranges ) {
                setAttributeOnRange( this, key, null, range );
        } else {
            setAttributeOnItem( this, key, null, itemOrRange );

     * Removes all attributes from all elements in the range or from the given item.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item|module:engine/model/range~Range} itemOrRange
     * Model item or range from which all attributes will be removed.
    clearAttributes( itemOrRange ) {

        const removeAttributesFromItem = item => {
            for ( const attribute of item.getAttributeKeys() ) {
                this.removeAttribute( attribute, item );

        if ( !( itemOrRange instanceof Range ) ) {
            removeAttributesFromItem( itemOrRange );
        } else {
            for ( const item of itemOrRange.getItems() ) {
                removeAttributesFromItem( item );

     * Moves all items in the source range to the target position.
     *        writer.move( sourceRange, targetPosition );
     * Instead of the target position you can use parent and offset or define that range should be moved to the end
     * or before or after chosen item:
     *        // Moves all items in the range to the paragraph at offset 5:
     *        writer.move( sourceRange, paragraph, 5 );
     *        // Moves all items in the range to the end of a blockquote:
     *        writer.move( sourceRange, blockquote, 'end' );
     *        // Moves all items in the range to a position after an image:
     *        writer.move( sourceRange, image, 'after' );
     * These parameters works the same way as {@link #createPositionAt `writer.createPositionAt()`}.
     * Note that items can be moved only within the same tree. It means that you can move items within the same root
     * (element or document fragment) or between {@link module:engine/model/document~Document#roots documents roots},
     * but you can not move items from document fragment to the document or from one detached element to another. Use
     * {@link module:engine/model/writer~Writer#insert} in such cases.
     * @param {module:engine/model/range~Range} range Source range.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item|module:engine/model/position~Position} itemOrPosition
     * @param {Number|'end'|'before'|'after'} [offset] Offset or one of the flags. Used only when
     * second parameter is a {@link module:engine/model/item~Item model item}.
    move( range, itemOrPosition, offset ) {

        if ( !( range instanceof Range ) ) {
             * Invalid range to move.
             * @error writer-move-invalid-range
            throw new CKEditorError( 'writer-move-invalid-range: Invalid range to move.', this );

        if ( !range.isFlat ) {
             * Range to move is not flat.
             * @error writer-move-range-not-flat
            throw new CKEditorError( 'writer-move-range-not-flat: Range to move is not flat.', this );

        const position = Position._createAt( itemOrPosition, offset );

        // Do not move anything if the move target is same as moved range start.
        if ( position.isEqual( range.start ) ) {

        // If part of the marker is removed, create additional marker operation for undo purposes.
        this._addOperationForAffectedMarkers( 'move', range );

        if ( !isSameTree( range.root, position.root ) ) {
             * Range is going to be moved within not the same document. Please use
             * {@link module:engine/model/writer~Writer#insert insert} instead.
             * @error writer-move-different-document
            throw new CKEditorError( 'writer-move-different-document: Range is going to be moved between different documents.', this );

        const version = range.root.document ? range.root.document.version : null;
        const operation = new MoveOperation( range.start, range.end.offset - range.start.offset, position, version );

        this.batch.addOperation( operation );
        this.model.applyOperation( operation );

     * Removes given model {@link module:engine/model/item~Item item} or {@link module:engine/model/range~Range range}.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item|module:engine/model/range~Range} itemOrRange Model item or range to remove.
    remove( itemOrRange ) {

        const rangeToRemove = itemOrRange instanceof Range ? itemOrRange : Range._createOn( itemOrRange );
        const ranges = rangeToRemove.getMinimalFlatRanges().reverse();

        for ( const flat of ranges ) {
            // If part of the marker is removed, create additional marker operation for undo purposes.
            this._addOperationForAffectedMarkers( 'move', flat );

            applyRemoveOperation( flat.start, flat.end.offset - flat.start.offset, this.batch, this.model );

     * Merges two siblings at the given position.
     * Node before and after the position have to be an element. Otherwise `writer-merge-no-element-before` or
     * `writer-merge-no-element-after` error will be thrown.
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} position Position between merged elements.
    merge( position ) {

        const nodeBefore = position.nodeBefore;
        const nodeAfter = position.nodeAfter;

        // If part of the marker is removed, create additional marker operation for undo purposes.
        this._addOperationForAffectedMarkers( 'merge', position );

        if ( !( nodeBefore instanceof Element ) ) {
             * Node before merge position must be an element.
             * @error writer-merge-no-element-before
            throw new CKEditorError( 'writer-merge-no-element-before: Node before merge position must be an element.', this );

        if ( !( nodeAfter instanceof Element ) ) {
             * Node after merge position must be an element.
             * @error writer-merge-no-element-after
            throw new CKEditorError( 'writer-merge-no-element-after: Node after merge position must be an element.', this );

        if ( !position.root.document ) {
            this._mergeDetached( position );
        } else {
            this._merge( position );

     * Shortcut for {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#createPositionFromPath `Model#createPositionFromPath()`}.
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element|module:engine/model/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} root Root of the position.
     * @param {Array.<Number>} path Position path. See {@link module:engine/model/position~Position#path}.
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~PositionStickiness} [stickiness='toNone'] Position stickiness.
     * See {@link module:engine/model/position~PositionStickiness}.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position}
    createPositionFromPath( root, path, stickiness ) {
        return this.model.createPositionFromPath( root, path, stickiness );

     * Shortcut for {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#createPositionAt `Model#createPositionAt()`}.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item|module:engine/model/position~Position} itemOrPosition
     * @param {Number|'end'|'before'|'after'} [offset] Offset or one of the flags. Used only when
     * first parameter is a {@link module:engine/model/item~Item model item}.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position}
    createPositionAt( itemOrPosition, offset ) {
        return this.model.createPositionAt( itemOrPosition, offset );

     * Shortcut for {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#createPositionAfter `Model#createPositionAfter()`}.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item} item Item after which the position should be placed.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position}
    createPositionAfter( item ) {
        return this.model.createPositionAfter( item );

     * Shortcut for {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#createPositionBefore `Model#createPositionBefore()`}.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item} item Item after which the position should be placed.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position}
    createPositionBefore( item ) {
        return this.model.createPositionBefore( item );

     * Shortcut for {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#createRange `Model#createRange()`}.
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} start Start position.
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} [end] End position. If not set, range will be collapsed at `start` position.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/range~Range}
    createRange( start, end ) {
        return this.model.createRange( start, end );

     * Shortcut for {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#createRangeIn `Model#createRangeIn()`}.
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element} element Element which is a parent for the range.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/range~Range}
    createRangeIn( element ) {
        return this.model.createRangeIn( element );

     * Shortcut for {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#createRangeOn `Model#createRangeOn()`}.
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element} element Element which is a parent for the range.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/range~Range}
    createRangeOn( element ) {
        return this.model.createRangeOn( element );

     * Shortcut for {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#createSelection `Model#createSelection()`}.
     * @param {module:engine/model/selection~Selectable} selectable
     * @param {Number|'before'|'end'|'after'|'on'|'in'} [placeOrOffset] Sets place or offset of the selection.
     * @param {Object} [options]
     * @param {Boolean} [options.backward] Sets this selection instance to be backward.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/selection~Selection}
    createSelection( selectable, placeOrOffset, options ) {
        return this.model.createSelection( selectable, placeOrOffset, options );

     * Performs merge action in a detached tree.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} position Position between merged elements.
    _mergeDetached( position ) {
        const nodeBefore = position.nodeBefore;
        const nodeAfter = position.nodeAfter;

        this.move( Range._createIn( nodeAfter ), Position._createAt( nodeBefore, 'end' ) );
        this.remove( nodeAfter );

     * Performs merge action in a non-detached tree.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} position Position between merged elements.
    _merge( position ) {
        const targetPosition = Position._createAt( position.nodeBefore, 'end' );
        const sourcePosition = Position._createAt( position.nodeAfter, 0 );

        const graveyard = position.root.document.graveyard;
        const graveyardPosition = new Position( graveyard, [ 0 ] );

        const version = position.root.document.version;

        const merge = new MergeOperation( sourcePosition, position.nodeAfter.maxOffset, targetPosition, graveyardPosition, version );

        this.batch.addOperation( merge );
        this.model.applyOperation( merge );

     * Renames the given element.
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element} element The element to rename.
     * @param {String} newName New element name.
    rename( element, newName ) {

        if ( !( element instanceof Element ) ) {
             * Trying to rename an object which is not an instance of Element.
             * @error writer-rename-not-element-instance
            throw new CKEditorError(
                'writer-rename-not-element-instance: Trying to rename an object which is not an instance of Element.',

        const version = element.root.document ? element.root.document.version : null;
        const renameOperation = new RenameOperation( Position._createBefore( element ),, newName, version );

        this.batch.addOperation( renameOperation );
        this.model.applyOperation( renameOperation );

     * Splits elements starting from the given position and going to the top of the model tree as long as given
     * `limitElement` is reached. When `limitElement` is not defined then only the parent of the given position will be split.
     * The element needs to have a parent. It cannot be a root element nor a document fragment.
     * The `writer-split-element-no-parent` error will be thrown if you try to split an element with no parent.
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} position Position of split.
     * @param {module:engine/model/node~Node} [limitElement] Stop splitting when this element will be reached.
     * @returns {Object} result Split result.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/position~Position} result.position Position between split elements.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/range~Range} result.range Range that stars from the end of the first split element and ends
     * at the beginning of the first copy element.
    split( position, limitElement ) {

        let splitElement = position.parent;

        if ( !splitElement.parent ) {
             * Element with no parent can not be split.
             * @error writer-split-element-no-parent
            throw new CKEditorError( 'writer-split-element-no-parent: Element with no parent can not be split.', this );

        // When limit element is not defined lets set splitElement parent as limit.
        if ( !limitElement ) {
            limitElement = splitElement.parent;

        if ( !position.parent.getAncestors( { includeSelf: true } ).includes( limitElement ) ) {
            throw new CKEditorError( 'writer-split-invalid-limit-element: Limit element is not a position ancestor.', this );

        // We need to cache elements that will be created as a result of the first split because
        // we need to create a range from the end of the first split element to the beginning of the
        // first copy element. This should be handled by LiveRange but it doesn't work on detached nodes.
        let firstSplitElement, firstCopyElement;

        do {
            const version = splitElement.root.document ? splitElement.root.document.version : null;
            const howMany = splitElement.maxOffset - position.offset;
            const split = new SplitOperation( position, howMany, null, version );

            this.batch.addOperation( split );
            this.model.applyOperation( split );

            // Cache result of the first split.
            if ( !firstSplitElement && !firstCopyElement ) {
                firstSplitElement = splitElement;
                firstCopyElement = position.parent.nextSibling;

            position = this.createPositionAfter( position.parent );
            splitElement = position.parent;
        } while ( splitElement !== limitElement );

        return {
            range: new Range( Position._createAt( firstSplitElement, 'end' ), Position._createAt( firstCopyElement, 0 ) )

     * Wraps the given range with the given element or with a new element (if a string was passed).
     * **Note:** range to wrap should be a "flat range" (see {@link module:engine/model/range~Range#isFlat `Range#isFlat`}).
     * If not, an error will be thrown.
     * @param {module:engine/model/range~Range} range Range to wrap.
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element|String} elementOrString Element or name of element to wrap the range with.
    wrap( range, elementOrString ) {

        if ( !range.isFlat ) {
             * Range to wrap is not flat.
             * @error writer-wrap-range-not-flat
            throw new CKEditorError( 'writer-wrap-range-not-flat: Range to wrap is not flat.', this );

        const element = elementOrString instanceof Element ? elementOrString : new Element( elementOrString );

        if ( element.childCount > 0 ) {
             * Element to wrap with is not empty.
             * @error writer-wrap-element-not-empty
            throw new CKEditorError( 'writer-wrap-element-not-empty: Element to wrap with is not empty.', this );

        if ( element.parent !== null ) {
             * Element to wrap with is already attached to a tree model.
             * @error writer-wrap-element-attached
            throw new CKEditorError( 'writer-wrap-element-attached: Element to wrap with is already attached to tree model.', this );

        this.insert( element, range.start );

        // Shift the range-to-wrap because we just inserted an element before that range.
        const shiftedRange = new Range( range.start.getShiftedBy( 1 ), range.end.getShiftedBy( 1 ) );

        this.move( shiftedRange, Position._createAt( element, 0 ) );

     * Unwraps children of the given element – all its children are moved before it and then the element is removed.
     * Throws error if you try to unwrap an element which does not have a parent.
     * @param {module:engine/model/element~Element} element Element to unwrap.
    unwrap( element ) {

        if ( element.parent === null ) {
             * Trying to unwrap an element which has no parent.
             * @error writer-unwrap-element-no-parent
            throw new CKEditorError( 'writer-unwrap-element-no-parent: Trying to unwrap an element which has no parent.', this );

        this.move( Range._createIn( element ), this.createPositionAfter( element ) );
        this.remove( element );

     * Adds a {@link module:engine/model/markercollection~Marker marker}. Marker is a named range, which tracks
     * changes in the document and updates its range automatically, when model tree changes.
     * As the first parameter you can set marker name.
     * The required `options.usingOperation` parameter lets you decide if the marker should be managed by operations or not. See
     * {@link module:engine/model/markercollection~Marker marker class description} to learn about the difference between
     * markers managed by operations and not-managed by operations.
     * The `options.affectsData` parameter, which defaults to `false`, allows you to define if a marker affects the data. It should be
     * `true` when the marker change changes the data returned by the
     * {@link module:core/editor/utils/dataapimixin~DataApi#getData `editor.getData()`} method.
     * When set to `true` it fires the {@link module:engine/model/document~Document#event:change:data `change:data`} event.
     * When set to `false` it fires the {@link module:engine/model/document~Document#event:change `change`} event.
     * Create marker directly base on marker's name:
     *        addMarker( markerName, { range, usingOperation: false } );
     * Create marker using operation:
     *        addMarker( markerName, { range, usingOperation: true } );
     * Create marker that affects the editor data:
     *        addMarker( markerName, { range, usingOperation: false, affectsData: true } );
     * Note: For efficiency reasons, it's best to create and keep as little markers as possible.
     * @see module:engine/model/markercollection~Marker
     * @param {String} name Name of a marker to create - must be unique.
     * @param {Object} options
     * @param {Boolean} options.usingOperation Flag indicating that the marker should be added by MarkerOperation.
     * See {@link module:engine/model/markercollection~Marker#managedUsingOperations}.
     * @param {module:engine/model/range~Range} options.range Marker range.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.affectsData=false] Flag indicating that the marker changes the editor data.
     * @returns {module:engine/model/markercollection~Marker} Marker that was set.
    addMarker( name, options ) {

        if ( !options || typeof options.usingOperation != 'boolean' ) {
             * The `options.usingOperation` parameter is required when adding a new marker.
             * @error writer-addMarker-no-usingOperation
            throw new CKEditorError(
                'writer-addMarker-no-usingOperation: The options.usingOperation parameter is required when adding a new marker.',

        const usingOperation = options.usingOperation;
        const range = options.range;
        const affectsData = options.affectsData === undefined ? false : options.affectsData;

        if ( this.model.markers.has( name ) ) {
             * Marker with provided name already exists.
             * @error writer-addMarker-marker-exists
            throw new CKEditorError( 'writer-addMarker-marker-exists: Marker with provided name already exists.', this );

        if ( !range ) {
             * Range parameter is required when adding a new marker.
             * @error writer-addMarker-no-range
            throw new CKEditorError(
                'writer-addMarker-no-range: Range parameter is required when adding a new marker.',

        if ( !usingOperation ) {
            return this.model.markers._set( name, range, usingOperation, affectsData );

        applyMarkerOperation( this, name, null, range, affectsData );

        return this.model.markers.get( name );

     * Adds, updates or refreshes a {@link module:engine/model/markercollection~Marker marker}. Marker is a named range, which tracks
     * changes in the document and updates its range automatically, when model tree changes. Still, it is possible to change the
     * marker's range directly using this method.
     * As the first parameter you can set marker name or instance. If none of them is provided, new marker, with a unique
     * name is created and returned.
     * As the second parameter you can set the new marker data or leave this parameter as empty which will just refresh
     * the marker by triggering downcast conversion for it. Refreshing the marker is useful when you want to change
     * the marker {@link module:engine/view/element~Element view element} without changing any marker data.
     *         let isCommentActive = false;
     *         model.conversion.markerToHighlight( {
     *             model: 'comment',
     *            view: data => {
     *                const classes = [ 'comment-marker' ];
     *                if ( isCommentActive ) {
     *                    classes.push( 'comment-marker--active' );
     *                }
     *                return { classes };
     *            }
     *         } );
     *         // Change the property that indicates if marker is displayed as active or not.
     *         isCommentActive = true;
     *         // And refresh the marker to convert it with additional class.
     *         model.change( writer => writer.updateMarker( 'comment' ) );
     * The `options.usingOperation` parameter lets you change if the marker should be managed by operations or not. See
     * {@link module:engine/model/markercollection~Marker marker class description} to learn about the difference between
     * markers managed by operations and not-managed by operations. It is possible to change this option for an existing marker.
     * The `options.affectsData` parameter, which defaults to `false`, allows you to define if a marker affects the data. It should be
     * `true` when the marker change changes the data returned by
     * the {@link module:core/editor/utils/dataapimixin~DataApi#getData `editor.getData()`} method.
     * When set to `true` it fires the {@link module:engine/model/document~Document#event:change:data `change:data`} event.
     * When set to `false` it fires the {@link module:engine/model/document~Document#event:change `change`} event.
     * Update marker directly base on marker's name:
     *        updateMarker( markerName, { range } );
     * Update marker using operation:
     *        updateMarker( marker, { range, usingOperation: true } );
     *        updateMarker( markerName, { range, usingOperation: true } );
     * Change marker's option (start using operations to manage it):
     *        updateMarker( marker, { usingOperation: true } );
     * Change marker's option (inform the engine, that the marker does not affect the data anymore):
     *        updateMarker( markerName, { affectsData: false } );
     * @see module:engine/model/markercollection~Marker
     * @param {String|module:engine/model/markercollection~Marker} markerOrName Name of a marker to update, or a marker instance.
     * @param {Object} [options] If options object is not defined then marker will be refreshed by triggering
     * downcast conversion for this marker with the same data.
     * @param {module:engine/model/range~Range} [options.range] Marker range to update.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.usingOperation] Flag indicated whether the marker should be added by MarkerOperation.
     * See {@link module:engine/model/markercollection~Marker#managedUsingOperations}.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.affectsData] Flag indicating that the marker changes the editor data.
    updateMarker( markerOrName, options ) {

        const markerName = typeof markerOrName == 'string' ? markerOrName :;
        const currentMarker = this.model.markers.get( markerName );

        if ( !currentMarker ) {
             * Marker with provided name does not exists.
             * @error writer-updateMarker-marker-not-exists
            throw new CKEditorError( 'writer-updateMarker-marker-not-exists: Marker with provided name does not exists.', this );

        if ( !options ) {
            this.model.markers._refresh( currentMarker );


        const hasUsingOperationDefined = typeof options.usingOperation == 'boolean';
        const affectsDataDefined = typeof options.affectsData == 'boolean';

        // Use previously defined marker's affectsData if the property is not provided.
        const affectsData = affectsDataDefined ? options.affectsData : currentMarker.affectsData;

        if ( !hasUsingOperationDefined && !options.range && !affectsDataDefined ) {
             * One of the options is required - provide range, usingOperations or affectsData.
             * @error writer-updateMarker-wrong-options
            throw new CKEditorError(
                'writer-updateMarker-wrong-options: One of the options is required - provide range, usingOperations or affectsData.',

        const currentRange = currentMarker.getRange();
        const updatedRange = options.range ? options.range : currentRange;

        if ( hasUsingOperationDefined && options.usingOperation !== currentMarker.managedUsingOperations ) {
            // The marker type is changed so it's necessary to create proper operations.
            if ( options.usingOperation ) {
                // If marker changes to a managed one treat this as synchronizing existing marker.
                // Create `MarkerOperation` with `oldRange` set to `null`, so reverse operation will remove the marker.
                applyMarkerOperation( this, markerName, null, updatedRange, affectsData );
            } else {
                // If marker changes to a marker that do not use operations then we need to create additional operation
                // that removes that marker first.
                applyMarkerOperation( this, markerName, currentRange, null, affectsData );

                // Although not managed the marker itself should stay in model and its range should be preserver or changed to passed range.
                this.model.markers._set( markerName, updatedRange, undefined, affectsData );


        // Marker's type doesn't change so update it accordingly.
        if ( currentMarker.managedUsingOperations ) {
            applyMarkerOperation( this, markerName, currentRange, updatedRange, affectsData );
        } else {
            this.model.markers._set( markerName, updatedRange, undefined, affectsData );

     * Removes given {@link module:engine/model/markercollection~Marker marker} or marker with given name.
     * The marker is removed accordingly to how it has been created, so if the marker was created using operation,
     * it will be destroyed using operation.
     * @param {module:engine/model/markercollection~Marker|String} markerOrName Marker or marker name to remove.
    removeMarker( markerOrName ) {

        const name = typeof markerOrName == 'string' ? markerOrName :;

        if ( !this.model.markers.has( name ) ) {
             * Trying to remove marker which does not exist.
             * @error writer-removeMarker-no-marker
            throw new CKEditorError( 'writer-removeMarker-no-marker: Trying to remove marker which does not exist.', this );

        const marker = this.model.markers.get( name );

        if ( !marker.managedUsingOperations ) {
            this.model.markers._remove( name );


        const oldRange = marker.getRange();

        applyMarkerOperation( this, name, oldRange, null, marker.affectsData );

     * Sets the document's selection (ranges and direction) to the specified location based on the given
     * {@link module:engine/model/selection~Selectable selectable} or creates an empty selection if no arguments were passed.
     *        // Sets selection to the given range.
     *        const range = writer.createRange( start, end );
     *        writer.setSelection( range );
     *        // Sets selection to given ranges.
     *        const ranges = [ writer.createRange( start1, end2 ), writer.createRange( star2, end2 ) ];
     *        writer.setSelection( ranges );
     *        // Sets selection to other selection.
     *        const otherSelection = writer.createSelection();
     *        writer.setSelection( otherSelection );
     *        // Sets selection to the given document selection.
     *        const documentSelection = model.document.selection;
     *        writer.setSelection( documentSelection );
     *        // Sets collapsed selection at the given position.
     *        const position = writer.createPosition( root, path );
     *        writer.setSelection( position );
     *        // Sets collapsed selection at the position of the given node and an offset.
     *        writer.setSelection( paragraph, offset );
     * Creates a range inside an {@link module:engine/model/element~Element element} which starts before the first child of
      * that element and ends after the last child of that element.
     *        writer.setSelection( paragraph, 'in' );
     * Creates a range on an {@link module:engine/model/item~Item item} which starts before the item and ends just after the item.
     *        writer.setSelection( paragraph, 'on' );
     *        // Removes all selection's ranges.
     *        writer.setSelection( null );
     * `Writer#setSelection()` allow passing additional options (`backward`) as the last argument.
     *        // Sets selection as backward.
     *        writer.setSelection( range, { backward: true } );
     * Throws `writer-incorrect-use` error when the writer is used outside the `change()` block.
     * @param {module:engine/model/selection~Selectable} selectable
     * @param {Number|'before'|'end'|'after'|'on'|'in'} [placeOrOffset] Sets place or offset of the selection.
     * @param {Object} [options]
     * @param {Boolean} [options.backward] Sets this selection instance to be backward.
    setSelection( selectable, placeOrOffset, options ) {

        this.model.document.selection._setTo( selectable, placeOrOffset, options );

     * Moves {@link module:engine/model/documentselection~DocumentSelection#focus} to the specified location.
     * The location can be specified in the same form as
     * {@link #createPositionAt `writer.createPositionAt()`} parameters.
     * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item|module:engine/model/position~Position} itemOrPosition
     * @param {Number|'end'|'before'|'after'} [offset=0] Offset or one of the flags. Used only when
     * first parameter is a {@link module:engine/model/item~Item model item}.
    setSelectionFocus( itemOrPosition, offset ) {

        this.model.document.selection._setFocus( itemOrPosition, offset );

     * Sets attribute(s) on the selection. If attribute with the same key already is set, it's value is overwritten.
     * Using key and value pair:
     *     writer.setSelectionAttribute( 'italic', true );
     * Using key-value object:
     *     writer.setSelectionAttribute( { italic: true, bold: false } );
     * Using iterable object:
     *     writer.setSelectionAttribute( new Map( [ [ 'italic', true ] ] ) );
     * @param {String|Object|Iterable.<*>} keyOrObjectOrIterable Key of the attribute to set
     * or object / iterable of key => value attribute pairs.
     * @param {*} [value] Attribute value.
    setSelectionAttribute( keyOrObjectOrIterable, value ) {

        if ( typeof keyOrObjectOrIterable === 'string' ) {
            this._setSelectionAttribute( keyOrObjectOrIterable, value );
        } else {
            for ( const [ key, value ] of toMap( keyOrObjectOrIterable ) ) {
                this._setSelectionAttribute( key, value );

     * Removes attribute(s) with given key(s) from the selection.
     * Remove one attribute:
     *        writer.removeSelectionAttribute( 'italic' );
     * Remove multiple attributes:
     *        writer.removeSelectionAttribute( [ 'italic', 'bold' ] );
     * @param {String|Iterable.<String>} keyOrIterableOfKeys Key of the attribute to remove or an iterable of attribute keys to remove.
    removeSelectionAttribute( keyOrIterableOfKeys ) {

        if ( typeof keyOrIterableOfKeys === 'string' ) {
            this._removeSelectionAttribute( keyOrIterableOfKeys );
        } else {
            for ( const key of keyOrIterableOfKeys ) {
                this._removeSelectionAttribute( key );

     * Temporarily changes the {@link module:engine/model/documentselection~DocumentSelection#isGravityOverridden gravity}
     * of the selection from left to right.
     * The gravity defines from which direction the selection inherits its attributes. If it's the default left gravity,
     * then the selection (after being moved by the user) inherits attributes from its left-hand side.
     * This method allows to temporarily override this behavior by forcing the gravity to the right.
     * For the following model fragment:
     *        <$text bold="true" linkHref="url">bar[]</$text><$text bold="true">biz</$text>
     * * Default gravity: selection will have the `bold` and `linkHref` attributes.
     * * Overridden gravity: selection will have `bold` attribute.
     * **Note**: It returns an unique identifier which is required to restore the gravity. It guarantees the symmetry
     * of the process.
     * @returns {String} The unique id which allows restoring the gravity.
    overrideSelectionGravity() {
        return this.model.document.selection._overrideGravity();

     * Restores {@link ~Writer#overrideSelectionGravity} gravity to default.
     * Restoring the gravity is only possible using the unique identifier returned by
     * {@link ~Writer#overrideSelectionGravity}. Note that the gravity remains overridden as long as won't be restored
     * the same number of times it was overridden.
     * @param {String} uid The unique id returned by {@link ~Writer#overrideSelectionGravity}.
    restoreSelectionGravity( uid ) {
        this.model.document.selection._restoreGravity( uid );

     * @private
     * @param {String} key Key of the attribute to remove.
     * @param {*} value Attribute value.
    _setSelectionAttribute( key, value ) {
        const selection = this.model.document.selection;

        // Store attribute in parent element if the selection is collapsed in an empty node.
        if ( selection.isCollapsed && selection.anchor.parent.isEmpty ) {
            const storeKey = DocumentSelection._getStoreAttributeKey( key );

            this.setAttribute( storeKey, value, selection.anchor.parent );

        selection._setAttribute( key, value );

     * @private
     * @param {String} key Key of the attribute to remove.
    _removeSelectionAttribute( key ) {
        const selection = this.model.document.selection;

        // Remove stored attribute from parent element if the selection is collapsed in an empty node.
        if ( selection.isCollapsed && selection.anchor.parent.isEmpty ) {
            const storeKey = DocumentSelection._getStoreAttributeKey( key );

            this.removeAttribute( storeKey, selection.anchor.parent );

        selection._removeAttribute( key );

     * Throws `writer-detached-writer-tries-to-modify-model` error when the writer is used outside of the `change()` block.
     * @private
    _assertWriterUsedCorrectly() {
         * Trying to use a writer outside a {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#change `change()`} or
         * {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#enqueueChange `enqueueChange()`} blocks.
         * The writer can only be used inside these blocks which ensures that the model
         * can only be changed during such "sessions".
         * @error writer-incorrect-use
        if ( this.model._currentWriter !== this ) {
            throw new CKEditorError( 'writer-incorrect-use: Trying to use a writer outside the change() block.', this );

     * For given action `type` and `positionOrRange` where the action happens, this function finds all affected markers
     * and applies a marker operation with the new marker range equal to the current range. Thanks to this, the marker range
     * can be later correctly processed during undo.
     * @private
     * @param {'move'|'merge'} type Writer action type.
     * @param {module:engine/model/position~Position|module:engine/model/range~Range} positionOrRange Position or range
     * where the writer action happens.
    _addOperationForAffectedMarkers( type, positionOrRange ) {
        for ( const marker of this.model.markers ) {
            if ( !marker.managedUsingOperations ) {

            const markerRange = marker.getRange();
            let isAffected = false;

            if ( type === 'move' ) {
                isAffected =
                    positionOrRange.containsPosition( markerRange.start ) ||
                    positionOrRange.start.isEqual( markerRange.start ) ||
                    positionOrRange.containsPosition( markerRange.end ) ||
                    positionOrRange.end.isEqual( markerRange.end );
            } else {
                // if type === 'merge'.
                const elementBefore = positionOrRange.nodeBefore;
                const elementAfter = positionOrRange.nodeAfter;

                //               Start:  <p>Foo[</p><p>Bar]</p>
                //         After merge:  <p>Foo[Bar]</p>
                // After undoing split:  <p>Foo</p><p>[Bar]</p>     <-- incorrect, needs remembering for undo.
                const affectedInLeftElement = markerRange.start.parent == elementBefore && markerRange.start.isAtEnd;

                //               Start:  <p>[Foo</p><p>]Bar</p>
                //         After merge:  <p>[Foo]Bar</p>
                // After undoing split:  <p>[Foo]</p><p>Bar</p>     <-- incorrect, needs remembering for undo.
                const affectedInRightElement = markerRange.end.parent == elementAfter && markerRange.end.offset == 0;

                //               Start:  <p>[Foo</p>]<p>Bar</p>
                //         After merge:  <p>[Foo]Bar</p>
                // After undoing split:  <p>[Foo]</p><p>Bar</p>     <-- incorrect, needs remembering for undo.
                const affectedAfterLeftElement = markerRange.end.nodeAfter == elementAfter;

                //               Start:  <p>Foo</p>[<p>Bar]</p>
                //         After merge:  <p>Foo[Bar]</p>
                // After undoing split:  <p>Foo</p><p>[Bar]</p>     <-- incorrect, needs remembering for undo.
                const affectedBeforeRightElement = markerRange.start.nodeAfter == elementAfter;

                isAffected = affectedInLeftElement || affectedInRightElement || affectedAfterLeftElement || affectedBeforeRightElement;

            if ( isAffected ) {
                this.updateMarker(, { range: markerRange } );

// Sets given attribute to each node in given range. When attribute value is null then attribute will be removed.
// Because attribute operation needs to have the same attribute value on the whole range, this function splits
// the range into smaller parts.
// Given `range` must be flat.
// @private
// @param {module:engine/model/writer~Writer} writer
// @param {String} key Attribute key.
// @param {*} value Attribute new value.
// @param {module:engine/model/range~Range} range Model range on which the attribute will be set.
function setAttributeOnRange( writer, key, value, range ) {
    const model = writer.model;
    const doc = model.document;

    // Position of the last split, the beginning of the new range.
    let lastSplitPosition = range.start;

    // Currently position in the scanning range. Because we need value after the position, it is not a current
    // position of the iterator but the previous one (we need to iterate one more time to get the value after).
    let position;

    // Value before the currently position.
    let valueBefore;

    // Value after the currently position.
    let valueAfter;

    for ( const val of range.getWalker( { shallow: true } ) ) {
        valueAfter = val.item.getAttribute( key );

        // At the first run of the iterator the position in undefined. We also do not have a valueBefore, but
        // because valueAfter may be null, valueBefore may be equal valueAfter ( undefined == null ).
        if ( position && valueBefore != valueAfter ) {
            // if valueBefore == value there is nothing to change, so we add operation only if these values are different.
            if ( valueBefore != value ) {

            lastSplitPosition = position;

        position = val.nextPosition;
        valueBefore = valueAfter;

    // Because position in the loop is not the iterator position (see let position comment), the last position in
    // the while loop will be last but one position in the range. We need to check the last position manually.
    if ( position instanceof Position && position != lastSplitPosition && valueBefore != value ) {

    function addOperation() {
        const range = new Range( lastSplitPosition, position );
        const version = range.root.document ? doc.version : null;
        const operation = new AttributeOperation( range, key, valueBefore, value, version );

        writer.batch.addOperation( operation );
        model.applyOperation( operation );

// Sets given attribute to the given node. When attribute value is null then attribute will be removed.
// @private
// @param {module:engine/model/writer~Writer} writer
// @param {String} key Attribute key.
// @param {*} value Attribute new value.
// @param {module:engine/model/item~Item} item Model item on which the attribute will be set.
function setAttributeOnItem( writer, key, value, item ) {
    const model = writer.model;
    const doc = model.document;
    const previousValue = item.getAttribute( key );
    let range, operation;

    if ( previousValue != value ) {
        const isRootChanged = item.root === item;

        if ( isRootChanged ) {
            // If we change attributes of root element, we have to use `RootAttributeOperation`.
            const version = item.document ? doc.version : null;

            operation = new RootAttributeOperation( item, key, previousValue, value, version );
        } else {
            range = new Range( Position._createBefore( item ), writer.createPositionAfter( item ) );

            const version = range.root.document ? doc.version : null;

            operation = new AttributeOperation( range, key, previousValue, value, version );

        writer.batch.addOperation( operation );
        model.applyOperation( operation );

// Creates and applies marker operation to {@link module:engine/model/operation/operation~Operation operation}.
// @private
// @param {module:engine/model/writer~Writer} writer
// @param {String} name Marker name.
// @param {module:engine/model/range~Range} oldRange Marker range before the change.
// @param {module:engine/model/range~Range} newRange Marker range after the change.
// @param {Boolean} affectsData
function applyMarkerOperation( writer, name, oldRange, newRange, affectsData ) {
    const model = writer.model;
    const doc = model.document;

    const operation = new MarkerOperation( name, oldRange, newRange, model.markers, affectsData, doc.version );

    writer.batch.addOperation( operation );
    model.applyOperation( operation );

// Creates `MoveOperation` or `DetachOperation` that removes `howMany` nodes starting from `position`.
// The operation will be applied on given model instance and added to given operation instance.
// @private
// @param {module:engine/model/position~Position} position Position from which nodes are removed.
// @param {Number} howMany Number of nodes to remove.
// @param {Batch} batch Batch to which the operation will be added.
// @param {module:engine/model/model~Model} model Model instance on which operation will be applied.
function applyRemoveOperation( position, howMany, batch, model ) {
    let operation;

    if ( position.root.document ) {
        const doc = model.document;
        const graveyardPosition = new Position( doc.graveyard, [ 0 ] );

        operation = new MoveOperation( position, howMany, graveyardPosition, doc.version );
    } else {
        operation = new DetachOperation( position, howMany );

    batch.addOperation( operation );
    model.applyOperation( operation );

// Returns `true` if both root elements are the same element or both are documents root elements.
// Elements in the same tree can be moved (for instance you can move element form one documents root to another, or
// within the same document fragment), but when element supposed to be moved from document fragment to the document, or
// to another document it should be removed and inserted to avoid problems with OT. This is because features like undo or
// collaboration may track changes on the document but ignore changes on detached fragments and should not get
// unexpected `move` operation.
function isSameTree( rootA, rootB ) {
    // If it is the same root this is the same tree.
    if ( rootA === rootB ) {
        return true;

    // If both roots are documents root it is operation within the document what we still treat as the same tree.
    if ( rootA instanceof RootElement && rootB instanceof RootElement ) {
        return true;

    return false;