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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

 * @module engine/view/domconverter

/* globals document, Node, NodeFilter, Text */

import ViewText from './text';
import ViewElement from './element';
import ViewPosition from './position';
import ViewRange from './range';
import ViewSelection from './selection';
import ViewDocumentFragment from './documentfragment';
import ViewTreeWalker from './treewalker';
import { BR_FILLER, getDataWithoutFiller, INLINE_FILLER_LENGTH, isInlineFiller, NBSP_FILLER, startsWithFiller } from './filler';

import global from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/dom/global';
import indexOf from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/dom/indexof';
import getAncestors from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/dom/getancestors';
import getCommonAncestor from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/dom/getcommonancestor';
import isText from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/dom/istext';
import { isElement } from 'lodash-es';

// eslint-disable-next-line new-cap
const BR_FILLER_REF = BR_FILLER( document );

 * DomConverter is a set of tools to do transformations between DOM nodes and view nodes. It also handles
 * {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#bindElements binding} these nodes.
 * The instance of DOMConverter is available in {@link module:engine/view/view~View#domConverter `editor.editing.view.domConverter`}.
 * DomConverter does not check which nodes should be rendered (use {@link module:engine/view/renderer~Renderer}), does not keep a
 * state of a tree nor keeps synchronization between tree view and DOM tree (use {@link module:engine/view/document~Document}).
 * DomConverter keeps DOM elements to View element bindings, so when the converter will be destroyed, the binding will
 * be lost. Two converters will keep separate binding maps, so one tree view can be bound with two DOM trees.
export default class DomConverter {
     * Creates DOM converter.
     * @param {module:engine/view/document~Document} document The view document instance.
     * @param {Object} options Object with configuration options.
     * @param {module:engine/view/filler~BlockFillerMode} [options.blockFillerMode='br'] The type of the block filler to use.
    constructor( document, options = {} ) {
         * @readonly
         * @type {module:engine/view/document~Document}
        this.document = document;

         * The mode of a block filler used by DOM converter.
         * @readonly
         * @member {'br'|'nbsp'} module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#blockFillerMode
        this.blockFillerMode = options.blockFillerMode || 'br';

         * Elements which are considered pre-formatted elements.
         * @readonly
         * @member {Array.<String>} module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#preElements
        this.preElements = [ 'pre' ];

         * Elements which are considered block elements (and hence should be filled with a
         * {@link #isBlockFiller block filler}).
         * Whether an element is considered a block element also affects handling of trailing whitespaces.
         * You can extend this array if you introduce support for block elements which are not yet recognized here.
         * @readonly
         * @member {Array.<String>} module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#blockElements
        this.blockElements = [ 'p', 'div', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'li', 'dd', 'dt', 'figcaption' ];

         * Block {@link module:engine/view/filler filler} creator, which is used to create all block fillers during the
         * view to DOM conversion and to recognize block fillers during the DOM to view conversion.
         * @readonly
         * @private
         * @member {Function} module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#_blockFiller
        this._blockFiller = this.blockFillerMode == 'br' ? BR_FILLER : NBSP_FILLER;

         * DOM to View mapping.
         * @private
         * @member {WeakMap} module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#_domToViewMapping
        this._domToViewMapping = new WeakMap();

         * View to DOM mapping.
         * @private
         * @member {WeakMap} module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#_viewToDomMapping
        this._viewToDomMapping = new WeakMap();

         * Holds mapping between fake selection containers and corresponding view selections.
         * @private
         * @member {WeakMap} module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#_fakeSelectionMapping
        this._fakeSelectionMapping = new WeakMap();

     * Binds given DOM element that represents fake selection to a **position** of a
     * {@link module:engine/view/documentselection~DocumentSelection document selection}.
     * Document selection copy is stored and can be retrieved by
     * {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#fakeSelectionToView} method.
     * @param {HTMLElement} domElement
     * @param {module:engine/view/documentselection~DocumentSelection} viewDocumentSelection
    bindFakeSelection( domElement, viewDocumentSelection ) {
        this._fakeSelectionMapping.set( domElement, new ViewSelection( viewDocumentSelection ) );

     * Returns {@link module:engine/view/selection~Selection view selection} instance corresponding to
     * given DOM element that represents fake selection. Returns `undefined` if binding to given DOM element does not exists.
     * @param {HTMLElement} domElement
     * @returns {module:engine/view/selection~Selection|undefined}
    fakeSelectionToView( domElement ) {
        return this._fakeSelectionMapping.get( domElement );

     * Binds DOM and View elements, so it will be possible to get corresponding elements using
     * {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#mapDomToView} and
     * {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#mapViewToDom}.
     * @param {HTMLElement} domElement DOM element to bind.
     * @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} viewElement View element to bind.
    bindElements( domElement, viewElement ) {
        this._domToViewMapping.set( domElement, viewElement );
        this._viewToDomMapping.set( viewElement, domElement );

     * Unbinds given `domElement` from the view element it was bound to. Unbinding is deep, meaning that all children of
     * `domElement` will be unbound too.
     * @param {HTMLElement} domElement DOM element to unbind.
    unbindDomElement( domElement ) {
        const viewElement = this._domToViewMapping.get( domElement );

        if ( viewElement ) {
            this._domToViewMapping.delete( domElement );
            this._viewToDomMapping.delete( viewElement );

            for ( const child of domElement.childNodes ) {
                this.unbindDomElement( child );

     * Binds DOM and View document fragments, so it will be possible to get corresponding document fragments using
     * {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#mapDomToView} and
     * {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#mapViewToDom}.
     * @param {DocumentFragment} domFragment DOM document fragment to bind.
     * @param {module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} viewFragment View document fragment to bind.
    bindDocumentFragments( domFragment, viewFragment ) {
        this._domToViewMapping.set( domFragment, viewFragment );
        this._viewToDomMapping.set( viewFragment, domFragment );

     * Converts view to DOM. For all text nodes, not bound elements and document fragments new items will
     * be created. For bound elements and document fragments function will return corresponding items.
     * @param {module:engine/view/node~Node|module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} viewNode
     * View node or document fragment to transform.
     * @param {Document} domDocument Document which will be used to create DOM nodes.
     * @param {Object} [options] Conversion options.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.bind=false] Determines whether new elements will be bound.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.withChildren=true] If `true`, node's and document fragment's children will be converted too.
     * @returns {Node|DocumentFragment} Converted node or DocumentFragment.
    viewToDom( viewNode, domDocument, options = {} ) {
        if ( 'text' ) ) {
            const textData = this._processDataFromViewText( viewNode );

            return domDocument.createTextNode( textData );
        } else {
            if ( this.mapViewToDom( viewNode ) ) {
                return this.mapViewToDom( viewNode );

            let domElement;

            if ( 'documentFragment' ) ) {
                // Create DOM document fragment.
                domElement = domDocument.createDocumentFragment();

                if ( options.bind ) {
                    this.bindDocumentFragments( domElement, viewNode );
            } else if ( 'uiElement' ) ) {
                // UIElement has its own render() method (see #799).
                domElement = viewNode.render( domDocument );

                if ( options.bind ) {
                    this.bindElements( domElement, viewNode );

                return domElement;
            } else {
                // Create DOM element.
                if ( viewNode.hasAttribute( 'xmlns' ) ) {
                    domElement = domDocument.createElementNS( viewNode.getAttribute( 'xmlns' ), );
                } else {
                    domElement = domDocument.createElement( );

                if ( options.bind ) {
                    this.bindElements( domElement, viewNode );

                // Copy element's attributes.
                for ( const key of viewNode.getAttributeKeys() ) {
                    domElement.setAttribute( key, viewNode.getAttribute( key ) );

            if ( options.withChildren || options.withChildren === undefined ) {
                for ( const child of this.viewChildrenToDom( viewNode, domDocument, options ) ) {
                    domElement.appendChild( child );

            return domElement;

     * Converts children of the view element to DOM using the
     * {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#viewToDom} method.
     * Additionally, this method adds block {@link module:engine/view/filler filler} to the list of children, if needed.
     * @param {module:engine/view/element~Element|module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} viewElement Parent view element.
     * @param {Document} domDocument Document which will be used to create DOM nodes.
     * @param {Object} options See {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#viewToDom} options parameter.
     * @returns {Iterable.<Node>} DOM nodes.
    * viewChildrenToDom( viewElement, domDocument, options = {} ) {
        const fillerPositionOffset = viewElement.getFillerOffset && viewElement.getFillerOffset();
        let offset = 0;

        for ( const childView of viewElement.getChildren() ) {
            if ( fillerPositionOffset === offset ) {
                yield this._blockFiller( domDocument );

            yield this.viewToDom( childView, domDocument, options );


        if ( fillerPositionOffset === offset ) {
            yield this._blockFiller( domDocument );

     * Converts view {@link module:engine/view/range~Range} to DOM range.
     * Inline and block {@link module:engine/view/filler fillers} are handled during the conversion.
     * @param {module:engine/view/range~Range} viewRange View range.
     * @returns {Range} DOM range.
    viewRangeToDom( viewRange ) {
        const domStart = this.viewPositionToDom( viewRange.start );
        const domEnd = this.viewPositionToDom( viewRange.end );

        const domRange = document.createRange();
        domRange.setStart( domStart.parent, domStart.offset );
        domRange.setEnd( domEnd.parent, domEnd.offset );

        return domRange;

     * Converts view {@link module:engine/view/position~Position} to DOM parent and offset.
     * Inline and block {@link module:engine/view/filler fillers} are handled during the conversion.
     * If the converted position is directly before inline filler it is moved inside the filler.
     * @param {module:engine/view/position~Position} viewPosition View position.
     * @returns {Object|null} position DOM position or `null` if view position could not be converted to DOM.
     * @returns {Node} position.parent DOM position parent.
     * @returns {Number} position.offset DOM position offset.
    viewPositionToDom( viewPosition ) {
        const viewParent = viewPosition.parent;

        if ( 'text' ) ) {
            const domParent = this.findCorrespondingDomText( viewParent );

            if ( !domParent ) {
                // Position is in a view text node that has not been rendered to DOM yet.
                return null;

            let offset = viewPosition.offset;

            if ( startsWithFiller( domParent ) ) {
                offset += INLINE_FILLER_LENGTH;

            return { parent: domParent, offset };
        } else {
            // viewParent is instance of ViewElement.
            let domParent, domBefore, domAfter;

            if ( viewPosition.offset === 0 ) {
                domParent = this.mapViewToDom( viewParent );

                if ( !domParent ) {
                    // Position is in a view element that has not been rendered to DOM yet.
                    return null;

                domAfter = domParent.childNodes[ 0 ];
            } else {
                const nodeBefore = viewPosition.nodeBefore;

                domBefore = 'text' ) ?
                    this.findCorrespondingDomText( nodeBefore ) :
                    this.mapViewToDom( viewPosition.nodeBefore );

                if ( !domBefore ) {
                    // Position is after a view element that has not been rendered to DOM yet.
                    return null;

                domParent = domBefore.parentNode;
                domAfter = domBefore.nextSibling;

            // If there is an inline filler at position return position inside the filler. We should never return
            // the position before the inline filler.
            if ( isText( domAfter ) && startsWithFiller( domAfter ) ) {
                return { parent: domAfter, offset: INLINE_FILLER_LENGTH };

            const offset = domBefore ? indexOf( domBefore ) + 1 : 0;

            return { parent: domParent, offset };

     * Converts DOM to view. For all text nodes, not bound elements and document fragments new items will
     * be created. For bound elements and document fragments function will return corresponding items. For
     * {@link module:engine/view/filler fillers} `null` will be returned.
     * For all DOM elements rendered by {@link module:engine/view/uielement~UIElement} that UIElement will be returned.
     * @param {Node|DocumentFragment} domNode DOM node or document fragment to transform.
     * @param {Object} [options] Conversion options.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.bind=false] Determines whether new elements will be bound.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.withChildren=true] If `true`, node's and document fragment's children will be converted too.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.keepOriginalCase=false] If `false`, node's tag name will be converter to lower case.
     * @returns {module:engine/view/node~Node|module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment|null} Converted node or document fragment
     * or `null` if DOM node is a {@link module:engine/view/filler filler} or the given node is an empty text node.
    domToView( domNode, options = {} ) {
        if ( this.isBlockFiller( domNode, this.blockFillerMode ) ) {
            return null;

        // When node is inside UIElement return that UIElement as it's view representation.
        const uiElement = this.getParentUIElement( domNode, this._domToViewMapping );

        if ( uiElement ) {
            return uiElement;

        if ( isText( domNode ) ) {
            if ( isInlineFiller( domNode ) ) {
                return null;
            } else {
                const textData = this._processDataFromDomText( domNode );

                return textData === '' ? null : new ViewText( this.document, textData );
        } else if ( this.isComment( domNode ) ) {
            return null;
        } else {
            if ( this.mapDomToView( domNode ) ) {
                return this.mapDomToView( domNode );

            let viewElement;

            if ( this.isDocumentFragment( domNode ) ) {
                // Create view document fragment.
                viewElement = new ViewDocumentFragment( this.document );

                if ( options.bind ) {
                    this.bindDocumentFragments( domNode, viewElement );
            } else {
                // Create view element.
                const viewName = options.keepOriginalCase ? domNode.tagName : domNode.tagName.toLowerCase();
                viewElement = new ViewElement( this.document, viewName );

                if ( options.bind ) {
                    this.bindElements( domNode, viewElement );

                // Copy element's attributes.
                const attrs = domNode.attributes;

                for ( let i = attrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
                    viewElement._setAttribute( attrs[ i ].name, attrs[ i ].value );

            if ( options.withChildren || options.withChildren === undefined ) {
                for ( const child of this.domChildrenToView( domNode, options ) ) {
                    viewElement._appendChild( child );

            return viewElement;

     * Converts children of the DOM element to view nodes using
     * the {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#domToView} method.
     * Additionally this method omits block {@link module:engine/view/filler filler}, if it exists in the DOM parent.
     * @param {HTMLElement} domElement Parent DOM element.
     * @param {Object} options See {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#domToView} options parameter.
     * @returns {Iterable.<module:engine/view/node~Node>} View nodes.
    * domChildrenToView( domElement, options = {} ) {
        for ( let i = 0; i < domElement.childNodes.length; i++ ) {
            const domChild = domElement.childNodes[ i ];
            const viewChild = this.domToView( domChild, options );

            if ( viewChild !== null ) {
                yield viewChild;

     * Converts DOM selection to view {@link module:engine/view/selection~Selection}.
     * Ranges which cannot be converted will be omitted.
     * @param {Selection} domSelection DOM selection.
     * @returns {module:engine/view/selection~Selection} View selection.
    domSelectionToView( domSelection ) {
        // DOM selection might be placed in fake selection container.
        // If container contains fake selection - return corresponding view selection.
        if ( domSelection.rangeCount === 1 ) {
            let container = domSelection.getRangeAt( 0 ).startContainer;

            // The DOM selection might be moved to the text node inside the fake selection container.
            if ( isText( container ) ) {
                container = container.parentNode;

            const viewSelection = this.fakeSelectionToView( container );

            if ( viewSelection ) {
                return viewSelection;

        const isBackward = this.isDomSelectionBackward( domSelection );

        const viewRanges = [];

        for ( let i = 0; i < domSelection.rangeCount; i++ ) {
            // DOM Range have correct start and end, no matter what is the DOM Selection direction. So we don't have to fix anything.
            const domRange = domSelection.getRangeAt( i );
            const viewRange = this.domRangeToView( domRange );

            if ( viewRange ) {
                viewRanges.push( viewRange );

        return new ViewSelection( viewRanges, { backward: isBackward } );

     * Converts DOM Range to view {@link module:engine/view/range~Range}.
     * If the start or end position can not be converted `null` is returned.
     * @param {Range} domRange DOM range.
     * @returns {module:engine/view/range~Range|null} View range.
    domRangeToView( domRange ) {
        const viewStart = this.domPositionToView( domRange.startContainer, domRange.startOffset );
        const viewEnd = this.domPositionToView( domRange.endContainer, domRange.endOffset );

        if ( viewStart && viewEnd ) {
            return new ViewRange( viewStart, viewEnd );

        return null;

     * Converts DOM parent and offset to view {@link module:engine/view/position~Position}.
     * If the position is inside a {@link module:engine/view/filler filler} which has no corresponding view node,
     * position of the filler will be converted and returned.
     * If the position is inside DOM element rendered by {@link module:engine/view/uielement~UIElement}
     * that position will be converted to view position before that UIElement.
     * If structures are too different and it is not possible to find corresponding position then `null` will be returned.
     * @param {Node} domParent DOM position parent.
     * @param {Number} domOffset DOM position offset.
     * @returns {module:engine/view/position~Position} viewPosition View position.
    domPositionToView( domParent, domOffset ) {
        if ( this.isBlockFiller( domParent, this.blockFillerMode ) ) {
            return this.domPositionToView( domParent.parentNode, indexOf( domParent ) );

        // If position is somewhere inside UIElement - return position before that element.
        const viewElement = this.mapDomToView( domParent );

        if ( viewElement && 'uiElement' ) ) {
            return ViewPosition._createBefore( viewElement );

        if ( isText( domParent ) ) {
            if ( isInlineFiller( domParent ) ) {
                return this.domPositionToView( domParent.parentNode, indexOf( domParent ) );

            const viewParent = this.findCorrespondingViewText( domParent );
            let offset = domOffset;

            if ( !viewParent ) {
                return null;

            if ( startsWithFiller( domParent ) ) {
                offset -= INLINE_FILLER_LENGTH;
                offset = offset < 0 ? 0 : offset;

            return new ViewPosition( viewParent, offset );
        // domParent instanceof HTMLElement.
        else {
            if ( domOffset === 0 ) {
                const viewParent = this.mapDomToView( domParent );

                if ( viewParent ) {
                    return new ViewPosition( viewParent, 0 );
            } else {
                const domBefore = domParent.childNodes[ domOffset - 1 ];
                const viewBefore = isText( domBefore ) ?
                    this.findCorrespondingViewText( domBefore ) :
                    this.mapDomToView( domBefore );

                // TODO #663
                if ( viewBefore && viewBefore.parent ) {
                    return new ViewPosition( viewBefore.parent, viewBefore.index + 1 );

            return null;

     * Returns corresponding view {@link module:engine/view/element~Element Element} or
     * {@link module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} for provided DOM element or
     * document fragment. If there is no view item {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#bindElements bound}
     * to the given DOM - `undefined` is returned.
     * For all DOM elements rendered by {@link module:engine/view/uielement~UIElement} that UIElement will be returned.
     * @param {DocumentFragment|Element} domElementOrDocumentFragment DOM element or document fragment.
     * @returns {module:engine/view/element~Element|module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment|undefined}
     * Corresponding view element, document fragment or `undefined` if no element was bound.
    mapDomToView( domElementOrDocumentFragment ) {
        return this.getParentUIElement( domElementOrDocumentFragment ) || this._domToViewMapping.get( domElementOrDocumentFragment );

     * Finds corresponding text node. Text nodes are not {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#bindElements bound},
     * corresponding text node is returned based on the sibling or parent.
     * If the directly previous sibling is a {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#bindElements bound} element, it is used
     * to find the corresponding text node.
     * If this is a first child in the parent and the parent is a {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#bindElements bound}
     * element, it is used to find the corresponding text node.
     * For all text nodes rendered by {@link module:engine/view/uielement~UIElement} that UIElement will be returned.
     * Otherwise `null` is returned.
     * Note that for the block or inline {@link module:engine/view/filler filler} this method returns `null`.
     * @param {Text} domText DOM text node.
     * @returns {module:engine/view/text~Text|null} Corresponding view text node or `null`, if it was not possible to find a
     * corresponding node.
    findCorrespondingViewText( domText ) {
        if ( isInlineFiller( domText ) ) {
            return null;

        // If DOM text was rendered by UIElement - return that element.
        const uiElement = this.getParentUIElement( domText );

        if ( uiElement ) {
            return uiElement;

        const previousSibling = domText.previousSibling;

        // Try to use previous sibling to find the corresponding text node.
        if ( previousSibling ) {
            if ( !( this.isElement( previousSibling ) ) ) {
                // The previous is text or comment.
                return null;

            const viewElement = this.mapDomToView( previousSibling );

            if ( viewElement ) {
                const nextSibling = viewElement.nextSibling;

                // It might be filler which has no corresponding view node.
                if ( nextSibling instanceof ViewText ) {
                    return viewElement.nextSibling;
                } else {
                    return null;
        // Try to use parent to find the corresponding text node.
        else {
            const viewElement = this.mapDomToView( domText.parentNode );

            if ( viewElement ) {
                const firstChild = viewElement.getChild( 0 );

                // It might be filler which has no corresponding view node.
                if ( firstChild instanceof ViewText ) {
                    return firstChild;
                } else {
                    return null;

        return null;

     * Returns corresponding DOM item for provided {@link module:engine/view/element~Element Element} or
     * {@link module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment DocumentFragment}.
     * To find a corresponding text for {@link module:engine/view/text~Text view Text instance}
     * use {@link #findCorrespondingDomText}.
     * @param {module:engine/view/element~Element|module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} viewNode
     * View element or document fragment.
     * @returns {Node|DocumentFragment|undefined} Corresponding DOM node or document fragment.
    mapViewToDom( documentFragmentOrElement ) {
        return this._viewToDomMapping.get( documentFragmentOrElement );

     * Finds corresponding text node. Text nodes are not {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#bindElements bound},
     * corresponding text node is returned based on the sibling or parent.
     * If the directly previous sibling is a {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#bindElements bound} element, it is used
     * to find the corresponding text node.
     * If this is a first child in the parent and the parent is a {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#bindElements bound}
     * element, it is used to find the corresponding text node.
     * Otherwise `null` is returned.
     * @param {module:engine/view/text~Text} viewText View text node.
     * @returns {Text|null} Corresponding DOM text node or `null`, if it was not possible to find a corresponding node.
    findCorrespondingDomText( viewText ) {
        const previousSibling = viewText.previousSibling;

        // Try to use previous sibling to find the corresponding text node.
        if ( previousSibling && this.mapViewToDom( previousSibling ) ) {
            return this.mapViewToDom( previousSibling ).nextSibling;

        // If this is a first node, try to use parent to find the corresponding text node.
        if ( !previousSibling && viewText.parent && this.mapViewToDom( viewText.parent ) ) {
            return this.mapViewToDom( viewText.parent ).childNodes[ 0 ];

        return null;

     * Focuses DOM editable that is corresponding to provided {@link module:engine/view/editableelement~EditableElement}.
     * @param {module:engine/view/editableelement~EditableElement} viewEditable
    focus( viewEditable ) {
        const domEditable = this.mapViewToDom( viewEditable );

        if ( domEditable && domEditable.ownerDocument.activeElement !== domEditable ) {
            // Save the scrollX and scrollY positions before the focus.
            const { scrollX, scrollY } = global.window;
            const scrollPositions = [];

            // Save all scrollLeft and scrollTop values starting from domEditable up to
            // document#documentElement.
            forEachDomNodeAncestor( domEditable, node => {
                const { scrollLeft, scrollTop } = node;

                scrollPositions.push( [ scrollLeft, scrollTop ] );
            } );


            // Restore scrollLeft and scrollTop values starting from domEditable up to
            // document#documentElement.
            forEachDomNodeAncestor( domEditable, node => {
                const [ scrollLeft, scrollTop ] = scrollPositions.shift();

                node.scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
                node.scrollTop = scrollTop;
            } );

            // Restore the scrollX and scrollY positions after the focus.
            global.window.scrollTo( scrollX, scrollY );

     * Returns `true` when `node.nodeType` equals `Node.ELEMENT_NODE`.
     * @param {Node} node Node to check.
     * @returns {Boolean}
    isElement( node ) {
        return node && node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE;

     * Returns `true` when `node.nodeType` equals `Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE`.
     * @param {Node} node Node to check.
     * @returns {Boolean}
    isDocumentFragment( node ) {
        return node && node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE;

     * Returns `true` when `node.nodeType` equals `Node.COMMENT_NODE`.
     * @param {Node} node Node to check.
     * @returns {Boolean}
    isComment( node ) {
        return node && node.nodeType == Node.COMMENT_NODE;

     * Checks if the node is an instance of the block filler for this DOM converter.
     *        const converter = new DomConverter( viewDocument, { blockFillerMode: 'br' } );
     *        converter.isBlockFiller( BR_FILLER( document ) ); // true
     *        converter.isBlockFiller( NBSP_FILLER( document ) ); // false
     * **Note:**: For the `'nbsp'` mode the method also checks context of a node so it cannot be a detached node.
     * **Note:** A special case in the `'nbsp'` mode exists where the `<br>` in `<p><br></p>` is treated as a block filler.
     * @param {Node} domNode DOM node to check.
     * @returns {Boolean} True if a node is considered a block filler for given mode.
    isBlockFiller( domNode ) {
        if ( this.blockFillerMode == 'br' ) {
            return domNode.isEqualNode( BR_FILLER_REF );

        // Special case for <p><br></p> in which case the <br> should be treated as filler even
        // when we're in the 'nbsp' mode. See ckeditor5#5564.
        if ( domNode.tagName === 'BR' && hasBlockParent( domNode, this.blockElements ) && domNode.parentNode.childNodes.length === 1 ) {
            return true;

        return isNbspBlockFiller( domNode, this.blockElements );

     * Returns `true` if given selection is a backward selection, that is, if it's `focus` is before `anchor`.
     * @param {Selection} DOM Selection instance to check.
     * @returns {Boolean}
    isDomSelectionBackward( selection ) {
        if ( selection.isCollapsed ) {
            return false;

        // Since it takes multiple lines of code to check whether a "DOM Position" is before/after another "DOM Position",
        // we will use the fact that range will collapse if it's end is before it's start.
        const range = document.createRange();

        range.setStart( selection.anchorNode, selection.anchorOffset );
        range.setEnd( selection.focusNode, selection.focusOffset );

        const backward = range.collapsed;


        return backward;

     * Returns parent {@link module:engine/view/uielement~UIElement} for provided DOM node. Returns `null` if there is no
     * parent UIElement.
     * @param {Node} domNode
     * @returns {module:engine/view/uielement~UIElement|null}
    getParentUIElement( domNode ) {
        const ancestors = getAncestors( domNode );

        // Remove domNode from the list.

        while ( ancestors.length ) {
            const domNode = ancestors.pop();
            const viewNode = this._domToViewMapping.get( domNode );

            if ( viewNode && 'uiElement' ) ) {
                return viewNode;

        return null;

     * Checks if given selection's boundaries are at correct places.
     * The following places are considered as incorrect for selection boundaries:
     * * before or in the middle of the inline filler sequence,
     * * inside the DOM element which represents {@link module:engine/view/uielement~UIElement a view ui element}.
     * @param {Selection} domSelection DOM Selection object to be checked.
     * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the given selection is at a correct place, `false` otherwise.
    isDomSelectionCorrect( domSelection ) {
        return this._isDomSelectionPositionCorrect( domSelection.anchorNode, domSelection.anchorOffset ) &&
            this._isDomSelectionPositionCorrect( domSelection.focusNode, domSelection.focusOffset );

     * Checks if the given DOM position is a correct place for selection boundary. See {@link #isDomSelectionCorrect}.
     * @private
     * @param {Element} domParent Position parent.
     * @param {Number} offset Position offset.
     * @returns {Boolean} `true` if given position is at a correct place for selection boundary, `false` otherwise.
    _isDomSelectionPositionCorrect( domParent, offset ) {
        // If selection is before or in the middle of inline filler string, it is incorrect.
        if ( isText( domParent ) && startsWithFiller( domParent ) && offset < INLINE_FILLER_LENGTH ) {
            // Selection in a text node, at wrong position (before or in the middle of filler).
            return false;

        if ( this.isElement( domParent ) && startsWithFiller( domParent.childNodes[ offset ] ) ) {
            // Selection in an element node, before filler text node.
            return false;

        const viewParent = this.mapDomToView( domParent );

        // If selection is in `view.UIElement`, it is incorrect. Note that `mapDomToView()` returns `view.UIElement`
        // also for any dom element that is inside the view ui element (so we don't need to perform any additional checks).
        if ( viewParent && 'uiElement' ) ) {
            return false;

        return true;

     * Takes text data from a given {@link module:engine/view/text~Text#data} and processes it so
     * it is correctly displayed in the DOM.
     * Following changes are done:
     * * a space at the beginning is changed to `&nbsp;` if this is the first text node in its container
     * element or if a previous text node ends with a space character,
     * * space at the end of the text node is changed to `&nbsp;` if there are two spaces at the end of a node or if next node
     * starts with a space or if it is the last text node in its container,
     * * remaining spaces are replaced to a chain of spaces and `&nbsp;` (e.g. `'x   x'` becomes `'x &nbsp; x'`).
     * Content of {@link #preElements} is not processed.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/view/text~Text} node View text node to process.
     * @returns {String} Processed text data.
    _processDataFromViewText( node ) {
        let data =;

        // If any of node ancestors has a name which is in `preElements` array, then currently processed
        // view text node is (will be) in preformatted element. We should not change whitespaces then.
        if ( node.getAncestors().some( parent => this.preElements.includes( ) ) ) {
            return data;

        // 1. Replace the first space with a nbsp if the previous node ends with a space or there is no previous node
        // (container element boundary).
        if ( data.charAt( 0 ) == ' ' ) {
            const prevNode = this._getTouchingViewTextNode( node, false );
            const prevEndsWithSpace = prevNode && this._nodeEndsWithSpace( prevNode );

            if ( prevEndsWithSpace || !prevNode ) {
                data = '\u00A0' + data.substr( 1 );

        // 2. Replace the last space with nbsp if there are two spaces at the end or if the next node starts with space or there is no
        // next node (container element boundary).
        // Keep in mind that Firefox prefers $nbsp; before tag, not inside it:
        // Foo <span>&nbsp;bar</span>  <-- bad.
        // Foo&nbsp;<span> bar</span>  <-- good.
        // More here:
        if ( data.charAt( data.length - 1 ) == ' ' ) {
            const nextNode = this._getTouchingViewTextNode( node, true );

            if ( data.charAt( data.length - 2 ) == ' ' || !nextNode || 0 ) == ' ' ) {
                data = data.substr( 0, data.length - 1 ) + '\u00A0';

        // 3. Create space+nbsp pairs.
        return data.replace( / {2}/g, ' \u00A0' );

     * Checks whether given node ends with a space character after changing appropriate space characters to `&nbsp;`s.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/view/text~Text} node Node to check.
     * @returns {Boolean} `true` if given `node` ends with space, `false` otherwise.
    _nodeEndsWithSpace( node ) {
        if ( node.getAncestors().some( parent => this.preElements.includes( ) ) ) {
            return false;

        const data = this._processDataFromViewText( node );

        return data.charAt( data.length - 1 ) == ' ';

     * Takes text data from native `Text` node and processes it to a correct {@link module:engine/view/text~Text view text node} data.
     * Following changes are done:
     * * multiple whitespaces are replaced to a single space,
     * * space at the beginning of a text node is removed if it is the first text node in its container
     * element or if the previous text node ends with a space character,
     * * space at the end of the text node is removed if there are two spaces at the end of a node or if next node
     * starts with a space or if it is the last text node in its container
     * * nbsps are converted to spaces.
     * @param {Node} node DOM text node to process.
     * @returns {String} Processed data.
     * @private
    _processDataFromDomText( node ) {
        let data =;

        if ( _hasDomParentOfType( node, this.preElements ) ) {
            return getDataWithoutFiller( node );

        // Change all consecutive whitespace characters (from the [ \n\t\r] set –
        // see to a single space character.
        // That's how multiple whitespaces are treated when rendered, so we normalize those whitespaces.
        // We're replacing 1+ (and not 2+) to also normalize singular \n\t\r characters (#822).
        data = data.replace( /[ \n\t\r]{1,}/g, ' ' );

        const prevNode = this._getTouchingInlineDomNode( node, false );
        const nextNode = this._getTouchingInlineDomNode( node, true );

        const shouldLeftTrim = this._checkShouldLeftTrimDomText( prevNode );
        const shouldRightTrim = this._checkShouldRightTrimDomText( node, nextNode );

        // If the previous dom text node does not exist or it ends by whitespace character, remove space character from the beginning
        // of this text node. Such space character is treated as a whitespace.
        if ( shouldLeftTrim ) {
            data = data.replace( /^ /, '' );

        // If the next text node does not exist remove space character from the end of this text node.
        if ( shouldRightTrim ) {
            data = data.replace( / $/, '' );

        // At the beginning and end of a block element, Firefox inserts normal space + <br> instead of non-breaking space.
        // This means that the text node starts/end with normal space instead of non-breaking space.
        // This causes a problem because the normal space would be removed in `.replace` calls above. To prevent that,
        // the inline filler is removed only after the data is initially processed (by the `.replace` above). See ckeditor5#692.
        data = getDataWithoutFiller( new Text( data ) );

        // At this point we should have removed all whitespaces from DOM text data.
        // Now, We will reverse the process that happens in `_processDataFromViewText`.
        // We have to change &nbsp; chars, that were in DOM text data because of rendering reasons, to spaces.
        // First, change all ` \u00A0` pairs (space + &nbsp;) to two spaces. DOM converter changes two spaces from model/view to
        // ` \u00A0` to ensure proper rendering. Since here we convert back, we recognize those pairs and change them back to `  `.
        data = data.replace( / \u00A0/g, '  ' );

        // Then, let's change the last nbsp to a space.
        if ( /( |\u00A0)\u00A0$/.test( data ) || !nextNode || ( && 0 ) == ' ' ) ) {
            data = data.replace( /\u00A0$/, ' ' );

        // Then, change &nbsp; character that is at the beginning of the text node to space character.
        // We do that replacement only if this is the first node or the previous node ends on whitespace character.
        if ( shouldLeftTrim ) {
            data = data.replace( /^\u00A0/, ' ' );

        // At this point, all whitespaces should be removed and all &nbsp; created for rendering reasons should be
        // changed to normal space. All left &nbsp; are &nbsp; inserted intentionally.
        return data;

     * Helper function which checks if a DOM text node, preceded by the given `prevNode` should
     * be trimmed from the left side.
     * @param {Node} prevNode
    _checkShouldLeftTrimDomText( prevNode ) {
        if ( !prevNode ) {
            return true;

        if ( isElement( prevNode ) ) {
            return true;

        return /[^\S\u00A0]/.test( - 1 ) );

     * Helper function which checks if a DOM text node, succeeded by the given `nextNode` should
     * be trimmed from the right side.
     * @param {Node} node
     * @param {Node} nextNode
    _checkShouldRightTrimDomText( node, nextNode ) {
        if ( nextNode ) {
            return false;

        return !startsWithFiller( node );

     * Helper function. For given {@link module:engine/view/text~Text view text node}, it finds previous or next sibling
     * that is contained in the same container element. If there is no such sibling, `null` is returned.
     * @param {module:engine/view/text~Text} node Reference node.
     * @param {Boolean} getNext
     * @returns {module:engine/view/text~Text|null} Touching text node or `null` if there is no next or previous touching text node.
    _getTouchingViewTextNode( node, getNext ) {
        const treeWalker = new ViewTreeWalker( {
            startPosition: getNext ? ViewPosition._createAfter( node ) : ViewPosition._createBefore( node ),
            direction: getNext ? 'forward' : 'backward'
        } );

        for ( const value of treeWalker ) {
            // ViewContainerElement is found on a way to next ViewText node, so given `node` was first/last
            // text node in its container element.
            if ( 'containerElement' ) ) {
                return null;
            // <br> found – it works like a block boundary, so do not scan further.
            else if ( 'br' ) ) {
                return null;
            // Found a text node in the same container element.
            else if ( 'textProxy' ) ) {
                return value.item;

        return null;

     * Helper function. For the given text node, it finds the closest touching node which is either
     * a text node or a `<br>`. The search is terminated at block element boundaries and if a matching node
     * wasn't found so far, `null` is returned.
     * In the following DOM structure:
     *        <p>foo<b>bar</b><br>bom</p>
     * * `foo` doesn't have its previous touching inline node (`null` is returned),
     * * `foo`'s next touching inline node is `bar`
     * * `bar`'s next touching inline node is `<br>`
     * This method returns text nodes and `<br>` elements because these types of nodes affect how
     * spaces in the given text node need to be converted.
     * @private
     * @param {Text} node
     * @param {Boolean} getNext
     * @returns {Text|Element|null}
    _getTouchingInlineDomNode( node, getNext ) {
        if ( !node.parentNode ) {
            return null;

        const direction = getNext ? 'nextNode' : 'previousNode';
        const document = node.ownerDocument;
        const topmostParent = getAncestors( node )[ 0 ];

        const treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker( topmostParent, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT | NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, {
            acceptNode( node ) {
                if ( isText( node ) ) {
                    return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;

                if ( node.tagName == 'BR' ) {
                    return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;

                return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
        } );

        treeWalker.currentNode = node;

        const touchingNode = treeWalker[ direction ]();

        if ( touchingNode !== null ) {
            const lca = getCommonAncestor( node, touchingNode );

            // If there is common ancestor between the text node and next/prev text node,
            // and there are no block elements on a way from the text node to that ancestor,
            // and there are no block elements on a way from next/prev text node to that ancestor...
            if (
                lca &&
                !_hasDomParentOfType( node, this.blockElements, lca ) &&
                !_hasDomParentOfType( touchingNode, this.blockElements, lca )
            ) {
                // Then they are in the same container element.
                return touchingNode;

        return null;

// Helper function.
// Used to check if given native `Element` or `Text` node has parent with tag name from `types` array.
// @param {Node} node
// @param {Array.<String>} types
// @param {Boolean} [boundaryParent] Can be given if parents should be checked up to a given element (excluding that element).
// @returns {Boolean} `true` if such parent exists or `false` if it does not.
function _hasDomParentOfType( node, types, boundaryParent ) {
    let parents = getAncestors( node );

    if ( boundaryParent ) {
        parents = parents.slice( parents.indexOf( boundaryParent ) + 1 );

    return parents.some( parent => parent.tagName && types.includes( parent.tagName.toLowerCase() ) );

// A helper that executes given callback for each DOM node's ancestor, starting from the given node
// and ending in document#documentElement.
// @param {Node} node
// @param {Function} callback A callback to be executed for each ancestor.
function forEachDomNodeAncestor( node, callback ) {
    while ( node && node != global.document ) {
        callback( node );
        node = node.parentNode;

// Checks if given node is a nbsp block filler.
// A &nbsp; is a block filler only if it is a single child of a block element.
// @param {Node} domNode DOM node.
// @returns {Boolean}
function isNbspBlockFiller( domNode, blockElements ) {
    const isNBSP = isText( domNode ) && == '\u00A0';

    return isNBSP && hasBlockParent( domNode, blockElements ) && domNode.parentNode.childNodes.length === 1;

// Checks if domNode has block parent.
// @param {Node} domNode DOM node.
// @returns {Boolean}
function hasBlockParent( domNode, blockElements ) {
    const parent = domNode.parentNode;

    return parent && parent.tagName && blockElements.includes( parent.tagName.toLowerCase() );

 * Enum representing type of the block filler.
 * Possible values:
 * * `br` - for `<br>` block filler used in editing view,
 * * `nbsp` - for `&nbsp;` block fillers used in the data.
 * @typedef {String} module:engine/view/filler~BlockFillerMode