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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

 * @module engine/view/element

import Node from './node';
import Text from './text';
import TextProxy from './textproxy';
import toMap from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/tomap';
import isIterable from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/isiterable';
import Matcher from './matcher';
import StylesMap from './stylesmap';

// @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE // const { convertMapToTags } = require( '../dev-utils/utils' );

 * View element.
 * The editing engine does not define a fixed semantics of its elements (it is "DTD-free").
 * This is why the type of the {@link module:engine/view/element~Element} need to
 * be defined by the feature developer. When creating an element you should use one of the following methods:
 * * {@link module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter#createContainerElement `downcastWriter#createContainerElement()`}
 * in order to create a {@link module:engine/view/containerelement~ContainerElement},
 * * {@link module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter#createAttributeElement `downcastWriter#createAttributeElement()`}
 * in order to create a {@link module:engine/view/attributeelement~AttributeElement},
 * * {@link module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter#createEmptyElement `downcastWriter#createEmptyElement()`}
 * in order to create a {@link module:engine/view/emptyelement~EmptyElement}.
 * * {@link module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter#createUIElement `downcastWriter#createUIElement()`}
 * in order to create a {@link module:engine/view/uielement~UIElement}.
 * * {@link module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter#createEditableElement `downcastWriter#createEditableElement()`}
 * in order to create a {@link module:engine/view/editableelement~EditableElement}.
 * Note that for view elements which are not created from the model, like elements from mutations, paste or
 * {@link module:engine/controller/datacontroller~DataController#set data.set} it is not possible to define the type of the element.
 * In such cases the {@link module:engine/view/upcastwriter~UpcastWriter#createElement `UpcastWriter#createElement()`} method
 * should be used to create generic view elements.
 * @extends module:engine/view/node~Node
export default class Element extends Node {
     * Creates a view element.
     * Attributes can be passed in various formats:
     *        new Element( viewDocument, 'div', { class: 'editor', contentEditable: 'true' } ); // object
     *        new Element( viewDocument, 'div', [ [ 'class', 'editor' ], [ 'contentEditable', 'true' ] ] ); // map-like iterator
     *        new Element( viewDocument, 'div', mapOfAttributes ); // map
     * @protected
     * @param {module:engine/view/document~Document} document The document instance to which this element belongs.
     * @param {String} name Node name.
     * @param {Object|Iterable} [attrs] Collection of attributes.
     * @param {module:engine/view/node~Node|Iterable.<module:engine/view/node~Node>} [children]
     * A list of nodes to be inserted into created element.
    constructor( document, name, attrs, children ) {
        super( document );

         * Name of the element.
         * @readonly
         * @member {String}
         */ = name;

         * Map of attributes, where attributes names are keys and attributes values are values.
         * @protected
         * @member {Map} #_attrs
        this._attrs = parseAttributes( attrs );

         * Array of child nodes.
         * @protected
         * @member {Array.<module:engine/view/node~Node>}
        this._children = [];

        if ( children ) {
            this._insertChild( 0, children );

         * Set of classes associated with element instance.
         * @protected
         * @member {Set}
        this._classes = new Set();

        if ( this._attrs.has( 'class' ) ) {
            // Remove class attribute and handle it by class set.
            const classString = this._attrs.get( 'class' );
            parseClasses( this._classes, classString );
            this._attrs.delete( 'class' );

         * Normalized styles.
         * @protected
         * @member {module:engine/view/stylesmap~StylesMap} module:engine/view/element~Element#_styles
        this._styles = new StylesMap( this.document.stylesProcessor );

        if ( this._attrs.has( 'style' ) ) {
            // Remove style attribute and handle it by styles map.
            this._styles.setTo( this._attrs.get( 'style' ) );

            this._attrs.delete( 'style' );

         * Map of custom properties.
         * Custom properties can be added to element instance, will be cloned but not rendered into DOM.
         * @protected
         * @member {Map}
        this._customProperties = new Map();

     * Number of element's children.
     * @readonly
     * @type {Number}
    get childCount() {
        return this._children.length;

     * Is `true` if there are no nodes inside this element, `false` otherwise.
     * @readonly
     * @type {Boolean}
    get isEmpty() {
        return this._children.length === 0;

     * Checks whether this object is of the given.
     * 'element' ); // -> true
     * 'node' ); // -> true
     * 'view:element' ); // -> true
     * 'view:node' ); // -> true
     * 'model:element' ); // -> false
     * 'documentSelection' ); // -> false
     * Assuming that the object being checked is an element, you can also check its
     * {@link module:engine/view/element~Element#name name}:
     * 'img' ); // -> true if this is an <img> element
     * 'element', 'img' ); // -> same as above
     * 'img' ); -> false
     * {@link module:engine/view/node~Node#is Check the entire list of view objects} which implement the `is()` method.
     * @param {String} type Type to check when `name` parameter is present.
     * Otherwise, it acts like the `name` parameter.
     * @param {String} [name] Element name.
     * @returns {Boolean}
    is( type, name = null ) {
        if ( !name ) {
            return type === || type === 'view:' + ||
                type === 'element' || type === 'view:element' ||
                // From This is highly utilised method and cannot call super. See ckeditor/ckeditor5#6529.
                type === 'node' || type === 'view:node';
        } else {
            return name === && ( type === 'element' || type === 'view:element' );

     * Gets child at the given index.
     * @param {Number} index Index of child.
     * @returns {module:engine/view/node~Node} Child node.
    getChild( index ) {
        return this._children[ index ];

     * Gets index of the given child node. Returns `-1` if child node is not found.
     * @param {module:engine/view/node~Node} node Child node.
     * @returns {Number} Index of the child node.
    getChildIndex( node ) {
        return this._children.indexOf( node );

     * Gets child nodes iterator.
     * @returns {Iterable.<module:engine/view/node~Node>} Child nodes iterator.
    getChildren() {
        return this._children[ Symbol.iterator ]();

     * Returns an iterator that contains the keys for attributes. Order of inserting attributes is not preserved.
     * @returns {Iterable.<String>} Keys for attributes.
    * getAttributeKeys() {
        if ( this._classes.size > 0 ) {
            yield 'class';

        if ( !this._styles.isEmpty ) {
            yield 'style';

        yield* this._attrs.keys();

     * Returns iterator that iterates over this element's attributes.
     * Attributes are returned as arrays containing two items. First one is attribute key and second is attribute value.
     * This format is accepted by native `Map` object and also can be passed in `Node` constructor.
     * @returns {Iterable.<*>}
    * getAttributes() {
        yield* this._attrs.entries();

        if ( this._classes.size > 0 ) {
            yield [ 'class', this.getAttribute( 'class' ) ];

        if ( !this._styles.isEmpty ) {
            yield [ 'style', this.getAttribute( 'style' ) ];

     * Gets attribute by key. If attribute is not present - returns undefined.
     * @param {String} key Attribute key.
     * @returns {String|undefined} Attribute value.
    getAttribute( key ) {
        if ( key == 'class' ) {
            if ( this._classes.size > 0 ) {
                return [ ...this._classes ].join( ' ' );

            return undefined;

        if ( key == 'style' ) {
            const inlineStyle = this._styles.toString();

            return inlineStyle == '' ? undefined : inlineStyle;

        return this._attrs.get( key );

     * Returns a boolean indicating whether an attribute with the specified key exists in the element.
     * @param {String} key Attribute key.
     * @returns {Boolean} `true` if attribute with the specified key exists in the element, false otherwise.
    hasAttribute( key ) {
        if ( key == 'class' ) {
            return this._classes.size > 0;

        if ( key == 'style' ) {
            return !this._styles.isEmpty;

        return this._attrs.has( key );

     * Checks if this element is similar to other element.
     * Both elements should have the same name and attributes to be considered as similar. Two similar elements
     * can contain different set of children nodes.
     * @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} otherElement
     * @returns {Boolean}
    isSimilar( otherElement ) {
        if ( !( otherElement instanceof Element ) ) {
            return false;

        // If exactly the same Element is provided - return true immediately.
        if ( this === otherElement ) {
            return true;

        // Check element name.
        if ( != ) {
            return false;

        // Check number of attributes, classes and styles.
        if ( this._attrs.size !== otherElement._attrs.size || this._classes.size !== otherElement._classes.size ||
            this._styles.size !== otherElement._styles.size ) {
            return false;

        // Check if attributes are the same.
        for ( const [ key, value ] of this._attrs ) {
            if ( !otherElement._attrs.has( key ) || otherElement._attrs.get( key ) !== value ) {
                return false;

        // Check if classes are the same.
        for ( const className of this._classes ) {
            if ( !otherElement._classes.has( className ) ) {
                return false;

        // Check if styles are the same.
        for ( const property of this._styles.getStyleNames() ) {
            if (
                !otherElement._styles.has( property ) ||
                otherElement._styles.getAsString( property ) !== this._styles.getAsString( property )
            ) {
                return false;

        return true;

     * Returns true if class is present.
     * If more then one class is provided - returns true only when all classes are present.
     *        element.hasClass( 'foo' ); // Returns true if 'foo' class is present.
     *        element.hasClass( 'foo', 'bar' ); // Returns true if 'foo' and 'bar' classes are both present.
     * @param {...String} className
    hasClass( ...className ) {
        for ( const name of className ) {
            if ( !this._classes.has( name ) ) {
                return false;

        return true;

     * Returns iterator that contains all class names.
     * @returns {Iterable.<String>}
    getClassNames() {
        return this._classes.keys();

     * Returns style value for the given property mae.
     * If the style does not exist `undefined` is returned.
     * **Note**: This method can work with normalized style names if
     * {@link module:engine/controller/datacontroller~DataController#addStyleProcessorRules a particular style processor rule is enabled}.
     * See {@link module:engine/view/stylesmap~StylesMap#getAsString `StylesMap#getAsString()`} for details.
     * For an element with style set to `'margin:1px'`:
     *        // Enable 'margin' shorthand processing:
     * addMarginRules );
     *        const element = view.change( writer => {
     *            const element = writer.createElement();
     *            writer.setStyle( 'margin', '1px' );
     *            writer.setStyle( 'margin-bottom', '3em' );
     *            return element;
     *        } );
     *        element.getStyle( 'margin' ); // -> 'margin: 1px 1px 3em;'
     * @param {String} property
     * @returns {String|undefined}
    getStyle( property ) {
        return this._styles.getAsString( property );

     * Returns a normalized style object or single style value.
     * For an element with style set to: margin:1px 2px 3em;
     *        element.getNormalizedStyle( 'margin' ) );
     * will return:
     *        {
     *            top: '1px',
     *            right: '2px',
     *            bottom: '3em',
     *            left: '2px'    // a normalized value from margin shorthand
     *        }
     * and reading for single style value:
     *        styles.getNormalizedStyle( 'margin-left' );
     * Will return a `2px` string.
     * **Note**: This method will return normalized values only if
     * {@link module:engine/controller/datacontroller~DataController#addStyleProcessorRules a particular style processor rule is enabled}.
     * See {@link module:engine/view/stylesmap~StylesMap#getNormalized `StylesMap#getNormalized()`} for details.
     * @param {String} property Name of CSS property
     * @returns {Object|String|undefined}
    getNormalizedStyle( property ) {
        return this._styles.getNormalized( property );

     * Returns iterator that contains all style names.
     * @returns {Iterable.<String>}
    getStyleNames() {
        return this._styles.getStyleNames();

     * Returns true if style keys are present.
     * If more then one style property is provided - returns true only when all properties are present.
     *        element.hasStyle( 'color' ); // Returns true if 'border-top' style is present.
     *        element.hasStyle( 'color', 'border-top' ); // Returns true if 'color' and 'border-top' styles are both present.
     * @param {...String} property
    hasStyle( ) {
        for ( const name of property ) {
            if ( !this._styles.has( name ) ) {
                return false;

        return true;

     * Returns ancestor element that match specified pattern.
     * Provided patterns should be compatible with {@link module:engine/view/matcher~Matcher Matcher} as it is used internally.
     * @see module:engine/view/matcher~Matcher
     * @param {Object|String|RegExp|Function} patterns Patterns used to match correct ancestor.
     * See {@link module:engine/view/matcher~Matcher}.
     * @returns {module:engine/view/element~Element|null} Found element or `null` if no matching ancestor was found.
    findAncestor( ...patterns ) {
        const matcher = new Matcher( ...patterns );
        let parent = this.parent;

        while ( parent ) {
            if ( matcher.match( parent ) ) {
                return parent;

            parent = parent.parent;

        return null;

     * Returns the custom property value for the given key.
     * @param {String|Symbol} key
     * @returns {*}
    getCustomProperty( key ) {
        return this._customProperties.get( key );

     * Returns an iterator which iterates over this element's custom properties.
     * Iterator provides `[ key, value ]` pairs for each stored property.
     * @returns {Iterable.<*>}
    * getCustomProperties() {
        yield* this._customProperties.entries();

     * Returns identity string based on element's name, styles, classes and other attributes.
     * Two elements that {@link #isSimilar are similar} will have same identity string.
     * It has the following format:
     *        'name class="class1,class2" style="style1:value1;style2:value2" attr1="val1" attr2="val2"'
     * For example:
     *        const element = writer.createContainerElement( 'foo', {
     *            banana: '10',
     *            apple: '20',
     *            style: 'color: red; border-color: white;',
     *            class: 'baz'
     *        } );
     *        // returns 'foo class="baz" style="border-color:white;color:red" apple="20" banana="10"'
     *        element.getIdentity();
     * **Note**: Classes, styles and other attributes are sorted alphabetically.
     * @returns {String}
    getIdentity() {
        const classes = Array.from( this._classes ).sort().join( ',' );
        const styles = this._styles.toString();
        const attributes = Array.from( this._attrs ).map( i => `${ i[ 0 ] }="${ i[ 1 ] }"` ).sort().join( ' ' );

        return +
            ( classes == '' ? '' : ` class="${ classes }"` ) +
            ( !styles ? '' : ` style="${ styles }"` ) +
            ( attributes == '' ? '' : ` ${ attributes }` );

     * Clones provided element.
     * @protected
     * @param {Boolean} [deep=false] If set to `true` clones element and all its children recursively. When set to `false`,
     * element will be cloned without any children.
     * @returns {module:engine/view/element~Element} Clone of this element.
    _clone( deep = false ) {
        const childrenClone = [];

        if ( deep ) {
            for ( const child of this.getChildren() ) {
                childrenClone.push( child._clone( deep ) );

        // ContainerElement and AttributeElement should be also cloned properly.
        const cloned = new this.constructor( this.document,, this._attrs, childrenClone );

        // Classes and styles are cloned separately - this solution is faster than adding them back to attributes and
        // parse once again in constructor.
        cloned._classes = new Set( this._classes );
        cloned._styles.set( this._styles.getNormalized() );

        // Clone custom properties.
        cloned._customProperties = new Map( this._customProperties );

        // Clone filler offset method.
        // We can't define this method in a prototype because it's behavior which
        // is changed by e.g. toWidget() function from ckeditor5-widget. Perhaps this should be one of custom props.
        cloned.getFillerOffset = this.getFillerOffset;

        return cloned;

     * {@link module:engine/view/element~Element#_insertChild Insert} a child node or a list of child nodes at the end of this node
     * and sets the parent of these nodes to this element.
     * @see module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter#insert
     * @protected
     * @param {module:engine/view/item~Item|Iterable.<module:engine/view/item~Item>} items Items to be inserted.
     * @fires module:engine/view/node~Node#change
     * @returns {Number} Number of appended nodes.
    _appendChild( items ) {
        return this._insertChild( this.childCount, items );

     * Inserts a child node or a list of child nodes on the given index and sets the parent of these nodes to
     * this element.
     * @see module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter#insert
     * @protected
     * @param {Number} index Position where nodes should be inserted.
     * @param {module:engine/view/item~Item|Iterable.<module:engine/view/item~Item>} items Items to be inserted.
     * @fires module:engine/view/node~Node#change
     * @returns {Number} Number of inserted nodes.
    _insertChild( index, items ) {
        this._fireChange( 'children', this );
        let count = 0;

        const nodes = normalize( this.document, items );

        for ( const node of nodes ) {
            // If node that is being added to this element is already inside another element, first remove it from the old parent.
            if ( node.parent !== null ) {

            node.parent = this;
            node.document = this.document;

            this._children.splice( index, 0, node );

        return count;

     * Removes number of child nodes starting at the given index and set the parent of these nodes to `null`.
     * @see module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter#remove
     * @protected
     * @param {Number} index Number of the first node to remove.
     * @param {Number} [howMany=1] Number of nodes to remove.
     * @fires module:engine/view/node~Node#change
     * @returns {Array.<module:engine/view/node~Node>} The array of removed nodes.
    _removeChildren( index, howMany = 1 ) {
        this._fireChange( 'children', this );

        for ( let i = index; i < index + howMany; i++ ) {
            this._children[ i ].parent = null;

        return this._children.splice( index, howMany );

     * Adds or overwrite attribute with a specified key and value.
     * @see module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter#setAttribute
     * @protected
     * @param {String} key Attribute key.
     * @param {String} value Attribute value.
     * @fires module:engine/view/node~Node#change
    _setAttribute( key, value ) {
        value = String( value );

        this._fireChange( 'attributes', this );

        if ( key == 'class' ) {
            parseClasses( this._classes, value );
        } else if ( key == 'style' ) {
            this._styles.setTo( value );
        } else {
            this._attrs.set( key, value );

     * Removes attribute from the element.
     * @see module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter#removeAttribute
     * @protected
     * @param {String} key Attribute key.
     * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if an attribute existed and has been removed.
     * @fires module:engine/view/node~Node#change
    _removeAttribute( key ) {
        this._fireChange( 'attributes', this );

        // Remove class attribute.
        if ( key == 'class' ) {
            if ( this._classes.size > 0 ) {

                return true;

            return false;

        // Remove style attribute.
        if ( key == 'style' ) {
            if ( !this._styles.isEmpty ) {

                return true;

            return false;

        // Remove other attributes.
        return this._attrs.delete( key );

     * Adds specified class.
     *        element._addClass( 'foo' ); // Adds 'foo' class.
     *        element._addClass( [ 'foo', 'bar' ] ); // Adds 'foo' and 'bar' classes.
     * @see module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter#addClass
     * @protected
     * @param {Array.<String>|String} className
     * @fires module:engine/view/node~Node#change
    _addClass( className ) {
        this._fireChange( 'attributes', this );

        className = Array.isArray( className ) ? className : [ className ];
        className.forEach( name => this._classes.add( name ) );

     * Removes specified class.
     *        element._removeClass( 'foo' );  // Removes 'foo' class.
     *        element._removeClass( [ 'foo', 'bar' ] ); // Removes both 'foo' and 'bar' classes.
     * @see module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter#removeClass
     * @protected
     * @param {Array.<String>|String} className
     * @fires module:engine/view/node~Node#change
    _removeClass( className ) {
        this._fireChange( 'attributes', this );

        className = Array.isArray( className ) ? className : [ className ];
        className.forEach( name => this._classes.delete( name ) );

     * Adds style to the element.
     *        element._setStyle( 'color', 'red' );
     *        element._setStyle( {
     *            color: 'red',
     *            position: 'fixed'
     *        } );
     * **Note**: This method can work with normalized style names if
     * {@link module:engine/controller/datacontroller~DataController#addStyleProcessorRules a particular style processor rule is enabled}.
     * See {@link module:engine/view/stylesmap~StylesMap#set `StylesMap#set()`} for details.
     * @see module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter#setStyle
     * @protected
     * @param {String|Object} property Property name or object with key - value pairs.
     * @param {String} [value] Value to set. This parameter is ignored if object is provided as the first parameter.
     * @fires module:engine/view/node~Node#change
    _setStyle( property, value ) {
        this._fireChange( 'attributes', this );

        this._styles.set( property, value );

     * Removes specified style.
     *        element._removeStyle( 'color' );  // Removes 'color' style.
     *        element._removeStyle( [ 'color', 'border-top' ] ); // Removes both 'color' and 'border-top' styles.
     * **Note**: This method can work with normalized style names if
     * {@link module:engine/controller/datacontroller~DataController#addStyleProcessorRules a particular style processor rule is enabled}.
     * See {@link module:engine/view/stylesmap~StylesMap#remove `StylesMap#remove()`} for details.
     * @see module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter#removeStyle
     * @protected
     * @param {Array.<String>|String} property
     * @fires module:engine/view/node~Node#change
    _removeStyle( property ) {
        this._fireChange( 'attributes', this );

        property = Array.isArray( property ) ? property : [ property ];
        property.forEach( name => this._styles.remove( name ) );

     * Sets a custom property. Unlike attributes, custom properties are not rendered to the DOM,
     * so they can be used to add special data to elements.
     * @see module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter#setCustomProperty
     * @protected
     * @param {String|Symbol} key
     * @param {*} value
    _setCustomProperty( key, value ) {
        this._customProperties.set( key, value );

     * Removes the custom property stored under the given key.
     * @see module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter#removeCustomProperty
     * @protected
     * @param {String|Symbol} key
     * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if property was removed.
    _removeCustomProperty( key ) {
        return this._customProperties.delete( key );

     * Returns block {@link module:engine/view/filler filler} offset or `null` if block filler is not needed.
     * @abstract
     * @method module:engine/view/element~Element#getFillerOffset

    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE // printTree( level = 0) {
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //     let string = '';

    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //    string += '\t'.repeat( level ) + `<${ }${ convertMapToTags( this.getAttributes() ) }>`;

    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //    for ( const child of this.getChildren() ) {
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //        if ( 'text' ) ) {
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //            string += '\n' + '\t'.repeat( level + 1 ) +;
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //        } else {
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //            string += '\n' + child.printTree( level + 1 );
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //        }
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //    }

    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //    if ( this.childCount ) {
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //        string += '\n' + '\t'.repeat( level );
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //    }

    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //    string += `</${ }>`;

    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //    return string;
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE // }

    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE // logTree() {
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE //     console.log( this.printTree() );
    // @if CK_DEBUG_ENGINE // }

// Parses attributes provided to the element constructor before they are applied to an element. If attributes are passed
// as an object (instead of `Iterable`), the object is transformed to the map. Attributes with `null` value are removed.
// Attributes with non-`String` value are converted to `String`.
// @param {Object|Iterable} attrs Attributes to parse.
// @returns {Map} Parsed attributes.
function parseAttributes( attrs ) {
    attrs = toMap( attrs );

    for ( const [ key, value ] of attrs ) {
        if ( value === null ) {
            attrs.delete( key );
        } else if ( typeof value != 'string' ) {
            attrs.set( key, String( value ) );

    return attrs;

// Parses class attribute and puts all classes into classes set.
// Classes set s cleared before insertion.
// @param {Set.<String>} classesSet Set to insert parsed classes.
// @param {String} classesString String with classes to parse.
function parseClasses( classesSet, classesString ) {
    const classArray = classesString.split( /\s+/ );
    classArray.forEach( name => classesSet.add( name ) );

// Converts strings to Text and non-iterables to arrays.
// @param {String|module:engine/view/item~Item|Iterable.<String|module:engine/view/item~Item>}
// @returns {Iterable.<module:engine/view/node~Node>}
function normalize( document, nodes ) {
    // Separate condition because string is iterable.
    if ( typeof nodes == 'string' ) {
        return [ new Text( document, nodes ) ];

    if ( !isIterable( nodes ) ) {
        nodes = [ nodes ];

    // Array.from to enable .map() on non-arrays.
    return Array.from( nodes )
        .map( node => {
            if ( typeof node == 'string' ) {
                return new Text( document, node );

            if ( node instanceof TextProxy ) {
                return new Text( document, );

            return node;
        } );