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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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 * @module engine/view/matcher

 * View matcher class.
 * Instance of this class can be used to find {@link module:engine/view/element~Element elements} that match given pattern.
export default class Matcher {
     * Creates new instance of Matcher.
     * @param {String|RegExp|Object} [pattern] Match patterns. See {@link module:engine/view/matcher~Matcher#add add method} for
     * more information.
    constructor( ...pattern ) {
         * @private
         * @type {Array<String|RegExp|Object>}
        this._patterns = [];

        this.add( ...pattern );

     * Adds pattern or patterns to matcher instance.
     *        // String.
     *        matcher.add( 'div' );
     *        // Regular expression.
     *        matcher.add( /^\w/ );
     *        // Single class.
     *        matcher.add( {
     *            classes: 'foobar'
     *        } );
     * See {@link module:engine/view/matcher~MatcherPattern} for more examples.
     * Multiple patterns can be added in one call:
     *         matcher.add( 'div', { classes: 'foobar' } );
     * @param {Object|String|RegExp|Function} pattern Object describing pattern details. If string or regular expression
     * is provided it will be used to match element's name. Pattern can be also provided in a form
     * of a function - then this function will be called with each {@link module:engine/view/element~Element element} as a parameter.
     * Function's return value will be stored under `match` key of the object returned from
     * {@link module:engine/view/matcher~Matcher#match match} or {@link module:engine/view/matcher~Matcher#matchAll matchAll} methods.
     * @param {String|RegExp} [] Name or regular expression to match element's name.
     * @param {Object} [pattern.attributes] Object with key-value pairs representing attributes to match. Each object key
     * represents attribute name. Value under that key can be either:
     * * `true` - then attribute is just required (can be empty),
     * * a string - then attribute has to be equal, or
     * * a regular expression - then attribute has to match the expression.
     * @param {String|RegExp|Array} [pattern.classes] Class name or array of class names to match. Each name can be
     * provided in a form of string or regular expression.
     * @param {Object} [pattern.styles] Object with key-value pairs representing styles to match. Each object key
     * represents style name. Value under that key can be either a string or a regular expression and it will be used
     * to match style value.
    add( ...pattern ) {
        for ( let item of pattern ) {
            // String or RegExp pattern is used as element's name.
            if ( typeof item == 'string' || item instanceof RegExp ) {
                item = { name: item };

            // Single class name/RegExp can be provided.
            if ( item.classes && ( typeof item.classes == 'string' || item.classes instanceof RegExp ) ) {
                item.classes = [ item.classes ];

            this._patterns.push( item );

     * Matches elements for currently stored patterns. Returns match information about first found
     * {@link module:engine/view/element~Element element}, otherwise returns `null`.
     * Example of returned object:
     *        {
     *            element: <instance of found element>,
     *            pattern: <pattern used to match found element>,
     *            match: {
     *                name: true,
     *                attributes: [ 'title', 'href' ],
     *                classes: [ 'foo' ],
     *                styles: [ 'color', 'position' ]
     *            }
     *        }
     * @see module:engine/view/matcher~Matcher#add
     * @see module:engine/view/matcher~Matcher#matchAll
     * @param {...module:engine/view/element~Element} element View element to match against stored patterns.
     * @returns {Object|null} result
     * @returns {module:engine/view/element~Element} result.element Matched view element.
     * @returns {Object|String|RegExp|Function} result.pattern Pattern that was used to find matched element.
     * @returns {Object} result.match Object representing matched element parts.
     * @returns {Boolean} [] True if name of the element was matched.
     * @returns {Array} [result.match.attributes] Array with matched attribute names.
     * @returns {Array} [result.match.classes] Array with matched class names.
     * @returns {Array} [result.match.styles] Array with matched style names.
    match( ...element ) {
        for ( const singleElement of element ) {
            for ( const pattern of this._patterns ) {
                const match = isElementMatching( singleElement, pattern );

                if ( match ) {
                    return {
                        element: singleElement,

        return null;

     * Matches elements for currently stored patterns. Returns array of match information with all found
     * {@link module:engine/view/element~Element elements}. If no element is found - returns `null`.
     * @see module:engine/view/matcher~Matcher#add
     * @see module:engine/view/matcher~Matcher#match
     * @param {...module:engine/view/element~Element} element View element to match against stored patterns.
     * @returns {Array.<Object>|null} Array with match information about found elements or `null`. For more information
     * see {@link module:engine/view/matcher~Matcher#match match method} description.
    matchAll( ...element ) {
        const results = [];

        for ( const singleElement of element ) {
            for ( const pattern of this._patterns ) {
                const match = isElementMatching( singleElement, pattern );

                if ( match ) {
                    results.push( {
                        element: singleElement,
                    } );

        return results.length > 0 ? results : null;

     * Returns the name of the element to match if there is exactly one pattern added to the matcher instance
     * and it matches element name defined by `string` (not `RegExp`). Otherwise, returns `null`.
     * @returns {String|null} Element name trying to match.
    getElementName() {
        if ( this._patterns.length !== 1 ) {
            return null;

        const pattern = this._patterns[ 0 ];
        const name =;

        return ( typeof pattern != 'function' && name && !( name instanceof RegExp ) ) ? name : null;

// Returns match information if {@link module:engine/view/element~Element element} is matching provided pattern.
// If element cannot be matched to provided pattern - returns `null`.
// @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} element
// @param {Object|String|RegExp|Function} pattern
// @returns {Object|null} Returns object with match information or null if element is not matching.
function isElementMatching( element, pattern ) {
    // If pattern is provided as function - return result of that function;
    if ( typeof pattern == 'function' ) {
        return pattern( element );

    const match = {};
    // Check element's name.
    if ( ) { = matchName(, );

        if ( ! ) {
            return null;

    // Check element's attributes.
    if ( pattern.attributes ) {
        match.attributes = matchAttributes( pattern.attributes, element );

        if ( !match.attributes ) {
            return null;

    // Check element's classes.
    if ( pattern.classes ) {
        match.classes = matchClasses( pattern.classes, element );

        if ( !match.classes ) {
            return false;

    // Check element's styles.
    if ( pattern.styles ) {
        match.styles = matchStyles( pattern.styles, element );

        if ( !match.styles ) {
            return false;

    return match;

// Checks if name can be matched by provided pattern.
// @param {String|RegExp} pattern
// @param {String} name
// @returns {Boolean} Returns `true` if name can be matched, `false` otherwise.
function matchName( pattern, name ) {
    // If pattern is provided as RegExp - test against this regexp.
    if ( pattern instanceof RegExp ) {
        return pattern.test( name );

    return pattern === name;

// Checks if attributes of provided element can be matched against provided patterns.
// @param {Object} patterns Object with information about attributes to match. Each key of the object will be
// used as attribute name. Value of each key can be a string or regular expression to match against attribute value.
// @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} element Element which attributes will be tested.
// @returns {Array|null} Returns array with matched attribute names or `null` if no attributes were matched.
function matchAttributes( patterns, element ) {
    const match = [];

    for ( const name in patterns ) {
        const pattern = patterns[ name ];

        if ( element.hasAttribute( name ) ) {
            const attribute = element.getAttribute( name );

            if ( pattern === true ) {
                match.push( name );
            } else if ( pattern instanceof RegExp ) {
                if ( pattern.test( attribute ) ) {
                    match.push( name );
                } else {
                    return null;
            } else if ( attribute === pattern ) {
                match.push( name );
            } else {
                return null;
        } else {
            return null;

    return match;

// Checks if classes of provided element can be matched against provided patterns.
// @param {Array.<String|RegExp>} patterns Array of strings or regular expressions to match against element's classes.
// @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} element Element which classes will be tested.
// @returns {Array|null} Returns array with matched class names or `null` if no classes were matched.
function matchClasses( patterns, element ) {
    const match = [];

    for ( const pattern of patterns ) {
        if ( pattern instanceof RegExp ) {
            const classes = element.getClassNames();

            for ( const name of classes ) {
                if ( pattern.test( name ) ) {
                    match.push( name );

            if ( match.length === 0 ) {
                return null;
        } else if ( element.hasClass( pattern ) ) {
            match.push( pattern );
        } else {
            return null;

    return match;

// Checks if styles of provided element can be matched against provided patterns.
// @param {Object} patterns Object with information about styles to match. Each key of the object will be
// used as style name. Value of each key can be a string or regular expression to match against style value.
// @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} element Element which styles will be tested.
// @returns {Array|null} Returns array with matched style names or `null` if no styles were matched.
function matchStyles( patterns, element ) {
    const match = [];

    for ( const name in patterns ) {
        const pattern = patterns[ name ];

        if ( element.hasStyle( name ) ) {
            const style = element.getStyle( name );

            if ( pattern instanceof RegExp ) {
                if ( pattern.test( style ) ) {
                    match.push( name );
                } else {
                    return null;
            } else if ( style === pattern ) {
                match.push( name );
            } else {
                return null;
        } else {
            return null;

    return match;

 * An entity that is a valid pattern recognized by a matcher. `MatcherPattern` is used by {@link ~Matcher} to recognize
 * if a view element fits in a group of view elements described by the pattern.
 * `MatcherPattern` can be given as a `String`, a `RegExp`, an `Object` or a `Function`.
 * If `MatcherPattern` is given as a `String` or `RegExp`, it will match any view element that has a matching name:
 *        // Match any element with name equal to 'div'.
 *        const pattern = 'div';
 *        // Match any element which name starts on 'p'.
 *        const pattern = /^p/;
 * If `MatcherPattern` is given as an `Object`, all the object's properties will be matched with view element properties.
 *        // Match view element's name.
 *        const pattern = { name: /^p/ };
 *        // Match view element which has matching attributes.
 *        const pattern = {
 *            attributes: {
 *                title: 'foobar',    // Attribute title should equal 'foobar'.
 *                foo: /^\w+/,        // Attribute foo should match /^\w+/ regexp.
 *                bar: true            // Attribute bar should be set (can be empty).
 *            }
 *        };
 *        // Match view element which has given class.
 *        const pattern = {
 *            classes: 'foobar'
 *        };
 *        // Match view element class using regular expression.
 *        const pattern = {
 *            classes: /foo.../
 *        };
 *        // Multiple classes to match.
 *        const pattern = {
 *            classes: [ 'baz', 'bar', /foo.../ ]
 *        };
 *        // Match view element which has given styles.
 *        const pattern = {
 *            styles: {
 *                position: 'absolute',
 *                color: /^\w*blue$/
 *            }
 *        };
 *        // Pattern with multiple properties.
 *        const pattern = {
 *            name: 'span',
 *            styles: {
 *                'font-weight': 'bold'
 *            },
 *            classes: 'highlighted'
 *        };
 * If `MatcherPattern` is given as a `Function`, the function takes a view element as a first and only parameter and
 * the function should decide whether that element matches. If so, it should return what part of the view element has been matched.
 * Otherwise, the function should return `null`. The returned result will be included in `match` property of the object
 * returned by {@link ~Matcher#match} call.
 *        // Match an empty <div> element.
 *        const pattern = element => {
 *            if ( == 'div' && element.childCount > 0 ) {
 *                // Return which part of the element was matched.
 *                return { name: true };
 *            }
 *            return null;
 *        };
 *        // Match a <p> element with big font ("heading-like" element).
 *        const pattern = element => {
 *            if ( == 'p' ) {
 *                const fontSize = element.getStyle( 'font-size' );
 *                const size = fontSize.match( /(\d+)/px );
 *                if ( size && Number( size[ 1 ] ) > 26 ) {
 *                    return { name: true, attribute: [ 'font-size' ] };
 *                }
 *            }
 *            return null;
 *        };
 * `MatcherPattern` is defined in a way that it is a superset of {@link module:engine/view/elementdefinition~ElementDefinition},
 * that is, every `ElementDefinition` also can be used as a `MatcherPattern`.
 * @typedef {String|RegExp|Object|Function} module:engine/view/matcher~MatcherPattern
 * @property {String|RegExp} [name] View element name to match.
 * @property {String|RegExp|Array.<String|RegExp>} [classes] View element's class name(s) to match.
 * @property {Object} [styles] Object with key-value pairs representing styles to match.
 * Each object key represents style name. Value can be given as `String` or `RegExp`.
 * @property {Object} [attributes] Object with key-value pairs representing attributes to match.
 * Each object key represents attribute name. Value can be given as `String` or `RegExp`.