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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

/* globals Node */

 * @module engine/view/renderer

import ViewText from './text';
import ViewPosition from './position';
import { INLINE_FILLER, INLINE_FILLER_LENGTH, startsWithFiller, isInlineFiller } from './filler';

import mix from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/mix';
import diff from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/diff';
import insertAt from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/dom/insertat';
import remove from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/dom/remove';
import ObservableMixin from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/observablemixin';
import CKEditorError from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/ckeditorerror';
import isText from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/dom/istext';
import isNode from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/dom/isnode';
import fastDiff from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/fastdiff';
import env from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/env';

 * Renderer is responsible for updating the DOM structure and the DOM selection based on
 * the {@link module:engine/view/renderer~Renderer#markToSync information about updated view nodes}.
 * In other words, it renders the view to the DOM.
 * Its main responsibility is to make only the necessary, minimal changes to the DOM. However, unlike in many
 * virtual DOM implementations, the primary reason for doing minimal changes is not the performance but ensuring
 * that native editing features such as text composition, autocompletion, spell checking, selection's x-index are
 * affected as little as possible.
 * Renderer uses {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter} to transform view nodes and positions
 * to and from the DOM.
export default class Renderer {
     * Creates a renderer instance.
     * @param {module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter} domConverter Converter instance.
     * @param {module:engine/view/documentselection~DocumentSelection} selection View selection.
    constructor( domConverter, selection ) {
         * Set of DOM Documents instances.
         * @readonly
         * @member {Set.<Document>}
        this.domDocuments = new Set();

         * Converter instance.
         * @readonly
         * @member {module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter}
        this.domConverter = domConverter;

         * Set of nodes which attributes changed and may need to be rendered.
         * @readonly
         * @member {Set.<module:engine/view/node~Node>}
        this.markedAttributes = new Set();

         * Set of elements which child lists changed and may need to be rendered.
         * @readonly
         * @member {Set.<module:engine/view/node~Node>}
        this.markedChildren = new Set();

         * Set of text nodes which text data changed and may need to be rendered.
         * @readonly
         * @member {Set.<module:engine/view/node~Node>}
        this.markedTexts = new Set();

         * View selection. Renderer updates DOM selection based on the view selection.
         * @readonly
         * @member {module:engine/view/documentselection~DocumentSelection}
        this.selection = selection;

         * Indicates if the view document is focused and selection can be rendered. Selection will not be rendered if
         * this is set to `false`.
         * @member {Boolean}
        this.isFocused = false;

         * The text node in which the inline filler was rendered.
         * @private
         * @member {Text}
        this._inlineFiller = null;

         * DOM element containing fake selection.
         * @private
         * @type {null|HTMLElement}
        this._fakeSelectionContainer = null;

     * Marks a view node to be updated in the DOM by {@link #render `render()`}.
     * Note that only view nodes whose parents have corresponding DOM elements need to be marked to be synchronized.
     * @see #markedAttributes
     * @see #markedChildren
     * @see #markedTexts
     * @param {module:engine/view/document~ChangeType} type Type of the change.
     * @param {module:engine/view/node~Node} node Node to be marked.
    markToSync( type, node ) {
        if ( type === 'text' ) {
            if ( this.domConverter.mapViewToDom( node.parent ) ) {
                this.markedTexts.add( node );
        } else {
            // If the node has no DOM element it is not rendered yet,
            // its children/attributes do not need to be marked to be sync.
            if ( !this.domConverter.mapViewToDom( node ) ) {

            if ( type === 'attributes' ) {
                this.markedAttributes.add( node );
            } else if ( type === 'children' ) {
                this.markedChildren.add( node );
            } else {
                 * Unknown type passed to Renderer.markToSync.
                 * @error renderer-unknown-type
                throw new CKEditorError( 'view-renderer-unknown-type: Unknown type passed to Renderer.markToSync.', this );

     * Renders all buffered changes ({@link #markedAttributes}, {@link #markedChildren} and {@link #markedTexts}) and
     * the current view selection (if needed) to the DOM by applying a minimal set of changes to it.
     * Renderer tries not to break the text composition (e.g. IME) and x-index of the selection,
     * so it does as little as it is needed to update the DOM.
     * Renderer also handles {@link module:engine/view/filler fillers}. Especially, it checks if the inline filler is needed
     * at the selection position and adds or removes it. To prevent breaking text composition inline filler will not be
     * removed as long as the selection is in the text node which needed it at first.
    render() {
        let inlineFillerPosition;

        // Refresh mappings.
        for ( const element of this.markedChildren ) {
            this._updateChildrenMappings( element );

        // There was inline filler rendered in the DOM but it's not
        // at the selection position any more, so we can remove it
        // (cause even if it's needed, it must be placed in another location).
        if ( this._inlineFiller && !this._isSelectionInInlineFiller() ) {

        // If we've got the filler, let's try to guess its position in the view.
        if ( this._inlineFiller ) {
            inlineFillerPosition = this._getInlineFillerPosition();
        // Otherwise, if it's needed, create it at the selection position.
        else if ( this._needsInlineFillerAtSelection() ) {
            inlineFillerPosition = this.selection.getFirstPosition();

            // Do not use `markToSync` so it will be added even if the parent is already added.
            this.markedChildren.add( inlineFillerPosition.parent );

        for ( const element of this.markedAttributes ) {
            this._updateAttrs( element );

        for ( const element of this.markedChildren ) {
            this._updateChildren( element, { inlineFillerPosition } );

        for ( const node of this.markedTexts ) {
            if ( !this.markedChildren.has( node.parent ) && this.domConverter.mapViewToDom( node.parent ) ) {
                this._updateText( node, { inlineFillerPosition } );

        // Check whether the inline filler is required and where it really is in the DOM.
        // At this point in most cases it will be in the DOM, but there are exceptions.
        // For example, if the inline filler was deep in the created DOM structure, it will not be created.
        // Similarly, if it was removed at the beginning of this function and then neither text nor children were updated,
        // it will not be present.
        // Fix those and similar scenarios.
        if ( inlineFillerPosition ) {
            const fillerDomPosition = this.domConverter.viewPositionToDom( inlineFillerPosition );
            const domDocument = fillerDomPosition.parent.ownerDocument;

            if ( !startsWithFiller( fillerDomPosition.parent ) ) {
                // Filler has not been created at filler position. Create it now.
                this._inlineFiller = addInlineFiller( domDocument, fillerDomPosition.parent, fillerDomPosition.offset );
            } else {
                // Filler has been found, save it.
                this._inlineFiller = fillerDomPosition.parent;
        } else {
            // There is no filler needed.
            this._inlineFiller = null;



     * Updates mappings of view element's children.
     * Children that were replaced in the view structure by similar elements (same tag name) are treated as 'replaced'.
     * This means that their mappings can be updated so the new view elements are mapped to the existing DOM elements.
     * Thanks to that these elements do not need to be re-rendered completely.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/view/node~Node} viewElement The view element whose children mappings will be updated.
    _updateChildrenMappings( viewElement ) {
        const domElement = this.domConverter.mapViewToDom( viewElement );

        if ( !domElement ) {
            // If there is no `domElement` it means that it was already removed from DOM and there is no need to process it.

        const actualDomChildren = this.domConverter.mapViewToDom( viewElement ).childNodes;
        const expectedDomChildren = Array.from(
            this.domConverter.viewChildrenToDom( viewElement, domElement.ownerDocument, { withChildren: false } )
        const diff = this._diffNodeLists( actualDomChildren, expectedDomChildren );
        const actions = this._findReplaceActions( diff, actualDomChildren, expectedDomChildren );

        if ( actions.indexOf( 'replace' ) !== -1 ) {
            const counter = { equal: 0, insert: 0, delete: 0 };

            for ( const action of actions ) {
                if ( action === 'replace' ) {
                    const insertIndex = counter.equal + counter.insert;
                    const deleteIndex = counter.equal + counter.delete;
                    const viewChild = viewElement.getChild( insertIndex );

                    // The 'uiElement' is a special one and its children are not stored in a view (#799),
                    // so we cannot use it with replacing flow (since it uses view children during rendering
                    // which will always result in rendering empty element).
                    if ( viewChild && ! 'uiElement' ) ) {
                        this._updateElementMappings( viewChild, actualDomChildren[ deleteIndex ] );

                    remove( expectedDomChildren[ insertIndex ] );
                } else {
                    counter[ action ]++;

     * Updates mappings of a given view element.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/view/node~Node} viewElement The view element whose mappings will be updated.
     * @param {Node} domElement The DOM element representing the given view element.
    _updateElementMappings( viewElement, domElement ) {
        // Remap 'DomConverter' bindings.
        this.domConverter.unbindDomElement( domElement );
        this.domConverter.bindElements( domElement, viewElement );

        // View element may have children which needs to be updated, but are not marked, mark them to update.
        this.markedChildren.add( viewElement );

        // Because we replace new view element mapping with the existing one, the corresponding DOM element
        // will not be rerendered. The new view element may have different attributes than the previous one.
        // Since its corresponding DOM element will not be rerendered, new attributes will not be added
        // to the DOM, so we need to mark it here to make sure its attributes gets updated. See #1427 for more
        // detailed case study.
        // Also there are cases where replaced element is removed from the view structure and then has
        // its attributes changed or removed. In such cases the element will not be present in `markedAttributes`
        // and also may be the same (`element.isSimilar()`) as the reused element not having its attributes updated.
        // To prevent such situations we always mark reused element to have its attributes rerenderd (#1560).
        this.markedAttributes.add( viewElement );

     * Gets the position of the inline filler based on the current selection.
     * Here, we assume that we know that the filler is needed and
     * {@link #_isSelectionInInlineFiller is at the selection position}, and, since it is needed,
     * it is somewhere at the selection position.
     * Note: The filler position cannot be restored based on the filler's DOM text node, because
     * when this method is called (before rendering), the bindings will often be broken. View-to-DOM
     * bindings are only dependable after rendering.
     * @private
     * @returns {module:engine/view/position~Position}
    _getInlineFillerPosition() {
        const firstPos = this.selection.getFirstPosition();

        if ( 'text' ) ) {
            return ViewPosition._createBefore( this.selection.getFirstPosition().parent );
        } else {
            return firstPos;

     * Returns `true` if the selection has not left the inline filler's text node.
     * If it is `true`, it means that the filler had been added for a reason and the selection did not
     * leave the filler's text node. For example, the user can be in the middle of a composition so it should not be touched.
     * @private
     * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the inline filler and selection are in the same place.
    _isSelectionInInlineFiller() {
        if ( this.selection.rangeCount != 1 || !this.selection.isCollapsed ) {
            return false;

        // Note, we can't check if selection's position equals position of the
        // this._inlineFiller node, because of #663. We may not be able to calculate
        // the filler's position in the view at this stage.
        // Instead, we check it the other way – whether selection is anchored in
        // that text node or next to it.

        // Possible options are:
        // "FILLER{}"
        // "FILLERadded-text{}"
        const selectionPosition = this.selection.getFirstPosition();
        const position = this.domConverter.viewPositionToDom( selectionPosition );

        if ( position && isText( position.parent ) && startsWithFiller( position.parent ) ) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Removes the inline filler.
     * @private
    _removeInlineFiller() {
        const domFillerNode = this._inlineFiller;

        // Something weird happened and the stored node doesn't contain the filler's text.
        if ( !startsWithFiller( domFillerNode ) ) {
             * The inline filler node was lost. Most likely, something overwrote the filler text node
             * in the DOM.
             * @error view-renderer-filler-was-lost
            throw new CKEditorError( 'view-renderer-filler-was-lost: The inline filler node was lost.', this );

        if ( isInlineFiller( domFillerNode ) ) {
            domFillerNode.parentNode.removeChild( domFillerNode );
        } else {

        this._inlineFiller = null;

     * Checks if the inline {@link module:engine/view/filler filler} should be added.
     * @private
     * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the inline filler should be added.
    _needsInlineFillerAtSelection() {
        if ( this.selection.rangeCount != 1 || !this.selection.isCollapsed ) {
            return false;

        const selectionPosition = this.selection.getFirstPosition();
        const selectionParent = selectionPosition.parent;
        const selectionOffset = selectionPosition.offset;

        // If there is no DOM root we do not care about fillers.
        if ( !this.domConverter.mapViewToDom( selectionParent.root ) ) {
            return false;

        if ( !( 'element' ) ) ) {
            return false;

        // Prevent adding inline filler inside elements with contenteditable=false.
        if ( !isEditable( selectionParent ) ) {
            return false;

        // We have block filler, we do not need inline one.
        if ( selectionOffset === selectionParent.getFillerOffset() ) {
            return false;

        const nodeBefore = selectionPosition.nodeBefore;
        const nodeAfter = selectionPosition.nodeAfter;

        if ( nodeBefore instanceof ViewText || nodeAfter instanceof ViewText ) {
            return false;

        return true;

     * Checks if text needs to be updated and possibly updates it.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/view/text~Text} viewText View text to update.
     * @param {Object} options
     * @param {module:engine/view/position~Position} options.inlineFillerPosition The position where the inline
     * filler should be rendered.
    _updateText( viewText, options ) {
        const domText = this.domConverter.findCorrespondingDomText( viewText );
        const newDomText = this.domConverter.viewToDom( viewText, domText.ownerDocument );

        const actualText =;
        let expectedText =;

        const filler = options.inlineFillerPosition;

        if ( filler && filler.parent == viewText.parent && filler.offset == viewText.index ) {
            expectedText = INLINE_FILLER + expectedText;

        if ( actualText != expectedText ) {
            const actions = fastDiff( actualText, expectedText );

            for ( const action of actions ) {
                if ( action.type === 'insert' ) {
                    domText.insertData( action.index, action.values.join( '' ) );
                } else { // 'delete'
                    domText.deleteData( action.index, action.howMany );

     * Checks if attribute list needs to be updated and possibly updates it.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} viewElement The view element to update.
    _updateAttrs( viewElement ) {
        const domElement = this.domConverter.mapViewToDom( viewElement );

        if ( !domElement ) {
            // If there is no `domElement` it means that 'viewElement' is outdated as its mapping was updated
            // in 'this._updateChildrenMappings()'. There is no need to process it as new view element which
            // replaced old 'viewElement' mapping was also added to 'this.markedAttributes'
            // in 'this._updateChildrenMappings()' so it will be processed separately.

        const domAttrKeys = Array.from( domElement.attributes ).map( attr => );
        const viewAttrKeys = viewElement.getAttributeKeys();

        // Add or overwrite attributes.
        for ( const key of viewAttrKeys ) {
            domElement.setAttribute( key, viewElement.getAttribute( key ) );

        // Remove from DOM attributes which do not exists in the view.
        for ( const key of domAttrKeys ) {
            if ( !viewElement.hasAttribute( key ) ) {
                domElement.removeAttribute( key );

     * Checks if elements child list needs to be updated and possibly updates it.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} viewElement View element to update.
     * @param {Object} options
     * @param {module:engine/view/position~Position} options.inlineFillerPosition The position where the inline
     * filler should be rendered.
    _updateChildren( viewElement, options ) {
        const domElement = this.domConverter.mapViewToDom( viewElement );

        if ( !domElement ) {
            // If there is no `domElement` it means that it was already removed from DOM.
            // There is no need to process it. It will be processed when re-inserted.

        const inlineFillerPosition = options.inlineFillerPosition;
        const actualDomChildren = this.domConverter.mapViewToDom( viewElement ).childNodes;
        const expectedDomChildren = Array.from(
            this.domConverter.viewChildrenToDom( viewElement, domElement.ownerDocument, { bind: true, inlineFillerPosition } )

        // Inline filler element has to be created as it is present in the DOM, but not in the view. It is required
        // during diffing so text nodes could be compared correctly and also during rendering to maintain
        // proper order and indexes while updating the DOM.
        if ( inlineFillerPosition && inlineFillerPosition.parent === viewElement ) {
            addInlineFiller( domElement.ownerDocument, expectedDomChildren, inlineFillerPosition.offset );

        const diff = this._diffNodeLists( actualDomChildren, expectedDomChildren );

        let i = 0;
        const nodesToUnbind = new Set();

        // Handle deletions first.
        // This is to prevent a situation where an element that already exists in `actualDomChildren` is inserted at a different
        // index in `actualDomChildren`. Since `actualDomChildren` is a `NodeList`, this works like move, not like an insert,
        // and it disrupts the whole algorithm. See
        // It doesn't matter in what order we remove or add nodes, as long as we remove and add correct nodes at correct indexes.
        for ( const action of diff ) {
            if ( action === 'delete' ) {
                nodesToUnbind.add( actualDomChildren[ i ] );
                remove( actualDomChildren[ i ] );
            } else if ( action === 'equal' ) {

        i = 0;

        for ( const action of diff ) {
            if ( action === 'insert' ) {
                insertAt( domElement, i, expectedDomChildren[ i ] );
            } else if ( action === 'equal' ) {
                // Force updating text nodes inside elements which did not change and do not need to be re-rendered (#1125).
                // Do it here (not in the loop above) because only after insertions the `i` index is correct.
                this._markDescendantTextToSync( this.domConverter.domToView( expectedDomChildren[ i ] ) );

        // Unbind removed nodes. When node does not have a parent it means that it was removed from DOM tree during
        // comparision with the expected DOM. We don't need to check child nodes, because if child node was reinserted,
        // it was moved to DOM tree out of the removed node.
        for ( const node of nodesToUnbind ) {
            if ( !node.parentNode ) {
                this.domConverter.unbindDomElement( node );

     * Shorthand for diffing two arrays or node lists of DOM nodes.
     * @private
     * @param {Array.<Node>|NodeList} actualDomChildren Actual DOM children
     * @param {Array.<Node>|NodeList} expectedDomChildren Expected DOM children.
     * @returns {Array.<String>} The list of actions based on the {@link module:utils/diff~diff} function.
    _diffNodeLists( actualDomChildren, expectedDomChildren ) {
        actualDomChildren = filterOutFakeSelectionContainer( actualDomChildren, this._fakeSelectionContainer );

        return diff( actualDomChildren, expectedDomChildren, sameNodes.bind( null, this.domConverter ) );

     * Finds DOM nodes that were replaced with the similar nodes (same tag name) in the view. All nodes are compared
     * within one `insert`/`delete` action group, for example:
     *         Actual DOM:        <p><b>Foo</b>Bar<i>Baz</i><b>Bax</b></p>
     *         Expected DOM:    <p>Bar<b>123</b><i>Baz</i><b>456</b></p>
     *         Input actions:    [ insert, insert, delete, delete, equal, insert, delete ]
     *         Output actions:    [ insert, replace, delete, equal, replace ]
     * @private
     * @param {Array.<String>} actions Actions array which is a result of the {@link module:utils/diff~diff} function.
     * @param {Array.<Node>|NodeList} actualDom Actual DOM children
     * @param {Array.<Node>} expectedDom Expected DOM children.
     * @returns {Array.<String>} Actions array modified with the `replace` actions.
    _findReplaceActions( actions, actualDom, expectedDom ) {
        // If there is no both 'insert' and 'delete' actions, no need to check for replaced elements.
        if ( actions.indexOf( 'insert' ) === -1 || actions.indexOf( 'delete' ) === -1 ) {
            return actions;

        let newActions = [];
        let actualSlice = [];
        let expectedSlice = [];

        const counter = { equal: 0, insert: 0, delete: 0 };

        for ( const action of actions ) {
            if ( action === 'insert' ) {
                expectedSlice.push( expectedDom[ counter.equal + counter.insert ] );
            } else if ( action === 'delete' ) {
                actualSlice.push( actualDom[ counter.equal + counter.delete ] );
            } else { // equal
                newActions = newActions.concat( diff( actualSlice, expectedSlice, areSimilar ).map( x => x === 'equal' ? 'replace' : x ) );
                newActions.push( 'equal' );
                // Reset stored elements on 'equal'.
                actualSlice = [];
                expectedSlice = [];
            counter[ action ]++;

        return newActions.concat( diff( actualSlice, expectedSlice, areSimilar ).map( x => x === 'equal' ? 'replace' : x ) );

     * Marks text nodes to be synchronized.
     * If a text node is passed, it will be marked. If an element is passed, all descendant text nodes inside it will be marked.
     * @private
     * @param {module:engine/view/node~Node} viewNode View node to sync.
    _markDescendantTextToSync( viewNode ) {
        if ( !viewNode ) {

        if ( 'text' ) ) {
            this.markedTexts.add( viewNode );
        } else if ( 'element' ) ) {
            for ( const child of viewNode.getChildren() ) {
                this._markDescendantTextToSync( child );

     * Checks if the selection needs to be updated and possibly updates it.
     * @private
    _updateSelection() {
        // If there is no selection - remove DOM and fake selections.
        if ( this.selection.rangeCount === 0 ) {


        const domRoot = this.domConverter.mapViewToDom( this.selection.editableElement );

        // Do nothing if there is no focus, or there is no DOM element corresponding to selection's editable element.
        if ( !this.isFocused || !domRoot ) {

        // Render selection.
        if ( this.selection.isFake ) {
            this._updateFakeSelection( domRoot );
        } else {
            this._updateDomSelection( domRoot );

     * Updates the fake selection.
     * @private
     * @param {HTMLElement} domRoot A valid DOM root where the fake selection container should be added.
    _updateFakeSelection( domRoot ) {
        const domDocument = domRoot.ownerDocument;

        if ( !this._fakeSelectionContainer ) {
            this._fakeSelectionContainer = createFakeSelectionContainer( domDocument );

        const container = this._fakeSelectionContainer;

        // Bind fake selection container with the current selection *position*.
        this.domConverter.bindFakeSelection( container, this.selection );

        if ( !this._fakeSelectionNeedsUpdate( domRoot ) ) {

        if ( !container.parentElement || container.parentElement != domRoot ) {
            domRoot.appendChild( container );

        container.textContent = this.selection.fakeSelectionLabel || '\u00A0';

        const domSelection = domDocument.getSelection();
        const domRange = domDocument.createRange();

        domRange.selectNodeContents( container );
        domSelection.addRange( domRange );

     * Updates the DOM selection.
     * @private
     * @param {HTMLElement} domRoot A valid DOM root where the DOM selection should be rendered.
    _updateDomSelection( domRoot ) {
        const domSelection = domRoot.ownerDocument.defaultView.getSelection();

        // Let's check whether DOM selection needs updating at all.
        if ( !this._domSelectionNeedsUpdate( domSelection ) ) {

        // Multi-range selection is not available in most browsers, and, at least in Chrome, trying to
        // set such selection, that is not continuous, throws an error. Because of that, we will just use anchor
        // and focus of view selection.
        // Since we are not supporting multi-range selection, we also do not need to check if proper editable is
        // selected. If there is any editable selected, it is okay (editable is taken from selection anchor).
        const anchor = this.domConverter.viewPositionToDom( this.selection.anchor );
        const focus = this.domConverter.viewPositionToDom( this.selection.focus );

        // Focus the new editing host.
        // Otherwise, FF may throw an error (

        domSelection.collapse( anchor.parent, anchor.offset );
        domSelection.extend( focus.parent, focus.offset );

        // Firefox–specific hack (
        if ( env.isGecko ) {
            fixGeckoSelectionAfterBr( focus, domSelection );

     * Checks whether a given DOM selection needs to be updated.
     * @private
     * @param {Selection} domSelection The DOM selection to check.
     * @returns {Boolean}
    _domSelectionNeedsUpdate( domSelection ) {
        if ( !this.domConverter.isDomSelectionCorrect( domSelection ) ) {
            // Current DOM selection is in incorrect position. We need to update it.
            return true;

        const oldViewSelection = domSelection && this.domConverter.domSelectionToView( domSelection );

        if ( oldViewSelection && this.selection.isEqual( oldViewSelection ) ) {
            return false;

        // If selection is not collapsed, it does not need to be updated if it is similar.
        if ( !this.selection.isCollapsed && this.selection.isSimilar( oldViewSelection ) ) {
            // Selection did not changed and is correct, do not update.
            return false;

        // Selections are not similar.
        return true;

     * Checks whether the fake selection needs to be updated.
     * @private
     * @param {HTMLElement} domRoot A valid DOM root where a new fake selection container should be added.
     * @returns {Boolean}
    _fakeSelectionNeedsUpdate( domRoot ) {
        const container = this._fakeSelectionContainer;
        const domSelection = domRoot.ownerDocument.getSelection();

        // Fake selection needs to be updated if there's no fake selection container, or the container currently sits
        // in a different root.
        if ( !container || container.parentElement !== domRoot ) {
            return true;

        // Make sure that the selection actually is within the fake selection.
        if ( domSelection.anchorNode !== container && !container.contains( domSelection.anchorNode ) ) {
            return true;

        return container.textContent !== this.selection.fakeSelectionLabel;

     * Removes the DOM selection.
     * @private
    _removeDomSelection() {
        for ( const doc of this.domDocuments ) {
            const domSelection = doc.getSelection();

            if ( domSelection.rangeCount ) {
                const activeDomElement = doc.activeElement;
                const viewElement = this.domConverter.mapDomToView( activeDomElement );

                if ( activeDomElement && viewElement ) {

     * Removes the fake selection.
     * @private
    _removeFakeSelection() {
        const container = this._fakeSelectionContainer;

        if ( container ) {

     * Checks if focus needs to be updated and possibly updates it.
     * @private
    _updateFocus() {
        if ( this.isFocused ) {
            const editable = this.selection.editableElement;

            if ( editable ) {
                this.domConverter.focus( editable );

mix( Renderer, ObservableMixin );

// Checks if provided element is editable.
// @private
// @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} element
// @returns {Boolean}
function isEditable( element ) {
    if ( element.getAttribute( 'contenteditable' ) == 'false' ) {
        return false;

    const parent = element.findAncestor( element => element.hasAttribute( 'contenteditable' ) );

    return !parent || parent.getAttribute( 'contenteditable' ) == 'true';

// Adds inline filler at a given position.
// The position can be given as an array of DOM nodes and an offset in that array,
// or a DOM parent element and an offset in that element.
// @private
// @param {Document} domDocument
// @param {Element|Array.<Node>} domParentOrArray
// @param {Number} offset
// @returns {Text} The DOM text node that contains an inline filler.
function addInlineFiller( domDocument, domParentOrArray, offset ) {
    const childNodes = domParentOrArray instanceof Array ? domParentOrArray : domParentOrArray.childNodes;
    const nodeAfterFiller = childNodes[ offset ];

    if ( isText( nodeAfterFiller ) ) { = INLINE_FILLER +;

        return nodeAfterFiller;
    } else {
        const fillerNode = domDocument.createTextNode( INLINE_FILLER );

        if ( Array.isArray( domParentOrArray ) ) {
            childNodes.splice( offset, 0, fillerNode );
        } else {
            insertAt( domParentOrArray, offset, fillerNode );

        return fillerNode;

// Whether two DOM nodes should be considered as similar.
// Nodes are considered similar if they have the same tag name.
// @private
// @param {Node} node1
// @param {Node} node2
// @returns {Boolean}
function areSimilar( node1, node2 ) {
    return isNode( node1 ) && isNode( node2 ) &&
        !isText( node1 ) && !isText( node2 ) &&
        node1.tagName.toLowerCase() === node2.tagName.toLowerCase();

// Whether two dom nodes should be considered as the same.
// Two nodes which are considered the same are:
//        * Text nodes with the same text.
//        * Element nodes represented by the same object.
//        * Two block filler elements.
// @private
// @param {String} blockFillerMode Block filler mode, see {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#blockFillerMode}.
// @param {Node} node1
// @param {Node} node2
// @returns {Boolean}
function sameNodes( domConverter, actualDomChild, expectedDomChild ) {
    // Elements.
    if ( actualDomChild === expectedDomChild ) {
        return true;
    // Texts.
    else if ( isText( actualDomChild ) && isText( expectedDomChild ) ) {
        return ===;
    // Block fillers.
    else if ( domConverter.isBlockFiller( actualDomChild ) &&
        domConverter.isBlockFiller( expectedDomChild ) ) {
        return true;

    // Not matching types.
    return false;

// The following is a Firefox–specific hack (
// When the native DOM selection is at the end of the block and preceded by <br /> e.g.
//        <p>foo<br/>[]</p>
// which happens a lot when using the soft line break, the browser fails to (visually) move the
// caret to the new line. A quick fix is as simple as force–refreshing the selection with the same range.
function fixGeckoSelectionAfterBr( focus, domSelection ) {
    const parent = focus.parent;

    // This fix works only when the focus point is at the very end of an element.
    // There is no point in running it in cases unrelated to the browser bug.
    if ( parent.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE || focus.offset != parent.childNodes.length - 1 ) {

    const childAtOffset = parent.childNodes[ focus.offset ];

    // To stay on the safe side, the fix being as specific as possible, it targets only the
    // selection which is at the very end of the element and preceded by <br />.
    if ( childAtOffset && childAtOffset.tagName == 'BR' ) {
        domSelection.addRange( domSelection.getRangeAt( 0 ) );

function filterOutFakeSelectionContainer( domChildList, fakeSelectionContainer ) {
    const childList = Array.from( domChildList );

    if ( childList.length == 0 || !fakeSelectionContainer ) {
        return childList;

    const last = childList[ childList.length - 1 ];

    if ( last == fakeSelectionContainer ) {

    return childList;

// Creates a fake selection container for a given document.
// @private
// @param {Document} domDocument
// @returns {HTMLElement}
function createFakeSelectionContainer( domDocument ) {
    const container = domDocument.createElement( 'div' );

    Object.assign(, {
        position: 'fixed',
        top: 0,
        left: '-9999px',
        // See
        width: '42px'
    } );

    // Fill it with a text node so we can update it later.
    container.textContent = '\u00A0';

    return container;